6.4 DMS Event Tracing Commands

Use the commands in Table 6-5 to configure Event Tracing. Event Tracing configures live tracing with no restarts. DMS metrics that were updated using Oracle Fusion Middleware products may be traced using the DMS Event Tracing feature.

For information about using DMS Event Tracing, see "DMS Tracing and Events" in Tuning Performance.

Table 6-5 DMS Tracing Commands

Use this command... To... Use with WLST...


Add a new destination to the Event Tracing configuration.



Add a filter to the Event Tracing configuration.



Add the specified event route to the Event Tracing configuration



Enable an event trace and create a filter with a specified condition and destination and an enabled event-route.



Display an overview of the event tracing configuration.



Display the full configuration for a destination or a list of all destinations.



Display the configuration of a filter or a list of all filters.



Display event routes and their status (enabled or disabled).



Remove the specified destination.



Remove the specified filter.



Remove the specified event route.



Update configuration of an event destination.



Update the configuration of an event filter.



Update the configuration of an event route.


6.4.1 addDMSEventDestination

Command Category: DMS Event Tracing

Use with WLST: Online


Adds a new destination to the Event Tracing configuration. If a destination with the same ID already exists, the command reports this and does not add the destination. You must be connected to the Administration Server to add a destination. If you are not, an error is returned.


addDMSEventDestination(id [, name] ,class
              [, props= {'name': 'value'...}] [,server])

Argument Definition

The unique identifier for the specified destination.


Optional. A name for the destination.


The full class name of the destination.

See Table 6-6 for a list of available destination classes.


Optional. The name/value properties to use for the destination. Some destinations require properties, as described in Table 6-6.


Optional. The server on which to perform this operation. The default is the server to which you are connected.

Table 6-6 shows the built-in destinations, with the full runtime class name.

Table 6-6 Built-In Destinations

Runtime Destination Class Name Description


Uses ODL to send the log messages to a file.

See Table 6-7 for the list of properties for this destination.


Dumps the set of active HTTP requests, allowing an administrator to get a snapshot of activity.

See Table 6-8 for the list of properties for this destination.


Passes events to the JRockit Flight Recorder so that they can be viewed in the context of other data coming from the JRockit JVM and WLDF using JRockit Mission Control.

See Table 6-9 for the list of properties for this destination.


Exposes Nouns as MBeans. This destination has no properties.


Collates the stack traces that are in play whenever the events of interest occur. This is primarily a debugging tool.

The collated data is written out on shutdown, and also when an event being handled has not been reported for a certain period of time (defaults to one minute).

See Table 6-10 for the list of properties for this destination.

Table 6-7 shows the properties for the oracle.dms.trace2.runtime.LoggerDestination destination.

Table 6-7 Properties for oracle.dms.trace2.runtime.LoggerDestination

Property Description Valid Values


Required. The name of the logger.

A valid logger name.


Optional. If set to true, the event data is logged as supplemental attributes rather than as a colon separated string in the log message. By logging the event data as supplemental attributes, you can exploit the query features of ODL that use supplemental attributes.

See "Searching Log Files Using WLST" in Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware for an example.

true and false

Table 6-8 shows the properties for the oracle.dms.event.HTTPRequestTrackerDestination destination.

Table 6-8 Properties for oracle.dms.event.HTTPRequestTrackerDestination

Property Description Valid Values


Optional. Prevents the destination from reporting the specified HTTP request headers if there is a chance that such headers may contain security sensitive information.

A comma-separated list of header names to exclude.


Optional. The number of seconds after which a request is considered slow. If the generateIncidentMinutes setting is not defined, an incident will be created immediately on detection of a slow request.

A positive numeric value, in seconds.


Optional. The filters for specific URIs, or URI+Clicks, to monitor. Each filter has its own threshold. Each filter is defined as follows:


thresholdInSeconds defines the time beyond which a request is considered slow. uri is the URI to be matched, and can be written as a regular expression. clickId is optional and defines the click Id to be matched. It can be written as a regular expression.

