3 Structuring Data

This topic describes techniques for structuring the data that is returned by BI Publisher's data engine, including grouping, linking, group filters, and group-level and global-level functions.

Working with Data Models

The Data Model diagram helps you to quickly and easily define data sets, break groups, and totals for a report based on multiple data sets.

About Multipart Unrelated Data Sets

If you don't link the data sets (or queries), the data engine produces a multipart unrelated query data set.

For example, in the data model, image shown below, one query selects products and another selects customers. There's no relationship between the products and customers.

The result is shown in the data structure as depicted in the following image.

About Multipart Related Data Sets

Data fetched for one part of a data set or query can be determined by the data fetched for another part. The result is often called a master/detail, or parent/child relationship that's defined with a data link between two data sets or queries.

When you run a master/detail data model, each row of the master (or parent) query executes a query against the detail (or child) to retrieve only matching rows.

In the example, image below, two data sets are linked by the element Customer ID. The Orders data set is a child of the Customers data set.

The example produces the data structure shown in the following image.

Guidelines for Working with Data Sets

Certain guidelines are recommended for building data models.

  • Reduce the number of data sets or queries in your data model as much as possible. In general, the fewer data sets and queries you have, the faster your data model will run. While multi-query data models are often easier to understand, single-query data models tend to execute more quickly. It is important to understand that in parent-child queries, for every parent, the child query is executed.

  • You should only use multi-query data models in the following scenarios:

    • To perform functions that the query type, such as a SQL query, does not support directly.

    • To support complex views, for example, distributed queries or GROUP BY queries.

    • To simulate a view when you do not have or want to use a view.

Features of the Data Model Editor

The data model editor enables you to combine data from multiple data sets into a single XML data structure.

Data sets from multiple data sources can be merged either as sequential XML or at line-level to create a single combined hierarchical XML. Using the data model editor you can easily combine data from the following data set types: SQL query, OLAP (MDX query), LDAP, and Microsoft Excel.

The data model editor is designed with a component pane on the left and work pane on the right. Selecting a component on the left pane launches the appropriate fields for the component in the work area.

The data model editor supports the following

  • Group data - Create groups to organize the columns in your report. Groups can do two things: separate a query's data into sets, and filter a query's data.

    When you create a query, the data engine creates a group that contains the columns selected by the query; you can create groups to modify the hierarchy of the data appearing in a data model. Groups are used primarily when you want to treat some columns differently than others. For example, you create groups to produce subtotals or create breaks.

  • Link data - Define master-detail links between data sets to group data at multiple levels.

  • Aggregate data - Create group level totals and subtotals.

  • Transform data - Modify source data to conform to business terms and reporting requirements.

  • Create calculations - Compute data values that are required for your report that are not available in the underlying data sources.

The data model editor provides functions at the element level, the group level, and the global level. Note that not all data set types support all functions. See the Important Notes section that accompanies your data set type for limitations. The figure below highlights some of the features and actions available in the data model editor.

About the Interface

By default, the data sets that you created are shown in the Diagram View as separate objects.

The data set structure builder has three views:

Creating Links Between Data Sets

You can use the BI Publisher data engine to combine and structure data after you extract it from the data source.

Joining and structuring data at the source into one combined data set is sometimes not possible. For example, you cannot join data at the source when data resides in disparate sources such as Microsoft SQL Server and an Oracle Database. Even if your data is coming from the same source, if you are creating large reports or documents with potentially hundreds of thousands of rows or pages, structuring your data so that it matches the intended layout optimizes document generation.

Create a link to define a master-detail or parent-child relationship between two data sets. You can create links as element-level links or group-level links. The resulting, hierarchical XML data is the same. Creating links as element-level links is the preferred method. Group-level links are provided for backward compatibility with data templates from earlier versions of Oracle BI Publisher.

A data link or parent-child relationship relates the results of multiple queries. A data link can establish these relationships:

  • Between one query's column and another query's column.

  • Between one query's group and another query's group, useful when you want the child query to know about its parent's data.

About Element-Level Links

Element-level links create a bind (join) between two data sets and define a master-detail (parent-child) relationship between them.

Create element-level links, the preferred method, to define master detail relationships between data sets. When you use element-level links to link data sets, you do not need to code a join between the two data sets through a bind variable.

About Group-Level Links

Group-level links determine how data sets are structured as hierarchical XML, but lack the join information that the data engine needs to execute the master and detail queries.

When you define a group-level link, you must update your query with a link between the two data sets through a unique bind variable.

Creating Element-Level Links

Link data sets to define a master-detail or parent-child relationship between two data sets.

