Using the Catalog Manager Workspace

The Catalog Manager workspace provides resources for maintaining user content.

This section provides the following topics on the workspace for Catalog Manager:

What Does the Catalog Manager Workspace Do?

The Catalog Manager workspace enables you to view and work with catalog objects.

It displays the following folders for an open catalog:

  • The shared folder— Contains content that is shared among catalog users. This includes the preconfigured dashboards and analyses that are distributed with prebuilt applications, and other objects such as shared filters.

  • The system folder — Contains administrative elements of Presentation Services. Some of these elements are distributed with the product, and others are configured by you as the administrator, such as privileges. Avoid modifying any files in this folder. Presentation Services uses these files internally and modifying them might cause unexpected results.

  • The users folder — Contains content that catalog users with the appropriate permissions have saved to their personal folders, such as individual analyses.

What Does the Catalog Manager Workspace Look Like?

The Catalog Manager workspace provides a variety of tools for working with data.

Catalog Manager consists of the following main components:

  • Menu bar — Lets you access the following menus:

    • File — Provides options that let you open and close catalogs, exit Catalog Manager, and so on.

    • Edit — Provides options that let you manage catalog objects, such as Cut, Copy, Permissions, and so on. (Many of these options are also available on the right-mouse menu.)

    • View — Provides options to manage the view of the Catalog Manager workspace, such as Show Tree, Show Job Status, and so on.

    • Tools — Provides options that let you manage catalogs, such as XML Search and Replace, Create Report, and so on.

    • Help — Provides options to access the Oracle BI Enterprise Edition website and to display information about Catalog Manager.

  • Toolbar — Provides quick access to commonly used options, such as Cut, Copy, Paste, and so on.

  • Tree pane — Displays catalog folders. The pane also displays objects but only if the Show Objects in Tree option on the View menu is selected.

  • Table pane — Displays catalog folders and objects. It consists of:

    • The navigation bar, where you can move to the catalog object to work with by typing its path name.

    • These columns: Name, Type, Owner, My Permissions, Attributes, Date Created, and Last Modified. Click the column name to sort by that value, such as by type.

      The Type column identifies the type of object. Objects that are identified as "unknown file" are generally internally used objects, and their type is not exposed in Catalog Manager.

  • Right-mouse menu — Provides options that let you manage catalog objects, such as Rename, Properties, Permissions, and so on. (Many of these options are also available on the Edit menu.)

Managing the View of the Catalog Manager Workspace

You can manage what you view in the Catalog Manager. For example, you can show objects in the Tree pane or show job statuses.

  1. In Catalog Manager, select View and then one of these options:
    • Show Tree — Displays the Tree pane, if you previously had closed it.

    • Show Table — Displays the Table pane, if you previously had closed it.

    • Show Job Status — Displays the Background Job Status pane, where you can view the progress of processes that you have run, such as Search and Replace, Smart Rename, and so on. You can also remove all finished jobs and set progress preferences using the icons in the upper-right corner of the pane.

    • Show Objects in Tree — Displays objects (that is, analyses, filters, and so on) in addition to folders in the Tree pane.

    • Refresh — Refreshes the objects that are displayed in the Tree and Table panes. (You might want to refresh the data, for example, if someone else makes changes to the catalog while you are working with it and you want to see the changes.)