51 Adding Messages and Feedback to a Portal

Message Board task flows enable users to post, view, and manage messages to and from their connections. Feedback task flows enable users to post, view, and manage feedback to and from their connections. This chapter describes how to add Message Board and Feedback task flows to a portal.

This chapter includes the following topics:


To perform the tasks in this chapter, you must be a portal manager or a portal member with the portal-level permissions Basic Services: Edit Page Access and Structure (standard permissions) or Pages: Edit Pages (advanced permissions).

For more information about permissions, see About Roles and Permissions for a Portal.

51.1 About Message Board

On personal pages in the Home portal, Message Board provides a means of viewing and posting messages to and from you and other users. To view your messages, you must add a Message viewer to one of your personal pages (a page you created) in the Home portal. To receive messages from other users, you must provide other users access to that personal page and set your message preferences to allow those users to view and/or post messages for you. To view or post messages for another user, you must be granted access to that user's personal page and access to view and/or post messages for the user through that user's preferences.

In portals other than the Home portal, Message Board provides a means of viewing and posting messages within the scope of the portal. In a portal, every instance of a Message Board task flow shows the same content: messages left by authorized users who are members of the portal. The portal Message Board leverages Page permissions as its permission model.

Table 51-1 lists the page permissions required for performing actions in a portal Message Board.

Table 51-1 Page Permissions for a Portal Message Board

Page Permission Post View Update Delete

View Page





Personalize Page



Yes for messages posted by this user

Yes for messages posted by this user

Perform All Page Actions



Yes for all messages

Yes for all messages


  • Before you access Message Board, your system administrator can set global application defaults that affect what all users may see and do with their own and other users' messages. For more information, see Configuring Message Board in Administering Oracle WebCenter Portal.

  • In addition to being available in Message Board viewers, messages are streamed to the Activity Stream (unless your system administrator has configured the Activity Stream not to show Message Board activity).

WebCenter Portal provides the following Message Board task flows:

For more information about Message Board features, see Working with Feedback and the Message Board in Using Oracle WebCenter Portal.

51.2 About Feedback

Feedback provides a means of viewing, posting, and managing feedback remarks. Feedback task flows must be associated with an individual user, so they are meant to be added to a user's personal page in the Home portal. The user can then provide other users access to that personal page so that those users can provide feedback.

WebCenter Portal provides the following Feedback task flows:

For more information about Feedback features, see Working with Feedback and the Message Board in Using Oracle WebCenter Portal.

51.3 Adding a Message Board or Feedback Task Flow to a Page

For the steps to add a Message Board or Feedback task flow to a page, see Adding a Component to a Page.


The presence or location of the Message Board or Feedback task flows in the resource catalog depends on how the resource catalog is configured. For example, in the Default Portal Catalog, the Announcements task flow is Message Board task flows are included under the Social and Communications folder.

The Feedback task flows are not available in the Default Portal Catalog provided with WebCenter Portal, so you will only see an entry for them if they have been added to a custom resource catalog that has been made available to the page.

For more information, see Adding a Resource from the Resource Registry (in the Add Resource Catalog Item dialog, select Task Flows, then Design Time, then scroll to the Feedback task flows). To use the custom resource catalog for editing portal pages, make sure it is Available, and set for use by pages in the portal, as described in Changing the Resource Catalogs in a Portal.

51.4 Working with Message Board and Feedback Task Flow Properties


The Feedback task flows are meant for a user's personal page because they must be associated with an individual user. However, working with task flow properties is an advanced task and is therefore covered in this guide rather than in Using Oracle WebCenter Portal.

Message Board and Feedback task flows have associated properties that users with sufficient privileges can access through the task flow's View Actions menu. For example, in edit page mode, click the task flow to show the View Actions menu, and select Parameters to open the Parameters dialog (Figure 51-5).

Figure 51-5 Parameters Dialog for a Feedback Task Flow

Description of Figure 51-5 follows
Description of "Figure 51-5 Parameters Dialog for a Feedback Task Flow"

The following sections provide information about Message Board and Feedback task flow properties and describe task flow parameters:


For more information, see Setting Properties on a Component.

51.4.1 Setting Message Board and Feedback Task Flow Properties

In the page editor, selecting any component exposes a View Actions menu (Figure 51-6), which provides access to the component’s properties: Parameters, Access, Display Options, Style, and Content Style.