Each filter can be separated using %%. For example:


Any requestThresholdSeconds setting will be ignored if requestFilters is specified.

A comma-separated list of request filters


Optional. The frequency to check if any slow requests have occurred, before generating an incident. Use this setting in conjunction with the requestThresholdSeconds setting.

A positive numeric value, in seconds.


Optional. If slow-request detection is enabled (with the requestThresholdSeconds setting, you can use this setting to prevent the creation of the first n incidents that would have been created. This is useful for cold servers where there will be additional overhead processing the first few requests.

A positive numeric value, in seconds.


Optional. The maximum number of requests to report when generating a delayed incident. Use this setting in conjunction with the generateIncidentMinutes setting. If not defined, all requests will be reported.

A positive numeric value, in seconds.


Optional. The list of diagnostic dumps to execute on detection of a slow request. If this setting is not defined, the default set of diagnostic rules and dumps will be evaluated when creating incidents.

A comma-separated list of diagnostic dump names.


Optional. The interval for executing dumps upon detection of the first slow request. This is controlled by this setting in conjunction with the existing incidentDumps setting. This allows you to collect diagnostics more frequently than incident creation. For example, you can create an incident every 30 minutes but have dumps collected every 10 minutes.

The following explains how it works in more detail:

  1. On detection of the first slow request, the HTTPRequestTracker destination executes the named dumps and then schedules further dumps at the specified frequency.

  2. At the next dump frequency interval, if there have been new slow requests the dumps will be executed again. If not, no dumps will be executed at this interval.

  3. At the end of the review period, as specified by the generateIncidentMinutes setting, further dumps will be executed if there have been slow requests since the last dump frequency interval and an incident will be created which will include all of the dump files created.

The incident readme.txt will detail when each dump was taken,

A positive numeric value, in seconds.


Optional. After a URI, or URI+Click combination, has been identified as slow, enables additional diagnostics for subsequent requests (in the review period) that match the same URI+Click. The additional diagnostics provide an overview of where time has been spent (for example, JDBC, MDS, ADF) in the request. The data is included in the slowrequests.txt file.

true or false. The default is false.

Table 6-9 shows the properties for the oracle.dms.jrockit.jfr.JFRDestination destination.

Table 6-9 Properties for oracle.dms.jrockit.jfr.JFRDestination

Property Description Valid Values


Mandatory. The size of the DMS recording (beyond which the flight recorder will drop old data)

An integer followed by K (kilobytes), M (megabytes) or G (gigabytes)

Table 6-10 shows the properties for the oracle.dms.util.StackTraceCollatorDestination destination.

Table 6-10 Properties for oracle.dms.util.StackTraceCollatorDestination

Property Description Valid Values


Optional. A string that identifies to which output the print stream will be written

stderr or stdout. The default is stderr.


Optional. The name of a logger to which output will be written. The destination will check the logger and if no INFO messages will be recorded, the destination will revert to using stderr.

A valid logger name.


Optional. Whether or not the destination should reset the set of known stacks and the count of their occurrences once the current data are written out. If false, the set of stacks and counts will accumulate in memory for the lifetime of the destination.  

true or false. The default is false.


Optional. The minimum period of time between writing out data collated for a particular type of event.

A positive numeric value, in minutes.


Mandatory. A string describing the event types for which stack traces are to be collated.

A valid event type. For example, SENSOR.


The following example adds a destination with the ID destination1, the name File-system, the class oracle.dms.trace2.runtime.LoggerDestination. Because the LoggerDestination requires the property loggerName, it sets the value to trace2-logger:

addDMSEventDestination(id='destination1', name='File-system',
                        props={'loggerName': 'trace2-logger'})
Destination "destination1" added. 

The following example attempts to add a destination with an ID that already exists:

addDMSEventDestination(id='destination1', name='File-system',
                        props={'loggerName': 'trace2-logger'})
Destination "destination1" already exists. Unable to add this.

6.4.2 addDMSEventFilter

Command Category: DMS Event Tracing

Use with WLST: Online


Adds a filter to the Event Tracing configuration. If a filter with the same ID already exists, the command returns an error and does not add the filter.

