4 Core Content Server Services

This chapter describes the core services available for Oracle WebCenter Content Server. The services are divided according to Service Class.

This chapter covers the following topics:

4.1 About Core Content Server Services

Information about what is an Oracle WebCenter Content service and how services can be used is provided in Using Services. Information about basic services structure, attributes, actions, and a service example is provided in Customizing Services. You should be familiar with this information before customizing current services or creating new services

The locations for specific core Content Server services are listed within each individual service.


The most commonly used services have more extensive descriptions.


All services have at least one required parameter. The IdcService parameter takes the name of the service as its argument. If other parameters are required, they are noted in the description of the service.

A typical service entry is similar to the following:

DocService 0 null SubService null !csDocumentNotDeleted(dDocName)

In this example:

  • The first line indicates the service name: REMOVE_METAFILE_SUB

  • The second line lists the service's attributes:

    • Service class: DocService

    • Access level: 0

    • Template: null (none used)

    • Service type: SubService

    • Subjects Notified: null

    • Error message: Document Not Deleted

  • The remainder of the entry lists the service's actions, each line designating one action:

    • action type: for example, 3, indicating a Java method.

    • action name: for example, deleteRevFiles

    • action parameters: if no parameters are specified, double-colons (::) are included.

    • action control mask: for example, 0, indicating no control mask. The double-colon indicator (::) can also be included.

    • action error message, or null if no message is available.

Each element of the service's action is separated by a colon (:).


All services have at least one required parameter. The IdcService parameter takes the name of the service as its argument. If other parameters are required, they are noted in the description of the service.

For details about service attributes and actions, see Customizing Services.

4.2 General Services (Core Content Server)

General services are used throughout the Content Server and are often not tied to a specific functionality. Frequently used services are marked with an asterisk (*) in the following list.

This section describes these services:


Service used to create a new account. The most likely error is an account name that is not unique.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

(old location) Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dDocAccount: The security account for the content item.




Service that adds a file extension to an existing file. The most likely error is when a matching file with that extension already exists in the system.

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dExtension: The file extension such as hcsf, doc, txt.

  • dFormat: The formatting process used to create the web-viewable version of the content. For example, application/hcsf or application/doc.




Service that creates a new file format. The most likely error is when the file format already exists in the system.

Location: IdcHomeDir3

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dFormat: The formatting process used to create the web-viewable version of the content. For example, application/hcsf or application/doc.

  • dConversion: The conversion algorithm is determined by the parameter dConversion.

If the conversion type is not Passthru or NoConversion (default value) and the content is not web-viewable or has a publish state, the content gets added to the queue to get converted. Otherwise, the server looks for the web-viewable (if applicable) and the vault file and updates the processing state to say that the file has already been converted.

If the file mime-type is application/FDF, the server sets the conversion to exchange-fdf.

  • dDescription: The file format description.




Used to create a new content item type. The most likely error is when the content item type name is not unique.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dDocType: The new content item Type.

  • dDescription: Description of the new type.

  • dGif: The file name of the GIF image that is displayed as an icon to represent the new doc type. Include the .gif extension.


dDescription=My Description.


Service that retrieves content item information. The most likely error is when the content item no longer exists in the system.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dID: The generated content item revision ID.




Service that retrieves configuration information from the Content Server's Admin Server. The service retrieves configuration information for the currently active component.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Service that deletes an existing account.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dDocAccount: The account name.




Service that deletes an existing file extension.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dExtension: The file extension, such as hcsf, doc, txt.




Service that deletes an existing document format.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dFormat: The name of the MIME format. For example, application/hcsf or application/doc.




Service that deletes an existing content item type. The most likely errors are when the specified file type does not exist or when a file of that type still exists in the system.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dDocType: The content item type.




Service that modifies an existing file extension.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dExtension: The file extension such as doc, txt, or pdf.

  • dFormat: The formatting process used to create the web-viewable version of the content. For example, application/hcsf or application/doc.




Service that modifies an existing content item format. This service is called from the Configuration Manager applet.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dFormat: The formatting process used to create the web-viewable version of the content. For example, application/hcsf or application/doc.

  • dDescription: The format description.

  • dConversion: The conversion algorithm is determined by this parameter.

    If the conversion type is not Passthru or NoConversion (default value) and the content is not web-viewable or has a publish state, the content gets added to the queue to get converted. Otherwise, the server looks for the web-viewable (if applicable) and the vault file and updates the processing state to say that the file has already been converted.

    If the file mime-type is application/FDF, the server sets the conversion to exchange-fdf.




Service that modifies an existing content item type.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dDocType: The content item type.

  • dDescription: The type description.

  • dGif: The file name of the GIF image that is displayed as an icon to represent the type. Include the .gif extension.


dDescription=edit testing


Service that retrieves trace options on the System Audit Info page.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


This service executes a Select query against the database. The query is built from the dataSource parameter. The service returns the following information:

  • The result set containing the results of the query.

  • An indication if the results were truncated. If the dataSource was defined so it cannot exceed the maximum number of rows and if the query returns more than the maximum allowed, the copyAborted key is set to 1 (true). This indicates that the returned result set only contains a subset of the query.

Any query that tries to select against certain core Content Server tables have a security clause applied. In particular, Documents, Revisions, and Users tables have extra security clauses applied.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dataSource: A Select query with a potential WHERE clause and ORDER BY clause that is provided by the caller. The dataSource is a Content Server resource, defined in the DataSources table (see the resource.htm file for the standard list of dataSources.)

Optional Service Parameters

  • whereClause: The WHERE clause to the Select query.

  • orderClause: If set to true, orders the query by clause.

  • resultName: specifies the name to use for the result set of the query.


Service that returns a list of all content item extensions and the file format each extension is mapped to. Returns the properties information and ExtensionFormatMap ResultSet.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Service that returns a list of all content item formats and their associated conversion methods and descriptions. Returns the properties information and DocFormats ResultSet.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Service that returns a list of all content item types, their descriptions, and their associated GIF images. Returns the properties information and DocTypes ResultSet.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Service that returns maximum length information for length constrained fields.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Optional Service Parameter

  • tableNames: A comma-delineated list of tables to investigate. If a list is not specified, tableNames is set to list the document and folder tables (DocMeta,Documents,Revisions,FolderFolders,FolderFiles).


  • ResultSet:

    • FIELD_LENGTH: Result set with field maximum number of characters. This ResultSet contains two columns:

      • fieldName: The name of the field.

      • fieldLength: The maximum number of characters allowed for the field.


An administrative service that retrieves a file listing in a directory matching a specified filter. The directory is specified by an ID, not by the user. The service then maps the ID to a directory.

In practice, this service is only used to retrieve the content type GIF list for the Configuration Manager applet. This list is located in the /weblayout/images/docgifs directory. The results are returned in the value specified in the fileListName parameter as an option list.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • directoryID: The directory identifier. Possible values include docgifs, images, templates, resources.

  • fileFilter: Wild card filter to use to select the files.

  • fileListName: Option list which holds the values returned.


Service that returns a list of all custom metadata fields and their attributes. Returns the properties information and MetaFieldInfo ResultSet.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Service that returns information from the search results templates.


As of version 3.5.3, the Content Server no longer uses this service. It remains in the std_services.htm file as legacy code for reverse compatibility.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Service that retrieves system audit information for the Content Server.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

4.2.24 GET_TABLE

Service that exports a database table to a result set in an HDA file.

If the specified table is not found, the service fails. It is up to the calling program receiving the HDA data to store this result set for later usage.

The most likely error is a table name that does not exist.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • tableName: The name of table to export.


  • IdcCommand command file format:

  • HDA format:

    @Properties LocalData


Service that returns a list of all user information fields and their attributes. Returns the properties information and ResultSet.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Service that returns information about the Java Resource Environment in use.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Service that publishes strings to a static .js file.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Service that loads user interface layouts from the DomainHome/ucm/cs/weblayout/common/layouts directory. Calls LM_LOAD_LAYOUTS_SUB.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


SubService used to call layouts from the DomainHome/ucm/cs/weblayout/common/layouts directory.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


This SubService loads the template page configuration information for the content item environment.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

4.2.31 LOGIN

Service that forces a login and executes an HTML page request. This is one of many ways to authenticate the user with the Web server.

Access Level: N/A (0)

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • Action: The action to execute. Usually GetTemplatePage.

  • Page: The name of the page template.

  • Auth: Required only when logging in from a browser interface. For example:


The other possible value is Intranet, which is used for NTLM logins.


  • Local Data:

    • dUser

    • RedirectParams

    • StatusMessage

  • Response Template: null (default redirect to HOME_PAGE)

Used By

  • Resource Includes:

    • pne_nav_userprofile_links

    • subscription_action_script

    • home_page_static_content

  • Templates:

    • QUERY_NOTIFICATION (query_notification_mail.htm)

    • SELF_REGISTER_PROMPT_LOGIN (self_register_prompt_login.htm)

    • (std_home_page.htm)

  • Standard Navigation: commonNav.js


Displays the home page when you login to the Content Server:




Service that merges a result set with an existing database table. All errors are logged to the Content Server log.


By default, this service is not error tolerant and does not execute the merge in a transaction. Consequently, if the isErrorTolerant or isTransactional optional parameters are not set to true and if the service encounters an error, it terminates where the error occurred and does not roll back the already updated and inserted rows. In this situation, if you do not specify constraints and rerun the merge table, the merge fails in Microsoft SQL Server and Content Server due to constraint violations.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • tableName: The name of the database table to merge into. The result set must have the same name as this table.


    The ResultSet definition for the table containing the rows to insert or update must also be specified.

Optional Service Parameters

  • constraintKeys: Specifies a comma-delimited list of column names used as unique identifiers. The service initially does a look up with these constraints. If the row is found, the service does an update. Otherwise, a new row is inserted.

If this parameter is not defined, the service attempts to insert the rows.

  • isDeleteTable: If true, the service deletes the table before attempting the merge. The delete is performed in a transaction with the merge, if isTransactional is true. By default, this value is false.

  • isErrorTolerant: If true, does not terminate when errors are encountered during the merge. By default, this value is false.

  • isTransactional: If true, the merge is performed in a transaction. If an error occurs during the merge and isErrorTolerant is false, the merge terminates and rolls back all the changes. By default, this value is false.


  • IdcCommand command file format:

    # Merge new entries into the Alias table
    # Rows to be updated or inserted
    @ResultSet Alias
    Just a test alias
    # Delete the alias table and insert new rows, do a rollback if something fails.
    # Rows to be updated or inserted
    @ResultSet Alias
    Just a test alias
  • HDA format (Example 1):

    @Properties LocalData
    @ResultSet Alias
    Just a test alias
  • HDA format defining a table name and ResultSet and inserting a new row into the database (inserts new row into Users table):

    @Properties LocalData
    @ResultSet Users


Service that evaluates if a connection to the Content Server instance exists and returns status information. It also forces users to log in if they are not already logged in.


Execute a PING_SERVER request before calling other services to ensure that there is a connection to the Content Server instance and that you are logged in as a user authorized to execute commands.

Access Level: N/A (0)

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


  • Local Data:

    • dUser

    • StatusMessage

  • Response Template: null

Used By

  • Applets:

    • Batch Loader

    • Configuration Manager

    • Page Builder

  • Templates:

    • SUBSCRIBE_FORM (subscribe_form.htm)

    • SUBSCRIPTION_LIST (subscription_list.htm)

    • UNSUBSCRIBE_FORM (unsubscribe_form.htm)


HDA format:

@Properties LocalData

Sample return information:

Content-type: text/html
Content-Length: 421

<?hda version="6.0 SNAP-020207" jcharset=Cp1252 encoding=iso-8859-1?>

@Properties LocalData
blFieldTypes=StatusMessage message
StatusMessage=You are logged in as 'sysadmin'.
blDateFormat=M/d{/yy} {h:mm[:ss] {aa}[zzz]}!tAmerica/Chicago!mAM,PM


Service that returns a list of all accounts in the Content Server.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Service used to process failed SOAP requests.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

4.3 Doc Services (Core Content Server)

Doc services perform actions on documents, such as checkin, checkout, subscription actions, and accessing document information. Frequently used services are marked with an asterisk (*) in the following list.

This section describes these services:


Service that retrieves the DOCINFO_FORM and assigns it to content.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Service used with preview. When a user performs a preview during a checkin the information is cached on the server side. This service is modeled after the non-cache version and uses the same parameters as CHECKIN_NEW.

To disallow the check in of empty files, set the following: ValidatePrimaryFileNotEmpty=1

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Service used with preview. When a user performs a preview during a checkin the information is cached on the server side. This service is modeled after the non-cache version and uses the same parameters as CHECKIN_SEL.

To disallow the check in of empty files, set the following: ValidatePrimaryFileNotEmpty=1

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Service used with preview. When a user performs a preview during a checkin the information is cached on the server side. This service is modeled after the non-cache version and uses the same parameters as SUBMIT_HTML_FORM.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Service used with preview. When a user performs a preview during a checkin the information is cached on the server side. This service is modeled after the non-cache version and uses the same parameters as WORKFLOW_CHECKIN.

To have the service return an error if the content item file is empty, use the configuration setting ValidatePrimaryFileNotEmpty=1.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


A general checkin service used by client applications. It is generally used when the client application knows it will be checking in a large number of files and it does not want the indexer to be initiated by the check-in activity.

NO_NOTIFY indicates that this service does not notify the Content Server subjects that are normally notified during a checkin. This service suppresses the Released Documents subject, which starts the indexer.

The user of this service should notify the indexer subject to proceed to do work by calling the NOTIFY_INDEXER service.

This service is not used by the Archiver.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

For additional parameters, see CHECKIN_ARCHIVE.

Optional Service Parameters

For additional parameters, see CHECKIN_ARCHIVE.


dDocTitle=new content


Service that checks in a content item revision based on the content item name or Content ID.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

A user must have Admin permission to the content item's security settings to change the security group (dSecurityGroup), account (dDocAccount), or author (dDocAuthor).

  • If the content item uses entity security, the user must have at least Write permission granted by the entities, unless the user has Admin rights to the security group being assigned to the document.

  • If the content item is in a workflow, the user must be a reviewer/contributor for the current step.

  • If metafile generation is enabled (by setting the AllowPrimaryMetaFile or AllowAlternateMetaFile environment variables, or both) and the metafile generation variables (createPrimaryMetaFile and createAlternateMetaFile) are true, a real file cannot be associated with the current content item. Only one metafile can be associated with a content item. If createPrimaryMetaFile is true, createAlternateMetaFile must be false and vice-versa.

  • The most likely error is a revision failing to insert or when the refinery was not successfully initiated.


    Either the content item name or the content item revision ID must be specified.

To disallow the check in of empty files, set the following: ValidatePrimaryFileNotEmpty=1

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dDocName: The Content ID for the content item.

    • If Content ID auto generation is enabled, this parameter is not required. If dDocName is defined, it overrides the auto generated Content ID.

    • The Content ID cannot contain spaces or invalid characters ;/ \?:@&=+"#%<>*~|[ ].

  • dDocAuthor: The content item author (contributor).

  • dDocTitle: The content item title.

  • dDocType: The content item type.

  • dSecurityGroup: The security group such as Public or Secure.

  • dDocAccount: The account for the content item. Required only if accounts are enabled.

  • primaryFile: The absolute path to the location of the file as seen from the server. Use the slash as the file separator.

    A primary file must be specified unless checking in metadata only. If an alternate file is specified with the primary file, the content refinery converts the alternate file. Otherwise, the primary file is converted.

    • If a primary file is not specified, you can use a metafile in its place. Only one metafile can exist for each content item (a primary AND alternate meta file cannot coexist).

    • If both a primary and alternate file is specified, their extensions must be different.

    • doFileCopy: 1 (true): The file is not deleted from the hard drive after checkin.

    • 0 (false): The file is removed from the hard drive after checkin.

  • Required custom fields: Custom metadata fields that are required must also be specified.

Optional Service Parameters

  • dID: The generated content item revision ID.

  • alternateFile: The alternate file for conversion.

  • Only one metafile can exist for each content item (a primary AND alternate meta file cannot coexist.)

    If an alternate file is specified with the primary file, the content refinery converts the alternate file. Otherwise, the primary file is converted.

  • AutoNumberPrefix: This is a configuration entry but can be specified as a parameter. The auto prefix script is evaluated after the revision class ID is generated and before metadata validation.

  • createAlternateMetaFile: To enable alternate metafile generation, the AllowAlternateMetaFile environment value must be true and the parameter createAlternateMetaFile must be true.

  • createPrimaryMetaFile: To enable primary metafile generation, the AllowPrimaryMetaFile environment value must be true and the parameter createPrimaryMetaFile must be true.

  • dConversion: The conversion algorithm is determined by this parameter.

If the conversion type is not Passthru or NoConversion (default value) and the content is not web-viewable or has a publish state, the content gets added to the queue to get converted. Otherwise, the server looks for the web-viewable (if applicable) and the vault file and updates the processing state to say that the file has already been converted.

If the file mime-type is application/FDF, the server sets the conversion to exchange-fdf.

  • dCreateDate: The date the content item was created. By default, this is the current date.

  • dExtension: The file extension such as hcsf, doc, txt.

  • dFormat: The formatting process used to create the web-viewable version of the content. For example, application/hcsf or application/doc.

  • dInDate: The content release date. The date the content item is to be released to the Web. By default, this is the current date.

If the content release date (dInDate) is not specified, the creation date (dCreateDate) is used. This value is auto generated if it is not supplied.

  • dOutDate: The content expiration date. By default, this is blank and does not specify an expiration date.

If the content expiration date (dOutDate) is not entered, the value remains empty. This is a valid state.

  • dPublishState: The publish state. If the content item exists in the system dPublishState must be empty.

  • dReleaseState: The release state (used to indicate the Web state of the revision).

  • dRevClassID: The revision class ID.

  • dRevLabel: The revision label for the content item. If set, the label is used to locate the specified revision.

  • dWfType: The workflow type such as Basic or Criteria.

  • IsAutoNumber: This is a configuration entry but can be specified as a parameter. If the configuration variable IsAutoNumber is set to true, the Content ID (dDocName) is generated by concatenating the auto prefix with the revision class ID (dRevClassID, the counter of uniquely differentiated content items), pre-filled with leading zeroes to be six digits long. Auto numbering is not performed if the Content ID (dDocName) is already specified.

  • IsEditRev: If set to true, this entry checks if the content revision is in a workflow and enables editing.

  • IsWorkflowInfo: This is a configuration entry but can be specified as a parameter. If set to true, this entry checks for workflow information and checks allowable actions for the workflow steps.

  • webViewableFile: If a content item has a web-viewable file associated with it, the conversion format is the format of the web-viewable file (the parameter webViewableFile:format) and the extension is the web-viewable file's extension (the parameter dWebExtension). Otherwise, the extension and file format are determined by the parameters dExtension and dFormat, respectively. The user can override the file format and extension by setting these additional parameters.

  • Optional custom fields: Custom metadata fields that are not required can also be specified.


dDocTitle=another test


Service that returns confirmation upon successful checkin through a browser.

Access Level: Write, Global, Scriptable (50)

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dID: The content ID.

  • dDocAuthor: The document author.

  • dDocName: The document name.

  • dDocTitle: The document title.


  • Local Data:

    • dDocAuthor

    • dDocName

    • dDocTitle

    • dID

  • Response Template: CHECKIN_CONFIRM (checkin_confirm.htm)

Used By



Service that returns a list of checked-out items (those that are not checked in or deleted). The most likely error is when the checkout list cannot be retrieved from the database.

Access Level: Write, Global, Scriptable (50)

Queries Executed: QcheckinCachesForUser

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Optional Service Parameters

  • userOnly: When 1 (true), returns only items checked out to the current user.

  • MaxQueryRows: Controls the number of items returned in the list.


  • ResultSets:

    • CHECKIN_LIST (All Fields from Revisions and DocMeta for checked-out revisions.)

    • CHECKIN_CACHES (All Fields from DatedCaches.)

  • Local Data:

    • copyAborted

    • DataSource

  • Response Template: CHECKIN_LIST (checkin_list.htm)

Used By

  • Resource Includes:

    • pne_nav_management_links

    • std_doc_man_pages

    • checkin_multiuploadapplet_processing_functions

  • Standard Navigation:

    • commonNav.js

    • commonBundle.js

  • Other:

    • SoapCustom:Wsdl:CheckIn:Services

    • Redirect service for: DELETE_CHECKIN_CACHE


Service that checks in a new content item. This service calls the CHECKIN_NEW_SUB SubService.

Access Level: Write (2)

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

  • If you attempt to set the author (dDocAuthor) to someone other than the currently logged in user, you must have Admin permission to the security attributes being assigned to the document.

  • If the content uses entity security, the user must have at least Write permission granted by the entities, unless the user has Admin rights to the security group being assigned to the document.

  • If metafile generation is enabled (by setting the AllowPrimaryMetaFile or AllowAlternateMetaFile environment variables, or both) and the metafile generation variables (createPrimaryMetaFile and createAlternateMetaFile) are true, a real file cannot be associated with the current content item. Only one metafile can be associated with a content item: if createPrimaryMetaFile is true, createAlternateMetaFile must be false and vice-versa.

  • The most likely error is when the content item was not properly defined.

  • This service executes the SubService CHECKIN_NEW_SUB. This SubService checks in a new content item revision.

  • A primary file is required. If you do not want to check in a primary file and want to check in only metadata, an additional parameter must be included and a configuration entry added in Content Server.

  • To disallow the checkin of empty files, set the following: ValidatePrimaryFileNotEmpty=1

Required additional parameter (metadata checkin):


Required Content Server configuration entry (metadata checkin):


Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dDocName: The Content ID for the content item.

    • If Content ID auto generation is enabled, this parameter is not required. If dDocName is defined, it overrides the auto generated Content ID.

    • The Content ID cannot contain spaces or invalid characters ;/ \?:@&=+"#%<>*~|[ ].

  • dDocAuthor: The content item author (contributor).

  • dDocTitle: The content item title.

  • dDocType: The content item Type.

  • dSecurityGroup: The security group such as Public or Secure.

  • dDocAccount: The account for the content item. Required only if accounts are enabled.

  • primaryFile: The absolute path to the location of the file as seen from the server. Use the slash as the file separator.

    A primary file must be specified unless checking in metadata only. If an alternate file is specified with the primary file, the content refinery converts the alternate file. Otherwise, the primary file is converted.

    • If a primary file is not specified, you can use a metafile in its place. Only one metafile can exist for each content item (a primary AND alternate meta file cannot coexist).

    • If both a primary and alternate file is specified, their extensions must be different.

    • Required custom fields: Custom metadata fields that are required must also be specified.