Defining an element-level link enables you to establish the binding between the elements of the master and detail data sets.

  1. Open the element action menu and click Create Link.
  2. In the Create Link dialog, choose the element, and click OK to create the link.

Deleting Element-Level Links

You can delete both group-level and element-level links between data sets.

  • Do one of the following:.
    • Open the element action menu for either element and click Delete Link
    • Select the element connector to display the linked element names and click the delete button.

Creating Group-Level Links

A group-level link defines a master-detail relationship between two data sets.

The following figure shows two data sets with a group-level link defined. Next to the data sets the resulting XML data structure is shown.

  1. In the parent group, click Menu.
  2. Click Create Group Link as shown below.
  3. In the Create Group Link dialog, select the child group and click OK. The Create Link dialog is shown below.
  4. Click Menu and then click Edit Data Set to add the bind variables to your query.

    An example is shown below.

    Data Set: DEPT Data Set: EMP
            DEPT.DNAME as DNAME,
            DEPT.LOC as LOC 
    from    OE.DEPT DEPT
    Select EMP.EMPNO as EMPNO,
            EMP.ENAME as ENAME,
            EMP.JOB as JOB,
            EMP.MGR as MGR,
            EMP.SAL as SAL,
            EMP.COMM as COMM,
            EMP.DEPTNO as DEPTNO 
    from    OE.EMP EMP 
    where   DEPTNO=:DEPTID


    You must define a unique bind variable in the child query.

Deleting Group-Level Links

You can delete both group-level and element-level links between data sets.

  1. In the parent group, click Menu.
  2. Click Delete Group Link.
  3. In the Delete Group Link dialog, select the Child Group from the list and click OK.

Creating Subgroups

In addition to creating parent-child structures by linking two data sets, you can also group elements in the same data set by other elements.

Creating subgroups might be helpful if your query returns data that has header data repeated for each detail row. By creating a subgroup you can shape the XML data for better, more efficient document generation.

  1. Select the element to group with the other elements in the data set.
  2. Click the element action menu icon to open the menu and select Group by as shown.

    This creates a new group within the displayed data set. The following figure shows the G_2 data set grouped by the element COMPANY. This creates a new group called G_3 that contains the other five elements in the data set. The following figure shows how the grouped data set is displayed in the Diagram View along with the structure.

    You can perform any of the group actions on the group you have created.

  3. To ungroup, click Menu on the group's title bar, and then click Ungroup.

Move an Element Between a Parent Group and a Child Group

Once you've created a group within your data set, two new options display on the element action menu that enable you to move elements between the parent and child groups.

For the element that you want to move, click the element action icon to open the menu. If the element is in the parent group and you want to move it to the child group, select Move selected elements to Child Group.

If the element is in the child group and you want to move it to the parent group, select Move selected elements to Parent Group. In the figure below, the element action menu for OFFICE_DSC displays the option to move the element to the parent group.

Before moving an element be aware of any dependencies on other elements.

Creating Group-Level Aggregate Elements

You can use the data model editor to aggregate data at the group or report level.

For example, if you group sales data by Customer Name, you can aggregate sales to get a subtotal for each customer's sales. You can only aggregate data for at the parent level for a child element.

The aggregate functions are:

  • Average - Calculates the average of all the occurrences of an element.

  • Count - Counts the number of occurrences of an element.

  • First - Displays the value of the first occurrence of an element in the group.

  • Last - Displays the value of the last occurrence of an element in the group.

  • Maximum - Displays the highest value of all occurrences of an element in the group.

  • Minimum - Displays the lowest value of all occurrences of an element in a group.

  • Summary - Sums the value of all occurrences of an element in the group.

  1. Drag the element to the Drop here for aggregate function field in the parent group.

    The figure below shows creating a group-level aggregate function in the G_DEPT based on the SALARY element.

    Once you drop the element, a new element is created in the parent group. By default, the Count function is applied. The icon next to the name of the new aggregate element indicates the function. Pause your cursor over the icon to display the function.

    The figure below shows the new aggregate element, CS_1. with the default Count function defined.

  2. To change the function, click the function icon to view a list of available functions and choose from the list, as shown below.
  3. To rename the element or update other properties, click the element's Action menu icon.

    On the menu, click Properties. The Properties dialog is shown below.


    Be careful when renaming an element as it can have dependency on other elements.

    Set the properties described in the table below as needed.

    Property Description

    Column Name

    The internal name assigned to the element by the BI Publisher data model editor. This name cannot be updated.