You must be connected to the Administration Server to add an event filter. If you are not, an error message is reported.


addDMSEventFilter(id [, name] [, etypes,] 
                    props= {'prop-name': 'value'...} [, server])

Argument Definition

The unique identifier for specified filter.


Optional. The name of the filter.


Optional. A string containing a comma-separated list of event/action pairs. This argument allows you to create a filter with a broader granularity when used with a condition. It also allows you to create a filter with a broader range of metrics. For example, all nouns or all nouns with the action create.


prop-name: The name of the filter property. <condition> is the only valid property, and only one condition may be specified.

value: The value of the property of the filter.


Optional. The server on which to perform this operation. The default is the server to which you are connected.

The following shows the syntax for etypes:


The following lists the valid etypes:


Note the following:

  • SENSOR has no associated actions and is expanded to include all related SENSORS and associated actions.

  • A type specified with no associated action, will default to all actions for that type. For example, HTTP_REQUEST would default to


The following shows an etype with two event/action pairs, separated by a comma:


The following shows the syntax for the <condition> property of the argument props. The arguments are described in the tables following the syntax:

<type>  [<operator> <condition>]
<nountype> | <context>
NOUNTYPE <nountype-operator> value
"equals" | "starts_with" | "contains" | "not_equals"
CONTEXT <name> <context-operator> [<value>] [IGNORECASE=true|false] [DATATYPE="string|long|double"
"equals" | "starts_with" | "contains" | "not_equals" | "is_null" | "gt" | "le" | "ge"

The following table describes the arguments for <type>:

Value Description

Each Sensor, with its associated metric, is organized in a hierarchy according to Nouns. A Noun type is a name that reflects the set of metrics being collected. For example, JDBC could be a Noun type. For information about Sensors and Nouns, see "Understanding Common DMS Terms and Concepts" in Tuning Performance.


An Execution Context is an association of the Execution Context ID (ECID), Relationship ID (RID), and Maps of Values. This argument allows the data stored in the map of values to be inspected and used by the filter. For example, if the map contains the key "user", you can create a filter that returns requests with "user" equal to "bruce".

The following table describes the arguments for <nountype>:

Value Description

A keyword.


The following are valid operators:

  • equals: Filters only if the Noun type name equals the value.

  • starts_with: Filters only if the Noun type name starts with the value.

  • contains: Filters only if the Noun type name equals the value.

  • not_equals: Filters only if the Noun type name does not equal the value.


The name of the Noun type on which to operate. The name can be any object for which you want to measure performance.

The following table describes <context>

Value Description

A keyword.


The name of the context to filter.


The name of the context on which to operate.


The following are valid operators:

  • equals: Filters only if the context name equals the value.

  • starts_with: Filters only if the context name starts with the value.

  • contains: Filters only if the context name equals the value.

  • not_equals: Filters only if the context name does not equal the value.

  • is_null: Filters only if the context name is null.

  • lt: Filters only if the context name is less than the value.

  • gt: Filters only if the context name is greater than the value.

  • le: Filters only if the context name is less than or equal to the value.

  • ge: Filters only if the context name is greater than or equal to the value.


Optional. If specified, the case of a string data type is ignored. The default is that the case of a context is used.

The IGNORECASE AND DATATYPE are not dependent on their position in the command.


Optional. The valid values are string, long, or double. The default is string.

The IGNORECASE AND DATATYPE are not dependent on their position in the command.


The following example adds a filter with the name MyFilter, specifying a Noun type and context:

addDMSEventFilter(id='mds1', name='MyFilter', 
        props={'condition': 'NOUNTYPE equals MDS_Connections AND CONTEXT user equals bruce IGNORECASE'})
Filter "mds1" added.

The following example attempts to add a filter with the same id. The command returns an error:

addDMSEventFilter(id='mds1', name='MyFilter', 
      props={'condition': 'NOUNTYPE equals MDS_Connections AND CONTEXT user equals bruce'})
Unable to add filter "mds1" as a filter with that ID already exists for server "AdminServer".