Figure 51-6 View Actions Menu on a Message Board Task Flow

Description of Figure 51-6 follows
Description of "Figure 51-6 View Actions Menu on a Message Board Task Flow"

To set Message Board or Feedback task flow properties:

  1. Open the page that contains the task flow in the page editor (see Opening a Page in the Page Editor).
  2. Select the task flow, then click the View Actions menu and select the properties you want to set:
    • Parameters control the default task flow content. For descriptions of each parameter, see Message Board and Feedback Task Flow Parameters. Parameters can be wired to events, and can be used facilitate the wiring of the task flow to page parameters and page definition variables. For more information, see Wiring Pages and Components.

    • Access settings show or hide the component to specific roles, users, or groups. For more information, see Setting Component Access.

    • The Display Options, Style, and Content Style properties affect the appearance and behavior of the task flow for all users. These properties are common to all task flows. For more information, see Modifying Component Properties.

    The Parameters and Display Options dialogs provide access to an Expression Language (EL) editor, which you can use to select or specify a variable value instead of a constant value. Click the Expression Editor icon icon next to a property, then select Expression Builder to open the editor.


    When you enter EL in the Display Options dialog, the parser reports an error only if it detects invalid syntax, such as a missing closing bracket. Validation is performed only on syntax, not on the expression value. Generic Display Options are those cataloged in Table 10-1.

    EL validation is not performed on non-generic display options.

    If you need EL assistance, an application developer can provide an EL expression; see Expression Language Expressions in Developing WebCenter Portal Assets and Custom Components with Oracle JDeveloper.

  3. Save your changes.

51.4.2 Message Board and Feedback Task Flow Parameters

Table 51-2 describes the parameters that are unique to Message Board and Feedback task flows.

Table 51-2 Message Board and Feedback Task Flow Parameters

Parameter Description

Display Message Size

The number of characters to show for each Feedback message

Messages exceeding the specified value are truncated.

This parameter is associated with the Feedback – Quick View task flow.

End Date

The ending date for a date range within which to show messages and posts

Use the format YYYY/MM/DD. Use this parameter with Start Date.

This parameter is associated with the following task flows:

  • Feedback

  • Feedback - Quick View

  • Message Board

Group Space

Specifies the portal for which to show messages

Enter the portal internal name. The portal internal name is the name specified by the portal URL on the General page of a portal's administration settings. The portal display name is specified by Display Name, and is the name that appears in the banner at the top of a portal.

This parameter is associated with the following task flows:

  • Message Board

  • Message Board - Quick View

Hide Actions

Specifies whether to show or hide the actions normally associated with a Feedback or Message Board entry, such as Private, Edit, Hide, and Delete

  • Select the check box to hide actions associated with a Feedback or Message Board entry (#{true}).

  • Deselect the check box to show such actions (#{false}). When no value is entered, this is the default.

This parameter is associated with the following task flows:

  • Feedback – Quick View

  • Message Board – Quick View

Hide Footer

Specifies whether to hide the task flow footer

  • Select the check box to hide the task flow footer (#{true}).

  • Deselect the check box to show the task flow footer (#{false}).

This parameter turns the More link on (#{false}) or off (#{true}). Note that it does not affect the Previous and Next links that may also display toward the bottom of the task flow.

This parameter is associated with the following task flows:

  • Feedback - Quick View

  • Message Board - Quick View

Hide Given

Specifies whether to enable or disable the display of Feedback left for others

  • Select the check box to disable the display of Feedback left for others in a given task flow instance (#{true}).

  • Deselect the check box to allow the display of Feedback left for others in a given task flow instance (#{false}).

Selecting Hide Given hides the View menu so that only Feedback received is shown.

This parameter is associated with the following task flows:

  • Feedback

  • Feedback - Quick View

Hide Header

Specifies whether to show or hide the task flow header

  • Select the check box to hide the task flow header (#{true}).

  • Deselect the check box to show the task flow header (#{false}).

This parameter is associated with the following task flows:

  • Feedback

  • Feedback - Quick View

  • Message Board

  • Message Board - Quick View

Hide Publisher

Specifies whether to show or hide the message entry field and the upload file and URL controls (the Publisher)

  • Select the check box to disable the display of the message entry field in a given task flow instance (#{true}).