Optional Service Parameters

  • alternateFile: The alternate file for conversion.

    • Only one metafile can exist for each content item (a primary AND alternate meta file cannot coexist.)

    • If an alternate file is specified with the primary file, the content refinery converts the alternate file. Otherwise, the primary file is converted.

  • AutoNumberPrefix: This is a configuration entry but can be specified as a parameter. The auto prefix script is evaluated after the revision class ID is generated and before metadata validation.

  • createAlternateMetaFile: To enable alternate metafile generation, the AllowAlternateMetaFile environment value must be set to true and the parameter createAlternateMetaFile must be set to true.

  • createPrimaryMetaFile: To enable primary metafile generation, the AllowPrimaryMetaFile environment value must be true and the parameter createPrimaryMetaFile must be set to true.

  • DirectReleaseNewCheckinDoc: Directs content items being checked in to bypass Inbound Refinery, workflow, and indexing. The default is 0. To enable, set DirectReleaseNewCheckinDoc=1.

    This parameter can be used to support a high ingestion rate when transferring content items from an external repository into Content Server storage. Because this setting increases the speed of content checkin, it increases the number of check-ins that Content Server can support at a time. This capability is highly desirable in applications (for example, scanning applications) where large numbers of items are expected to be checked in at once.

    Before you enable this setting, take into account the following important considerations.

    • A content item checked in this way can only be found by searching with DATABASE.METADATA. However, other content items can still go through regular checkin and be FULLTEXT indexed.

    • A rebuild of the index does not cause content checked in with this parameter to go through indexing.

    • Content modification (updating or checking in a new revision) causes indexing to occur on a document checked in with this parameter.

    • If you have configured the content server with the fast check-in option using the DirectReleaseNewCheckinDoc configuration entry, the search cache is not updated when new content items are checked in. Even though these items may match the search criteria of a previously cached search, they will not show up in the search results. This is a consequence of the indexer being bypassed. To resolve this issue, either restart the content server or disable the search cache by setting UseSearchCache=false.

  • dConversion: The conversion algorithm is determined by this parameter.

    If the conversion type is not Passthru or NoConversion (default value) and the content is not web-viewable or has a publish state, the content gets added to the queue to get converted. Otherwise, the server looks for the web-viewable (if applicable) and the vault file and updates the processing state to say that the file has already been converted.

    If the file mime-type is application/FDF, the server sets the conversion to exchange-fdf.

  • dCreateDate: The date the content item was created. By default, this is the current date.

  • dFormat: The formatting process used to create the web-viewable version of the content item. For example, application/hcsf or application/doc.

  • dInDate: The release date. By default, this is the current date. If the content release date (dInDate) is not specified, the creation date (dCreateDate) is used. This value is auto generated if it is not supplied.

  • dOutDate: The expiration date. By default, this is blank and does not specify an expiration date. If the content expiration date (dOutDate) is not entered, the value remains empty. This is a valid state.

  • dProjectID: The Content Publisher project ID generated by Content Server.

  • dPublishType: The publish type (used with content created by Content Publisher). These values can be assigned:

    • H - Home

    • N - Navigation

    • S - Query results pages

    • P - Pages

    • G - Gallery Graphics

    • C - Contributor embedded graphics

    • O - All others

  • dRendition: Used to specify an additional rendition of the content item.

  • dRevClassID: The revision class ID.

  • dRevisionLabel: The revision label for the content item. If set, the label is used to locate the specified revision.

  • IsAutoNumber: This is a configuration entry but can be specified as a parameter. If the configuration variable IsAutoNumber is set to true, the Content ID (dDocName) is generated by concatenating the auto prefix with the revision class ID (dRevClassID, the counter of uniquely differentiated content items), pre-filled with leading zeroes to be six digits long. Auto numbering is not performed if the Content ID (dDocName) is already specified.

  • webViewableFile: If a content item has a web-viewable file associated with it, the conversion format is the format of the web-viewable file (the parameter webViewableFile:format) and the extension is the web-viewable file's extension (the parameter dWebExtension). Otherwise, the extension and file format are determined by the parameters dExtension and dFormat, respectively. The user can override the file format and extension by setting these additional parameters.

  • Optional custom fields: Custom metadata fields that are not required can also be specified.


  • Local Data:

    • dAction

    • dActionDate

    • dClbraName

    • dConversion (If refinery-processes, contains information about what conversion occurred.)

    • dCreateDate

    • dDocAccount

    • dDocAuthor

    • dDocID

    • dDocName

    • dDocTitle

    • dDocType

    • dExtension

    • dFileSize

    • dFormat

    • dID: Internal reference to ID for the new content item.

    • dInDate

    • dIsWebFormat

    • dIsPrimary

    • dLocation

    • dOriginalName

    • dOutDate

    • dpAction

    • dpEvent

    • dProcessingState

    • dPublishState

    • dPublishType

    • dRawDocID

    • dReleaseState

    • dRevClassID

    • dRevisionID

    • dRevLabel

    • dRevRank

    • dSecurityGroup

    • dStatus

    • dUser

    • dWorkflowState

    • isDocProfileUsed

    • isEditMode

    • isNew

    • isStatusChanged

    • prevReleaseState

    • primaryFile

    • StatusCode

    • StatusMessage

    • VaultfilePath

    • WebfilePath

    • xClbraAliasList

    • xClbraUserList

    • Plus any custom metadata related to the item checked in

  • Response Templates:

    • REDIRECT_TEMPLATE (redirect_template.htm)

    • Default redirect service: CHECKIN_CONFIRM_FORM

Used By

  • Resource Includes: std_doc_page_definitions


dDocTitle=test information


Service that returns the check-in form for a new content item in a browser. The most likely error is when the content item was not properly defined.

Access Level: Write, Global, Scriptable (50)

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates//std_services.htm


  • ResultSets:

    • DocFormats (dFormat, dConversion, dDescription)

    • DocTypes (dDocType, dDescription, dGif)

  • Response Template: CHECKIN_NEW_FORM (checkin_new.htm)

Used By

  • Applets:

    • Repository Manager

    • Workflow Admin

    • User Admin

    • Configuration Manager

  • Resource Includes:

    • pne_nav_management_links

    • pne_nav_bookmark_links

    • calculate_doc_profile_urls

    • std_doc_man_pages

  • Standard Navigation:

    • commonNav.js

    • commonBundle.js


SubService that checks in a new content item revision. Depending on which service calls this SubService, other validation is done, such as determining if this content item belongs in a criteria workflow. Also includes computing of derived fields, adding of renditions, and initiation of refinery processing. A security check against group and account may need to be performed before executing this SubService.

Access Level: SubService (N/A)

Inputs: All standard required fields for content checkin must be provided, plus any optional content metadata.

Queries Executed:

  • QnextRevID

  • UnextRevID

  • Irevision

  • Imeta

  • Idocument

  • IdocHistory

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates//std_services.htm


  • Local Data:

    • dAction

    • dActionDate

    • dClbraName

    • dConversion

    • dCreateDate

    • dDocAccount

    • dDocAuthor

    • dDocID

    • dDocName

    • dDocTitle

    • dDocType

    • dExtension

    • dFileSize

    • dFormat

    • dID

    • dInDate

    • dIsPrimary

    • dIsWebFormat

    • dLocation

    • dOriginalName

    • dOutDate

    • dpAction

    • dpEvent

    • dProcessingState

    • dPublishState

    • dPublishType

    • dRawDocID

    • dReleaseState

    • dRevClassID

    • dRevisionID

    • dRevLabel

    • dRevRank

    • dSecurityGroup

    • dStatus

    • dUser

    • dWorkflowState

    • isDocProfileUsed

    • isEditMode

    • isNew

    • isStatusChanged

    • prevReleaseState

    • primaryFile

    • StatusCode

    • StatusMessage

    • VaultfilePath

    • xClbraAliasList

    • xClbraUserList

    • WebfilePath

    • Plus any custom metadata related to the item checked in

Used By

  • Services: CHECKIN_NEW


Service that checks in a revision to an existing content item. This calls the CHECKIN_SEL_SUB SubService.

Access Level: Write (2)

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

  • The content item must be checked out for this service to execute.

  • If the content item is in a workflow, the user must be a reviewer/contributor for the current step.

  • A user must have Admin permission to the content item's security settings to change the security group (dSecurityGroup), account (dDocAccount), or author (dDocAuthor).

  • If metafile generation is enabled (by setting the AllowPrimaryMetaFile or AllowAlternateMetaFile environment variables, or both) and the metafile generation variables (createPrimaryMetaFile and createAlternateMetaFile) are true, a real file cannot be associated with the current content item. Only one metafile can be associated with a content item. If createPrimaryMetaFile is true, createAlternateMetaFile must be false and vice-versa.

  • The content item cannot be in the published state.

  • The current user must be the Author of the content item or have Admin permission to check in a revision.

  • The most likely error is when the content item is no longer in the system.

  • This service executes the SubService CHECKIN_SEL_SUB. This SubService checks in a revision to a content item.

  • To disallow the check in of empty files, set the following: ValidatePrimaryFileNotEmpty=1

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dDocName: The Content ID for the content item.

    • If Content ID auto generation is enabled, this parameter is not required. If dDocName is defined, it overrides the auto generated Content ID.

    • The Content ID cannot contain spaces or invalid characters ;/ \?:@&=+"#%<>*~|[ ].

  • dDocAuthor: The content item author (contributor).

  • dDocTitle: The content item title.

  • dDocType: The content item Type.

  • dID: The generated content item revision ID.

  • dRevLabel: The content item revision label.

  • dSecurityGroup: The security group such as Public or Secure.

  • dDocAccount: The account for the content item. Required only if accounts are enabled.

  • primaryFile: The absolute path to the location of the file as seen from the server. Use the slash as the file separator. A primary file must be specified unless checking in metadata only. If an alternate file is specified with the primary file, the content refinery converts the alternate file. Otherwise, the primary file is converted.

    • If a primary file is not specified, you can use a metafile in its place. Only one metafile can exist for each content item (a primary AND alternate meta file cannot coexist).

    • If both a primary and alternate file is specified, their extensions must be different.

    • doFileCopy: 1 (true): The file is not deleted from the hard drive after checkin. 0 (false): The file is removed from the hard drive after checkin.

  • Required custom fields: Custom metadata fields that are required must also be specified.

Optional Service Parameters

  • alternateFile: The alternate file for conversion.

  • Only one metafile can exist for each content item (a primary AND alternate meta file cannot coexist.)

    • If an alternate file is specified with the primary file, the content refinery converts the alternate file. Otherwise, the primary file is converted.

  • createAlternateMetaFile: To enable alternate metafile generation, the AllowAlternateMetaFile environment value must be set to true and the parameter createAlternateMetaFile must be set to true.

  • createPrimaryMetaFile: To enable primary metafile generation, the AllowPrimaryMetaFile environment value must be set to true and the parameter createPrimaryMetaFile must be set to true.

  • dConversion: The conversion algorithm is determined by the parameter dConversion.

If the conversion type is not Passthru or NoConversion (default value) and the content is not web-viewable or has a publish state, the content gets added to the queue to get converted. Otherwise, the server looks for the web-viewable (if applicable) and the vault file and updates the processing state to say that the file has already been converted.

  • If the file mime-type is application/FDF, the server sets the conversion to exchange-fdf.

  • dCreateDate: The date the content item was created. By default, this is the current date.

  • dFormat: The formatting process used to create the web-viewable version of the content. For example, application/hcsf or application/doc.

  • dInDate: The content release date. The date the content item is to be released to the Web. By default, this is the current date. If the content release date (dInDate) is not specified, the creation date (dCreateDate) is used. This value is auto generated if it is not supplied.

  • dOutDate: The content expiration date. By default, this is blank and does not specify an expiration date. If the content expiration date (dOutDate) is not entered, the value remains empty. This is a valid state.

  • dProjectID: The Content Publisher project ID generated by Content Server.

  • dPublishState: The publish state. If the content item exists in the system dPublishState must be empty.

  • dPublishType: The publish type (used with content created by Content Publisher). These values can be assigned:

    • H - Home

    • N - Navigation

    • S - Query results pages

    • P - Pages

    • G - Gallery Graphics

    • C - Contributor embedded graphics

    • O - All others

  • dRevClassID: The revision class ID.

  • AutoNumberPrefix: This is a configuration entry but can be specified as a parameter. The auto prefix script is evaluated after the revision class ID is generated and before metadata validation.

  • IsAutoNumber: This is a configuration entry but can be specified as a parameter. If the configuration variable IsAutoNumber is set to true, the Content ID (dDocName) is generated by concatenating the auto prefix with the revision class ID (dRevClassID, the counter of uniquely differentiated content items), pre-filled with leading zeroes to be six digits long. Auto numbering is not performed if the Content ID (dDocName) is already specified.

  • IsWorkflowInfo: This is a configuration entry but can be specified as a parameter. If set to true, this entry checks for workflow information and checks allowable actions for the workflow steps.

  • webViewableFile: If a content item has a web-viewable file associated with it, the conversion format is the format of the web-viewable file (the parameter webViewableFile:format) and the extension is the web-viewable file's extension (the parameter dWebExtension). Otherwise, the extension and file format are determined by the parameters dExtension and dFormat, respectively. The user can override the file format and extension by setting these additional parameters.

  • RedirectUrl: Used to display another page after a topic file has been changed. If omitted, the user is redirected to the Content Server home page.

  • Optional custom fields: Custom metadata fields that are not required can also be specified.


  • Local Data:

    • dConversion: If refinery-processed, this contains information about what conversion occurred.

    • dID: Internal reference ID for the new content item.

    • IsWorkflow: Returns 1 (true) if item entered workflow upon checkin.

  • Response Templates:

    • REDIRECT_TEMPLATE (redirect_template.htm)

    • Default redirect service: CHECKIN_CONFIRM_FORM

Used By

  • Resource Includes: std_doc_page_definitions


dDocTitle=my test


Service that returns the check-in form for a content item revision in a browser. It loads the current content information for the item. The form page is displayed with old metadata information.

The most likely error is when the content item is no longer in the system, information about the content item cannot be found, or when the system is unable to check revision properties.

Access Level: Write, Scriptable (34)

Queries Executed: QdocID, Qrevisions, QdocInfo

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dID: The generated content item revision ID.

Optional Service Parameters

  • dDocName

  • dWfName


  • ResultSets:

    • DOC_INFO (all fields from Revisions and DocMeta for the specified revision)

    • DocFormats (dFormat, dConversion, dDescription)

    • DocTypes (dDocType, dDescription, dGif)

  • Local Data:

    • CurRevCheckoutUser

    • CurRevID

    • CurRevIsCheckedOut

    • dDocAccount

    • dDocAuthor

    • dDocName

    • defaultAccount

    • dID

    • DocUrl

    • dPublishState

    • dReleaseState

    • dRevClassID

    • dRevLabel

    • dSecurityGroup

    • dStatus

    • dUser

    • dWorkflowState

    • isCurRevEmpty

    • IsNotLatestRev

    • IsWorkflow

    • latestID

    • Plus all DocMeta fields

  • Response Template: CHECKIN_SEL_FORM (checkin_sel.htm)

Used By

  • Resource Includes:

    • classic_info_page_content

    • workflow_action_popup

    • checkin_list_action_popup

    • legacy_checked_out_content_table

    • workflow_doc_action_links

    • docinfo_checkin_similar_option

    • setup_checked_out_content_action_popups

    • wf_reviewer_doc_action_links

  • Templates:

    • CHECKOUT_OK (chkook.htm)

    • WORKFLOW_REVIEW_FORM (workflow_review_form.htm)




SubService used if a content item being checked in already exists, is checked out, or if it is not in a workflow.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Service that returns the check-in form for a new content item in a browser, with metadata from a similar content item filled in. The most likely error is when the content item was not properly defined.

Access Level: Write, Global, Scriptable (50)

Queries Executed: QdocInfoSimilarCheckin

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


  • ResultSets:

    • DOC_INFO_SIMILAR (dDocTitle, dDocType, dSecurityGroup, dDocAccount for the specified revision)

    • DocFormats (dFormat, dConversion, dDescription)

    • DocTypes (dDocType, dDescription, dGif)

  • Local Data:

    • dDocAccount

    • dDocType

    • dSecurityGroup

  • Response Template: CHECKIN_NEW_FORM (checkin_new.htm)

Used By

  • Resource Includes:

    • search_results_action_popup

    • docinfo_checkin_similar_option

    • doc_file_checkin_similar

    • setup_search_results_action_popups

  • Templates: CHECKIN_CONFIRM (checkin_confirm.htm)


Service that performs an Content Server controlled checkin.

Access Level: Write (2)

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

  • This service sends the check-in request to one of the following SubServices, which are the same SubServices called during checkin through the browser or Repository Manager application. (These SubServices are not called during a Batch Loader or Archive import.)

    • CHECKIN_NEW_SUB - If the content item does not exist in the server. This SubService validates the check-in data and determines if this content item belongs to a criteria workflow.

    • CHECKIN_SEL_SUB - If the content item exists on the system, the content item is checked out, and the content item is not in a workflow.

    • WORKFLOW_CHECKIN_SUB - If the content item exists and is in a workflow.

  • This service checks security to determine if the user has sufficient permission to check in the content item.

  • Determines if the content item is new or already exists in the system by querying the database using the Content ID (dDocName) as the key.

  • If the content item exists in the system, the publish state (dPublishState) must be empty.

  • If the item exists and is checked out, a new revision is checked in.

  • The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or when the content item was not successfully checked in.


    All paths use the slash (/) as the file separator. This is because the backslash (\) is an escape character. For example, primaryFile=d:/temp/myfile.txt.

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dDocName: The Content ID for the content item.

    • If Content ID auto generation is enabled, this parameter is not required.

    • If dDocName is specified and exists in the Content Server system, a revision is checked in. If dDocName is specified and does not exist in the Content Server, a new content item is checked in.

    • The Content ID cannot contain spaces or invalid characters ;/ \?:@&=+"#%<>*~|[ ].

  • dDocAuthor: The content item author (contributor).

  • dDocTitle: The content item title.

  • dDocType: The content item type.

  • dSecurityGroup: The security group such as Public or Secure.

  • dDocAccount: The account for the content item. Required only if accounts are enabled.

  • primaryFile: The absolute path to the location of the file as seen from the server. Use the slash as the file separator. A primary file must be specified unless checking in metadata only. If an alternate file is specified with the primary file, the content refinery converts the alternate file. Otherwise, the primary file is converted.

    • If a primary file is not specified, you can use a metafile in its place. Only one metafile can exist for each content item (a primary AND alternate meta file cannot coexist).

    • If both a primary and alternate file is specified, their extensions must be different.

    • doFileCopy: 1 (true): The file is not deleted from the hard drive after checkin. 0 (false): The file is removed from the hard drive after checkin.

  • Required custom fields: Custom metadata fields that are required must also be specified.

  • Optional Service Parameters

  • alternateFile: The alternate file for conversion.

  • Only one metafile can exist for each content item (a primary AND alternate meta file cannot coexist.)

    • If an alternate file is specified with the primary file, the content refinery converts the alternate file. Otherwise, the primary file is converted.

  • dCreateDate: The date the content item was created. By default, this is the current date.

  • dInDate: The content release date. The date the content item is to be released to the Web. By default, this is the current date. If the content release date (dInDate) is not specified, the creation date (dCreateDate) is used. This value is auto generated if it is not supplied.

  • dOutDate: The content expiration date. By default, this is blank and does not specify an expiration date. If the content expiration date (dOutDate) is not entered, the value remains empty. This is a valid state.

  • dRevLabel: The revision label for the content item. If set, the label is used to locate the specified revision. If a revision label (dRevLabel) is specified, this service checks if the content revision exists in the system; an exception is thrown if it exists.

  • isFinished: Set to true (1) if this is a workflow checkin and you have finished editing it.

  • For additional information, see WORKFLOW_CHECKIN.


    Do not confuse the Content ID (dDocName) with the internal content item revision identifier (dID). The dID is a generated reference to a specific rendition of a content item.


  • Local Data:

    • dConversion: If refinery-processed, contains information about what conversion occurred.

    • dID: Internal reference ID for the new content item.

    • IsWorkflow: Returns 1 (true) if item entered workflow upon checkin.

Used By

  • Resource Includes: std_doc_page_definitions

  • Other:

    • SoapCustom:Esdl:CheckIn:Services

    • SoapCustom:Wsdl:Workflow:Services


  • IdcCommand command file format:

    dDocTitle=Advertising Sales
    # If this is a workflow check-in and you have finished editing it, mark it as finished.
    #Required depending on configuration
    #Optional fields:
    #Custom metadata fields:
  • HDA format (check in the content item myDocName):

    @Properties LocalData
    dDocTitle=My document title


Service that checks out the latest revision of a content item from a browser.

  • The service fails if the content item does not exist in the system, if the content item is already checked out, or if the user does not have sufficient permission to check out the content item.

  • The most likely error is when the content no longer exists in the system or when the system is unable to retrieve revision information.

  • This service executes the SubService CHECKOUT_SUB. This SubService checks out a content item revision.

Access Level: Write, Scriptable (34)

Calls Subservice: CHECKOUT_SUB

Queries Executed:

  • QdocID

  • Qrevisions

  • QdocInfo

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


This service only marks the content item as locked. It does not perform a download.

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dID: The generated content item revision ID.

Optional Service Parameters

  • dDocTitle: The content item title.

  • RedirectUrl: Used to display another page. If omitted, the user is redirected to the Content Server home page.


  • Local Data:

    • CurRevCheckoutUser

    • CurRevIsCheckedOut

    • CurRevID

    • dAction

    • dActionDate

    • dActionMillis

    • dCheckoutUser

    • dClbraName

    • dDocName

    • dIsCheckedOut

    • dPublishState

    • dReleaseState

    • dRevClassID

    • dRevLabel

    • dSecurityGroup

    • dStatus

    • dWorkflowState

    • isCurRevEmpty

    • isFinished

    • IsNotLatestRev

    • IsWorkflow

    • latestID

    • prevReleaseState

    • RedirectParams

    • wfAction

  • Response Templates:

    • REDIRECT_TEMPLATE (redirect_template.htm)

    • Default redirect service: CHECKOUT_OK

Used By

  • Applets:

    • Repository Manager

    • Workflow Administrator

  • Resource Includes:

    • classic_search_result_item_checkout

    • clbra_active_doc_display

    • doc_file_checkout

    • docinfo_checkout_form

    • searchapi_result_table_content_end

    • search_results_action_popup

    • setup_search_results_action_popups

    • wf_reviewer_doc_action_links

    • wips_list_action_popup

    • workflow_action_popup

    • workflow_doc_action_links

    • workflow_docs_table

    • workflow_in_queue_table

    • work_in_progress_table

  • Template: WORKFLOW_REVIEW_FORM (workflow_review_form.htm)

  • Other: SoapCustom:Wsdl:CheckIn:Services


  • IdcCommand command file format:

  • HDA format with optional parameter:

    @Properties LocalData
    dDocTitle=Sample Title


Service that checks out a content item from an applet or application.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

  • The service fails if the content item does not exist in the system, if the content item is already checked out, or if the user does not have sufficient permission to check out the content item.

