7.6 Data Server Editor

Use to create and configure a data server.

A data server is a data processing resource that stores and serves data in the form of tables. It can be a database, a MOM, a connector or a file server.

A data server is always linked with only one technology. The data server is physically identified: it is located on a physical machine accessible by a TCP/IP network.


It is recommended that you define each data server only once. If the same data server is declared several times (possibly with different connection parameters), Oracle Data Integrator could generate unnecessary data loading phases that waste execution time.

After you have specified the data server details, you can test the data server connection by clicking Test Connection in the top left-hand corner of the Data Server Editor. To initialize the data server, click Initialize.

The Data Server Editor has the following tabs:

7.6.1 Definition

The Definition tab contains the following generic fields.


For information specific to the File, Hadoop, HBase, Hive, Pig, SOAP Web Service, and Spark data servers, see the corresponding sections. For data servers based on a technology that is a web service container, such as JAX-WS, see Web Service Container Parameters.
Properties Description
Name Name of the data server, as it appears in the user interface.

Note: For naming data servers, it is recommended to use the following naming standard: <TECHNOLOGY_NAME>_<SERVER_NAME>.

Technology Technology linked to the data server.
... (Data Server) Physical name of the data server. Define this name if your data servers can be inter-connected in a native way.

For example, for Oracle, define the name of the database link used for accessing this data server from another Oracle data server.


The following table details the authentication method on the data server.

Properties Description
User User name used for connecting to the data server.

Depending on the technology, this could be a login, a user, or an account. For some connections using the JNDI protocol, the user name and its associated password are optional (if they have been given in the LDAP directory).

Password Password linked with the user name.

Note: This password is stored encrypted in the repository.

JNDI Connection Select this box if you can or should connect to your data server using JNDI. Some technologies accept, forbid, or impose connection through a JNDI directory.
Array Fetch Size When reading large volumes of data from a data server, Oracle Data Integrator fetches successive batches of records. This value is the number of rows (records read) requested by Data Integrator on each communication with the data server.
Batch Update Size When writing large volumes of data into a data server, Oracle Data Integrator pushes successive batches of records. This value is the number of rows (records written) in a single Oracle Data Integrator INSERT command.

Caution: The fetch array and batch update parameters are accessible only with JDBC. However, not all JDBC drivers accept the same values. At times, you are advised to leave them empty.

Note (Fetch array and batch update): The greater the number specified in each of these values, the fewer are the number of exchanges between the data server and Oracle Data Integrator. However, the load on the Oracle Data Integrator machine is greater, as a greater volume of data is recovered on each exchange. Batch update management, like that of fetch array, falls within optimization. We recommend starting from a default value (30), then increase the value by 10 each time, until there is no further improvement in performance.

Degree of Parallelism for Target Indicates the number of threads allowed for a loading task. Default value is 1. Maximum number of threads allowed is 99.


The following table describes the options to be used to specify a Hadoop data server in the File data server.

Properties Description
Local File Select to load and write data to the local file system. By default, this option is selected.
HDFS File Select to load and write data to the HDFS file system.
Note: If this option is selected, the JDBC tab is disabled.
Hadoop DataServer Hadoop data server associated with the File data server.
Note: Hadoop data servers are displayed in the Hadoop DataServer drop-down list only if the HDFS File option is selected.


The following table describes the fields specific to the Hadoop data server.

Properties Description
HDFS Node Name URI URI of the HDFS node name.

For example, hdfs://localhost:8020

Resource Manager/Job Tracker URI URI of the resource manager or the job tracker.

For example, localhost:8032

ODI HDFS Root Path of the ODI HDFS root directory.

For example, /user/<login_username>/odi_home

Additional Classpath Additional classpaths, if any.

For example:









For more information regarding the Hadoop data server, see the "Creating and Initializing the Hadoop Data Server" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Integrating Big Data with Oracle Data Integrator.


The following table describes the fields specific to the HBase data server.

Properties Description
HBase Quorum Quorum of the HBase installation.

For example:


Hadoop DataServer Hadoop data server associated with the HBase data server.
Additional Classpath Additional classpaths.


For more information regarding the HBase data server, see the "Setting Up HBase Data Sources" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Integrating Big Data with Oracle Data Integrator.


The following table describes the fields specific to the Hive data server.

Properties Description
Metastore URI Hive Metastore URIs.