  • Deselect the check box to allow the display of the message entry field in a given task flow instance (#{false}).

This parameter is associated with the following task flows:

  • Message Board

  • Message Board - Quick View

Message Type

Specifies the types of messages to display:

  • All - (default) Displays both public and private messages.

  • Public - Displays only public messages.

  • Private - Displays only private messages.

This parameter applies only when user is viewing their own message board.

This parameter is associated with the following task flows:

  • Message Board

  • Message Board - Quick View

No of Feedback items

The number of Feedback items to show in the task flow

For example, enter 5 to specify that a maximum of five items can appear in the task flow. In quick view, a More link appears at the bottom of the task flow when there are more items than the specified number of items. Users click More to open the main view of the task flow where all items are accessible. In main view, Previous and Next links are shown. Users click these to page through entries.

This parameter is associated with the following task flows:

  • Feedback

  • Feedback - Quick View

No of Messages

The number of messages to show in the task flow

For example, enter 5 to specify that a maximum of five items can appear in the task flow. In quick view, a More link appears at the bottom of the task flow when there are more items than the specified number of items. Users click More to open the main view of the task flow where all items are accessible. In main view, Previous and Next links are shown. Users click these to page through entries.

This parameter is associated with the following task flows:

  • Message Board

  • Message Board - Quick View

Resource Id

The ID of the user to show in the task flow

This value is set automatically, #{securityContext.userName}, which returns the name of the current user.

Note: If you need EL assistance, an application developer can provide an EL expression; see Expression Language Expressions in Developing WebCenter Portal Assets and Custom Components with Oracle JDeveloper.

This parameter is associated with the Feedback task flow.

Start Date

The starting date for a date range within which to show messages and posts

Use the format YYYY/MM/DD. Use this parameter with End Date.

This parameter is associated with the following task flows:

  • Feedback

  • Feedback - Quick View

  • Message Board

User Id

The ID of the user to show in the task flow

This value is set automatically, #{securityContext.userName}, which returns the name of the current user.

Note: If you need EL assistance, an application developer can provide an EL expression; see Expression Language Expressions in Developing WebCenter Portal Assets and Custom Components with Oracle JDeveloper.

This parameter is associated with the Feedback - Quick View task flow.

User Name

The ID of the user to show in the task flow

This value is set automatically, #{securityContext.userName}, which returns the name of the current user.

Note: If you need EL assistance, an application developer can provide an EL expression; see Expression Language Expressions in Developing WebCenter Portal Assets and Custom Components with Oracle JDeveloper.

This parameter is associated with the following task flows:

  • Message Board

  • Message Board - Quick View

51.4.3 Using Parameters to Configure Message Board and Feedback Task Flow Instances

The properties associated with Message Board and Feedback task flows make it possible to control such things as the number of messages to show, the maximum length of Feedback posts, the presence or absence of a message input field, and so on.

Setting task flow properties affects every users' view of the task flow instance.

This section provides examples of how to use task flow parameters to achieve these results. It includes the following subsections: Hiding Action Links and Icons on a Task Flow Instance

Users with page edit privileges can set the Hide Actions parameter on a Message Board - Quick View or Feedback - Quick View task flow to hide the actions normally associated with each posted message. Such actions include the Edit, Hide, and Private links and the Delete icon (Figure 51-7).

Figure 51-7 Actions on a Message Board Message

Description of Figure 51-7 follows
Description of "Figure 51-7 Actions on a Message Board Message"

To hide actions on a Message Board - Quick View or Feedback - Quick View task flow instance:

  1. In the Message Board - Quick View or Feedback - Quick View task flow instance toolbar, click the View Actions menu and select Parameters.
  2. In the Parameters dialog, select Hide Actions.


    To show hidden actions, deselect Hide Actions.

  3. When you finish revising component parameters, click OK.
  4. Save your changes, and exit the page editor. Limiting the Number of Messages and Feedback Posts Shown

Parameters on all Message Board and Feedback task flow types enable you to specify how many messages or Feedback posts to show in a given task flow instance. When the number of messages or posts exceeds the value that you provide:

  • Previous and Next icons appear on the full task flow views, enabling users to page through all messages and posts.