  • The most likely error is a content item name not in the system.

  • This service executes the SubService CHECKOUT_SUB. This SubService checks out a content item revision.


    This service only marks the content item as locked. It does not perform a download.

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dDocName: The Content ID of the content item.

Optional Service Parameters

  • dDocTitle: The content item title.


  • IdcCommand command file format:

  • HDA format with optional parameter:

    @Properties LocalData
    dDocTitle=Just a title


Called as a redirect service by the service(s) that check out a content item from a browser and display a checkout confirmation page.

Access Level: Write, Scriptable (34)

Queries Executed: QdocInfo

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

  • The most likely error is when the revision no longer exists or when the system is unable to retrieve revision information.

  • This service executes the SubService CHECKOUT_SUB. This SubService checks out a content item revision.

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dID: The generated content item revision ID.

  • CurRevCheckoutUser: The user who checked out the item.

Optional Service Parameters

  • CurRevID: The ID of the current revision, usually the same as dID.


  • ResultSets: DOC_INFO (All Fields from Revisions and DocMeta for the specified version.)

  • Response Template: CHECKOUT_OK (chkook.htm)

Used By

  • Other: Redirect service for CHECKOUT, CHECKOUT_BY_NAME




SubService that checks out a content item revision. Requires that the binder contain a result set named DOC_INFO that contains the results of QdocInfo (or equivalent) for the most recent version of a content item.

Access Level: SubService (N/A)

Queries Executed:


  • IdocHistory

  • UcheckoutRevision

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


  • Local Data:

    • CurRevCheckoutUser

    • dAction

    • dActionDate

    • dActionMillis

    • dCheckoutUser

    • dClbraName

    • dIsCheckedOut

    • hasUserAccessChanged

    • isCurRevEmpty

    • isFinished

    • IsNotLatestRev

    • prevReleaseState

    • wfAction

Used By

  • Services:



    • FORM_PROCESS (indirectly through the processForm method)


Service that completes a checkin that was started with the CACHE_CHECKIN_NEW or CACHE_CHECKIN_SEL service.

After a preview has been performed and the check-in data is cached the user can decide to finish or continue the checkin using this service.

The cached data must be provided to this service to perform a successful checkin. Filters are provided to customize the cache and check-in behavior.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dDocName: The Content ID for the content item.


Service that completes a checkin that was started with the CACHE_SUBMIT_HTML_FORM service.

After a preview has been performed and the check-in data is cached the user can decide to finish or continue the checkin using this service.

The cached data must be provided to this service to perform a successful checkin. Filters are provided to customize the cache and check-in behavior.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dDocName: The Content ID for the content item.


Service that copies one document revision, creating a new rev class from it. Most of the document metadata from the original revision will be carried over. The caller can also overwrite any metadata value by setting it in the request parameters.

The user only needs READ permissions to the original document revision. However, because the new revision inherits the metadata of the original, new security metadata values must be set if the user does not have WRITE permissions to the original revision.

This service assumes that GetCopyAccess is set to TRUE in the Content Server configuration.

Service Class: DocService

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Required Service Parameters

  • dID: (integer) The ID of the document revision to copy.

  • dDocName: The content ID of the document revision to copy. Used for nice error messages.

Optional Service Parameter

  • newDocName: The dDocName of the new rev class. If this is not specified and auto-numbering is enabled, a dDocName will be generated automatically.


  • ResultSets:

    • NewDocInfo: Information about the newly created document.

    • OriginalDocInfo: Information about the original document that was copied.


Service that creates a new subscription type. The most likely error is when the subscription type name is not unique.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • scpType: The subscription type.

  • scpDescription: The subscription description.

  • scpEnabled: 1 (true): Subscription notifications are enabled. 0 (false): Subscription notifications are disabled.

  • scpFields: The metadata fields that define the subscription criteria. For example, dDocAuthor, dDocType.


scpDescription=testing the subscription


SubService used to delete content items based on specific parameters.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


SubService used to delete content items based on specific parameters.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


SubService used to delete content items based on specific parameters.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


SubService used to delete content items based on specific parameters.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Service that deletes the entire content item and all revisions. The user must have permission to delete the content item. The most likely error is when the content item no longer exists in the system.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dID: The generated content item ID.

  • dDocName: The documentID for the document; the actual content ID.




Service that deletes an existing content item revision from a browser. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters, when the content item no longer exists in the system, or when the content item is part of a workflow.

Access Level: Read, Write (3)


Queries Executed: QdocInfo

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dID: The generated content item revision ID.


  • ResultSets: DOC_INFO (All fields from Revisions and DocMeta for the specified revision.)

  • Local Data:

    • Content Server:

      • currentReleaseState

      • dAction (returns 'Delete Revision')

      • dReleaseState

      • isAllRevisionsDeleted (returns true when the last revision of an item is deleted)

      • isCurRevEmpty

      • newReleaseState

      • prevID

    • If the item being deleted is currently in a workflow, the operation fails and the following workflow info is returned:

      • dWfCurrentStepID

      • dWfDocState

      • dWfID

      • dWfName

      • dWfStatus

      • dWfStepDescription

      • dWfStepID

      • dWfStepIsAll

      • dWfStepName

      • dWfStepType

      • dWfStepWeight

      • dWfType

      • dWorkflowState

      • IsWorkflow

      • wfStepCheckinType

  • Response Templates:

    • REDIRECT_TEMPLATE (redirect_template.htm)

    • Default redirect service: DOC_INFO

Used By

  • Resource Includes:

    • delete_rev_form

    • delete_revision_form




Service that deletes an existing content item revision from an applet or application. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters, when the content item no longer exists n the system, or when the content item is part of a workflow.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dID: The generated content item revision ID.




Service that deletes an existing subscription type. The most likely error is a subscription type that is not in the system.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • scpType: The subscription type.




Service that retrieves content item format extensions. Used to load the content item configuration information and set the default content item format extension.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

4.3.36 DOC_INFO

Service that retrieves content item information for a specific revision of a content item. It returns all metadata associated with that revision of the content item. The most likely errors are when the content item no longer exists in the system or when the user does not have the security level to perform this action.

Limited information is provided for other revisions through the REVISION_HISTORY result set.

This service returns subscription information and workflow information if the item is in workflow.

Access Level: Read, Scriptable (33)

Queries Executed:

  • QdocInfo

  • QdocFormats

  • QisSubscribed

  • QrevHistory

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dID: The content item revision ID.

  • dDocName: The content item ID.

Optional Service Parameters

  • includeFileRenditionsInfo: This parameter is set to false by default. Set it to true on request to obtain the RENDITIONS_INFO table and the Renditions table in the result set.


  • ResultSets:

    • DOC_INFO (all fields from Revisions and DocMeta for the specified revision)

    • REVISION_HISTORY (dFormat, dInDate, dOutDate, dStatus, dProcessingState, dRevLabel, dID, dDocName, dRevisionID for all non-deleted revisions)

    • If item is in workflow: WF_INFO (all fields from Workflows and WorkflowDocuments for the specified revision)

    • RENDITIONS_INFO: This result set is returned if includeFileRenditionsInfo = 1. It contains data about all the renditions for a content item. It has the following columns:

      • rendition: This column contains any of the following values:

        primary: Indicates the row for the checked-in file.

        web: Indicates the row for the web-viewable file.

        rendition:<dRendition1 flag>: Indicates the type of rendition in dRendition1.

        rendition:<dRendition2 flag>: Indicates the type of rendition in dRendition2.

      • isExtRendition: Indicates if the rendition is an attachment (it is false for the core rows, that is, for primary, web, rendition:<dRendition1 flag>, and rendition:<dRendition2 flag> rows; otherwise, it is true).

      • isAvailable: This field is always true.

      • isStaticAvailable: This field has no relevance for core renditions (when isExtRendition = 0, it is false for the core rows, that is, for primary, web, rendition:<dRendition1 flag>, and rendition:<dRendition2 flag> rows). This field checks if a static URL is available for the renditions listed under rendition or attachments. It is true if the rendition exists on the file system, and it is false if the rendition is not on the file system.

    • Renditions: This result set is returned if includeFileRenditionsInfo = 1. It contains data from the Manifest table and MediaRenditions table that are accessible to the Application Development Framework (ADF) UI. The Renditions table has the following columns:

      • rendName: The rendition name. This field is localized when it is possible.

      • rendDescription: Provides a description of the rendition when the rendition is defined. This field is localized when it is possible. Video renditions do not use this field.

      • rendType: Indicates the type of rendition. There are four static types of renditions:

        primary: The checked-in file.

        web: The web-viewable file.

        dc: Follows the dynamic conversion (dc) rules in the native UI. Configure DynamicConveter for this field to appear.

        video: A rendition is considered to be a video if it is listed in the MediaRenditions table or if it matches extRenditionType from the manifest.

      • rendUrl: The absolute URL to the rendition.

      • rendFormat: The format of the rendition, for example, mime-type.

      • rendFileSize: The file size of the rendition.

      • rendImgDimensions: The dimensions of an image rendition in the h x w format.

      • rendImgResolution: The resolution of an image rendition in the nnn dpi format.

      • rendVidFrameRate: The frame rate of a video rendition in the nn fps format.

      • rendVidDuration: The length in time of a video rendition rounded off to the nearest second, for example, 14 seconds, 1 minute 10 seconds, and so on.

      • rendVidBitrate: The bit rate of a video rendition in the nn bps format.

      • rendParams: Contains a copy of the MediaRenditions.mediaRendParams field for a video or a copy of the manifest.extRenditionParams field for an image.


        Each rendition may not use all the fields listed in the Renditions table, and the fields not used by a rendition are marked Not Applicable.

  • Local Data:

    • Content Server:

      • AuthorAddress

      • dDocFormats

      • dDocTitle

      • dID

      • DocUrl

      • dStatus

      • dSubscriptionAlias

      • dSubscriptionID

      • dSubscriptionType

      • dUser

    • If item is in workflow:

      • dWfCurrentStepID

      • dWfDocState

      • dWfID

      • dWfName

      • dWfStatus

      • wfStepCheckinType

      • dWfStepDescription

      • dWfStepID

      • dWfStepIsAll

      • dWfStepName

      • dWfStepType

      • dWfStepWeight

      • dWfType

      • IsWorkflow

  • String: DocURL (the full URL to the weblayout file associated with this revision)

  • Response Template: DOC_INFO (doc_info.htm)

Used By

  • Resource Includes:

    • checkin_list_action_popup

    • checkin_multiuploadapplet_processing_functions

    • classic_doc_rev_info

    • clbra_active_doc_display

    • clbra_wf_doc_list

    • dam_result_table_content_row

    • doc_info_action_image

    • docinfo_page_title

    • doc_rev_info

    • doc_revisions_table

    • email_docinfo_body_by_id

    • email_docinfo_body_by_name

    • legacy_basic_subscriptions_table

    • legacy_checked_out_content_table

    • legacy_expired_content_table

    • legacy_work_in_progress_table

    • my_view_result_table_cells

    • searchapi_result_doc_href_start

    • searchapi_result_table_content_end

    • search_result_info_button

    • search_results_action_popup

    • setup_checked_out_content_action_popups

    • setup_search_results_action_popups

    • setup_subscription_action_popups

    • setup_work_in_progress_action_popups

    • slim_result_table_content_row

    • subscription_action_popup

    • trays_search_result_section

    • wf_in_queue_display

    • wf_reviewer_mail_link

    • wips_list_action_popup

  • Templates:

    • CHECKIN_CONFIRM (checkin_confirm.htm)

    • DOCUMENT_PROBLEMREPORTS (doc_problemreports.htm)

    • DOC_SUB_LIST (doc_sub_list.htm)

    • PR_CONTRIBUTOR_MAIL (pr_contributor_mail.htm)

    • PROBLEMREPORT_INFO (pr_info.htm)

    • QUERY_NOTIFICATION (query_notification_mail.htm)

    • SUBSCRIPTION_MAIL (subscription_mail.htm)

    • WORKFLOW_REVIEW_FORM (workflow_review_form.htm)

    • WORKFLOW_REVIEW_FRAMES (workflow_review_frames.htm)

  • Other:

    • Link in LC Variable: wwCommentOnRevision

    • SoapCustom:Wsdl:DocInfo:Services

    • SoapCustom:Wsdl:DocInfo:Service:DocInfoByID:ResponseParams

    • SoapCustom:Wsdl:DocInfo:Service:DocInfoByName:ResponseParams

    • SoapCustom:Wsdl:GetFile:Service:GetFileByID:ResponseParams

  • Redirect service for:










Service that retrieves information about the latest revision of a content item based on the content ID (the dDocName) as a parameter rather than the revision-specific dID parameter, which is required by the DOC_INFO service. The RevisionSelectionMethod parameter can be set to specific to return information about a specific revision.

By default, this service returns information for the latest revision, whether it is released or not. An item is not released until it is out of workflow. Results returned for a given revision are identical to those of the DOC_INFO service.

Access Level: Read, Scriptable (33)

Queries Executed:

  • QdocInfo

  • QdocFormats

  • QisSubscribed

  • QrevHistory

  • QlatestIDByName (if RevisionSelectionMethod is empty or 'Latest')

  • QlatestReleasedIDByName (if RevisionSelectionMethod is 'LatestReleased')

Location: ucm_home/shared/config/resources/std_services.htm

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Either the content item name (dDocName) must be specified or a Content ID (dDocName) with the RevisionSelectionMethod parameter must be specified.

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dDocName: The content item name.

Optional Service Parameters

  • RevisionSelectionMethod: Can be set to Latest to retrieve the most recent version, or LatestReleased to retrieve the most recently released version, or Specific (if set to Specific, a dID must be provided). If set to Specific, dID can be used instead of dDocName to point to a specific revision.

  • includeFileRenditionsInfo: This parameter is set to false by default. Set it to true on request to obtain the RENDITIONS_INFO table and the Renditions table in the result set.


  • ResultSets:

    • DOC_INFO (all fields from Revisions and DocMeta for the specified revision)

    • REVISION_HISTORY (dFormat, dInDate, dOutDate, dStatus, dProcessingState, dRevLabel, dID, dDocName, dRevisionID for all non-deleted revisions)

    • If item is in workflow: WF_INFO (all fields from Workflows and WorkflowDocuments for the specified revision)

    • RENDITIONS_INFO: This result set is returned if includeFileRenditionsInfo = 1. It contains data about all the renditions for a content item. It has the following columns:

      • rendition: This column contains any of the following values:

        primary: Indicates the row for the checked-in file.

        web: Indicates the row for the web-viewable file.

        rendition:<dRendition1 flag>: Indicates the type of rendition in dRendition1.

        rendition:<dRendition2 flag>: Indicates the type of rendition in dRendition2.

      • isExtRendition: Indicates if the rendition is an attachment (it is false for the core rows, that is, for primary, web, rendition:<dRendition1 flag>, and rendition:<dRendition2 flag> rows; otherwise, it is true).

      • isAvailable: This field is always true.

      • isStaticAvailable: This field has no relevance for core renditions (when isExtRendition = 0, it is false for the core rows, that is, for primary, web, rendition:<dRendition1 flag>, and rendition:<dRendition2 flag> rows). This field checks if a static URL is available for the renditions listed under rendition or attachments. It is true if the rendition exists on the file system, and it is false if the rendition is not on the file system.

    • Renditions: This result set is returned if includeFileRenditionsInfo = 1. It contains data from the Manifest table and MediaRenditions table that are accessible to the Application Development Framework (ADF) UI. The Renditions table has the following columns:

      • rendName: The rendition name. This field is localized when it is possible.

      • rendDescription: Provides a description of the rendition when the rendition is defined. This field is localized when it is possible. Video renditions do not use this field.

      • rendType: Indicates the type of rendition. There are four static types of renditions:

        primary: The checked-in file.

        web: The web-viewable file.

        dc: Follows the dynamic conversion (dc) rules in the native UI. Configure DynamicConveter for this field to appear.

        video: A rendition is considered to be a video if it is listed in the MediaRenditions table or if it matches extRenditionType from the manifest.

      • rendUrl: The absolute URL to the rendition.

      • rendFormat: The format of the rendition, for example, mime-type.

      • rendFileSize: The file size of the rendition.

      • rendImgDimensions: The dimensions of an image rendition in the h x w format.

      • rendImgResolution: The resolution of an image rendition in the nnn dpi format.

      • rendVidFrameRate: The frame rate of a video rendition in the nn fps format.

      • rendVidDuration: The length in time of a video rendition rounded off to the nearest second, for example, 14 seconds, 1 minute 10 seconds, and so on.

      • rendVidBitrate: The bit rate of a video rendition in the nn bps format.

      • rendParams: Contains a copy of the MediaRenditions.mediaRendParams field for a video or a copy of the manifest.extRenditionParams field for an image.


        Each rendition may not use all the fields listed in the Renditions table, and the fields not used by a rendition are marked Not Applicable.

  • Local Data:

    • Content Server:

      • AuthorAddress

      • dDocFormats

      • dDocTitle

      • dID

      • DocUrl

      • dStatus

      • dSubscriptionAlias

      • dSubscriptionID

      • dSubscriptionType

      • dUser

    • If item is in workflow:

      • dWfStatus

      • dWfCurrentStepID

      • dWfDocState

      • dWfID

      • dWfName

      • dWfStepDescription

      • dWfStepID

      • dWfStepIsAll

      • dWfStepName

      • dWfStepType

      • dWfStepWeight

      • dWfType

      • IsWorkflow

      • wfStepCheckinType

  • Response Template: DOC_INFO (doc_info.htm)

Used By

  • Resource Includes:

    • email_docinfo_body_by_id

    • email_docinfo_body_by_name

    • setup_workflow_action_popups

    • workflow_action_popup

  • Template: PR_PUBLISHER_MAIL (pr_publisher_mail.htm)

  • Other: SoapCustom:Wsdl:DocInfo:Services


Service that retrieves information only for the latest revision of a released content item. If the content item has no released revision, the service returns a StatusCode of -1, with a corresponding StatusMessage value. It only returns the DOC_INFO result set (no revision, workflow, or subscription information). Because it does not have a template it returns only raw data.

The most likely errors are when the content item no longer exists in the system or when the user does not have the security level to perform this action.

Access Level: Read, Scriptable (33)

Queries Executed: QlatestReleasedIDByName, QdocInfo

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dDocName: The document name for the content item.


  • ResultSets: DOC_INFO (All fields from Revisions and DocMeta for the latest released revision.)

  • Local Data:

    • AuthorAddress

    • dDocName

    • dID

    • dUser




Service that returns information about a specific content item without workflow or subscription information. It returns revision information as a simple listing of rows from the Revisions table rather than a specific selection of fields from the Documents and Revisions table. These differences make this service a less expensive operation than the standard DOC_INFO service.

Because it does not have a template it returns only raw data.

Access Level: Read, Scriptable (33)

Queries Executed: QdocInfo, QdocName

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dID: The Content ID for the content item.


  • ResultSets:

    • DOC_INFO (all fields from Revisions and DocMeta for specific revision)

    • DocRevisions (all fields from Revisions for all non-deleted revisions)

  • Local Data:

    • AuthorAddress

    • dID

    • dUser


Service that returns information about a content item based on a revision number. This service differs from others by requiring a combination of Content ID (dDocName) and revision number (dRevLabel) as required parameters. All other revision-specific doc_info services require dID.

This service returns the DOC_INFO result set. DOC_INFO_SIMPLE also returns revision information.

Access Level: Read, Scriptable (33)

Queries Executed: QdocRev, QdocInfo

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dDocName: The document name for the content item.

  • dRevLabel: The revision number for the content item.


  • ResultSets:

    • DOC_INFO (all fields from Revisions and DocMeta for specific revision)

  • Local Data:

    • dUser

    • dRevLabel

    • dID

    • AuthorAddress

    • dDocName


Service that returns a list of content items in a specific subscription.

For criteria-based subscriptions, this returns items matching the criteria. For basic subscriptions, it returns the item with a name that matches the subscription ID.

Access Level: Read, Global, Scriptable (49)

Queries Executed: QuserSubscription

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dSubscriptionID: The subscription ID. For a Basic subscription, this is the Content ID. For a Criteria subscription, this is a comma-delimited list of the values of the criteria fields.

For example, if the criteria fields are Author and Security Group, the value for a Public content item authored by user1 would be Public,user1.

  • dSubscriptionType: The subscription type, either Basic or a custom name. Must be set to Basic for a basic subscription.

Optional Service Parameters

  • dSubscriptionAlias: Use to pass an alias or user name. If set to alias, a valid alias name must be used. If set to user a valid user name is necessary. If an invalid alias or user name is used, an error occurs. If left blank, the value defaults to user and is set to the current user (dUser).

  • dSubscriptionAliasType: Determines what the service expects as a value for dSubscriptionAlias. Valid values are alias or user.

  • unsubscribeService: For response pages (such as the default template for this service) that provide a link that allows the user to unsubscribe, a value must be passed as a parameter. If omitted an error does not appear but the unsubscribe link on the response page produces an error if clicked (the standard value should be UNSUBSCRIBE).

  • subscribeService: Same as unubscribeService parameter except a link to subscribe is provided if the user is not already subscribed to the subscription (the standard value should be SUBSCRIBE).

  • MaxQueryRow: Truncates the number of rows returned for the DOCUMENT_LIST result set.


  • ResultSets:

    • DOCUMENT_LIST: All fields from Revisions and DocMeta for items matching the subscription criteria. This data is returned regardless of whether the user is subscribed to the specified subscription.

    • USER_SUBSCRIPTION: All fields from Subscriptions for the row that assigns the specified subscription to the user/alias. If the user/alias is not subscribed to the specified subscription, the result set is empty.