For example:


Hadoop DataServer Hadoop data server associated with the Hive data server.
Additional Classpath Additional classpaths.


For more information regarding the Hive data server, see the "Setting Up Hive Data Server" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Integrating Big Data with Oracle Data Integrator.


The following table describes the fields specific to the Pig data server.

Properties Description
Process Type Choose one of the following:
  • Local Mode: Select to run the job in the local mode. By default, the Local Mode option is selected.

  • MapReduce Mode: Select to run the job in the MapReduce mode.

    Note: If this option is selected, the Pig data server must be associated with a Hadoop data server.

Hadoop DataServer Hadoop data server associated with the Pig data server.

Note: Hadoop data servers are displayed in the Hadoop DataServer drop-down list only if the MapReduce Mode option is selected as the Process Type.

Additional Classpath Additional classpaths.


For information regarding the Pig data server, its properties, and additional classpaths, see the "Setting Up Pig Data Server" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Integrating Big Data with Oracle Data Integrator.

SOAP Web Service

The SOAP Web Service data server represents the mapping to a Web Services Description Language (WSDL). The following table describes the field specific to the SOAP Web Service data server.

Properties Description
WSDL URL Path to a valid WSDL document.


The following table describes the field specific to the Spark Python data server.

Properties Description
Master Cluster (Data Server) Master Cluster URL, which ODI connects to as a client. The local, spark standalone, and yarn-client modes are supported.

For example:





For more information regarding the Spark data server, see the "Setting Up Spark Data Server" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Integrating Big Data with Oracle Data Integrator.

Web Service Container Parameters

The following table details the field specific to web service containers.

Properties Description
Base URL for published services Base URL into which the web services will be deployed.

Deployment Options

The following table details the deployment method for the web services in this container.

Properties Description
Save web services into directory Allows web services to be deployed using file copy in the target directory. The directory should be accessible from the machine performing the web services generation.
Upload web services by FTP Allows web services to be deployed using FTP upload. You must specify the target FTP URL as well as a valid FTP user.
  • FTP server URL

    FTP URL into which Oracle Data Integrator will deploy the web services.

  • User name/password

    User name and password to connect the FTP server. This user must have write privileges to the FTP URL.

7.6.2 JDBC

A direct JDBC connection allows you to access a data server without using a JNDI directory.

This tab is only displayed if the JNDI Connection box on the Definition tab is not selected.

Properties Description
JDBC Driver Name of the JDBC driver used for connecting to the data server.

For more information on installing JDBC drivers, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installing and Configuring Oracle Data Integrator.

JDBC URL URL allowing you to connect to the data server. The URL allows the data server to be located on the TCP/IP network. Each driver has a specific driver syntax.

You can get a list of pre-defined JDBC drivers and URLs by clicking Display Driver Chooser....


When creating a data server under the Complex File technology, click Edit nXSD to launch the Native Format Builder wizard and create or edit an nXSD file.


Use to customize ODI Special Drivers. ODI Special Drivers are JDBC drivers that are used to interface with technologies that cannot be handled as relational sources. These technologies are listed below:

  • XML

  • Complex File


  • JMS

  • File

  • LDAP


The Properties section on the JDBC tab is only displayed for data servers using the technologies mentioned above.
Properties Description
Category Parent node of the property.
Key Key identifying this property. This key is case-sensitive.
Value Value for the property.
Use Default Check this to change the value in the Value column to the default value.
Description Description of the property.


For information regarding the Properties section on the JDBC tab of the Hive data server, see the "Hive Data Server Connection Details" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Integrating Big Data with Oracle Data Integrator.

7.6.3 JNDI

A Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) connection is used for fetching a data server connection, identified by its JNDI Resource name, in a naming or directory service. This directory can be LDAP, Novell Netware NDS, CORBA Naming Service, or the File System. This naming or directory service is accessed through the JNDI protocol. The JNDI connection can be used to fetch connections to databases (JDBC), and is compulsory for accessing Message Oriented Middleware (MOM) through Java Messaging Service (JMS).

This tab only appears if the JNDI Connection check box on the Definition tab has been selected.

Properties Description
JNDI authentication
  • None: Anonymous access to the naming or directory service.
  • simple: Authenticated access, non-encrypted.

  • CRAM-MD5: Authenticated access, encrypted MD5.

  • <other value>: Authenticated access, encrypted according to <other value>.