  • A More link appears on task flow quick views. Users click this to launch a dynamically-generated page that shows all messages or posts.

For Message Board and Message Board - Quick View task flows, use the No of Messages parameter. For Feedback and Feedback - Quick View task flows, use the No of Feedback Items parameter.

To limit the number of messages and feedback posts shown in a given task flow instance:

  1. In the Message Board or Feedback task flow instance toolbar, click the View Actions menu and select Parameters.
  2. In the Parameters dialog, enter the number of messages or Feedback posts you want to allow in the task flow instance:
    • For Message Board and Message Board - Quick View task flows, in the No of Messages box, enter a number.

    • For Feedback and Feedback - Quick View task flows, in the No of Feedback Items enter a number.

  3. When you finish revising component parameters, click OK.
  4. Save your changes, and exit the page editor. Limiting the Length of Posts in a Feedback - Quick View Task Flow

Use the Display Message Size parameter on a Feedback - Quick View task flow instance to limit the number of characters that can be entered for a given post. Posts that exceed the limit are truncated.

To limit the number of characters allowed for a post to a Feedback - Quick View task flow:

  1. In the Feedback - Quick View task flow instance toolbar, click the View Actions menu and select Parameters.
  2. In the Parameters dialog, in the Display Message Size box, enter the number of characters to allow for a given post.
  3. When you finish revising component parameters, click OK.
  4. Save your changes, and exit the page editor. Preventing Users from Adding Messages to Message Board

You can use the Hide Publisher parameter to hide the message input field and its associated icons in a Message Board or Message Board - Quick View task flow instance. This is useful when you want a Message Board to be a window onto current messages without also being a point of input.

To prevent users from adding messages to a Message Board task flow instance:

  1. In the Message Board task flow instance toolbar, click the View Actions menu and select Parameters.
  2. In the Parameters dialog, select Hide Publisher.


    To show Publisher controls, deselect Hide Publisher.

  3. When you finish revising component parameters, click OK.
  4. Save your changes, and exit the page editor. Hiding the Feedback You Have Left for Others

You can use the Hide Given parameter to prevent the display of the Feedback you have left for others in both types of Feedback task flows. Selecting Hide Given hides the View menu, so that only Feedback received is shown.

To hide the Feedback you have left for others:

  1. In the Feedback task flow instance toolbar, click the View Actions menu and select Parameters.
  2. In the Parameters dialog, select Hide Given.


    To show the View menu, deselect Hide Given.

  3. When you finish revising component parameters, click OK.
  4. Save your changes, and exit the page editor. Scoping the Display of Messages to a Named Portal

Both types of Message Board task flows provide the Group Portal parameter for specifying the portal for which to display messages. For example, imagine that, from the Home portal, you want to see the messages people are entering in the Standards portal. You can place either type of Message Board task flow on a page in the Home portal, and configure it to show the messages entered in the Standards portal.

To scope the display of messages to a named portal:

  1. In the Message Board task flow instance toolbar, click the View Actions menu and select Parameters.
  2. In the Parameters dialog, in the Group Portal field, enter the internal name of the portal of interest.


    To show Publisher controls, deselect Hide Publisher.


    The portal internal name is the name specified by the portal URL on the General page of a portal's administration settings. The portal display name is specified by Display Name, and is the name that appears in the banner at the top of a portal.

  3. When you finish revising component parameters, click OK.
  4. Save your changes, and exit the page editor. Specifying the Date Range of Shown Messages and Feedback

You can use the Start Date and End Date parameters on the Message Board, Feedback, and Feedback - Quick View task flows to limit the display of messages and Feedback posts to those entered between the two specified dates.

For both parameters, use the date format YYYY-MM-DD, for example 2010-01-02.

To limit the display of messages and feedback posts to those entered within a specified date range:

  1. In the Message Board or Feedback task flow instance toolbar, click the View Actions menu and select Parameters.
  2. In the Parameters dialog, enter a date range:
    • In the Start Date field, enter the date after which to show messages and posts.

    • In the End Date field, enter the date before which to show messages and posts.

  3. When you finish revising component parameters, click OK.
  4. Save your changes, and exit the page editor.

51.5 Working with Message Board and Feedback Task Flows

For information about how users work with Message Board and Feedback task flows, see Working with Feedback and the Message Board in Using Oracle WebCenter Portal.