  • Local Data:

    • dataSource

    • dSubscriptionAlias

    • dSubscriptionAliasType

    • dSubscriptionID

    • dSubscriptionType

    • dUser

    • MaxQueryRows

    • resultName

    • scpDescription

    • scpEnabled

    • whereClause

  • Response Template: DOC_SUB_LIST (doc_sub_list.htm)

Used By

  • Applets: Repository Manager

  • Resource Includes:

    • criteria_subscription_info_image

    • legacy_criteria_subscriptions_table

    • setup_subscription_action_popups

    • subscription_action_popup

  • Templates:

    • SUBSCRIBE_FORM (subscribe_form.htm)

    • UNSUBSCRIBE_FORM (unsubscribe_form.htm)




Service that modifies existing file formats. The service updates content item formats and file extension information. This service is executed in a browser interface by the Inbound Refinery.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dFormat: The formatting process used to create the web-viewable version of the content. For example, application/hcsf or application/doc.

  • dDescription: The format description.

  • dConversion: The conversion algorithm is determined by this parameter.

If the conversion type is not Passthru or NoConversion (default value) and the content is not web-viewable or has a publish state, the content gets added to the queue to get converted. Otherwise, the server looks for the web-viewable (if applicable) and the vault file and updates the processing state to say that the file has already been converted.

If the file mime-type is application/FDF, the server sets the conversion to exchange-fdf.

  • extensions: The file extensions such as doc, txt, or pdf.


dDescription=adding the description


Service that processes a PDF form for submission. This service is called by FORM_SUBMIT. It uses the auto-generated ClientId parameter.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


This service cannot be executed by Idc Command.


Service that submits a PDF form. This service calls the FORM_PROCESS service to process the PDF form before submission.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


This service cannot be executed by Idc Command.


Service used to display the cached data for a cache checkin such as CACHE_CHECKIN_NEW. It is available from the checked-out content listing.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dDocName: The Content ID for the content item.


Service that returns Content Server configuration information. Gets a dump of the server environment form external applications.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Returns the properties information, the security group option list, and these ResultSets:


  • DocMetaDefinition

  • DocTypes

  • DocFormats


  • IdcCommand command file format:

    #Retrieves content item configuration information
  • HDA format:

    @Properties LocalData


Service that returns a list of subscribers to a specific content item.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dDocName: The Content ID for the content item.




Service that returns changes in the DocumentHistory table to be used by cache services and others objectives.

Service Class: DocService

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Optional Service Parameter

  • actionDateGreaterThan: A date in ODBC format used for the query against the DocumentHistory table. Two minutes are automatically subtracted from this date to anticipate clustered servers where the clocks can be slightly misaligned. This parameter defaults to five minutes before the current time


  • ResultSets:

    • HistoryReport: Each row contains information about a document history event: rename, update, move, or delete.


actionDateGreaterThan={ts '2012-11-19 15:58:00.100'}


Service used to retrieve the settings of configuration values for a Content Server environment.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Optional Service Parameters

  • startTime: The time (in milliseconds) that the instance started.


Service used to retrieve a list of expiring and expired items. The optional isExpiredQuery parameter, when set to true, causes the service to list only items that have already expired.

Without this parameter, the list also contains items that are scheduled to expire within the range of dates specified by endDate and startDate. This may include items that have already expired if the start date is earlier than the current system time.

Access Level: Read, Write, Global (18)

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Optional Service Parameters

  • endDate: Items expiring before this date are displayed.

  • isExpiredQuery: Setting this parameter to 1 (true) causes searching for only expired items. If set to true and the end date is unspecified, the current system time is used as a default end date. This lists content that has already expired unless constrained by a specific start date.

  • If set to 0 (false) and the start date is empty, the current system time is used as a default start date. This lists content items that expire in the future, constrained by a specified end date.

In all other situations, empty start or end dates are treated as empty, and no corresponding constraint is imposed upon the query.

  • startDate: Items expiring after this date are displayed.


  • Results Sets: EXPIRED_LIST (All fields from Revisions and DocMeta for expired or expiring items as defined by the dates and isExpiredQuery parameter.)

  • Local Data:

    • dataSource

    • endDate

    • expiredQuery

    • isExpiredQuery

    • isQueryResult

    • MaxQueryRows

    • orderClause

    • resultName

    • startDate

    • userDefinedEndDate

    • userDefinedStartDate

    • whereClause

  • Response Template: EXPIRED_PAGE (expired_page.htm)

Used By

  • Resource Includes:

    • pne_nav_management_links

    • std_doc_man_pages

  • Templates: EXPIRED_PAGE (expired_page.htm)

  • Standard Navigation: commonNav.js


Services used to retrieve the page that initiates the packaging of the environment.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Service used to generate the Info Update Form for an existing content item.

The most likely error is naming a content item that is no longer in the system.

Access Level: Write, Scriptable (34)

Queries Executed: QdocInfo

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dID: The generated content item revision ID.


  • ResultSets:

    • DOC_INFO (all fields from Revisions and DocMeta for the specified revision)

    • DocFormats (all rows and fields of the DocFormats database table)

    • DocTypes (all rows and fields of the DocTypes database table)

  • Local Data:

    • dDocAccount

    • dDocName

    • dDocType

    • defaultAccount

    • dID

    • dSecurityGroup

    • dUser

  • Response Template: UPDATE_DOC_INFO (update_docinfo.htm)




Service used to notify the indexer that work is to be done. This service is not used because normally a checkin notifies the indexer or because the indexer has its own timer, which checks for 'work to do' every five minutes.

This service should only be used if a NO_NOTIFY checkin has been performed and the client application does not want to wait for the normal indexing cycle.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Service used by the ODMA client application to retrieve the content information for the specified content item.

This service is currently not in use.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dID: The unique ID for the item revision.


Service that creates a packaged zip file containing Content Server environment files.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


SubService called to alter document meta information.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


SubService called to replace document meta information.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Service that restores the document revision corresponding to the supplied dID as a new (latest) revision.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Required Service Parameter

  • dID: The document ID of the item to restore as the latest revision.


  • dID: The document ID of the new revision created.

  • dDocName: The document name of the new revision created.

  • dDocTitle: The document title of the new revision created.


Service that resubmits a content item for conversion when it fails the initial conversion attempt. The most likely errors are when the content item no longer exists in the system or when the user does not have the security level to perform this action.

This service can resubmit successful conversions and failed ones.

Access Level: Write (2)

Queries Executed: QdocInfo, QlatestID, Qdocuments

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dID: The generated content item revision ID.

Optional Service Parameters

  • RedirectUrl: URL used for the redirected service.

  • AlwaysResubmit: When set to 1 (true), allows the service to be used on items that were successfully converted. Otherwise the service only operates on failed conversions.


  • Local Data:

    • dConversion

    • dCurRevID

    • dDocID

    • dExtension

    • dFileSize

    • dFormat

    • dID

    • dOriginalName

    • dProcessingState

    • dPublishState

    • dRawDocID

    • dReleaseState

    • dRevClassID

    • dStatus

    • dWorkflowState

    • IsNotLatestRev

    • isStatusChanged

    • prevReleaseState

    • RedirectParams

    • VaultfilePath

    • WebfilePath

    • wfAction

  • Response Template:

    • REDIRECT_TEMPLATE (redirect_template.htm)

    • Default redirect service: DOC_INFO

Used By

  • Applets: Repository Manager

  • Resource Includes:

    • classic_info_page_content

    • docinfo_resubmit_option

    • std_docinfo_error_msg




Service that returns the revision history for a content item revision.

Access Level: Read, Scriptable (33)

Queries Executed: QdocInfo, QrevHistoryReleased

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dID: The generated content item revision ID.


  • ResultSets:

    • DOC_INFO (All fields from Revisions and DocMeta for the specified revision)

    • REVISIONS (Rows listing all the item's released revisions containing the fields: dDocAccount, dDocName, dDocType, dFormat, dID, dInDate, dProcessingState, dReleaseState, dRevLabel, dRevisionID, dSecurityGroup, dStatus, dWebExtension)

  • Local Data: dID

  • Response Template: REV_HISTORY (rev_history.htm)

Used By

  • Resource Includes:

    • classic_search_result_item_revision

    • searchapi_result_table_content_end




Service that returns content item information and evaluates the user security level when selecting a content item using ODMA.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dID: The generated content item revision ID.




Service that submits HCSP or HCSF forms for processing. These are Dynamic Server Pages used to process HTML-based business forms. This service calls the GET_FILE SubService, called with Java code from intradoc.server.FormHandler.retrieveHtmlFormState() method.

Usually the Auto Content ID feature is enabled to submit HTML forms. If not, each submitted form must be assigned a unique Content ID.

The most likely error is an HTML form that does not exist.

Access Level: Write (2)

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dID: The generated content item revision ID. The specified revision must be an HTML form.

Optional Service Parameters

  • RedirectUrl: Used to display another page. If omitted, the user is redirected to the Content Server home page.

  • isFormFinished: Used on HCSP files. If this is set to 1 (true), the HCSP cannot be submitted again.

  • Text fields: You can submit any text field in the form as an optional parameter and pass a value to that field. For example, if the form has a text field called Product, the string value publisher could be assigned to that field (Product=publisher).


  • ResultSets:

    • DocTypes

    • DocFormats

  • Local Data:

    • dDocTitle

    • dID

  • Response Template:

    • null

    • default redirect server (GET_DOC_PAGE: HOME_PAGE)

Used By

  • Resource Includes: std_html_form_submit_start


  • IdcCommand command file format:

  • HDA format with an optional parameter (assigns a value to a text field):

    @Properties LocalData


Service that subscribes a user to a content item or group of items. The most likely errors are when the content item no longer exists in the system or when the user does not have the security level to perform this action. Note that to create a subscription, authentication is required.

Access Level: Read (1)

Queries Executed:

  • QdocInfo

  • QuserSubscription

  • Quser

  • UuserEmail

  • Isubscription

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dID: The generated content item revision ID.

  • dSubscriptionEmail: The e-mail address for the subscription. The service uses the value to overwrite the user's e-mail value in their user profile. If no value is passed for this parameter, the profile not updated. Essentially, every time this service is executed, the user's e-mail address is updated.

  • dSubscriptionType: The subscription type. You can optionally provide the name of a custom subscription. If this parameter is used, the service subscribes the user to a criteria-based subscription where the specified custom subscription's criteria fields match the value of the corresponding metadata of the item specified through the dID parameter. If dSubscriptionType is left blank, the Basic subscription is used by default.

Optional Service Parameters

  • RedirectUrl: Used to display another page. If omitted, the user is redirected to the Content Server home page.


  • Local Data:

    • dID

    • dName

    • dSubscriptionAlias

    • dSubscriptionAliasType

    • dSubscriptionCreateDate

    • dSubscriptionID

    • dSubscriptionType

    • dUser

  • Response Template:

    • DOC_INFO

    • Default redirect service: DOC_INFO

Used By

  • Resource Includes:

    • docinfo_subscription_form

    • doc_subscription_unsubscription

  • Other: SoapCustom:Wsdl:Subscription:Services


These parameters are passed in the browser environment to execute this command:

<input type=hidden name=IdcService value="SUBSCRIBE">
<input type=hidden name=dID value="63">
<input type=hidden name=dSubscriptionType value=my_subscription>
<input type=hidden name=dSubscriptionEmail value=sysadmin@example.com>


Service used in the browser environment when a user subscribes to a content item (builds the subscription page).

This service is executed when a user subscribes to a document (performs a search and clicks Subscribe). If the system has more than one subscription type, the user is redirected to the Subscription page where the user can subscribe to different criteria.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dID: The generated content item revision ID.


    Additional parameters are passed when the user subscribes to the content item (see the following example).


These parameters are passed in the browser environment to execute this command:

<form name=SubscriptionForm action="/cs/idcplg"method="GET"">
<input type=hidden name=dID value="63">
<input type=hidden name=dDocName value="test_000045">
<input type=hidden name=IdcService value="SUBSCRIBE_DOC_USER">
<input type=hidden name=subscribeService value=SUBSCRIBE>
<input type=hidden name=exitUrl value="/cs/idcplg?IdcService=DOC_INFO&dID=63&dDocName=test_000045">
<input type=hidden name=title value="Subscriptions">
<input type=hidden name=unsubscribeService value=UNSUBSCRIBE>
<input type=submit value="Subscriptions">


Service used in Repository Manager to add a user or alias to a subscription. It returns the list of users and aliases subscribed to this type. The most likely error is when the specified subscription alias type or subscription alias does not exist.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dSubscriptionAlias: The alias for the subscription.

  • dSubscriptionAliasType: The type of user. This value must be either user or alias. It refers to the value defined in dSubscriptionAlias.

  • dSubscriptionEmail: The email address for the subscription.

  • dSubscriptionID: The subscription ID.

    • For a Basic subscription, this is the Content ID.

    • For a Criteria subscription, this is a comma-delimited list of the values of the criteria fields.

For example, if the criteria fields are Author and Security Group, the dSubscriptionID parameter value for a Public content item authored by user1 would be Public,user1.

  • dSubscriptionType: Name of the subscription type defined in the applet. A subscription type consists of a list of fields. When subscribing to a subscription type, the user must specify the values for each of the fields that make up the subscription type.

Optional Service Parameters

To return information about who is subscribed, this service requires these parameters:

  • dataSource: The data source.

  • resultName: The ResultSet name.

  • whereClause: The programmatic clause.




Service that retrieves the subscription form used for content item subscriptions.

This service is identical to the UNSUBSCRIBE_FORM service except the template it returns.

Access Level: Read (1)

Queries Executed: QdocInfo, QSubscribed

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dID: The generated content item revision ID.

  • unsubscribeService: For response pages (such as the default template for this service) that provide a link that allows the user to unsubscribe, a value must be passed as a parameter. If omitted an error does not appear but the unsubscribe link on the response page produces an error if clicked (the standard value should be UNSUBSCRIBE).

  • subscribeService: Same as unubscribeService parameter except a link to subscribe is provided if the user is not already subscribed to the subscription (the standard value should be SUBSCRIBE).


  • ResultSets:

    • DOC_INFO (All fields from Revisions and DocMeta for the revision specified by dID)

    • SUBSCRIPTION_LIST (All fields from the Subscription table plus the additional fields scpFields, scpDescription, scpEnabled, and notSubscribed for all defined subscriptions)

  • Local Data:

    • dID

    • dSubscriptionAlias

    • dSubscriptionID

    • dSubscriptionType

    • dUser

  • Response Template: SUBSCRIBE_FORM (subscribe_form.htm)

Used By

  • Resource Includes:

    • docinfo_subscription_form

    • doc_subscription_unsubscription


Service that returns a list of all subscribed content items for a specific user.

No alias-based subscriptions are returned by this service, even if the user belongs to an alias that has subscriptions.

Access Level: Read, Global, Scriptable (49)

Queries Executed: QdocNameSubscription, QnotDocNameSubscriptions

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dUser: The user name of the currently logged-in user.


  • ResultSets: SUBSCRIPTION_LIST (Each row contains all fields from the Subscription table corresponding to each of the current user's subscriptions. Additionally, for BASIC subscriptions, each row contains all fields from the Revisions table (metadata) for the latest revision of the item subscribed to.)

  • Local Data: dUser

  • Response Template: SUBSCRIPTION_LIST (subscription_list.htm)

Used By

  • Resource Includes: pne_nav_userprofile_links

  • Templates:

    • DOC_SUB_LIST (doc_sub_list.htm)

    • USER_INFO (user_info.htm)

  • Standard Navigation: commonNav.js

  • Other:

    • SoapCustom:Wsdl:Subscription:Services

    • SoapCustom:Wsdl:Subscription:Service:SubscriptionList:ResponseParams

    • Redirect service for: UNSUBSCRIBE_FROM_LIST




Service that reverses a content item checkout from a browser. The service fails if the content item does not exist in the system, if the content item is not checked out, or the user does not have sufficient permission to undo the checkout.

Access Level: Write (2)

  • Queries Executed:

    • QdocID

    • Qrevisions

    • QdocInfo

    • IdocHistory

    • QdocWebFormat

    • Uuncheckout

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dID: The generated content item revision ID.

Optional Service Parameters

  • RedirectUrl: Used to display another page. If omitted, the user is redirected to the Content Server home page.


  • Local Data:

    • CurRevCheckoutUser

    • CurRevID

    • CurRevIsCheckedOut

    • dAction

    • dCheckoutUser

    • dClbraName

    • dDocAccount

    • dDocName

    • dID

    • dIsCheckedOut

    • dReleaseState

    • dRevClassID

    • dRevLabel

    • dSecurityGroup

    • dStatus

    • dUser

    • isFinished

    • IsWorkflow

    • latestID

    • noDocLock

    • prevReleaseState

    • wfAction

  • Response Template:

    • REDIRECT_TEMPLATE (redirect_template.htm)

    • Default redirect service: GET_PORTAL_PAGE (Page=WF_INQUEUE_LIST)

Used By

  • Applets:

    • Repository Manager

    • Workflow

  • Resource Includes:

    • checkin_list_action_popup

    • doc_file_checkout

    • docinfo_undo_checkout_form

    • setup_checked_out_content_action_popups

    • setup_workflow_action_popups

    • wf_reviewer_doc_action_links

    • workflow_action_popup

  • Templates: WORKFLOW_REVIEW_FORM (workflow_review_form.htm)

  • Other: SoapCustom:Wsdl:CheckIn:Services


  • IdcCommand command file format:

  • HDA format:

    @Properties LocalData


Service that reverses a content item checkout from an applet or application. The service fails if the content item does not exist in the system, if the content item is not checked out, or the user does not have sufficient permission to undo the checkout.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dDocName: The Content ID for the content item.

Optional Service Parameters

  • dDocTitle: The content item title.


  • IdcCommand command file format:

  • HDA format with optional parameter:

    @Properties LocalData
    dDocTitle=Just a title


Service that cancels a content item subscription when only the Basic subscription is defined. This service is run by clicking the Unsubscribe button on a Content Information page.

This service is different from the UNSUBSCRIBE_FROM_LIST service primarily in what data it returns. UNSUBSCRIBE redirects to the Content Info page by default, so it loads content info for the item specified by dID. UNSUBSCRIBE_FROM_LIST redirects to the subscription listing page by default, so it loads the data necessary to display the user's subscriptions.

Access Level: Read (1)

Queries Executed: QdocInfo, Dsubscription

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dID: The generated content item revision ID.

  • dSubscriptionID: The subscription ID.

    • For a Basic subscription, this is the Content ID.

    • For a Criteria subscription, this is a comma-delimited list of the values of the criteria fields.

For example, if the criteria fields are Author and Security Group, the dSubscriptionID parameter setting for a Public content item authored by user1 would be Public,user1.

  • dSubscriptionType: The subscription type.

Optional Service Parameters

  • RedirectUrl: Used to display another page. If omitted, the user is redirected to the Content Server home page.

  • dSubscriptionAlias: The user or alias for the criteria subscription (set to a valid user name or alias name, depending upon the value for dSubscriptionAliasType).

  • dSubscriptionAliasType: The alias for the subscription type. Valid values are user or alias.

If the current user has Admin privileges, the dSubscriptionAlias parameter with dSubscriptionAliasType can be used to unsubscribe a different user or alias from a subscription. If these parameters are omitted, the service defaults to a dSubscriptionAliasType of user and uses the current user (dUser) for the value of dSubscriptionAlias. If these parameters are included but the current user doesn't have Admin privileges, they are disregarded.


  • Local Data:

    • dCheckoutUser

    • dDocAccount

    • dDocName

    • dID

    • dRevClassID

    • dSecurityGroup

    • dUser

  • Response Template:

    • DOC_INFO

    • Default redirect service: DOC_INFO

Used By

  • Resource Includes:

    • docinfo_subscription_form

    • doc_subscription_unsubscription

  • Other: SoapCustom:Wsdl:Subscription:Services




Service that retrieves the form used when unsubscribing from a content item.

This service is identical to the SUBSCRIBE_FORM service except the template it returns.

Access Level: Read (1)

Queries Executed: QdocInfo, QisSubscribed

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dID: The generated content item revision ID.

  • subscribeService: For response pages (such as the default template for this service) that provide a link that allows the user to unsubscribe, a value must be passed as a parameter. If omitted an error does not appear but the unsubscribe link on the response page produces an error if clicked (the standard value should be SUBSCRIBE).


  • ResultSets:

    • DOC_INFO (All fields from Revisions and DocMeta for the revision specified by dID)

    • SUBSCRIPTION_LIST (All fields from the Subscription table plus the additional fields scpFields, scpDescription, scpEnabled, and notSubscribed for all defined subscriptions)

  • Local Data:

    • dID

    • dSubscriptionAlias

    • dSubscriptionID

    • dSubscriptionType

    • dUser

  • Response Template: UNSUBSCRIBE_FORM (unsubscribe_form.htm)

Used By

  • Resource Includes:

    • docinfo_subscription_form

    • doc_subscription_unsubscription


Service that cancels a content item subscription from a browser when multiple subscriptions are defined.

This service is run from the Subscriptions page, either by clicking the Unsubscribe link, or by clicking the Subscription Info link for that content item and then clicking Unsubscribe on the Subscription Info page.

This service differs from the UNSUBSCRIBE service primarily in what data it returns. UNSUBSCRIBE_FROM_LIST redirects to the subscription listing page by default, so it loads the data necessary to display the user's subscriptions. UNSUBSCRIBE redirects to the Content Info page by default, so it loads content info for the item specified by dID.

Access Level: Read, Global (17)

Queries Executed:

  • Dsubscription

  • QdocNameSubscription

  • QnotDocNameSubscriptions

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dSubscriptionID: The subscription ID. For a Basic subscription, this is the Content ID. For a Criteria subscription, this is a comma-delimited list of the values of the criteria fields.

For example, if the criteria fields are Author and Security Group, the dSubscriptionID parameter setting for a Public content item authored by user1 would be Public,user1.

  • dSubscriptionType: The subscription type.

  • Optional Service Parameters

  • RedirectUrl: Used to display another page. If omitted, the user is redirected to the Content Server home page.

  • dSubscriptionAlias: The user alias for the criteria subscription, set to a valid user name or alias name, depending on the value for dSubscriptionAliasType.

  • dSubscriptionAliasType: The alias for the subscription type, set to either user or alias.

  • If the current user has Admin privileges, the dSubscriptionAlias parameter with dSubscriptionAliasType can be used to unsubscribe a different user or alias from a subscription. If these parameters are omitted, the service defaults to a dSubscriptionAliasType of user and uses the current user (dUser) for the value of dSubscriptionAlias. If these parameters are included but the current user doesn't have Admin privileges, they are disregarded.


  • ResultSets: SUBSCRIPTION_LIST. Each row contains all fields from the Subscription table corresponding to each of the current user's subscriptions. Additionally, for Basic subscriptions, each row contains all fields from the Revisions table (metadata) for the latest revision of the item subscribed to.

