6.85 Cube Component Properties

The Cube component is a smart component, based on a Cube object. This component has a set of attributes according to the base Cube.

When you drag a Cube object onto the mapping editor, a smart Cube component will be created based on that Cube.

The Cube component only works as a Target and cannot be sourced from.

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6.85.1 General Properties

The Cube component has the following General Properties:

Property Description
Cube A read-only property that states the base Cube of the Cube component.
Datastore A read-only property, for which the value is derived from the base Cube.

It is the bound datastore of the base Cube of this component.

Pattern By default, this is CubePattern.
Target Load Order Loading order for target components. This property is extended from smart component.

6.85.2 Target Properties

The following are the Target Properties of the Cube component:

Property Description
Integration Type Help determining the default IKM and limit the set of IKM choices.

Select any of the following:

  • None

  • Incremental Update

  • Control Append

The default value is Incremental Update.

Enable Source Aggregation If this property is enabled, an aggregate component will be added in the expanded map of the Cube component, before the fact table is loaded.

The source row set will be grouped by the Dimension Reference attributes.

Measure aggregation functions are determined by the SOURCE_AGGREGATION_FUNCTION attribute properties.

6.85.3 Connector Points

The Cube component can only be used as target, so it has only one input connector point and has no output connector point.

6.85.4 Cube Component Attribute Properties

Cube component has a set of input map attributes derived from the base Cube.

Attribute Description
Measure attributes Each measure in base Cube of the Cube component will have a corresponding map attribute in Cube component.

The map attribute is bound to the Cube measure.

The measure name is used as the map attribute name.

Dimension natural key attributes Each natural key attribute of the referenced level will have a corresponding map attribute in Cube component.

The map attribute is bound to the Natural Key Level Attribute of the referenced level.

If the dimension reference of the cube has role qualifier set, then the map attribute name will be in the format <dimension name>_<role name>_<attribute name>

If the Dimension Reference of the Cube has no role qualifier, then the map attribute name will be in the form of <dimension name>_<attribute name>

Active Date A special map attribute that is created if the base Cube of the Cube component references at least one SCD2 Dimension. Target Properties

If the map attribute in Cube component represents as a Natural Key Identifier of the referenced Dimension, it has the following properties:

Property Description
Null Data Value Default is SQL NULL
Attribute Role A read-only property, which indicates that the attribute is either "Cube Measure" or "Natural Key Identifier."
Bound Object Full Path A read-only property, which indicates that the attribute is bound to a Natural Key Level Attribute.

This lists the full path of the bound attribute.

If the map attribute in Cube component represents as a Cube measure, it has the following properties:

Target Properties:

Property Description
Source Aggregation Function The source loading aggregation function for the Measure.

This property works jointly with the property ”Enable Source Aggregation” on the Cube component.

A combo box lists all the aggregate functions of the generic technology.

General Properties:

Property Description
Attribute Role A read-only property, which indicates that the attribute represents as a Cube measure.
Bound Object A read-only property, which indicates that the attribute is bound to a Natural Key Level Attribute.

The Active Date attribute in cube component has following properties:

General Properties:

Property Description
Data Type The default data type for Active Date attribute is ”TIMESTAMP”
Attribute Role A read-only property, it is set to Active Date.

The Active Date attribute has a default expression, which is set to ”FUNC_SYSDATE”.

”FUNC_SYSDATE” is a global user function. This function is also used in the Dimension Component.