The following example adds a filter with two event/action pairs:

addDMSEventFilter(id='mds2', name='MyFilter', 
          props={'condition': 'NOUNTYPE equals MDS_Connections 
                  AND CONTEXT user equals bruce IGNORECASE=true'})
 Filter "mds2" added.

6.4.3 addDMSEventRoute

Command Category: DMS Event Tracing

Use with WLST: Online


Adds the specified event route to the Event Tracing configuration. If an event route with the same ID already exists, the command returns an error and does not add the event route.

You must be connected to the Administration Server to add an event route. If you are not, an error is returned.


addDMSEventRoute([filterid,] destinationid [,enable=true|false] [,server])

Argument Definition

Optional. The unique identifier for the filter.


The unique identifier for the specific destination. The destination must exist.


Optional. Enables the filter. Valid values are true and false. The default is true.


Optional. The server on which to perform this operation. The default is the server to which you are connected.


The following example adds an event route with the filter id of mds1 and the destination id of destination1:

addDMSEventRoute(filterid='mds1', destinationid='destination1', enable='false')
Event-route for filter "mds1", destination "destination1" added for server "AdminServer".

The following example attempts to add an event route that already exists:

addDMSEventRoute(filterid='mds1', destinationid='destination1', enable='false')
Unable to add event route as a mapping with filter "mds1" and destination "destination1" already exists for server "AdminServer".

6.4.4 enableDMSEventTrace

Command Category: DMS Event Tracing

Use with WLST: Online


Enables an event trace and creates a filter with a specified condition and destination and an enabled event-route. This is a simple way to start filtering, without having to explicitly create a filter, destination and event-route, but with less configuration options. The specified destination must exist.

You must be connected to the Administration Server to enable a DMS event trace. If you are not, an error is returned.

If you require a more complex configuration, use the addDMSEventDestination, addDMSEventFilter, and addDMSEventRoute.


enableDMSEventTrace(destinationid [, etypes] [, condition]  [, server])

Argument Definition

The unique identifier for the specific destination. Any existing destination is valid.


Optional. A string containing a comma-separated list of event/action pairs. See addDMSEventFilter for a list of available etypes.


Optional. A condition on which to filter. See addDMSEventFilter for the syntax for a condition.

If no condition is specified, all DMS events will be passed


Optional. The server on which to perform this operation. The default is the server to which you are connected.


The following example enables an event trace with a specified condition:

enableDMSEventTrace(destinationid='destination1', condition='CONTEXT username EQUALS Joe AND CONTEXT ip EQUALS')
Filter "auto215443800" using Destination "destination1" added, and event-route enabled for server "AdminServer".

6.4.5 listDMSEventConfiguration

Command Category: DMS Event Tracing

Use with WLST: Online


Displays an overview of the Event Tracing configuration.



Argument Definition

Optional. The server on which to perform this operation. The default is the server to which you are connected.


The following example lists the configuration for the Managed Server to which you are connected:

Server: AdminServer
Event routes:
   Filter        :  auto215443800
   Destination   :  destination1
   Enabled       :  true

6.4.6 listDMSEventDestination

Command Category: DMS Event Tracing

Use with WLST: Online


For a specific destination, display the full configuration. If no destination ID is specified, list the destination ID and name for all the destinations in the Event Tracing configuration.


listDMSEventDestination([id] [, server])

Argument Definition

Optional. The unique identifier for the specific destination.


Optional. The server on which to perform this operation. The default is the server to which you are connected.


