4 Performing Prerequisite Tasks

There are several prerequisite tasks you need to complete to prepare your environment for running the examples in this tutorial.

Before you begin, complete the following tasks:

4.1 Installing a Certified Database

If you do not already have a database where you can install schemas, you must install and configure a certified database.

For a list of certified databases that you can use, refer to the certification document for your release, located on the Oracle Fusion Middleware Supported Systems Configuration page.

4.2 Installing a Certified JDK

Before you can use the Lifecycle Management Tools, you must download and install a certified Java Development Kit (JDK).

You should always verify the required JDK version by reviewing the certification information on the Oracle Fusion Middleware Supported Systems Configuration page.

To download the required JDK, use your browser to navigate to the following URL and download the Java SE JDK:


4.3 Obtaining the Oracle Fusion Middleware Software

To install the Oracle SOA Suite sample topology, you need to obtain the necessary Oracle Fusion Middleware software.

To create the Oracle SOA Suite topology, download the following software distributions:
  • Oracle Fusion Middleware 12c ( Infrastructure

  • Oracle Fusion Middleware 12c ( SOA Suite and Business Process Management

For specific information on the distributions you need to download, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Download, Installation, and Configuration Readme Files on Oracle Technology Network (OTN).

4.4 Installing Apache Groovy

After you have a JDK installed, download and install the latest version of Apache Groovy. Groovy is an open source tool that you will use to invoke Lifecycle Management standard actions and configure the sample topology.

You can download the Groovy distribution from the following location:


4.5 Downloading the Lifecycle Management Tools Sample File

The Lifecycle Management Tools sample file contains sample topology files, which you can edit using FMW Composer, and sample Apache Groovy code that will be used to invoke the standard actions.

To obtain the sample file for this tutorial:
  1. Download the create-domain-example.zip file on Oracle Technology Network (OTN) to a directory on your system.
  2. Open a new terminal window on your host.
  3. Change directory to the directory where you downloaded the create-domain-example.zip file.
  4. Unzip the create-domain-example.zip file in the current directory.
  5. Verify that a folder named create-domain-example was created in the current directory, and note the path to this directory on your system.

4.6 Installing Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure

Using the Infrastructure distribution and JDK you downloaded, install Infrastructure to create an Oracle home. When you install Infrastructure, the Lifecycle Management Tools are automatically installed into the Oracle home.

To install Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure:
  1. Log in to your host.
  2. Go to the directory where you downloaded the installation program.
  3. Launch the installation program by running the java executable from the JDK directory on your system, as shown in the following example:
    /home/Oracle/products/jdk1.8.0_77/bin/java -jar fmw_12.

    Replace the JDK location in this example with the actual JDK location on your system.

  4. On UNIX operating systems, the Installation Inventory Setup screen appears if this is your first Oracle installation on this host. Use this screen to specify the location of the Oracle central inventory directory.

    Make sure that the operating system group name selected has write permissions to the central inventory location. For more information, see Understanding the Oracle Central Inventory in Installing Software with the Oracle Universal Installer.

  5. On the Welcome screen, click Next.
  6. The Auto Updates screen allows you to search for the latest software updates, including important security updates, via your My Oracle Support account. To skip software updates, select Skip Auto Updates.
  7. On the Installation Location screen, specify your Oracle home directory location.

    For more information about selecting an Oracle home directory, see Understanding Directories for Installation and Configuration in Planning an Installation of Oracle Fusion Middleware.

  8. On the Installation Type screen, select Fusion Middleware Infrastructure.
  9. Use the Prerequisite Checks screen to verify that your system meets the minimum system requirements.
  10. If you have an Oracle Support account, use the Security Updates screen to indicate how you want to receive security updates.

    If you do not have an account and are sure you want to skip this step, clear the check box and verify your selection in the follow-up dialog box.

  11. Verify the installation information on the Installation Summary Screen, and then click Install to begin installation.
  12. When the installation progress bar reaches 100%, click Next.
  13. Review the information on the Installation Complete screen, and then click Finish to dismiss the installer.