    Alias (XML Tag Name)

    Oracle BI Publisher assigns a default tag name for the element in the XML data file. You can update this tag name to assign a more user-friendly name within the data file.

    Display Name

    The Display Name appears in the report design tools. Update this name to be meaningful to your business users.


    If you have not already selected the desired function, then you can select it from the list here.

    Data Type

    BI Publisher assigns a default data type of Integer or Double depending on the function. Some functions also provide the option of Float.

    Value if Null

    If the value returned from the function is null, you can supply a default value here to prevent having a null in your data.


    By default, the value is rounded to the nearest third decimal. You can change the round value, if needed.

    Do Not Reset

    By default, the function resets at the group level. For example, if your data set is grouped by DEPARTMENT_ID, and you have defined a sum function for SALARY, then the sum is reset for each group of DEPARTMENT_ID data, giving you the sum of SALARY for that department only. If instead you want the function to reset only at the global level, and not at the group level, select Do Not Reset. This creates a running total of SALARY for all departments. This property is for group level functions only.

Creating Group Filters

Filters enable you to conditionally remove records selected by your queries.

Groups can have two types of filters:

  • Expression — Create an expression using predefined functions and operators

  • PL/SQL Function — Create a custom filter

  1. Click Menu, and then select Create Group Filter.

    The Edit Group Filter dialog is displayed as shown below.

  2. Select the Group Filter Type: Expression or PL/SQL.


    For PL/SQL filters, you must first specify the PL/SQL Package as the Oracle DB Default Package in the data model properties. See Setting Data Model Properties.

  3. Enter the Filter:

    • To enter an expression, select the elements and click the shuttle button to move the element to the Group Filter definition box. Click the predefined functions and operators to insert them in the Group Filter box.

      See Function Reference for a description of the available functions.

      Click Validate Expression to ensure that the entry is valid.

    • To enter a PL/SQL function, select the PL/SQL package from the Available box and click the shuttle button to move the function to the Group Filter box.

      Your PL/SQL function in the default package must return a Boolean type.

After you have added the group filter, the data set object displays the filter indicator, as shown.

Performing Element-Level Functions

You can perform various functions at the element level.

Setting Element Properties

You can set properties for individual elements.

Note that these properties are also editable from the Structure View. If you need to update multiple element properties, it may be more efficient to use the Structure View. See Using the Structure View to Edit Your Data Structure.

To set element-level properties using the element dialog:

  1. Click the element's action menu icon. From the menu, select Properties. The Properties dialog is shown below.
  2. Set the properties as needed.
    Property Description


    BI Publisher assigns a default tag name to the element in the XML data file. You can update this tag name to assign a more user-friendly name within the data file.

    Display Name

    The Display Name appears in the report design tools and the column name in reports. Update this name to be meaningful to your business users.

    Data Type

    BI Publisher assigns a default data type. Valid values are String, Date, Integer, Double, Float.

    Sort Order

    You can sort XML data in a group by one or more elements. For example, if in a data set employees are grouped by department and manager, you can sort the XML data by department. Within each department you can group and sort data by manager, and within each manager subgroup, employees can be sorted by salary. If the element is not in a parent group, the Sort Order property is not available.

    Value if Null

    If the value of an occurrence of the element is null, you can supply a default value here to prevent having a null in your data.

Sorting Data

Sorting is supported for parent group break columns only.

For example, if a data set of employees is grouped by department and manager, you can sort the XML data by department. Within each department you can group and sort data by manager. If you know how the data should be sorted in the final report, you specify sorting at data generation time to optimize document generation.

To apply a sort order to a group:

  1. Click the action menu icon of the element you want to sort by. From the menu, select Properties.
  2. Select the Sort Order.

    The figure below shows the Properties dialog for the DEPARTMENT_ID element with the Sort Order list displayed.

Performing Group-Level Functions

This section describes how to perform group-functions.

Topics include:

The Group Action Menu

The Menu button is available at the group level and enables to perform various functions.

The group-level Menu button is shown below.

Editing the Data Set

Launch the data set editor to modify properties of selected data sets.

  • Click Edit Data Set to launch the data set editor.

See the appropriate section for the data set type in Creating Data Sets for more information.

Removing Elements from the Group

You can remove elements from groups as needed.

To remove an element from the group:

  • On the element row, click the menu and then click Remove Element. An example is shown below.


You can only remove elements added as a group function (sum, count, and so on) or added as an expression.

Editing the Group Properties

Edit the properties of a group as needed.

  1. Click Menu and select Properties.
  2. Edit the Group Name or Display Name and click OK, as shown below.

Performing Global-Level Functions

The Global Level Functions object enables you to add elements to your report data set at the top report level.

