6.17 Filter Editor

Use to define and configure filters.

Filters can be placed on the source datastores of mappings to restrict the data to be used as source by the mapping.

Note: Filters defined in datastores will usually be used only if the filter is inside a Dataset component of the mapping.

The Filter Editor has the following tabs:

6.17.1 Definition

Properties Description
Name Name of the filter, as it appears in the Oracle Data Integrator user interface.
Filter Active for Static Control Select Filter Active for Static Control to activate this filter during the static control.
Where WHERE-type expression defining the filter. This expression must use the table alias (defined in the Datastore Editor) before each column.

An example of an expression on the datastore CLIENT with the alias CLI: CLI.TYPE_CLIENT like 'A%'

Use the Expression Editor to define the WHERE expression. Click Launch the Expression Editor to open it.

Verify your expression by clicking Testing query on the DBMS.

"Creating Filters" in the "Using Mappings Components" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developing Integration Projects with Oracle Data Integrator