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Resource Group : Configuration

Configuration Options     Related Tasks     Related Topics

Use this page to view or change the configuration of a domain partition resource group. If Use Default Target is selected, then the partition's default target will be used. In this case, remove all selected targets before saving the changes. If there is no default target set for the partition, then this resource group is considered as untargeted.

Configuration Options

Name Description

The name of this domain partition resource group.

MBean Attribute:

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

Domain Partition Name

The name of the domain partition that references this resource group.

MBean Attribute:

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

Resource Group Template

The name of the resource group template used for this domain partition resource group.

MBean Attribute:

Leave this resource group running when partition is shutdown

Does this resource group contain administrative applications and resources? If true, then this is considered an administrative resource group and will be handled differently by the partition lifecycle. Specifically, an administrative resource group will be left running when a partition is shut down (it will be shut down only when the partition is halted).

Note that this Boolean is independent of the targeting of the resource group and works independently of the autoTargetAdminServer Boolean.

MBean Attribute:

Use Default Target

Indicate if this resource group should use the partition's default target.

MBean Attribute:

Explicit Targeting

Select Target(s) for this Resource Group only if 'Use Default Target' is not checked.

MBean Attribute:

This resource group has been configured to be targeted to the admin server

WLS console does not support configurating this option. Please use WLST or scripting tools to configure this attribute.

MBean Attribute:

Related Tasks

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