You can add the following types of elements as top-level data:

  • Elements based on aggregate functions

  • Elements based on expressions

  • Elements based on PL/SQL statements (for Oracle Database data sources)


If you select a data type of Integer for any calculated element and the expression returns a fraction, the data is not truncated.

The Global Level Functions object is shown below. To add elements based on aggregate functions, drag the element to the "Drop here for aggregate function" space of the object. To add an element based on an expression or PL/SQL, click Menu, and choose the appropriate action.

Adding a Global-Level Aggregate Function

You can add global-level aggregate functions based on selected elements.

Available functions are as follows:

  • Count

  • Average

  • First

  • Last

  • Maximum

  • Minimum

  • Summary

  1. Drag and drop the data element from the data set to the Drop here for aggregate function area of the Global Level Functions object.

    For example, the image below shows creating a global level aggregate function based on the Salary element.

  2. When you release the mouse, the data model editor assigns a default name to the aggregate element and assigns Count as the default function.

    The figure below shows the function for the new global level element CS_1 being modified from Count to Average.

  3. Click the function icon to the left of the new element name and choose the function from the list.
  4. To change the default name, click the actions icon to the right of the element name and click Properties to launch the Edit Properties dialog. See Setting Element Properties for more about the properties available on this dialog.

Adding a Group-Level or Global-Level Element by Expression

You can add group-level or global-level aggregate functions by expressions.

  1. To add a group-level element, on the Group object, click Menu and select Add Element by Expression.
  2. In the Add Element by Expression dialog, enter fields and operators.
  3. In the Display Name field, enter a name that is meaningful to your business users.
  4. (Optional) Select a data type.
  5. Use the shuttle arrow to move the data elements required for the expression from the Available box to the Expression box.
  6. Click an operator to insert it in the Expression box, or choose from the function list.
  7. Click Validate Expression to validate the expression.

Adding a Global-Level Element by PL/SQL

The PL/SQL function must return a VARCHAR data type.

  1. On the Properties page, specify the PL/SQL Package as the Oracle DB Default Package in the data model properties. .
  2. On the Global Level Functions object, click Menu, and then click Add Element by PL/SQL.
  3. In the Add Element by PL/SQL dialog, enter the following fields:
    • Name - Enter a meaningful name for the element.
    • Display Name - Enter a display name. This appears in the report design tools. Enter a name that is meaningful to your business users.
    • Data Type - Select String.
  4. Select the PL/SQL package from the Available box and click the shuttle button to move the function to the Group Filter box.

Using the Structure View to Edit Your Data Structure

The Structure view enables you to preview the structure of your data model.

The Data Source column displays the date elements in a hierarchical tree that you can collapse and expand. Use this view to verify the accuracy of the data model structure and to perform the following edits:

The Structure view is shown below.

Renaming Elements

Use the Structure page to define user-friendly names for elements in the data model.

You can rename both the XML element tag name (XML View) and the name that displays in the report layout tools (Business View). The figure below shows renaming the Data Source elements to friendlier Business View names.

Adding Value for Null Elements

The Structure also enables you to enter a value to use for an element if the data model returns a null value for the element.

  • Enter the value to use in the Value if Null field for the element.

Function Reference

The table below describes the usage of supported functions available from the Add Element by Expression dialog and the Edit Group Filter dialog.

Function Description Syntax Example


Logical IF operator

Evaluates boolean_expr, and returns true_return if boolean_expr is true, and false_return if boolean_expr is false.

IF (boolean_expr, true_return, false_return)

IF (G_1.DEPARTMENT_ID == 10, 'PASSED', 'FAIL')returns 'PASSED' if DEPARTMENT_ID = 10, otherwise returns 'FAIL'


Logical NOT operator

Evaluates boolean_expr, and returns true if boolean_expr is false.


STRING(NOT(G_1.JOB_ID == 'MANAGER'))returns 'TRUE' if JOB_ID = MANAGER, otherwise returns 'FALSE'


Logical AND operator

Evaluates boolean_expr1 and boolean_expr2, and returns true if both Boolean expressions are true, otherwise returns false.

STRING(AND(boolean_expr1, boolean_expr2, ...))

STRING(AND (G_1.JOB_ID == 'MANAGER', G_1.DEPARTMENT_ID == 10))returns 'TRUE' if both JOB_ID = MANAGER and DEPARTMENT_ID = 10, otherwise returns 'FALSE'


Logical AND operator

Evaluates boolean_expr1 and boolean_expr2, and returns true if both Boolean expressions are true, otherwise returns false.

