6.84 Dimension Component Properties

The Dimension smart component is used in a mapping to load data into Dimensions and Slowly Changing Dimensions

The Dimension operator contains one group for each level in the Dimension. The groups use the same name as the Dimension Levels. The Level attributes of each Level are listed under the group that represents the Level.

To use a Dimension component in a Mapping, drag the Dimension from the Dimensions and Cubes Model and drop it in the Mapping Editor Canvas.

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6.84.1 General Properties

The following are the General Properties of the Dimension Component:

Property Description
Dimension A read only property that states what base Dimension it is referred to.
Bound Datastore A read only property for which the value is derived from the base Dimension, and it is the name of the datastore that the base Dimension is bound to.
Bound sequence The sequence that the base Dimension will be using.
Storage Type The type of Dimension being used, namely Star Dimension.
Pattern By default, this will be Dimension Pattern.

If you create your own Patterns, then you can select from it.

Target Load Order Lists the order in which mapping targets are loaded.

6.84.2 History Properties

The following are the History Properties of the Dimension Component:

Property Description
Default Effective Time of Initial Record Applicable to Type 2 SCDs only.

Represents the default value assigned as the effective time for the initial load of a particular Dimension record.

Default Effective Time of Open Record Applicable to Type 2 SCDs only.

Represents the default value set for the effective time of the open records, after the initial record.

Note: This value should not be modified.

Default Expiration Time of Open Record Applicable to Type 2 SCDs only.

Represents a date value, which is used as the expiration time of a newly created open record for all the Levels in the Dimension.

Slowly Changing Type A read-only property for which the value will be set, depending on the type of SCD settings.
Type 2 Gap Applicable to Type 2 SCDs only.

Represents the time interval between the expiration time of an old record and the start time of the current record, when a record is versioned.

When the value of a triggering attribute is updated, the current record is closed and a new record is created with the updated values.

Because the closing of the old record and opening of the current record occur simultaneously, it is recommended to have a time interval between the end time of the old record and the start time of the open record, instead of using the same value for both.

Type 2 Gap Units Applicable for Type 2 SCDs only.

Represents the unit of time used to measure the gap interval represented in the Type2 Gap property.

The options are:

Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Days, and Weeks.

The default value is Seconds.