  • Local Data:

    • dID

    • dSubscriptionAlias

    • dSubscriptionAliasType

    • dUser

  • Response Template:


    • Default redirect service: SUBSCRIPTION_LIST

Used By

  • Applets: Repository Manager

  • Resource Includes: pne_nav_userprofile_links

  • Templates:

    • DOC_SUB_LIST (doc_sub_list.htm)

    • USER_INFO (user_info.htm)

  • Standard Navigation: commonNav.js




Service used by the Repository Manager applet to remove a user or alias from the subscription type. For information about adding a user or alias, see SUBSCRIBE_EX.

This service is normally run by deleting a user from a subscription in the Repository Manager applet.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dSubscriptionAlias: Name of the subscription type as defined in the applet.

  • dSubscriptionAliasType: The type of user. This value must be either user or alias. It refers to the value defined in dSubscriptionAlias.

  • dSubscriptionID: The subscription ID.

    • For a Basic subscription, this is the Content ID.

    • For a Criteria subscription, this is a comma-delimited list of the values of the criteria fields.

For example, if the criteria fields are Author and Security Group, the dSubscriptionID parameter setting for a Public content item authored by user1 would be Public,user1.

  • dSubscriptionType: The subscription type.

Optional Service Parameters

To return information about who is subscribed, this service requires these parameters:

  • dataSource: The data source.

  • resultName: The ResultSet name.

  • whereClause: The programmatic clause.


Unsubscribes user20 from any content that is checked in by sysadmin:



SubService used to check in content items based on specific parameters.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Service that updates the metadata for a content item from an applet or application. This service is used by the Repository Manager. and executes the UPDATE_DOCINFO_SUB SubService.

This service differs from the UPDATE_DOCINFO_BYFORM service which provides an option to redirect to a display template. UPDATE_DOCINFO provides no display option.

Access Level: Write (2)

Calls SubService:


Queries Executed (all queries executed within SubServices):

  • QdocInfo

  • QlatestID

  • Qdocuments

  • Ddocument

  • Idocument

  • Urevision2

  • Umeta

  • IdocHistory

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dDocName: The Content ID for the content item.

  • dID: The generated content item revision ID.

  • dRevLabel: The content item revision label.

  • dSecurityGroup: The security group such as Public or Secure.

  • dDocAccount: The account for the content item. Required only if accounts are enabled.

Optional Service Parameters

  • Metadata fields: You can submit any metadata field as an optional parameter and pass a value to that field.

  • SkipIndexingForUpdate: If set to true, the content item will not be indexed as part of the update. (The normal behavior is that an item will be re-indexed after an update.) In either case, content items will be indexed in a full index rebuild.


  • Local Data:

    • Content Server:

      • dAction

      • dActionDate

      • dClbraName

      • dCreateDate

      • dDocAccount

      • dDocType

      • dDocName

      • dExtension

      • dID

      • dOriginalName

      • dOutDate

      • dpAction

      • dpEvent

      • dPublishState

      • dPublishType

      • dReleaseState

      • dRevClassID

      • dRevLabel

      • dSecurityGroup

      • dStatus

      • dUser

      • isCurRevEmpty

      • isDocProfileUsed

      • isEditMode

      • IsNotLatestRev

      • IsUpdate

      • IsUpdateMetaOnly

      • prevReleaseState

      • updateSideEffectServices

    • Workflow:

      • dCurRevID

      • dWfComputed

      • dWfCurrentStepID

      • dWfDirectory

      • dWfDocState

      • dWfID

      • dWfName

      • dWfStatus

      • dWfStepDescription

      • dWfStepID

      • dWfStepIsAll

      • dWfStepName

      • dWfStepType

      • dWfStepWeight

      • dWfType

      • dWorkflowState

      • IsWorkflow

      • wfAction

      • wfCurrentStepPrefix

      • wfEditFinished

      • wfMessage

      • wfQueueActionState

      • wfStepCheckinType

    • Plus any custom doc meta fields

  • Response Template: null

Used By

  • Applets: Repository Manger

  • Other: SoapCustom:Wsdl:CheckIn:Services


  • IdcCommand command file format:

  • HDA format with additional and optional parameters (assigns a value to a metadata field):

    @Properties LocalData


Service that updates content information for a content item from a browser. This service executes the SubService UPDATE_DOCINFO_SUB. This SubService updates content item information.

The difference between this service and UPDATE_DOCINFO is that this service provides an option to redirect to a display template.

Access Level: Write (2)

Calls SubService:


Queries Executed (all queries executed within SubServices):

  • QdocInfo

  • QlatestID

  • Qdocuments

  • Ddocument

  • Idocument

  • Urevision2

  • Umeta

  • IdocHistory

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dDocName: The Content ID for the content item.

  • dID: The generated content item revision ID.

  • dRevLabel: The content item revision label.

  • dSecurityGroup: The security group such as Public or Secure.

  • dDocAccount: The account for the content item. Required only if accounts are enabled.

Optional Service Parameters

  • Metadata fields: You can submit any metadata field as an optional parameter and pass a value to that field. For example, if the system has a metadata field called xComments, the string value Preliminary could be assigned to that field (xComments=Preliminary).

  • RedirectUrl: Used to display another page. If omitted, the user is redirected to the Content Server home page.


  • Local Data:

    • Content Server:

      • dAction

      • dActionDate

      • dClbraName

      • dCreateDate

      • dDocAccount

      • dDocName

      • dDocType

      • dExtension

      • dID

      • dOriginalName

      • dOutDate

      • dpAction

      • dpEvent

      • dPublishState

      • dPublishType

      • dReleaseState

      • dRevClassID

      • dRevLabel

      • dSecurityGroup

      • dStatus

      • dUser

      • isCurRevEmpty

      • isDocProfileUsed

      • isEditMode

      • IsNotLatestRev

      • IsUpdate

      • IsUpdateMetaOnly

      • prevReleaseState

      • updateSideEffectServices

    • Workflow:

      • dCurRevID

      • dWfComputed

      • dWfCurrentStepID

      • dWfDirectory

      • dWfDocState

      • dWfID

      • dWfName

      • dWfStatus

      • dWfStepDescription

      • dWfStepID

      • dWfStepIsAll

      • dWfStepName

      • dWfStepType

      • dWfStepWeight

      • dWfType

      • dWorkflowState

      • IsWorkflow

      • wfAction

      • wfCurrentStepPrefix

      • wfEditFinished

      • wfMessage

      • wfQueueActionState

      • wfStepCheckinType

    • Plus any custom doc meta fields

  • Response Template:

    • REDIRECT_TEMPLATE (redirect_template.htm)

    • Default redirect service: DOC_INFO

Used By

  • Resource Includes: std_doc_page_definitions


  • IdcCommand command file format:

  • HDA format with additional and optional parameters (assigns a value to a metadata field):

    @Properties LocalData


Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates//std_services.htm


Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


SubService that updates content item information.

LocationI: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Currently unused in the core Content Server software.

Service that updates the notification timestamp and redirects the user to the page specified in the RedirectUrl parameter.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Service that updates a Criteria subscription. The most likely error is when the specified subscription type does not exist.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • scpType: The subscription type.

Optional Service Parameters

  • scpDescription: The subscription description.

  • scpEnabled:

    • 1 (true): Subscription notifications are enabled.

    • 0 (false): Subscription notifications are disabled.

  • scpFields: A comma-delimited list of the metadata fields that define the subscription criteria. For example: dDocAuthor,dDocType.


  • IdcCommand command file format:

  • HDA file format (changes the subscription for Author and disables the subscription):

    @Properties LocalData
    scpDescription=updating subscription


Service that updates a user's subscription records when they access a content item from a subscription notification. This service updates the date in the dSubscriptionUsedDate column of the Subscription database table.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dDocName: The Content ID for the content item.

  • dSubscriptionAlias: The user alias for the criteria subscription.

  • dSubscriptionAliasType: The alias subscription type.

  • dSubscriptionID: The subscription ID.

    • For a Basic subscription, this is the Content ID.

    • For a Criteria subscription, this is a comma-delimited list of the values of the criteria fields.

For example, if the criteria fields are Author and Security Group, the dSubscriptionID parameter setting for a Public content item authored by user1 would be Public,user1.

  • dSubscriptionType: The subscription type.




SubService that updates metadata.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Service used for metadata-only checkins for a heavy client (InternalUpload = 1).

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Service that returns a list of all content items in the GENWWW or DONE status. It does not show items currently in a workflow.

Access Level: Write, Global, Scriptable (50)

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Optional Service Parameters

  • orderClause: Use to provide a field name on which to sort the list.

  • MaxQueryRows: Use to control the number of items returned in the list.


  • ResultSets: DOC_LIST (All Fields from Revisions and DocMeta)

  • Local Data:

    • copyAborted

    • dataSource

    • MaxQueryRows

  • Response Template: WIPS (wips_list.htm)

Used By

  • Resource Includes:

    • pne_nav_management_links

    • std_doc_man_pages

  • Standard Navigation:

    • commonBundle.js

    • commonNav.js

4.4 Doc Profile Services (Core Content Server)

The following services are used when creating, maintaining, or deleting document profiles:


Service that is used to add a document profile. The service adds the profile and description to the content profile listing and generates the profile definition file from the data which is passed in.


The data provided for this service becomes the profile definition. When editing the profile (using EDIT_DOCPROFILE), the profile definition must first be read using GET_DOCPROFILE before adding or changing the desired values.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dpName: The name for the profile. This must be a unique name.

  • dpDescription: A description of the new profile.

  • dpTriggerValue: The trigger value associated with the profile.

  • dpDisplayLabel: The display label for the profile.

Optional Service Parameters

  • isValidateTrigger: When set to true, validates that the trigger value exists. If the value does not exist, the service fails. When set to false, the profile is added without validating the trigger.


Service used to create a new content profile rule. This service adds the rule to the content rule listing and creates the rule definition file. The data provided to the service becomes the rule definition.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dpRuleName: The name for the new rule. This name must be unique.

  • dpRuleDescription: A description for the rule.


Service used to remove a document profile from the profile listing and removes the content profile definition file.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dpName: The name for the profile.


Service used to remove a content rule from the rule listing and deletes the content rule definition file from the system.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dpRuleName: The name for the rule.


Service used in the Configuration Manager applet to simulate the use of a content profile. The preview executes in the desired context and returns the resulting data in a data binder. The context consists of the event (submit, request, or import) and the action (search, checkin, and so on). It also includes a user name and a content item when necessary. The data includes display information for each field and which rule determined the display for each field.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dpName: The name for the rule to be used in the preview.

  • dpTriggerValue: the trigger value to use for the preview.


Service used to edit a document profile.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dpName: The name for the profile to be edited.

  • dpDescription: The new description for the profile.

  • dpTriggerValue: The new trigger value for the profile.

  • dpDisplayLabel: The new display label.


Service that changes the metadata field that will be used as the trigger field for the content profile.


Changing the metadata fields may invalidate all existing profiles.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dpName: The name of the profile to be edited.

  • dpTriggerField: The new trigger field to be used for the profile. Changing the trigger to empty (dpTriggerfield=) invalidates all profiles.


Service that changes a document rule description.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dpRuleName: The name of the rule to be edited.

  • dpRuleDescription: The new description for the rule.


Service that returns the profile definition file for the specified rule. The returned data is in a data binder and contains all information used to define the profile.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dpName: The name of the profile to be used.


Service that returns the listing file for the content profiles. The listing file contains the name, description, trigger value and display label for each profile.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Service that returns the rule definition file for the specified rule. The returned data is returned in a data binder and contains all the information used to define the rule.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dpRuleName: The name of the profile to be used.


Service that returns the listing file for the content rules. The listing file contains the name and description for each rule in the system.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

4.5 File Services (Core Content Server)

File services are those which manipulate files, such as dynamic conversion and resource files. Frequently used services are marked with an asterisk (*) in the following list.

The following file services are described in this section:


Used with the internal Tomcat engine.

Service used to add a WAR file to the Tomcat engine and to enable the contained JSP pages.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • pathToWAR: Complete path to the WAR file.


SubService used by GET_SYSTEM_AUDIT_INFO to return information on the System Audit Info page.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Service that returns a content item as an HTML or XML file converted by Dynamic Converter. This is available if the Dynamic Converter component is installed and enabled.

Given a dID or a dDocName and a RevisionSelectionMethod parameter, the service determines the filename of a particular rendition of the revision and returns that file to the client. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or a request for a content item that does not exist.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


  • dDocName should be included in all requests for content items where the requester knows the dDocName. Error messages in the Content Server system assume that it is present, as do other features such as forms.

  • When GET_DYNAMIC_CONVERSION is programmatically invoked using RIDC over HTTP(S), IsJava needs to be set to 0 in the request binder in order to retrieve the dynamic conversion content in the XML/HTML format. When this parameter is not set, RIDC over HTTP(S) will implicitly add IsJava=1 to the request binder which will cause the server to return the service response data in the HDA format.

Additional Required Service Parameters


Either the content item revision ID (dID) must be specified or a Content ID (dDocName) with the RevisionSelectionMethod parameter.

  • dID: The generated content item revision ID.

    • If dID is not specified, dDocName and RevisionSelectionMethod must specified.

    • A rendition of the revision of the content item with this ID is returned, if it exists, and the RevisionSelectionMethod parameter does not exist or has the value Specific.

  • dDocName: The Content ID of the content item.

    • If dDocName is not present, dID must be present and RevisionSelectionMethod must not be present.

    • If RevisionSelectionMethod is present, a rendition of a revision of the content item with this name is returned, if it exists. If RevisionSelectionMethod is not present, dDocName is used in error messages.

  • RevisionSelectionMethod: The revision selection method.

    • If present, dDocName must be present. The value of this variable is the method used to compute a dID from the specified dDocName. Its value can be Specific, Latest, or LatestReleased.

    • If the value is Specific, the dDocName parameter is ignored, and dID is required and is used to get a revision. If the value is Latest, the latest revision of the content item is used to compute the dID. If the value is LatestReleased, the latest released revision of the content item is used to compute the dID.

Optional Service Parameters

  • conversionTemplate: The conversion template. This parameter can be passed to the service to override the template conversions criteria page.

  • DCViewFormat: The file to be converted and displayed: Native, Alternate, or WebViewable.

  • UseConversionCache: Ignores the cached conversion when requesting a dynamic conversion of a content item. It applies only to the single request. You might use this parameter to force the dynamic conversion during testing or troubleshooting a conversion issue. To use this parameter, append it to your Content Server URL.

  • conversionRule: Specifies the conversion rule to be used, rather than allowing the conversion rule to be selected by the conversion rule criteria.


  • IdcCommand command file format:

    # Retrieve a web-viewable revision
  • HDA format:

    @Properties LocalData



Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Service that is used internally to extract information from the web-viewable URL to determine if it maps into the /weblayout directory. If it does not map then it throws an exception.

This service is usually used to retrieve a dynamic page. This service is called from the Web server to deliver dynamic content web-viewable files. It is called in the core to dynamically change the response page for a service.

Access Level: Read, Scriptable (33)

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • fileUrl: The relative URL for the item. This can be a checked-in item in the Content Server, a Java Script file for Schema or Layout Manager, or an image file from the /images directory.


  • ResultSets:

    • DocFormats

    • DocTypes

  • Local Data:

    • ref:dDocAccount

    • ref:dDocName

    • ref:dDocType

    • ref:dExtension

    • ref:dSecurityGroup

    • ref:hasDocInfo

    • ref:isLatestRevision

    • SourceID

    • HCSP/F metadata (including custom XML data between idcbegindata and idcenddata tags)

  • Response Template: null (Returns the file requested in the fileUrl parameter.)


Service used to dynamically convert a document residing in an external collection. It is equivalent to GET_DYNAMIC_CONVERSION with the exception that it retrieves the content information for the item from the external Verity search collection. Verity is an add-on product available for purchase for use with Content Server.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • VdkVgwKey: The look-up key into Verity.

  • sCollectionID: The identifier for the external Verity collection.


Service used by the Dynamic Converter to retrieve the list of templates that are used during conversion.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Used with the internal Tomcat engine.

Service that returns the status of the internal Tomcat engine. For internal use only.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Service that returns a resource file.

Given a dID or a dDocName and a RevisionSelectionMethod parameter, the service determines the filename of a particular rendition of the revision and returns that file to the client.

The most likely errors are some form of mismatched parameters or a request for a revision or rendition that does not exist.


It is recommended that dDocName be included in all requests for content items where the requester knows the dDocName. Error messages in the Content Server system assume that it is present, as do other features such as forms.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters


Either the content item revision ID (dID) must be specified or a content item name (dDocName) and a RevisionSelectionMethod parameter must be specified.

Optional Service Parameters

  • dID: The generated content item revision ID.

    • If dID is not specified, dDocName and RevisionSelectionMethod must specified.

    • A rendition of the revision of the content item with this ID is returned, if it exists, and the RevisionSelectionMethod parameter does not exist or has the value Specific.

  • dDocName: The Content ID for the content item.

    • If dDocName is not present, dID must be present and RevisionSelectionMethod must not be present.

    • If RevisionSelectionMethod is present, a rendition of a revision of the content item with this name is returned, if it exists. If RevisionSelectionMethod is not present, dDocName is used in error messages.

    • RevisionSelectionMethod: The revision selection method.

    • If present, dDocName must be present. The value of this variable is the method used to compute a dID from the specified dDocName. Its value can be Specific, Latest, or LatestReleased.

    • If the value is Specific, the dDocName is ignored, and dID is required and is used to get a rendition. If the value is Latest, the latest revision of the content item is used to compute the dID. If the value is LatestReleased, the latest released revision of the content item is used to compute the dID.

  • Rendition: The content item rendition. This parameter specifies the rendition of the content item and can be set to Primary, Web, or Alternate. If Rendition is not present, it defaults to Primary.

    • If the value is Primary, the primary rendition of the selected revision is returned.

    • If the value is Web, the web-viewable rendition of the selected revision is returned.

    • If the value is Alternate, the alternate rendition of the selected revision is returned.




Used with the internal Tomcat engine.

This service is used to remove a WAR file from use with the internal Tomcat engine. For internal use only.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Service used by the Dynamic Converter to save the conversion template.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

4.6 Indexer Services (Core Content Server)

Indexer services are used to control the search index. Frequently used services are marked with an asterisk (*) in the following list.

The following services are described in this section:


Service that cancels the current indexing session.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Service that updates or rebuilds the search index. Updates and rebuilds are performed automatically in a background thread.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Rebuilding the search index is necessary only when you change or add metadata fields. Depending on the quantity and size of your files, this process can take several days. Rebuilding is system-intensive, so you should plan to rebuild during non-peak system usage times.

  • This service is called when changes are made to the Automatic Update Cycle and Collection Rebuild Cycle options provided on the Repository Manager: Indexer Tab.

  • The options defined on the Configure Automatic Update Cycle or Configure Collection Rebuild Cycle screen map to these parameters:

    • Content Items Per Indexer Batch (MaxCollectionSize)

    • Content Items Per Checkpoint (IndexerCheckpointCount)

    • Indexer Debug Level (SearchDebugLevel)

    • Indexer Auto Updates (sEnableAutoUpdate)

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • cycleID: The index cycle type:

    • update: Incrementally updates the index database.

    • rebuild: The search index is entirely rebuilt, and the old index collection is replaced with a new index collection after the rebuild has successfully completed.

  • action: The action to perform. This entry can be set to these values:

    • start: Begins the update or rebuild cycle.

    • cancel: Stops the update or rebuild cycle, and does not permit a future restart.

    • suspend: Stops the update or rebuild cycle, and permits a future restart.

    • restart: Restarts the update or rebuild cycle after a suspend was executed.

    • setConfiguration: Used when enabling or disabling the update cycle. Setting this value enables you to adjust the checkpoint (IndexerCheckpointCount), batch size (MaxCollectionSize), debug level (SearchDebugLevel), and auto update (sEnableAutoUpdate) options.

Additional Optional Service Parameters

This service might require these parameters, depending on the action to execute (see the following examples).

  • GetCurrentIndexingStatus: Setting this parameter to 1 (true) returns the status of the indexer cycle:

    • Idle: An indexer cycle is complete.

    • Active: An indexer cycle is currently running.

    • Interrupt: An unexpected event, that abruptly ends the indexing cycle. For example, a power, database, or file system failure.

    • Suspend: The indexing cycle was stopped in a controlled manner. For example, using the Suspend button on the Repository Manager: Indexer Tab.

    • Restart: An interrupted or suspended cycle was started again. If you are restarting after an interrupted cycle, ensure that you have corrected the problem that caused the interrupt to occur.

    • Cancel: The indexing cycle was stopped with no intent to restart.

  • fastRebuild: Setting this parameter to 1 (true) enables the search engine to add new information to the search collection without requiring a full collection rebuild; this is called a fast rebuild. This parameter works only with OracleTextSearch.

  • getStatus: Setting this parameter to 1 (true) returns the indexer settings and status information.

  • PerformProcessConversion: Enables the process conversion when starting or restarting the Indexer rebuild process.

    • 1 (true): The process conversion is performed.

    • 0 (false): The process conversion is not performed.

  • IndexerCheckpointCount: The number of files that go through each indexing state at a time.

    • You can have multiple batches of files indexed per checkpoint.

    • To update this entry, the action must be set to setConfiguration.

  • MaxCollectionSize: The maximum number of files that the search index processes simultaneously.

    • The default is 25, which means 25 files are indexed together, then the next 25 files are indexed.

    • You can change this setting to 1 if you are experiencing problems with the search engine indexing large and complicated files. However, slow system performance can result.

    • To update this entry, the action must be set to setConfiguration.

  • SearchDebugLevel: The indexer debug level.

    • The more debug information listed in the server window, the slower the indexing progresses.

    • To update this entry, the action must be set to setConfiguration.

    • These are the debug levels from the least to the most debug information:

      • none: No information for each file accessed is displayed.

      • verbose: Displays information for each file accessed. Indicates indexed, ignored, or failed.

      • debug: Displays the medium level of information.

      • trace: Displays the lowest level of information.

      • all: Displays the highest level of information.

  • sEnableAutoUpdate: To update this entry, the action must be set to setConfiguration.

    • 1 (true): Automatic update cycles are enabled.

    • 0 (false): Automatic update cycles are enabled.


These examples are for controlling the indexer from another process.

  • HDA format to return the defined settings and status information:

    @Properties LocalData
  • HDA format to enable the update cycle:

    @Properties LocalData
  • HDA format to disable the update cycle:

    @Properties LocalData
  • HDA format to start the Indexer rebuild:

    @Properties LocalData
  • HDA format to cancel the Indexer rebuild:

    @Properties LocalData
  • HDA format to suspend the Indexer rebuild:

    @Properties LocalData
  • HDA format to restart the Indexer rebuild after being interrupted or suspended:

    @Properties LocalData

4.6.3 GET_FILE

Service that returns a specific rendition of a content item revision to a browser. A copy of the file is retrieved without performing a checkout.