The following example displays information about the destinations for the Managed Server to which you are connected:

Server: AdminServer
   Id            : HTTPRequestTrackerDestination
   Name          : HTTP Request Tracker Destination
   Id            : mbeanCreationDestination
   Name          : MBean Creation Destination

The following example displays information about the destinations for the Managed Server, wls_server_1:

Server: wls_server_1
   Id            : HTTPRequestTrackerDestination
   Name          : HTTP Request Tracker Destination
   Id            : mbeanCreationDestination
   Name          : MBean Creation Destination

The following example displays information about the destination destination1:

Server: AdminServer
   Id            : destination1
   Name          : File-system
   Class         : oracle.dms.trace2.runtime.LoggerDestination
   Class Info    : Logs incoming events to the logger configured for the Destination.
   Properties    : 
       Name                         Value                                 
       loggerName                   trace2-logger              

6.4.7 listDMSEventFilter

Command Category: DMS Event Tracing

Use with WLST: Online


For a specific filter, displays the full configuration. If you do not specify a filter ID, the command displays the filter ID and name for all the filters in the Event Tracing configuration.


listDMSEventFilter([id] [, server])

Argument Definition

Optional. The unique identifier for specified filter.


Optional. The server on which to perform this operation. The default is the server to which you are connected.


The following example displays the list of all the filters in the Event Tracing configuration:

    Id                              Name                                  
    auto215443800                   auto generated using enableEventTrace 
    JFRFilter                       JFRFilter                             
    mds2                            MyFilter                              
    mds1                            MyFilter        

The following example displays the configuration of the filter mds1:

Server: AdminServer
Id            : mds1
Name          : MyFilter
Properties    : 
      Condition :
      NOUNTYPE equals MDS_Connections AND CONTEXT user equals bruce IGNORECASE

6.4.8 listDMSEventRoutes

Command Category: DMS Event Tracing

Use with WLST: Online


List the events routes and their status (enabled or disabled) that are associated with the specified filter or destination. If you do not specify a filterid or destinationid, this command lists all the event routes in the Event Tracing configuration.


listDMSEventRoutes([filterid] [, destinationid][, server])

Argument Definition

Optional. The unique identifier for the filter.


Optional. The unique identifier for the specific destination. The destination must exist.


Optional. The server on which to perform this operation. The default is the server to which you are connected.


The following example lists all event routes:

Server: AdminServer
   Filter        :  auto215443800
   Destination   :  destination1
   Enabled       :  true
   Filter        :  None
   Destination   :  HTTPRequestTrackerDestination
   Enabled       :  true

The following example lists the event routes with the filter id of filter1:

Server: AdminServer
   Filter        : mds1
   Destination   : destination1
   Enabled       : false

The following example lists the event routes with the destination id of destination1:

Server: AdminServer
   Filter        : auto215443800
   Destination   : destination1
   Enabled       : true
   Filter        : mds2
   Destination   : destination1
   Enabled       : false
   Filter        : mds1
   Destination   : destination1
   Enabled       : false

6.4.9 removeDMSEventDestination

Command Category: DMS Event Tracing

Use with WLST: Online


Removes an existing destination from the Event Tracing configuration. You can remove a destination only if no event route depends on the destination. If an event route that depends on the destination exists, a warning is returned.

You must be connected to the Administration Server to remove a destination. If you are not, an error is returned.


removeDMSEventDestination(id [, server]) 

Argument Definition

The unique identifier for the destination to be removed.


Optional. The server on which to perform this operation. The default is the server to which you are connected.


The following example removes the destination jfr:

Destination "jfr" removed. 

The following example attempts to remove the destination styx.inpass.db1. However, because an event route exists for the destination, the command returns an error.

An event-route for destination 'styx.inpass.db1' exists. Unable to remove this destination for server "AdminServer".

6.4.10 removeDMSEventFilter

Command Category: DMS Event Tracing

Use with WLST: Online


Removes an existing filter from the Event Tracing configuration. You can remove a filter only if no event route depends on the filter. If an event route that depends on the filter exists, a warning is returned.

You must be connected to the Administration Server to remove an event filter. If you are not, an error is returned.


removeDMSEventFilter(id [, server])

Argument Definition

The unique identifier for the filter to be removed.


Optional. The server on which to perform this operation. The default is the server to which you are connected.


The following example removes the filter mds1:

Filter "mds1" removed  for server "AdminServer". 

The following example attempts to remove a filter for which and event-route currently exists:

Filter "allaccounts" cannot be removed. An event-route currently exists for that
filter. Remove the event-route first using the command removeDMSEventRoute().

