6.61 Shortcut Editor

Use to view and configure shortcuts in Oracle Data Integrator.

The Shortcut Editor has the following tabs:

Click View Referenced Object to display the editor of the referenced object.

Click View Base Object to display the editor of the base object.

6.61.1 Definition

Properties Definition
Name Name of the shortcut. You can modify the default name.
Referenced Object Path and name of the referenced object.
Base Object Path and name of the base object.

6.61.2 Execution

This tab is only displayed for shortcuts of Packages, mappings, and procedures.

These objects can be executed directly without having to generate a scenario. The execution of these objects is started by clicking Execute in the menu toolbar.

The Execution tab is organized into the Direct Executions and the Scenario Execution tabs and shows the results of previous executions.

The Direct Executions tab contains the following elements:

Properties Description
Agent Name of the agent that executed the object. Internal indicates that the agent used is the one built in the Oracle Data Integrator Studio.
Context Execution context of the object.
Status State of the object execution (Done, Error, Running, Waiting, Warning)
Start Start date and time of execution of the object.
End End date and time of execution of the object.
Duration Time taken for execution of the object.
Return Code Return code of the object.
Message Object execution error message.
Rows Total number of rows processed by the execution of the object.
Inserts Number of rows inserted during the execution of the object.
Updates Number of rows updated during the execution of the object.
Deletes Number of rows deleted during the execution of the object.
Errors Number of rows in error in the execution of the object.

The Scenario Execution tab contains the following elements:

Properties Description
Agent Name of the agent that executed the scenario. Internal indicates that the agent used is the one built in the Oracle Data Integrator Studio.
Context Execution context of the scenario.
Status State of the scenario (Done, Error, Running, Waiting, Warning).
Start Start date and time of execution of the scenario.
End End date and time of execution of the scenario.
Duration Time taken for execution of the scenario.
Return Code Return code of the scenario.
Message Scenario execution error message.
Rows Total number of rows processed by the execution of the scenario.
Inserts Number of rows inserted during the execution of the scenario.
Updates Number of rows updated during the execution of the scenario.
Deletes Number of rows deleted during the execution of the scenario.
Errors Number of rows in error in the execution of the scenario.

"Introduction to Shortcuts" in the "Using Shortcuts" chapter in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developing Integration Projects with Oracle Data Integrator