  • Given a dID or a dDocName and a RevisionSelectionMethod parameter, the service determines the file name of a particular rendition of the revision and returns that file to the client.

  • The most likely errors are some form of mismatched parameters or a request for a revision or rendition that does not exist.


    It is recommended that dDocName be included in all requests for content items where the requester knows the dDocName. Error messages in the Content Server instance assume that it is present, as do other features such as forms.

Access Level: Read, Scriptable (33)

Queries Executed:

  • QdocInfo

  • QlatestIdByName

  • QlatestReleasedIDByName

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters


Either the content item revision ID (dID) must be specified or a Content ID (dDocName) along with a RevisionSelectionMethod parameter must be defined.

  • dID: The generated content item revision ID.

    • If dID is not specified, dDocName and RevisionSelectionMethod must specified.

    • A rendition of the revision of the content item with this ID is returned, if it exists, and the RevisionSelectionMethod parameter does not exist or has the value Specific.

  • dDocName: The Content ID for the content item.

    • If dDocName is not present, dID must be present and RevisionSelectionMethod must not be present.

    • If RevisionSelectionMethod is present, a rendition of a revision of the content item with this name is returned, if it exists. If RevisionSelectionMethod is not present, dDocName is used in error messages.

    • Optional Service Parameters

  • allowInterrupt: If set to 1 (true), this suppresses an error if the user cancels the file download.

  • RevisionSelectionMethod: The revision selection method.

    • If present, dDocName must be present. The value of this variable is the method used to compute a dID from the specified dDocName. Its value can be Specific, Latest, or LatestReleased.

    • If the value is Specific, the dDocName is ignored, and dID is required and is used to get a rendition. If the value is Latest, the latest revision of the content item is used to compute the dID. If the value is LatestReleased, the latest released revision of the content item is used to compute the dID.

  • Rendition: The content item rendition. This parameter specifies the rendition of the content item and can be set to Primary, Web, or Alternate. If Rendition is not present, it defaults to Primary.

    • If the value is Primary, the primary rendition of the selected revision is returned.

    • If the value is Web, the web-viewable rendition of the selected revision is returned.

    • If the value is Alternate, the alternate rendition of the selected revision is returned.

  • IsXml: When set to true or 1, returns the XML data island which is present in some HCSP, HCST, and HCSF pages. It returns the data island that is wrappered inside the std_html_form_xml_wrapper include, which can be modified to pass additional information if desired.


  • Response Template: null (Only the requested file is returned.)

Used By

  • Applets: Configuration Manager

  • Resource Includes:

    • doc_file_get_copy

    • doc_odma_select_get

    • download_form_fields

    • email_docinfo_body_by_id

    • email_docinfo_body_by_name

    • legacy_workflow_in_queue_table

    • subscription_info_cell

    • subscription_info_cells

    • wf_in_queue_display

    • wf_review_cannot_view_msg

  • Templates:

    • CHECKOUT_OK (chkook.htm)

    • DOWNLOAD_OK (dwnldok.htm)

    • QUERY_NOTIFICATION (query_notification_mail.htm)

    • REDIRECTION_FILE_TEMPLATE (redirectionfile_template.htm)

    • REV_HISTORY (rev_history.htm)

    • SELECTDOC_OK (slctdcok.htm)

    • WORKFLOW_REVIEW_FORM (workflow_review_form.htm)

    • WORKFLOW_REVIEW_FRAMES (workflow_review_frames.htm)

  • Other: SoapCustom:Wsdl:GetFile:Services


  • IdcCommand command file format:

    # Retrieve a web-viewable revision
  • HDA format:

    @Properties LocalData


Service that updates or rebuilds the search index. This service is asynchronous and the action is performed in a background thread. This service can only be executed in the context of the Content Server instance and only completes successfully if a connection is made to the Content Server instance.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Optional Service Parameters

  • IsRebuild: Sets the scope of the indexing process.

    • 1 (true): The Indexer performs a complete rebuild of the search index. 0 (false): The Indexer performs an incremental update of the search index.

    • Default is 0 (false).


  • IdcCommand command file format:

    # Rebuild the entire search index
  • HDA format (rebuild the search index).

4.7 Internal Services (Core Content Server)

The following services are called internally by the Content Server system. Do not use or modify these services:


Do not use.


Do not use.


Do not use.


Do not use.


Do not use.


Do not use.


Do not use.


Do not use.


Do not use.


Do not use.


Do not use.


Do not use.


Do not use.


Do not use.


Do not use.

4.8 Meta Services (Core Content Server)

The Meta Services are used to manage and alter metadata in the Content Server system. Frequently used services are marked with an asterisk (*) in the following list.

The following services are described in this section:


Service that creates a new metadata field.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


For more details, see UPDATE_META_TABLE and START_SEARCH_INDEX. These services must be run before storing data in a new metadata field. For details about updating the OptionLists database table, see also UPDATE_OPTION_LIST.

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dName: Internal name of the field.

  • dCaption: User-visible caption used to label the field in the Content Server pages.

  • dIsRequired: Prevents files from being checked in if the field does not contain a value. Values are 1 (required) or 0 (not required). Default is 0.

  • dIsEnabled: Enables the field to be displayed on user interface pages. Values are 1 (enabled) or 0 (disabled). Default is 1.

  • dIsSearchable: Enables the field to be indexed and searchable. Values are 1 (searchable) or 0 (not searchable). Default is 1.

  • dIsOptionList: Allows the use of a user-selectable option list on Content Server pages. Values are 1 (enabled) or 0 (disabled). Default is 0. If 1 is used then dOptionListKey is also required.

  • dOptionListKey: Name of the option list to be used.

  • dOptionListType: Specifies the type of option list to be used. Values can be choice (Select List Validated), chunval (Select List Not Validated), combo (Edit and Select List), multi2 (Multiselect List) or multi (Edit and Multiselect List).

  • dType: The type of field. Values can be Text (Text), BigText (Long Text), Int (Integer), Date (Date), Memo (Memo). Default: Text.

  • dOrder: Sequence in which the field is displayed on Content Server pages. The default value is the highest current value of any existing field, plus one.

  • dDefaultValue: Default value for the metadata field being created.


dCaption=Web Section


Service that deletes an existing custom metadata field. You cannot delete the standard metadata fields such as dDocName, dSecurityGroup, and so forth.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dName: The metadata field name, including the 'x' prefix.




Service that modifies an existing custom metadata field.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dName: The metadata field name, including the 'x' prefix. For example, xDepartment.

  • dCaption: The metadata field caption.

  • dType: The metadata field type, such as Text, BigText, Memo, Date, or Integer.

  • dOrder: The display order.

  • dIsRequired: 1 (true: The field is required. 0 (false): The field is optional.

  • dIsEnabled: 1 (true): The field is enabled on the user interface. 0 (false): The field is disabled on the user interface.

  • dIsSearchable: 1 (true): The field is searchable. 0 (false): The field is not searchable.

  • dDefaultValue: The default value for the metadata field.

  • dIsOptionList: 1 (true): The field has an option list. 0 (false): The field does not have an option list.

  • dOptionListKey: The option list key.

  • dOptionListType: The option list type.




Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Service that returns information about custom metadata fields for different Content Server pages. This information can be used by front-end clients to render custom metadata fields.

The service requires an action which maps to a specify Content Server page. The service then returns metadata information for that page.

The service also provides support to generate Dynamic Choice List (DCL) options and Dynamic Tree.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Required Service Parameter

  • dpAction: Indicates the Content Server action, which can be

    • CheckinNew

    • CheckinSel

    • CheckinSimilar

    • Info

    • Update

    • Search

    • FLDMetadataUpdate

    • FLDMetadataInfo

Conditionally Required Service Parameters

  • dID: Required when dpAction is CheckinSel, CheckinSimilar, Info, or Update.

  • fFolderGUID: Required when dpAction is either FLDMetadataUpdate or FLDMetadataInfo.

Optional Service Parameter

  • dpTriggerValue: Indicates the trigger value that will be used to load a profile.


  • ResultSets:

    • DisplayFieldInfo: Contains information about individual custom metadata fields. It holds the following columns:

      • fieldName: The name of the field.

      • fieldType: The type of field. For example: Text, BigText, Memo, Data, Int, Decimal, File.

      • fieldLabel: The display label for the field.

      • isHidden: Indicates whether the field should be a hidden form field.

      • isReadOnly: Indicates whether the field should be a non-input form field.

      • isRequired: Indicates whether the field should be a required form field.

      • defaultValue: The default value for the field.

      • displayValue: The display value to be used for the corresponding default Value.

      • isOptionList: Indicates whether this is a drop-down option list.

      • optionList: If isOptionList is set to 1, then this column will contain the name of the additional result set that will contain the options that should be used to create the drop-down list.

      • optionListType: Type of option list. For example: choice, chunval, combo, multi2 and multi.

      • isDependent: Indicates whether the field is part of DCL. The value of this field depends on another field.

      • dependentOnField: Indicates the name of the field that will derive the value for this field.

      • isPadMultiselectStorage: Used by option list of type multi*.

      • multiselectDisplaySeparator: Used by option list of type multi*.

      • multiselectStorageSeparator: Used by option list of type multi*.

      • isStoreSelectionPath: Used by Dynamic Tree (for more information, see Dynamic Tree).

      • treeNodeDisplaySeparator: Used by Dynamic Tree.

      • treeNodeStorageSeparator: Used by Dynamic Tree.

      • order: Order of the field.

      • decimalScale

      • isError: If there was an error when retrieving information about a field.

      • errorMsg: Error message.

    • DisplayGroupInfo: Indicates whether certain custom metadata fields should be grouped together. It holds the following columns:

      • parentField: The name of the field that should appear first in the group.

      • groupFieldList: The list of fields that should appear together with the parent field.

      • groupHeader: Name of the group.

      • defaultHide: Indicates whether the group should be collapsed by default.

    • xFieldName.options: Contains the options to be used to create the drop-down list for a specific field.

      • dOption: Internal value of the option.

      • dDescription: The display value of the option.

Supported dpAction List

  • CheckinNew: Maps to CHECKIN_NEW_FORM.

  • CheckinSet: Maps to CHECKIN_SEL_FORM.

  • CheckinSimilar: Maps to CHECKIN_SIMILAR_FORM.

  • Info: Maps to DOC_INFO.

  • Update: Maps to GET_UPDATE_FORM.

  • Search: Maps to GET_SEARCH_FORM.

  • FLDMetadataUpdate: Maps to FLD_EDIT_METADATA_RULES_FORM.

  • FLDMetadataInfo: Maps to FLD_GET_METADATA_RULES.

Dynamic Choice List

The GET_DISPLAY_FIELDS service also provides support to generate Dynamic Choice Lists (DCLs). It uses the following parameters:

  • dFieldName: (Required) The name of the DCL field.

  • dParentValue: (Optional) The parent value to be used to narrow down the drop-down options.

    If dParentValue is not specified, then the service returns all the options values for any option list field.

The columns "isDependent" and "dependentOnField" in the DisplayFieldInfo ResultSet are used to generate DCLs. These columns specify if a field is dependent on another field, and on which field it is dependent.

For example, if the field City is dependent on State, and the field State is dependent on the field Country, the GET_DISPLAY_FIELDS service will return all the options for Country, but it will not return options for State and City. It will only indicate in the DisplayFieldInfo ResultSet that State and City are dependent fields. The ResultSet will have isDependent set to 1 for both State and City, and dependentOnField set to Country for State, and State for City.

For example, to get the dependent value for State, call GET_DISPLAY_FIELDS with the dFieldName parameter set to State and the dParentValue parameter set to the value for Country. The service will then return all the options that were passed for State and for Country.

Dynamic Tree

The GET_DISPLAY_FIELDS service also provides support to generate Dynamic Tree. It uses the following parameters:

  • dFieldName: (Required) The name of the DCL field.

  • dParentValue: (Optional) The parent value that is used to narrow down the drop-down options.

The field that is using the tree option list will have tree:// in the optionListType column in the DisplayFieldInfo ResultSet. The response binder also will contain another ResultSet with fieldName.options; for example, xTreeField.options.

The xTreeField.options ResultSet will contain the options that represent the first level of the tree.

To retrieve options for any level of the tree, call GET_DISPLAY_FIELDS with both the dFieldName and appropriate dParentValue parameters.

The DisplayFieldInfo ResultSet that is returned by GET_DISPLAY_FIELDS also will contain the following four new columns:

  • isShowSelectionPath: Indicates whether to show the full path. The full path appears on the Info page.

  • isStoreSelectionPath: Indicates whether to store the full path in the database.

  • treeNodeDisplaySeparator: Indicates the character that must be used to display the separators.

  • treeNodeStorageSeparator: Indicates the character that must be used as a separator when the path is saved in the database.


When GET_DISPLAY_FIELDS is called with Search as the dpAction, the service adds additional information to the response binder.

  • DisplayFieldInfo ResultSet contains two additional columns:

    • defaultOperator: Indicates the default operator for the field.

    • searchOperatorsRSName: Indicates the name of the ResultSet that contains all the applicable search operators for this field.

The service also adds additional ResultSets to the response binder. These ResultSets contain the search operators for different field types:

  • SearchTextField: Contains the search operator for Text, Big Text and Memo fields.

  • SearchDateField: Contains the search operator for Date fields.

  • SearchIntegerField: Contains the search operator for Integer fields.

  • SearchBooleanField: Contains the search operator for Boolean fields. Usually does not exist.

These ResultSets also contain the following columns:

  • dOperator: The name of the operator.

  • dOperatorDisplay: The Localized Display string for the operator.

  • dOperatorExpression: The syntax that must be used to create the query text.


Service that returns a list of custom metadata fields from the DocMetaDefinition table, and a listing of information for the available DocTypes as result sets. Also returns two option lists of available values for SecurityGroups and Accounts filtered to show only those the user can access. Used with SOAP retrievals and other remote applications.

Access Level: Read, Global, Scriptable (49)

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


  • ResultSets:

    • DocMetaDefinition (All rows and fields from DocMetaDefinition database table.)

    • Doctypes (All rows and fields from DocTypes database table.)

  • Option Lists:

    • SecurityGroups (Option list of security groups filtered based upon user's privileges/)

    • Accounts (Option list of Accounts filtered based upon user's privileges.)

  • Local Data:

    • isAutoNumber

    • useAccounts

Used By

  • Other: SoapCustom:Wsdl:MetaData:Services


Service that returns a table of all option lists. Returns the common key value, option value, and order for each option list.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Service that returns metadata information for users. Used with SOAP retrievals.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Service used by the Configuration Manager to move a metadata field up or down in the list. Moving the metadata in the list changes the default order in which it is displayed on the Checkin, Update, Info, and Search pages.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dName: Name of the metadata field to move.

Optional Service Parameters

  • isMoveUp: Default is false.Set to true to move the field up, not down.


Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Service that updates the user information fields in the database. This service alters the database by adding, altering, and deleting columns.

  • By default, fields will only be added or changed, not deleted. To delete a user information field, it must be specifically mentioned in the optional parameter MetaFieldsToDelete.

  • This service is run when you add or delete user information fields in the User Admin applet and click the Update Database Design button.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Data may be lost if a column is deleted. Use this service carefully.

Optional Service Parameters

  • MetaFieldsToDelete: Specifies a comma-delimited list of the database columns to delete.


  • IdcCommand command file format:

  • HDA format (deletes two fields from the database):

    @Properties LocalData


Service that updates the metadata fields in the database.

This service alters the database by adding, altering, and deleting columns in the DocMeta table to conform to the DocMetaDefinition table. By default, fields will only be added or changed, not deleted. To delete a metadata field, it must be specifically mentioned in the optional parameter MetaFieldsToDelete.

This service is run when you add or delete metadata fields in the Configuration Manager applet and click the Update Database Design button.


Data may be lost if a column is deleted. Use this service carefully.

Optional Service Parameters

  • MetaFieldsToDelete: Specifies a comma-delimited list of the database columns to delete from the DocMeta table.


  • IdcCommand command file format:

    # Synchronize the DocMeta table with the design in the DocMetaDefinition table
  • HDA format (deletes two fields from the database):

    @Properties LocalData


Service that adds or updates an option list for a metadata field. Updates or adds an option list in the OptionLists database table.


The option list values specified in the OptionListString parameter replace any existing values. To retain existing values, you must include the existing values along with any new values.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dKey: The option list key.

  • OptionListString: The list of options, separated by the \n escape sequence.


  • IdcCommand command file format:

    # Add the new options list 'LocationList' and
    # Add values Madrid, Tokyo, London, Washington
  • HDA format (adds the option list LocationList with the values Madrid, Tokyo, London, and Washington):

    @Properties LocalData

4.9 Miscellaneous Services (Core Content Server)

The services in this section are used for a variety of tasks, including working with batch loads, retrieving pages, and chunking files for uploading. The following services are described in this section:


This service adds support for calling an Content Server service that is very large. It chunks the request.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Service used by the SelectUser applet to provide type-ahead capabilities to the Users or Alias table. It returns ListBoxServiceItems, a resultset containing the results of the query.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dataSource: The name of the data source to use (for example, select query stub).

Optional Service Parameters

  • limit: The number of items to download. The default is 100.

  • op: The operator to use when creating the WHERE clause.


Service that loads localization information for user.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

4.10 Page Handler/Page Request Services (Core Content Server)

Page Request Services retrieve HTML pages. Page Handler Services manage library Web pages created by the Web Layout Editor. Frequently used services are marked with an asterisk (*) in the following list.

The following services are described in this section:


Service that deletes an existing search results template.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • name: The search results template name.




Service that returns the Administration page in a browser. It does not load the server's configuration. If the user is not assigned the admin role, the service returns an error message.

Access Level: N/A (0)

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • PageName: The name of the page template.

Optional Service Parameters

  • Action: The action to execute. Usually set to GetTemplatePage.


  • Local Data:

    • TemplateType

    • TemplateClass

    • TemplateFilePath

  • Response Template: Returns whatever template was passed as the value of the Page parameter. In standard usage this is ADMIN_LINKS (admin.htm).

Used By

  • Resource Includes:

    • pne_nav_admin_links

    • std_admin_pages

  • Templates:

    • ADMIN_LINKS (admin.htm)

    • IDC_ADMIN_PAGE (idc_admin_page.htm)

    • std_home_page.htm

  • Standard Navigation: commonNav.js


To get the standard Administration page:



Service that executes an HTML page request. This service is usually called from the browser interface. It executes the LOAD_DOC_ENVIRONMENT SubService.

Access Level: Read, Global, Scriptable (49)


Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • PageName: The name of the page template.

Optional Service Parameters

  • Action: The action to execute. Usually set to GetTemplatePage.


  • ResultSets:

    • DocFormats (All rows and fields of the DocFormats database table.)

    • DocTypes (All rows and fields of the DocTypes database table.)

  • Local Data:

    • TemplateClass

    • TemplateFilePath

    • TemplateType

  • Response Template: Returns whatever template was passed as the value of the Page parameter.

Used By

  • Resource Includes:

    • calculate_doc_profile_urls

    • determine_wf_review_rendition_url

    • home_page_static_content

    • pne_nav_bookmark_links

    • pne_nav_shared_links

    • search_template_user_info_settings

    • std_js_bootstrap_vars

    • std_main_page_begin

    • std_query_page_link_args

    • xui_searchapi_results_action_form

  • Templates:

    • PNE_PORTAL_DOC_PROFILES_PAGE (pne_portal_doc_profiles_page.htm)

    • PNE_PORTAL_PERSONAL_URLS_PAGE (pne_portal_personal_urls_page.htm)

    • PNE_PORTAL_SAVED_QUERIES_PAGE (pne_portal_saved_queries_page.htm)

    • PNE_PORTAL_SYSTEM_LINKS_PAGE (pne_portal_system_links_page.htm)

    • PREVIEW_FRAMES (preview_frames.htm)

    • USER_INFO (user_info.htm)

  • Standard Navigation:

    • commonNav.js

    • Trays/layout.js

    • Trays/search_tray_tabs.htm

  • Other:



  • To get the home page the parameters are:

  • To get the standard query page the parameters are:



Service that returns a Library page for dynamic assembly. This service can be used in two ways:

  • To load a library page for display directly in the Content Server system.

  • Used in the background in a hidden frame to dynamically generate or update nodes in the Library tree display.

The default template used by the DIRECTORY_PAGE service (dir_page.htm) is branched based upon the value of lmXML to perform one or the other of the two uses for the service. If lmXML is set to 1 (true), the template generates an XML object instead of an HTML page, then fires the libraryNodeLoadSequence to update the Library navigation tree.

Access Level: Read, Scriptable (33)

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • PageName: The name of the page template.


  • ResultSets:

    • PageMap (result set containing local pages contained within this library node; fields: PageName, PageParent)

    • LinkList (result set containing listing of links contained within this library node; fields: LinkType, LinkData, LinkTitle, LinkDescription)

  • Local Data:

    • dSecurityGroup

    • HeaderText

    • LinkSelectedIndex

    • LocationInfo

    • OutOfDate

    • PageFunction

    • PageLastChanged

    • PageName

    • PageParent

    • PageTitle

    • PageType

    • PageUrl

    • restrictByGroup

    • TemplatePage

  • Response Template: null (During execution of the service, the TemplatePage value is set to DIRECTORY_PAGE (dir_page.htm) ).

Used By

  • Applets: Installer

  • Resource Includes:

    • calculate_all_doc_profile_urls

    • home_page_static_content

    • pne_nav_shared_links

    • std_main_page_begin

    • std_page_nav_bar

  • Standard Navigation: commonNav.js


To get the index page the required parameters are:



Service that delivers the navigation information for a particular user's page. If a browser optimally caches the JavaScript, this enables the browser to not request the URL on every page load. If the navigation data changes, a numeric ID which is added at the end of the URL is changed and the browser will reload the page.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Service that displays a Portal Design page. The most likely errors are when there is an error loading configuration information, an error retrieving the options list, or when the referenced HTML page is not found.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • Action: The action to execute. Usually GetTemplatePage.

  • PageName: The name of the page template. The following standard pages are displayed using this parameter:

    • Portal Design page: PNE_PORTAL_DESIGN_PAGE

    • System Links page: PNE_PORTAL_SYSTEM_LINKS_PAGE

    • Saved Queries page: PNE_PORTAL_SAVED_QUERIES_PAGE



  • To get the Portal Design page, the parameters are:

  • To get the Saved Queries page, the parameters are:



Service that executes a secure HTML page request. This service is usually called from the browser interface and is restricted to users with Write permission to at least one group. The most likely error is when the referenced HTM page is not found.