STRING(boolean_expr1 && boolean_expr2)


returns 'TRUE' if both JOB_ID = MANAGER and DEPARTMENT_ID = 10, otherwise returns 'FALSE'


Logical OR operator

Evaluates boolean_expr1 and boolean_expr2 and returns true if both Boolean expressions are true, otherwise returns false.

STRING(OR(boolean_expr1, boolean_expr2)


returns 'TRUE' if either JOB_ID = MANAGER or DEPARTMENT_ID = 10, otherwise returns 'FALSE'


Returns the maximum value of the element in the set.

MAX(expr1, expr2, expr3, ...)

MAX(G1_Salary, 10000)

returns max of salary or 10000


Returns the minimum value of the element in the set.

MIN(expr1, expr2, expr3, ...)


returns min of salary or 5000


Returns a number rounded to the integer places right of the decimal point.


If integer is omitted, number is rounded to 0 places.

Integer can be negative to round off digits left of the decimal point.

Integer must be an integer.


returns 3

ROUND(2.777, 2)

returns 2.78


Returns the smallest integer equal to or less than n.



returns 2


Returns the largest integer greater than or equal to n.



returns 3


Returns the absolute value of n.



returns 3


Returns the average value of the expression.

AVG(expr1, expr2, expr3, ...)


returns the average of SALARY and COMMISSION

For example, if SALARY = 14000 and COMMISSION_PCT = .4, the expression evaluates to 9800.0


Returns the length of an array.

The LENGTH function calculates the length using characters as defined by the input character set.

If char is null, the function returns null.

If char is an array, it returns the length of the array.


Example to return the length of an array: LENGTH{1, 2, 4, 4}) returns 4

Example to return the length of a string: LENGTH('countries') returns 9


Returns the sum of the value of the expression.

SUM(expr1, expr2, ...)


returns sum of salary and commission

For example, if SALARY = 14000 and COMMISSION_PCT =.4, the expression evaluates to 19,600.0


Replaces null (returned as a blank) with a string in the results of a query.

NVL(expr1, expr2)

If expr1 is null, then NVL returns expr2.

If expr1 is not null, then NVL returns expr1.

NVL(G_1.COMMISSION_PCT, .3) returns .3 when G_1.COMMISSION_PCT is null


Returns char1 concatenated with char2.

CONCAT(char1, char2)

CONCAT(CONCAT(First_Name, ' '), Last_Name)

where First_Name = Joe and Last_Name = Smith

returns Joe Smith


Returns char as a string data type.



where salary = 4400

returns 4400 as a string


Extracts a substring from a string.

SUBSTRING(string, start_pos, end_pos)

string is the source string.

start_pos is the position to start the extraction.

end_pos is the end position of the string to extract (optional).

SUBSTRING('this is a test', 5, 7) returns "is" (that is, characters 6 through 7)SUBSTRING('this is a test', 5) returns "is a test"


Returns the position/location of the first character of a substring in a string.

INSTR(string1, string2)

string1 is the string to search.

string2 is the substring to search for in string1.

INSTR('this is a test', 'is a')

returns 5


Converts a valid Java date string to a date data type in canonical format.

DATE(char, format_string)

where (1) char is any valid Java date string (for example, 13-JAN-2013)(2) format_string is the Java date format of the input string (for example, dd-MMM-yyyy) The input and format strings must be a valid Java date format string.


returns 2013-01-01T08:00:00.000+00:00


Converts a date argument in the Java date format to a formatted string.



where the value of SYSDATE = 2013-01-24T16:32:45.000-08:00returns 24-Jan-2013


Converts a number or numeric string to a string in the specified number format.



where the value of SOME_NUMBER = 12345.678returns $12,345.68


Replaces the value of an expression with another value based on the specified search and replace criteria.

DECODE(expr, search, result [, search, result]...[, default])

DECODE(PROD_FAMILY_CODE,100,'Colas',200,'Root Beer',300,'Cream Sodas',400,'Fruit Sodas','Other')returns(1) 'Colas' if PROD_FAMILY_CODE = 100(2) 'Root Beer' if PROD_FAMILY_CODE = 200(3) 'Cream Sodas' if PROD_FAMILY_CODE = 300(4) 'Fruit Sodas' if PROD_FAMILY_CODE = 400(5) 'Other' if PROD_FAMILY_CODE is any other value


Replaces a sequence of characters in a string with another set of characters.


where string1 is the string to search for and string2 is the string to replace.


where G_1.FIRST_NAME = Barry

returns Larry