JNDI User User connecting to the naming or directory service.
Password Password of the user connecting to the naming or directory service.
JNDI Protocol Protocol used for the connection.

Note: Only the most common protocols are listed here. This is not an exhaustive list.

  • LDAP: Access to an LDAP directory.

  • SMQP: Access to a SwiftMQ MOM directory.

  • <other value>: Authenticated access following the sub-protocol <other value>.

JNDI Driver Driver allowing the JNDI connection.

Example of the Sun LDAP directory: com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory

JNDI URL URL allowing the JNDI connection.

For example: ldap://suse70:389/o=linuxfocus.org

JNDI Resource Name of the resource in the directory server representing the data server connection.

For example: cn=sampledb

7.6.4 On Connect/Disconnect

Use to specify the SQL commands to execute when the data server connection is created or closed. How?

On Connect

The parameters in this section specify the SQL command and execution settings that is executed when the data server connection is created.

On Disconnect

The parameters in this section specify the SQL command and execution settings that is executed when the data server connection is closed.

Both sections include the properties described in the following table.

Properties Description
Command SQL command code that is executed on the connection. Click Launch the Expression Editor to create or modify the code. The Expression Editor displays only the substitution methods and keywords that are available for the technology of the data server.

Note: Global variables are only displayed if the connection to the work repository is available.

Commit If selected, the connection is committed after executing the SQL command code. Note that if AutoCommit or Client Transaction is selected in the Execute On list, this value is ignored.
Ignore Errors If selected, the exceptions encountered during the SQL command code execution is ignored.

If not selected, the calling operation ends in error status.

Log Level Logging level from 1 to 5 of the connect or disconnect commands. At execution time, commands can be kept in the session log based on their log level. Default is 3.
Execute On You can execute commands on several concurrent transactions (numbered from 0 to 9) or work off-transaction by choosing the option Autocommit. Select Client Transaction to execute the command for UI operations.

You can select Select All or Unselect All to select or unselect all transactions.

7.6.5 Properties

These properties are passed when creating the connection, in order to provide optional configuration parameters. Each property is a (key, value) pair.

  • For JDBC: These properties depend on the driver used. For a list of available properties, see the driver documentation.

  • For JNDI: These properties depend on the resource used.

Properties Description
Key Key identifying this property. This key is case-sensitive.
Value Value for the property.

7.6.6 DataSources

On the DataSources tab you can define JDBC datasources that will be used by Oracle Data Integrator run-time agent deployed on a Java EE server to connect to this data server.

These datasources can be defined separately in the Java EE server, or automatically deployed from Oracle Data Integrator.

Properties Description
Agent Select the Oracle Data Integrator physical agent for which you want to configure this datasource.
JNDI Name Datasource name. This name must match the name in your application server.
JNDI Standard Select JNDI Standard if you want to use the environment naming context (ENC). If JNDI Standard is selected, Oracle Data Integrator automatically prefixes the datasource name with the string java:comp/env/ to identify it in the Java EE server's JNDI directory.

Note: The JNDI Standard is not supported by Oracle Weblogic Server and for global datasources.

7.6.7 JAgent

Oracle Enterprise Data Quality (EDQ)

The following table details the JAgent properties that must be specified when creating an EDQ data server.

Properties Description
Name Name of the physical server.
Server Host Hostname or IP address of the server where the JAgent process is running.
JMX Port Port number of the JAgent process. Default is 8090.
User EDQ Administrator user.
Password Password of the user credentials.
Domain Name of the EDQ domain.
Note: This is the base mbean to which you connect. Default is edq.

Oracle GoldeGate

JAgent issues the commands to control Oracle GoldenGate processes and modify its settings. External applications use APIs provided by JAgent to adopt the different functionalities offered by Oracle GoldenGate.

Properties Description
Name Name of the physical server.
Host Hostname or IP address of the server where the JAgent process is running.
RMI Port Port number of the JAgent process.
Manager Port Port where the Oracle GoldenGate manager instance is running.
JMX User User name to connect to JAgent.
Password Password of the user credentials.
Installation Path Oracle GoldenGate location path for JAgent. Use this path when you create the extract process definitions from a model.

"Creating a Data Server" in the "Setting Up a Topology" chapter in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle Data Integrator

Oracle Fusion Middleware Integrating Big Data with Oracle Data Integrator

Oracle Fusion Middleware Connectivity and Knowledge Modules Guide for Oracle Data Integrator