This service is identical to GET_DOC_PAGE except this service requires Write privileges to at least one security group, whereas GET_DOC_PAGE only requires Read access.

This service executes the LOAD_DOC_ENVIRONMENT SubService.

Access Level: Write, Global, Scriptable (50)


Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • Page: The name of the page template.

Optional Service Parameters

  • Action: The action to execute. Usually GetTemplatePage.


  • ResultSets:

    • DocFormats (all rows and fields of the DocFormats database table)

    • DocTypes (all rows and fields of the DocTypes database table)

  • Local Data:

    • TemplateClass

    • TemplateFilePath

    • TemplateType

  • Response Template: Returns whatever template was passed as the value of the Page parameter

Used By

  • Resource Includes: pne_nav_management_links

  • Templates: std_home_page.htm


To get the content management page the parameters are:



Service that returns the portal page content. This service is used during the page assembly process for dynamic pages. Using the Web Layout Editor applet, select Options then Update Portal. The content shown on that screen is the content that is returned from the Content Server if you run this service.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates//std_services.htm


Service that rebuilds the static web layout structure as defined in the Web Layout Editor. Returns the entire page list in HDA format. This service is asynchronous and the action is performed in a background thread. This service can only be executed in the context of the Content Server instance and only completes successfully if a connection is made to the Content Server instance.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • IsRebuild: Enables a rebuild.

    • Must be set to true (1) for the server to rebuild the web layout pages.

    • Default is false (0).

  • PageFunction: Must be set to GetPageList.


  • IdcCommand command file format (rebuild the web layout pages):

    # Rebuild the entire search index
  • HDA format (rebuild the web layout pages):

    @Properties LocalData


Service that saves a search query in the User Profile for the current user.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

The parameters for this are exhibited in the std_page.htm in the dynamic HTML definition query_save_for_personalization_list_form_common_fields. Parameters include the following:

  • queryText

  • queryTitle

  • sortField

  • ResultCount


Service that updates the personal URLs in the User Profile for the current user.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • Action: The action to execute. Usually set to GetTemplatePage.

  • Page: The name of the page template.

  • titleEd: The link name to be displayed in the portal navigation bar.

  • websiteEd: The URL to be saved as a link.




Service that updates the System Links in the User Profile for the current user.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • Action: The action to execute. Usually set to GetTemplatePage.

  • PageName: The name of the page template.




Service that saves all global includes used during the page assembly process for dynamic pages. This service runs when you update the portal page from the Web Layout Editor.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • IsRebuild: Enables a rebuild of the portal page.

    • Must be set to 1 (true) for the Content Server system to update the portal page.

    • Default is 0 (false).

  • PageFunction: Must be set to GetPageList.




Service that updates a search results template.

When you launch the Web Layout Editor applet, then select Options, then select Query Result Page and click Add, Delete, or Edit, enter template information, and click OK, this service is executed.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


See the following example of the entries required to add a new query result template in HDA format.


  • IdcCommand command file format:

  • HDA file format (adds a new query result template called my_research_template).

    @Properties LocalData
    @ResultSet ResultPageUpdates
    testing the update template sevice


    Notice that there are two blank lines between the ResultsPage entry and the Text2 entry. This is required because there are no values for filename and outfilename (the blank lines define the empty values).

4.11 Provider Manager Services (Core Content Server)

Provider Manager services handle the providers that establish a connection to outside entities. The following services are described in this section:


Service that creates a new provider. The most likely error is when the provider name is not unique.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • pName: The provider name.

  • ProviderClass: The provider class.

  • pDescription: The description for the provider.

  • pType: The provider type:

    • database: An information repository server that provides an API for connecting and communicating with it. This retrieves information and enables information to be changed in the database. Examples of this type are system databases and LDAP.

    • incoming: A connection initiated from an outside entity like a browser or client application. The server listens and is aware of incoming connections

    • outgoing: A connection initiated to an outside entity. You can use this type to communicate between Content Server instances.

    • preview: The API that establishes connections between Content Server and Preview technology like the DTM server for HTML Preview and Content Categorizer.

    • LDAP: The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol.


pDescription=provider description


SubService used by GET_SYSTEM_AUDIT_INFO to return information on the System Audit Info page.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Service that deletes an existing provider. The most likely error is a provider name not in the system.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • pName: The provider name.




Service that reverses the enable/disable state of an existing provider. If the provider is enabled, the service disables it. If the provider is disabled, the service enables it.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • pName: The provider name.

  • pDescription: The provider's description.

  • pType: Used to create the provider type. Any component can add its own provider type. Currently, the following types are accepted:

    • database: An information repository server that provides an API for connecting and communicating with it. This retrieves information and enables information to be changed in the database. Examples of this type are system databases and LDAP.

    • incoming: A connection initiated from an outside entity like a browser or client application. The server listens and is aware of incoming connections

    • outgoing: A connection initiated to an outside entity. You can use this type to communicate between Content Server instances.

    • preview: The API that establishes connections between Content Server and Preview technology like the DTM server for HTML Preview and Content Categorizer.

    • LDAP: The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol.

Optional Service Parameters

  • IsEnabled: The desired state of the provider, true or false.




Service that returns a form for adding or editing a provider in a browser.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • isEdit: 1 (true): An existing provider is edited. 0 (false): A new provider is added.

  • pName: The provider name. Required only when editing a provider.

  • pType: The provider type:

    • Database: An information repository server that provides an API for connecting and communicating with it. This retrieves information and enables information to be changed in the database. Examples of this type are system databases and LDAP.

    • Incoming: A connection initiated from an outside entity like a browser or client application. The server listens and is aware of incoming connections

    • Outgoing: A connection initiated to an outside entity. You can use this type to communicate between Content Server instances.

    • Preview: The API that establishes connections between Content Server and Preview technology like the DTM server for HTML preview and Content Categorizer.

    • LDAP: The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol.

  • ResourceTemplate: The resource template for the form. Required only when adding a provider.


  • If you are adding a provider, the parameters you pass are similar to the following:

  • If you are editing a provider, the parameters you pass are similar the following:



Service that returns a list of all providers.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Service that returns information about a provider.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • pName: The provider name.

  • ResourceTemplate: The resource template for page display. Required only when running the service from a browser interface. For example:





Service that notifies an Content Server instance of changes to another Content Server instance through an outgoing provider.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • IDC_Name: The name of the Content Server instance to be notified.




Service that returns all security and user information from the Content Server instance.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Service that tests a provider.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • pName: The provider name.



4.12 Schema Services (Core Content Server)

These services manage the server-side publishing of JavaScript files of database tables, such as option lists. The following services are described in this section:


Service that adds a field to a schema table.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • schFieldName: The name of the field to be included.


Service that adds a relation to an existing schema.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • schRelationName: The name of the relation to be included.


Service used to add a new view for a schema.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • schViewName: The name of the view to be added.

  • schViewType: The type of the schema view to be added.

  • schTableName: The name of the table that the view is related to.


Service used to add or edit a table used in a schema.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Service used to delete a field from a schema table.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • schFieldName: The name of the field to be deleted.


Service used to delete a relation from a schema.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • schRelationName: The name of the relation to be deleted.


Service used to delete a table from a schema.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • schTableName: The name of the relation to be deleted.


Service used to delete a view from a schema.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • schViewName: The name of the view to be deleted.


Service used to edit a field in a schema.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • schFieldName: The name of the field to be edited.


Service used to edit a node in a schema.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • editViewValueAction: The action to be used for the node.

  • schViewName: The name of the view used for the node.


Service used to edit a schema relation.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • schRelationName: The name of the relation to be edited.

  • schTablenTable: The number of the table to be used for the relation (for example, Table1 or Table2). If this value is not provided, no table is used for the relation.


Service used to edit a schema view.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • schViewType: The type of the view to be edited.

  • schViewName: The name of the view to be edited.

  • schTableName: The name of the table associated with the schema.


Service used to edit values in a schema view.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • schViewName: The name of the view to be used.


Service that returns information about a specific schema field.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • schFieldName: The name of the field to be used.


Service that returns information about fields used in schemas.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Service that returns information about relations used with schemas.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Service that gathers statistics regarding schema usage for the Edit Active Console Output Tracing Report on the System Audit Info Page.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Service that returns information about all tables used in schemas.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Service that returns information about the tables and information in the tables that are used in schemas.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Service that returns the editable information for a schema view.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • schViewName: The name of the view to be used.


Service that returns a fragment of a Schema-based option list.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • schViewName: The name of the view to be used.

Optional Service Parameters

  • schRelationName: If this field is a Dependent Choice List (DCL), this is the name of the Schema relation used to filter the list results.

  • schParentValue: If this field is a DCL, this is the value of the parent field used with the relation to filter the list.


Service that returns table and other information for the specified view.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • schViewName: The name of the view to be used.


Service that displays values in the specified view.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • schViewName: The name of the view to be used.


Service that retrieves all defined schema views.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Service that initiates a publish of all schemas.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

4.13 Search Services (Core Content Server)

The Search Services are used to manage searching within the Content Server system. Frequently used services are marked with an asterisk (*) in the following list.

The following services are described in this section:


SubService used by GET_SYSTEM_AUDIT_INFO to return information on the System Audit Info page.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Service that retrieves content information from an external Verity collection. Used with the LightlyManagedContent component.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dDocName: The Content ID for the content item.

  • sCollectionID: The collection ID used by the Content Server system to locate the collection.




Service that returns PDF or HTML highlight information for a content item in an external collection.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dDocName: The Content ID for the content item.

  • HighlightType: The highlight type:

    • For PDF, use PdfHighlight.

    • For HTML, use HtmlHighlight.

  • QueryText: The full-text search expression.

  • SortField: The name of the metadata field to sort on.

    • Examples: dInDate, dOutDate, alternateFile.

    • Defaults to DocId.

    • SortOrder: The sort order. Allowed values are ASC (ascending) and DESC (descending).




Service that returns XML highlight information for a content item in an external collection.This service is called if a user is doing a full-text search for a PDF document in a browser environment. It occurs when the user selects the link for the PDF on the result page and views the highlighted word on the PDF.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dDocName: The Content ID for the content item.

  • HighlightType: The highlight type:

    • For PDF, use PdfHighlight.

    • For HTML, use HtmlHighlight.

  • QueryText: The full-text search expression.

  • SortField: The name of the metadata field to sort on.

    • Examples: dInDate, dOutDate, alternateFile.

    • Defaults to DocId.

  • SortOrder: The sort order. Allowed values are ASC (ascending) and DESC (descending).




Service that returns PDF or HTML highlight information for a content item.

This service is run from the browser interface when you do a full-text search and click the Content ID or thumbnail on the search result page. On the displayed page, the words that you searched for are highlighted. For HTML document the words are bold and for PDF document they are highlighted.

The most likely errors are when the content item no longer exists in the system or if the user fails the security check.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dDocName: The Content ID for the content item.

  • QueryText: The full-text search expression.

  • SortField: The name of the metadata field to sort on.

    • Examples: dInDate, dOutDate, alternateFile.

    • Defaults to DocId.

  • SortOrder: The sort order. Allowed values are ASC (ascending) and DESC (descending).

Optional Service Parameters

  • dWebExtension: The file extension of the web-viewable content. For example, html, pdf, or txt.

  • HighlightType: The highlight type:

    • For PDF, use PdfHighlight.

    • For HTML, use HtmlHighlight.


  • IdcCommand command file format:

  • HDA format with optional parameters:

    @Properties LocalData


Service that returns a list of content items that match specific search criteria.

Access Level: Read (1)

Calls SubService: SUB

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • QueryText: The search expression.

You can append values for Title, Content ID, and so forth, on the QueryText parameter to refine this service.

Optional Service Parameters

  • ResultCount: The number of results to return. Defaults to 25.

  • SearchEngineName: The name of the search engine to be used. The default is the value specified in the config/config.cfg file.

    Values can be databasefulltext or database. If set to database or databasefulltext, you must pass SQL in the QueryText parameter, as in this example:

    dDocTitle like 'test'

    This is equivalent to the Verity query:

    dDocTitle <substring> 'test'
    • SortField: The name of the metadata field to sort on.

      • Examples: dInDate, dDocTitle, Score.

      • Defaults to dInDate.

    • SortOrder: The sort order. Allowed values are ASC (ascending) and DESC (descending).

    • SortSpec: Enables sorting on more than one field. Set this parameter to the following sequence:

      <sort field> <sort order> <sort field> <sort order>...

    For example, SortSpec=dDocTitle ASC dInDate DESC.

    • StartRow: The row to begin the search results display. For example, if ResultCount=25, setting StartRow=26 displays the second page of results.

    • EndRow: The row to end the search results display.

  • vcrContentType: The name of a searchable content type. The server modifies the query text of the search to limit the results to documents of that type. For example, if the content type specified is one describing a profile, then the query text is modified to limit the documents returned to those whose profile trigger value matches that of the profile.

  • vcrAppendObjectClassInfo: When set to true, the server adds an additional column to the SearchResults ResultSet called vcrObjectClass. This column lists the content type associated with each document in the results. The default is true.




Service that forces the user to be logged in before retrieving the search results. This service is equivalent to GET_SEARCH_RESULTS.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Service that returns XML highlight information for a content item.

This service is called if a user is doing a full-text search for a PDF document in a browser environment. When the user selects the link for the PDF on the result page and views the highlighted word on the PDF.

The most likely error is a content item name that does not exist.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dDocName: The Content ID for the content item.

  • HighlightType: The highlight type:

    • For PDF, use PdfHighlight.

    • For HTML, use HtmlHighlight.

  • QueryText: The full-text search expression.

  • SortField: The name of the metadata field to sort on.

    • Examples: dInDate, dOutDate, alternateFile.

    • Defaults to DocId.

  • SortOrder: The sort order. Allowed values are ASC (ascending) and DESC (descending).




Service used to retrieve the search results where the presentation is controlled by the user's preferences (that is, the PNE settings).

The QueryText for the service targets the defined search engine and as such can use all the parameters available to the GET_SEARCH_RESULTS service.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • QueryText: The search expression.



4.13.10 VIEW_DOC

Service that returns highlight information.

  • Given a content item name, the service evaluates security information and displays the content item highlight information.

  • Usually this service is used when you have an external collection rather than a Content Server search collection. But in either case, the search collection must be created by the Verity search engine. For example, if you want to do a search on an external collection, you must provide the VdkVgwKey and sCollectionID parameters so the collection can be located by the Content Server INSTANCE.

  • Usually, the VdkVgwKey is the dDocName. Verity gives a unique ID to each content item, and the Content Server system maps that Verity ID (VdkVgwKey) with dDocName (Content ID).

  • Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • QueryText: The search expression.

  • sCollectionID: The collection ID used by the Content Server system to locate the collection.

  • SortField: The name of the metadata field to sort on.

  • Examples: dInDate, dOutDate, alternateFile.

    • Defaults to docID.

  • SortOrder: The sort order. Allowed values are Asc (ascending) and Desc (descending).

Optional Service Parameters

  • ViewType: The display format. If this parameter is not defined, ViewText is used by default.

    • Set to ViewText to display as Text.

    • Set to ViewHtml to display as HTML.



4.14 User Services (Core Content Server)

User Services assist in managing user-related activities, such as adding accounts, aliases, and roles. Frequently used services are marked with an asterisk (*) in the following list.

The following services are described in this section:

4.14.1 ADD_ALIAS

Used to create a new alias. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or when a user or alias already exists in the system.

If you add an alias using the User Admin applet, you must add at least one user. However, you do not need to add a user using IdcCommand or IdcCommandX. To add users using IdcCommand or IdcCommandX, the optional parameter AliasUsersString must be included.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dAlias: The alias name.

  • dAliasDescription: The alias description.

Optional Service Parameters

  • AliasUsersString: The alias or user. To add multiple users:

    • In HDA format: Use the \n escape sequence between each user name when using HDA format, as in this example:

    • AliasUsersString=sysadmin\nuser1

    • When using SOAP format, put the unencoded line feed directly into the XML or encode the line feed as (&#10;).


  • To create an alias and add a user the required parameters are:

    dAliasDescription=admin users
  • In HDA format, adding a user with the AliasUsersString parameter:

    @Properties LocalData
    dAliasDescription=admin users
  • In HDA format, adding a user with the AliasUserMap and Alias result sets:

    @Properties LocalData
    dAliasDescription=Test Alias
    blFieldTypes=StatusMessage message
    blDateFormat=M/d{/yy} {h:mm[:ss] {aa}[zzz]}!tAmerica/Chicago!mAM,PM
    @ResultSet AliasUserMap
    dAlias 6 30
    dUserName 6 50
    @ResultSet Alias
    dAlias 6 30
    dAliasDescription 6 50
    This is a test of adding an alias
    Test Alias
    Test Alias

4.14.2 ADD_GROUP

Service that creates a new security group. The most likely error is when the security group name is not unique.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dGroupName: The security group name.

  • dDescription: The security group description.

  • dPrivilege: The permission setting.

    If this value is set to 0, only the admin role has RWDA permission on the security group; no other roles are able to access the security group. If the value is set to 15, all roles get RWDA permission on the security group. For more information about numbering of permissions, see Administering Oracle WebCenter Content.


dDescription=admin privileges

4.14.3 ADD_ROLE

Service that creates a new role. A role is a set of permissions (Read, Write, Delete, Admin) for each security group.

The service adds a row in the RoleDefinition table for every existing security group. The most likely error is when the role name is not unique.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dRoleName: The role name.

  • dPrivilege: The permission setting.

    If this value is set to 0, only the admin role has RWDA permission on the security group. No other roles are able to access the security group. If the value is set to 15, all roles get RWDA permission on the security group. For more information about numbering of permissions, see Administering Oracle WebCenter Content.



4.14.4 ADD_USER

Service used to create a new user. The most likely error is when the user name is not unique.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dName: The user name.

  • dUserAuthType: The user authorization type. This value must be set to either Local or Global.

Optional Service Parameters

  • dFullName: The full name of the user.

  • dPassword: The password for the user.

  • dEmail: The email address for the user.

Optional Attribute Information

Optional attribute information is specified in a result set that contains the user's attribute information and references the roles the user belongs to and the accounts the user has access to. Attribute information consists of a list of three comma-delimited strings. The first string indicates the type of attribute, the second the name of the attribute, and the third is the access number for accounts or default entry for role.


The user attribute information is not predefined. By default, a new user belongs to no roles or accounts, and becomes a guest in the system.

  • Attribute Type: When defining a role, the first string specifies that this is a role attribute, the second string is the name of the role, and the third is the default entry of 15.

    When defining an account, the first string specifies that this is an account attribute, the second string is the name of the account, and the third is the access level.

    • For a role attribute, the information is in the form:

    • role,contributor,15

    • For an account attribute, the information is in the form:

    • account,books,1

  • Attribute Name: A user can belong to multiple roles and accounts, so there can be multiple role and account information strings separated by commas in the attribute information column. If the user is to have the admin role, define the user attribute information as follows:

    @ResultSet UserAttribInfo

    If the user is to belong to both the contributor and editor roles and have Read permission on the books account, define the user attribute information as:

    @ResultSet UserAttribInfo
  • Access Number: These access numbers can be assigned to the user.

    • 1: Read only

    • 3: Read and write

    • 7: Read, write, delete

    • 15: Administrative permissions


  • IdcCommand command file format:

  • HDA format with optional parameters:

    @Properties LocalData
    dFullName=Jennifer Smith
    @ResultSet UserAttribInfo


Service that changes the authentication type (global, local, or external) for users.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • curUserAuthType: Current user authentication type.

  • dUserAuthType: New user authentication type.


Service that checks the credentials of a user. You can use this service to get information about a user (for example, roles and accounts), or use it to check a user/password pair to see if they match. This is called during the authentication process. The data is cached so it is not called for every service request.

This service does not return user data for Microsoft Active Directory managed users when the Content Server instance is configured to use ADSI. It does return the user data for local users and external LDAP managed users.

Access Level: N/A (0)

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • userName: The user name

Optional Service Parameters

  • getUserInfo: 0 (false): Does not retrieve extended user information. 1 (true): Retrieves extended user information (full name, e-mail address, locale, and user type)

  • hasSecurityInfo: 0 (false): Retrieves the user accounts. 1 (true): Does not retrieve the user accounts.

  • authenticateUser: 0 (false): Does not authenticate the user (validate that the user/password pair match). 1 (true): Authenticates the user (validate that the user/password pair match). In this case, the userPassword parameter must be specified.

  • userPassword: The password for the specified user name. If the authenticateUser parameter is included and set to 1 (true), the userPassword parameter must be specified.

  • userExtendedInfo: This parameter, combined with the getUserInfo parameter, returns the user's accounts and groups in the data binder. 0 (false): Does not retrieve the information. 1 (true): Retrieves the information.


  • Local Data:

    • extendedInfo: HDA-encoded string containing user info fields (ndUserLocale, nblFieldTypes, ndEmail, nblDateFormat, ndFullName, ndUserType, ndUserAuthType, ndUserChangeDate, ndUserTimeZone, and ndUserArriveDate). Only returned if optional parameter 'getUserInfo' is 1 (true).

    • accounts: comma-delimited list of user's accounts. Only returned if optional parameter hasSecurityInfo is 0 (false).

    • roles: comma-delimited list if user's roles. Only returned if optional parameter hasSecurityInfo is 0 (false).

    • hasSecurtyInfo: Returns 1 (true) if security information is present in response.

    • isAuthenticated: Returns 1 (true) if optional parameter authenticateUser is set to 1 (true), and the optional parameter userPassword matches the password that corresponds to userName.

    • isPromptLogin: Returns 1 (true) if userPassword does not correspond to userName. No other data is returned in this situation.