6.4.11 removeDMSEventRoute

Command Category: DMS Event Tracing

Use with WLST: Online


Removes the specified event route. You must be connected to the Administration Server to add an event route. If you are not, an error is returned.


removeDMSEventRoute([filterid] [, destinationid]
                    [, server])

Argument Definition

Optional. The unique identifier for the filter.


Optional. The unique identifier for the specific destination. The destination must exist.


Optional. The server on which to perform this operation. The default is the server to which you are connected.


The following example removes the event route with the filterid mds1 and the destination jfr:

removeDMSEventRoute(filterid='mds1', destinationid='jfr')
Event-route for filter "mds1", destination "jfr" removed for server "AdminServer".

The following example removes the event route with the destination destination1:

Event-route for filter "None", destination "destination1" removed for server "AdminServer".

6.4.12 updateDMSEventDestination

Command Category: DMS Event Tracing

Use with WLST: Online


Updates an existing destination, allowing a specified argument to be updated. You must be connected to the Administration Server to update a destination. If you are not, an error is returned.


updateDMSEventDestination(id [, name,] class 
                 [,props= {'name': 'value'...}] [, server])

Argument Definition

The unique identifier for the destination to be updated.


Optional. A name for the destination.


The full classname of the destination.

See Table 6-6 for a list of available destinations.


Optional. The name/value properties to use for the destination. You can add a new property, or update or remove an existing one. If you update properties, you must specify all properties. If you omit a property, it is removed. For example, if a destination contains the properties LoggerName and severity, and you omit severity, it will be removed from the destination.

See addDMSEventFilter for information about the syntax and allowed values.


Optional. The server on which to perform this operation. The default is the server to which you are connected.


The following example updates the name of the destination jfr:

updateDMSEventDestination(id='jfr', name='Alternative Flight-Recorder')
Destination "jfr" updated  for server "AdminServer". 

The following example attempts to update a destination that does not exist. The command returns an error:

           props={'loggerName': 'MyNewTrace2-logger'})
Destination "destination1" does not exist for server "AdminServer".

6.4.13 updateDMSEventFilter

Command Category: DMS Event Tracing

Use with WLST: Online


Updates an existing filter in the Event Tracing configuration.

You must be connected to the Administration Server to update an event filter. If you are not, an error is returned.


updateDMSEventFilter(id [, name] [,etypes], 
                     props= {'prop-name': 'value'...} [,server])

Argument Definition

The unique identifier for the filter to be updated.


Optional. The name of the filter to be updated.


Optional. A string containing a comma-separated list of event/action pairs. See addDMSEventFilter for a list of valid values.


prop-name: The name of the filter property. <condition> is the only valid property, and only one condition may be specified. See addDMSEventFilter for information on the syntax of prop-name.

value: The value of the property of the filter.


Optional. The server on which to perform this operation. The default is the server to which you are connected.


The following example updates the filter properties for the filter with the id mds1:

 props={'condition': 'NOUNTYPE equals XYZ_Total_Connections AND CONTEXT user equals bruce'})
Filter "mds1" updated for server "AdminServer"..

The following example attempts to update a filter that does not exist:

Filter "Filter2" does not exist for server "AdminServer".

6.4.14 updateDMSEventRoute

Command Category: DMS Event Tracing

Use with WLST: Online


Enables or disables the specified event route. You must be connected to the Administration Server to update an event route. If you are not, an error is returned.


updateDMSEventRoute([filterid] [, destinationid] 
         [, enable=true|false] [, server])

Argument Definition

Optional. The unique identifier for the filter.


Optional. The unique identifier for the specific destination. The destination must exist.


Optional. Enables the filter. Valid values are true and false.


Optional. The server on which to perform this operation. The default is the server to which you are connected.


The following example disables the event route with the filterid mds1 and the destinationid jfr:

updateDMSEventRoute(filterid='mds1', destinationid='jfr', enable='false')
Event-route for filter "mds1", destination "destination1" updated for server "AdminServer".