3 Creating Extension Templates by Using the Domain Template Builder

This chapter describes how to create an extension template using the Domain Template Builder.

The process for creating an extension template is similar to the process for creating a domain template. The resulting template does not configure the Administration Server, administrator username and password, security realm, and Node Manager, or specify Start menu entries. These domain settings are already defined in the domain you are extending.

This chapter includes the following sections:

3.1 Starting the Domain Template Builder

The console for the machine on which the product installation resides must support Java-based GUIs. All Windows-based consoles support Java-based GUIs; only a subset of UNIX-based consoles support Java-based GUIs.

You can start the Domain Template Builder in graphical mode from the command line.

  1. Log in to the system on which the product is installed.
  2. Open an MS-DOS command prompt window (on Windows) or a command shell (on UNIX).
  3. Go to the following directory:

    On Windows: ORACLE_HOME\oracle_common\common\bin

    On UNIX: ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin

  4. Execute the following command:

    On Windows: config_builder.cmd

    On UNIX: config_builder.sh


    When you run the config_builder.cmd or config_builder.sh command, the following error message might be displayed to indicate that the default cache directory is not valid:

    *sys-package-mgr*: can't create package cache dir

    You can change the cache directory by including the -Dpython.cachedir=valid_directory option in the command line.

    The Template Type screen is displayed.

3.2 Creating an Extension Template Using the Domain Template Builder

To create a new extension template using the Domain Template Builder in graphical mode, start the Domain Template Builder as described in Starting the Domain Template Builder. Then select the Create Extension Template option to display the Create Extension Template screen (similar to the Template Type screen).


In situations where you cannot run the Domain Template Builder in GUI mode, Oracle recommends that you use a WLST script to create the extension template. For more information, see Creating and Using a Domain Template (Offline) in Understanding the WebLogic Scripting Tool.

The Domain Template Builder displays a sequence of screens, in the order listed in Table 3-1. For more information on each screen, refer to the related section in Domain Template Builder Screens, or click the link in the Screen column.

Table 3-1 Steps for Creating an Extension Template by Using the Domain Template Builder

Screen When Does This Screen Appear? You Perform This Action

Template Type


Choose Create Extension Template to create an extension template.

Specify the source for the extension template and location of the source.

Specify the destination JAR file for the extension template.

Click Next to continue.

Template Information


Update each template information field as needed.

Click Next to continue.

Services Selection

Only if you create an extension template

Select the custom applications and services that you want to include in the extension template.

Click Next to continue.

Topology Selection

Only if you create an extension template and the selected source (domain or template) has topology information

From the topology elements listed for the configuration, select the elements you want to include in the extension template.

Template Summary


Review the template summary. You can use the View drop-down list to restrict the view to a specific part of the template.

If necessary, click Prev to return to a previous screen and make any changes that are needed.

Click Create to continue.

Configuration Progress


Wait for the template to be generated, then click Next.

End of Configuration


Click Finish to exit the Domain Template Builder.