The following is an example CHECK_USER_CREDENTIALS service call to get information about a user:

@Properties LocalData

The following is an example of the results that would be returned by this service call to get user information (note that the accounts are returned):

Content-type: text/plain
<?hda version="6.3 dev (build-date)" jcharset=Cp1252 encoding=iso-8859-1?>
@Properties LocalData
blDateFormat='{ts' ''yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'''}'!tAmerica/Chicago
extendedInfo=\@Properties LocalData\nu9=\nu8=\nu7=\ndUserArriveDate=
{ts '2003-02-11 08:34:35'}\nu6=\ndUserTimeZone=\nu5=\nu4=\nu3=\nu2=
\ndUserAuthType=LOCAL\nu1=\ndUserType=\ndUserChangeDate={ts '2003-04-03 11:57:29'}
\nu21=\nu20=\ndFullName=user1\nblDateFormat=M/d{/yyyy} {h:mm{:ss}{.SSSS}

The following is an example of the results that would be returned by this service call to get user information (note that the accounts are not returned):

Content-type: text/plain
<?hda version="6.3 dev (build-date)" jcharset=Cp1252 encoding=iso-8859-1?>
@Properties LocalData
blDateFormat='{ts' ''yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'''}'!tAmerica/Chicago
extendedInfo=\@Properties LocalData\nu9=\nu8=\nu7=\ndUserArriveDate=
{ts '2003-02-11 08:34:35'}\nu6=\ndUserTimeZone=\nu5=\nu4=\nu3=\nu2=
\ndUserAuthType=LOCAL\nu1=\ndUserType=\ndUserChangeDate={ts '2003-04-03
\nu22=\nu21=\nu20=\ndFullName=user1\nblDateFormat=M/d{/yyyy} {h:mm{:ss}{.SSSS}

The following is an example CHECK_USER_CREDENTIALS service call to see if a user name/password pair match:

@Properties LocalData

The following is an example of the results that would be returned by this service call to check a user name/password pair match (note that the user name and password match; the key returned value being isAuthenticated=1):

Content-type: text/plain
<?hda version="6.3 dev (build-date)" jcharset=Cp1252 encoding=iso-8859-1?>
@Properties LocalData
blDateFormat='{ts' ''yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'''}'!tAmerica/Chicago

The following is another example CHECK_USER_CREDENTIALS service call to see if a user name/password pair match:

@Properties LocalData

The following is an example of the results that would be returned by this service call to check a user name/password pair match (note that the user name and password do not match; isPromptLogin=1 is returned instead of isAuthenticated=1):

Content-type: text/plain
<?hda version="6.3 dev (build-date)" jcharset=Cp1252 encoding=iso-8859-1?>
@Properties LocalData
blDateFormat='{ts' ''yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'''}'!tAmerica/Chicago


Service that deletes an existing alias. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters, when the alias is being used in the workflow, or when the system is unable to delete the alias or the user.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dAlias: The alias name.




Service that deletes an existing security group.The most likely errors are when content items or workflows associated with this group still exist in the system.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dGroupName: The security group name.




Service that deletes an existing role. The most likely errors are when the specified role does not exist or when a user still has this role assigned.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dRoleName: The role name.




Service that deletes an existing user. The most likely error is when the user has been assigned to an alias.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dName: The user name.


  • IdcCommand command file format:

  • HDA format:

    @Properties LocalData

4.14.11 EDIT_ALIAS

Service that modifies an existing alias. To edit and add users, the AliasUsersString parameter must be included.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Editing an alias deletes all existing data (Description and Users) from the alias. To retain existing data, you must include the existing data along with any new data.

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dAlias: The alias name.

  • dAliasDescription: The alias description.

  • AliasUsersString: The alias or user. To add multiple users:

    • In HDA format: Use the \n escape sequence between each user name when using HDA format, as in this example:

    • When using SOAP format, put the unencoded line feed directly into the XML or encode the line feed as (&#10;).


  • Edits an alias:

    dAliasDescription=new user
  • In HDA format, adding users with the AliasUsersString parameter:

    @Properties LocalData
    dAliasDescription=Test Alias
    blDateFormat=M/d{/yy} {h:mm[:ss] {aa}[zzz]}!tAmerica/Chicago!mAM,PM
  • In HDA format, adding users with the AliasUserMap and Alias result sets:

    @Properties LocalData
    blDateFormat=M/d{/yy} {h:mm[:ss] {aa}[zzz]}!tAmerica/Chicago!mAM,PM
    blFieldTypes=StatusMessage message
    dAliasDescription=Test Alias
    @ResultSet AliasUserMap
    dAlias 6 30
    dUserName 6 50
    @ResultSet UpdatedUserTopics
    @ResultSet Alias
    dAlias 6 30
    dAliasDescription 6 50
    This is a test of adding an alias
    Test Alias
    Test Alias

4.14.12 EDIT_GROUP

Service that modifies an existing security group.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dGroupName: The security group name.

  • dDescription: The security group description.

  • dPrivilege: The permission setting.

    If this value is set to 0, only the admin role has RWDA permission on the group. No other roles are able to access the group. If the value is set to 15, all roles get RWDA permission on the group.


dDescription=admin privileges

4.14.13 EDIT_ROLE

Service that modifies an existing role. A role is a set of permissions (Read, Write, Delete, Admin) for each security group.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dRoleName: The existing role name.

  • dGroupName: The name of the security group.

Optional Service Parameters

  • dPrivilege: The permission setting.

    If this value is set to 0, only the admin role has RWDA permission on the group. No other roles are able to access the group. If the value is set to 15, all roles get RWDA permission on the group. For more information about numbering of permissions, see Administering Oracle WebCenter Content.



4.14.14 EDIT_USER

Service that modifies an existing user. The most likely error is the user not having the security level to perform this action or the user not existing.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Editing a user deletes all existing user attributes (role and account permissions). To retain existing attributes, you must include the existing attributes along with any new or changed data. If user attributes are not defined, the user belongs to no roles or accounts, and becomes a guest in the system.


If the specified user does not exist, the Content Server adds the user.

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dName: The user name.

  • dUserAuthType: The user authorization type. This value must be set to either Local or Global.

Optional Service Parameters

  • dFullName: The full name of the user.

  • dPassword: The password for the user.

  • dEmail: The email address of the user.

  • dUserLocale: The locale designation, such as English-US, English-UK, Deutsche, Français, or Español.

  • dUserType: The user type.

Optional Attribute Information

Optional attributes are specified as a result set that contains the user's attribute information and specifies the roles the user belongs to and the accounts the user has access to. Attribute information consists of a list of three comma-delimited strings. The first string indicates the type of attribute, the second the name of the attribute, and the third is the access number for accounts or default entry for role.

  • Attribute Type: When defining a role, the first string specifies that this is a role attribute, the second string is the name of the role, and the third is the default entry of 15. When defining an account, the first string specifies that this is an account attribute, the second string is the name of the account, and the third is the access level.

    • For a role attribute, the information is in the form:


    • For an account attribute, the information is in the form:


  • Attribute Name: A user can belong to multiple roles and accounts, so there can be multiple role and account information strings separated by commas in the attribute information column. If the user is to have the admin role, define the user attribute information as follows:

    @ResultSet UserAttribInfo

    If the user is to belong to both the contributor and editor roles and have Read permission on the books account, define the user attribute information as:

    @ResultSet UserAttribInfo
  • Access Number: These access numbers can be assigned to the user.

    • 1: Read only

    • 3: Read and write

    • 7: Read, write, delete

    • 15: Administrative permissions


  • IdcCommand command file format:

  • HDA format with optional parameters and attribute information:

    @Properties LocalData
    dFullName=Jennifer Smith
    @ResultSet UserAttribInfo


Service that modifies the user profile for an existing user. and saves profile settings. This cannot be used to change a user's security credentials.

Access Level: Read, Global (17)

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

  • Any of the fields in the Users table (except dName) can be updated by this service.

  • You can use this service o edit personalization information that is not stored in the database. Some of a user's information is stored in the database and some is stored in personalization data .hda files.

  • For information in the database, simply passing the corresponding field name and a value causes the field to be updated.

  • For personalization data, encoded topic strings must be used (for example, topicString1=updateKeys:pne_portal:lm_Layout:Trays).

  • The Password value cannot be updated for proxied users.

  • The most likely reason this service would fail is if it cannot find the user (dName) in the system, or if the user name passed in dName does not match the current user.

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dName: The user name.

Optional Service Parameters

  • dFullName: The full name of the user.

  • dPassword: The password for the user.

  • dEmail: The email address of the user.

  • dUserLocale: The locale designation, such as English-US, English-UK, Deutsche, Français, or Español.

  • dUserType: The user type.

  • emailFormatList: Set to HTML for HTML-based emails or text for text-based email.

  • numTopics: The number of additional personalization topics in this request.

  • topicString1: An encoded string of a personalization topic to update.

  • numTopics: The total number of topic strings being passed.

  • Any field from the User's table (except dName): dFullName, dEmail, dPasswordEncoding, dPassword, dUserType, dUserAuthType, dUserOrgPath, dUserSourceOrgPath, dUserSourceFlags, dUserArriveDate, dUserChangeDate, dUserLocale, dUserTimeZone.

  • topicString1 - topicStringN: Any number of strings encoded to define personalization topic edit operations.

  • RedirectUrl: Used to display another page. If omitted, the user is redirected to the Content Server home page.

Optional parameters for Content Server version 7.0 and later:

  • Layout: The API to use (for example, Top Menu or Trays).

  • Skin: The skin to use (for example, Windows).

  • XuiSearchTemplate: The template to use for the user's personalized Search Results page.


  • ResultSets: UserTopicEdits (Returned only if personalization data was edited. Contains info about what topic edits were performed. Has the following fields: topicName, topicEditAction, topicKey, topicValue. Note that topicValue is an HDA-encoded string.)

  • Local Data:

    • changedSubjects

    • dUser

  • Response Template:

    • REDIRECT_TEMPLATE (redirect_template.htm)

    • Default redirect service: GET_DOC_PAGE (Page=HOME_PAGE)

Used By

  • Resource Includes: user_info_submit_form


  • IdcCommand command file format:

  • HDA format with optional parameters:

    @Properties LocalData
    dFullName=Jennifer Smith


Service that returns a list of all aliases.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Service that retrieves the Configure Web Server Filter page in a browser.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Service that returns the self-registration page and loads the user information for a self-registered user.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Service that returns the checkin and search profiles available to the current user. This service also includes the Standard Search /Checkin information if available to the user.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


  • ResultSets:

    • SearchProfiles: Result set with search profile information. This result set contains five columns:

      • dpName: The profile name

      • dpDescription: The profile description

      • dpTriggerValue: The trigger value of the profile

      • dpDisplayLabel: The profile display label

      • dpdDocClass: The Document Class associated with the profile

    • CheckInProfiles: Result set with check-in profile information. This result set contains five columns:

      • dpName: The profile name

      • dpDescription: The profile description

      • dpTriggerValue: The trigger value of the profile

      • dpDisplayLabel: The profile display label

      • dpdDocClass: The Document Class associated with the profile


Service that returns the User Profile page for the current user. Use CHECK_USER_CREDENTIALS to verify the roles and accounts for the user.

This service takes no parameters and derives its information based upon the value of the dUser server variable.

Access Level: Read, Global, Scriptable (49)

Queries Executed: Quser

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


  • ResultSets:

    • USER_INFO (fields from Users database table for current user)

      • dName: Name of the user

      • dFullName: Full name of the user

      • dEmail: E-mail of the user

      • dUserTimeZone: Time zone of the user

      • dUserLocale: User locale of the user

      • dUserLanguageId: User language ID of the user

    • UserLocaleLanguageMap (available locales for the user)

      • lcLocaleID: Locale ID

      • lcLanguageID: Language ID corresponding to the locale ID

    • UserMetaDefinition (result set that defines properties of user meta fields; matches contents of usermeta.hda file in data directory)

    • LmLayouts (listing of names of available layouts; fields: layout)

    • LmLayoutSkinPairs (listing of all available layout/skin combinations; fields: layout, skin)

  • Option Lists Returned: Users_UserLocaleList

  • Local Data:

    • dName

    • dUser

  • Response Template: USER_INFO (user_info.htm)

Used By

  • Resource Includes: pne_nav_userprofile_links

  • Templates:

    • MY_VIEW_FORM (my_view_form.htm)

    • PNE_PORTAL_DESIGN_PAGE (pne_portal_design_page.htm)

    • PNE_PORTAL_DOC_PROFILES_PAGE (pne_portal_doc_profiles_page.htm)

    • PNE_PORTAL_PERSONAL_URLS_PAGE(pne_portal_personal_urls_page.htm)

    • PNE_PORTAL_SAVED_QUERIES_PAGE (pne_portal_saved_queries_page.htm)

    • PNE_PORTAL_SYSTEM_LINKS_PAGE (pne_portal_system_links_page.htm)

    • std_home_page.htm

    • SUBSCRIPTION_LIST (subscription_list.htm)

  • Standard Navigation: commonNav.js

4.14.21 GET_USERS

Service that returns a list of all users and their attributes. Returns a list of all users registered in the system with their primary attributes: user name, full name, password, email address, directory, type, and password encoding.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Loads all data from the user's PNE file (pne_portal.htm), including standard personalization properties and result sets, and custom personalization data, for a user's saved queries. This is used by remote applications to obtain a user's personalization settings.

This is used as a remote application service. It is a raw data service with no associated template display.

Access Level: Read, Scriptable (33)

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


  • ResultSets: All result sets from the user's pne_portal.htm file. Typically this includes personal URLS and saved queries, but can also include any custom personalization result sets used by the specific implementation.

  • Local Data: All LocalData properties from the user's pne_portal.hda file. This includes standard personalization properties (XuiSearchTemplate, showDefaultQuery, defaultQueryRows, lm_Skin, lm_Layout, portalDesignLink, quickSearchLink, defaultQuery, searchFormType, emailFormat), but can also include any custom personalization properties used by the specific implementation.

Used By

  • Other: SoapCustom:Wsdl:PortalInfo:Services


Loads personalization data based on the topic chosen. The topics correspond to HDA files in the DomainHome/ucm/cs/data/users/profiles/ directories.

This is used as a remote application service. It is a raw data service with no associated template display.

Access Level: Read, Scriptable (33)

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • userTopic: The name of the user topic, such as pne_portal or wf_in_queue.


  • ResultSets: All result sets in the specified topic file.

  • Local Data: All LocalData properties in the specified topic file.


Service that returns the description of a security group.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dGroupName: The security group name.




Service that returns user attributes for a specific user.

This service does not return user data for Microsoft Active Directory managed users when the Content Server instance is configured to use ADSI. It does return the user data for local users and external LDAP managed users.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dName: The user name.




Service that registers a user. If only the user name parameter (dName) is provided, the new user is a local user with the guest role and a blank password.

The most likely error is a user name that is not unique.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dName: The user name.

Optional Service Parameters

  • dFullName: The full name of the user.

  • dPassword: The password for the user.

  • dEmail: The email address for the user.

  • dUserLocale: The locale designation, such as English-US, English-UK, Deutsche, Français, or Español.

  • dUserType: The user authorization type, either Local or Global.




Service used to save personalization information for the user. Seven actions can be performed with this service. The required parameters for the service vary depending upon which action is being performed.

A form is normally used to submit the service request because of the complexity of the data and the number of additional parameters required.

Access Level: Read, Global (17)

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


The following actions are used with the topicString parameter:

  • updateKeys: Updates a single LocalData key variable. The topicString parameter takes 4 values: the first 3 required values plus a fourth that contains the literal string value to be placed in the key variable.

  • updateKeyByName: This action is new as of Content Server version 10gR1. Like updateKeys, this action updates a single LocalData key variable. It also takes 4 topicString values. Instead of containing a literal string, the fourth value contains the name of an additional field/parameter that contains the value to be used in the update.

  • deleteKeys: Deletes a single key variable. The topicString parameter takes the 3 required values only.

  • updateRows: This action is used to add or update one or more result set rows using a single topic string. The topicString parameter takes 5 values: the first 3 required values; a fourth that contains a comma-delimited list of all result set column names in correct order; a fifth containing a number indicating the total number of rows being updated/added.

    A set of additional fields/parameters with names corresponding to the column names must be provided for each row of data based upon the number of rows indicated in the fifth value of the topicString. Sequential numeric suffixes must be appended to the column names of the fields in each row's data set beginning with one and ending with total row number provided in the topicString (if any of these are missing, the Content Server throws an error).

    If the value for the first column (the unique key) of a row in the update data matches that of an existing row in the result set, the existing row will be updated; otherwise a new row will be appended to the bottom of the result set.

  • addMruRow: The "Mru" in the name is an acronym for most-recenly-used. This action adds a single row to the top of a result set. The number of rows in the result set is not allowed to exceed a specified maximum. If a row is added to a result set that already contains the maximum number of rows, the last row is deleted at the same time that the new one is added (essentially keeping only the N most recently used rows in a result set).

    The maximum number of rows can be specified using an optional mruNumber parameter. If no mruNumber parameter is provided, the maximum defaults to 10.

    The topicString parameter takes 4 values: the first 3 required values and a fourth that contains a comma-delimited list of all result set column names in correct order. Similar to updateRows, a set of additional fields/parameters with names corresponding to the column names must be provided; but since only one row is added/updated at a time, no numeric suffixes are required on the names.

    If the value of the first column (the unique key) matches that of an existing row, that row is updated and moved to the top of the result set rather than adding a new row. The number of rows doesn't change, and the affected row is now considered the most-recently-used row.

  • deleteRows: Deletes one or more rows from a result set. The topicString parameter takes 4 values: the first 3 required values, and a fourth that contains a comma-delimited list of strings that correspond to the DATA VALUES of the first column (unique key) of existing rows in the specified result set.

  • deleteSets: Deletes one or more result sets from a topic file. The topicString parameter takes only 3 values, but in this case, the third value can be a comma-delimited list of names rather than a single key name, allowing multiple result sets to be deleted using a single topicString.

Optional Service Parameters

  • numTopics: Tells the service the number of topicStrings to expect.

  • topicKeys: Identifies the topic string parameter fields by name. Composed of a colon-separated list of one or more names that correspond to fields or parameters that contain the topic strings. A numTopics value must be present when this parameter is used, even if you don't use the enumeration method of identifying topic string values. (Any value can be used for numTopics.)

  • topicStringn: Composed of three to five values, separated by colons. The number of topic strings depends on the value in numTopics. For example, if numTopics is 2, topicString1 and topicString2 are required.

    The values are as follows:

    • The first value is the action to be taken by the service.

    • The second value is the name of the topic file that is acted on.

    • The third value is the key name of the item being modified (either the name of a LocalData key variable, or the name of a result set in the topic file).

    • The fourth value contains data information for an add or update action. It either contains the data string itself, or it points to additional fields or parameters that contain the data values.

    • The fifth value is used only with the updateRows action to indicate the number of rows of data being sent.

    All of the update actions perform 'add' operations if a key of the given name is not found in the specified topic file. If a topic file matching the name given in the second value is present, but doesn't contain a key (variable or result set) matching the key name given in the third value, then a new variable or result set will be created using the data provided for the update operation. If the topic file itself is not found, it will also be created.

  • RedirectUrl: Used to display another page. If omitted, the user is redirected to the Content Server home page.

  • mruNumber: Used to specify the maximum number of rows in a result set when using the addMruRow - 'Add Most-Recently-Used Row' action.


  • ResultSets: UserTopicEdits (Rows represent each of the topic edits performed by the service call. Rows contain the fields: topicName, topicEditAction, topicKey, topicValue.)

  • Response Template:

    • REDIRECT_TEMPLATE (redirect_template.htm)

    • Default redirect service: GET_DOC_PAGE: HOME_PAGE

Used By

  • Resource Includes: xui_searchapi_results_action_form

  • Templates:

    • MY_VIEW_FORM (my_view_form.htm)

    • PNE_PORTAL_DOC_PROFILES_PAGE (pne_portal_doc_profiles_page.htm)

    • PNE_PORTAL_PERSONAL_URLS_PAGE (pne_portal_personal_urls_page.htm)

    • PNE_PORTAL_SAVED_QUERIES_PAGE (pne_portal_saved_queries_page.htm)

    • PNE_PORTAL_SYSTEM_LINKS_PAGE (pne_portal_system_links_page.htm)

    • WF_INQUEUE_LIST (workflow_queue.htm)



The following example is not a core configuration of the Content Server instance. This is a custom feature extension and is only supported through the purchase of Consulting Services or through the purchase of our Developer Support Token Program. As with all customization, when you upgrade your software, the custom changes may be overwritten.

To add a personal URL, use the following parameters and values:


These values add rows in the PersonalURLS ResultSet in the pne_portal.hda user topic. The columns in the ResultSet are title and website, which are taken from the fourth value of the topic string. The last value (1) tells the service that one row of data is being sent.

You must use additional parameters to the service to specify the row data. These parameters are taken from the title and website column names specified in the topicString. Because it is possible to specify more than one row of data, a numeric suffix is added to each of the column names to form the service parameter name. The first row would require the title1 and website1 parameters and a second row would require the title2 and website2 parameters.

To add a row of data that is a link to the home page, set the values of the title1 and website1 parameters to Home Page and http://www.example.com. These values must be URL-encoded if you are adding them directly to the URL in the browser address bar; if you use a form in a web page to submit the data, encoding is handled. Using a form, the complete service specification would be the following:

<FORM name='addPersonalUrlForm' method='POST'
<INPUT type='hidden' name='IdcService' value='SAVE_USER_TOPICS'>
<INPUT type='hidden' name='numTopics' value='1'>
<INPUT type='hidden' name='topicString1'
<INPUT type='hidden' name='title1' value='Company Home Page'>
<INPUT type='hidden' name='website1' value='http://www.example.com'>
<INPUT type='submit' value='Submit'>


Service that updates the Web server filter settings.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Service that adds or updates an option list for a user information field.


The option list values specified in the OptionListString parameter replace any existing values. To retain existing values, you must include the existing values along with the new values.

Option list values for the User Type field and all custom user information fields are not stored in the database but in the useroptions.hda file, which is normally located in the DomainHome/ucm/cs/data/users/config/ directory.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dKey: The option list key.

  • OptionListString: The list of options, separated by the \n escape sequence.


  • IdcCommand command file format:

    # Add values NY, DC, CA to UserTypeList
  • HDA format (adds the values NY, DC, and CA to UserTypeList):

    @Properties LocalData

4.15 Collaboration Services (Core Content Server)

The following Collaboration Services ship with the core Content Server software:


Service called from ADD_COLLABORATION_FORM. This service calls ADD_COLLABORATION_SUB to add a collaboration project.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dClbraName: The project name.

  • dClbraType: The type of collaboration project.


Service used to present a form to a user to add a Collaboration. After submitting this form, the ADD_COLLABORATION service is called.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Service used to delete a collaboration project.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dClbraName: The project name.


Service used to edit the members in a collaboration project.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dClbraName: The project name.

  • dClbraType: The type of collaboration project.


Service that presents the form used to edit members in a collaboration project.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dClbraName: The project name.


Service that calls EDIT_COLLABORATION_SUB to update existing project information.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dClbraName: The project name.

  • dClbraType: The type of collaboration project.


Service that presents the form used to edit a collaboration project.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dClbraName: The project name.


Service used to retrieve content in a collaboration project.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dClbraName: The project name.


Service used to retrieve information about a specific collaboration project.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dClbraName: The project name.


Service that returns a list of all collaboration projects.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm


Service that returns a list of users in all collaboration projects.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm