
Title and Copyright Information


What's New in This Guide for Release

1 Introduction to Oracle Mobile Application Framework

2 Getting Started with MAF Application Development

3 Configuring the Content of a MAF Application

4 Configuring the Application Navigation

5 Defining the Content Type of MAF Application Features

6 Localizing MAF Applications

7 Skinning MAF Applications

8 Reusing MAF Application Content

9 Using Plugins in MAF Applications

10 Customizing MAF Application Artifacts with MDS

11 Using Lifecycle Listeners in MAF Applications

12 Creating MAF AMX Pages

13 Creating the MAF AMX User Interface

14 Using Bindings and Creating Data Controls in MAF AMX

15 Using Web Services in MAF AMX

16 Configuring End Points Used in MAF Applications

17 Using the Local Database in MAF AMX

18 Customizing MAF AMX Application Feature Artifacts

19 Creating Custom MAF AMX UI Components

20 Implementing Application Feature Content Using Remote URLs

21 Enabling User Preferences

22 Setting Constraints on Application Features

23 Accessing Data on Oracle Cloud

24 Enabling and Using Notifications

25 Synchronizing and Caching Data

26 Displaying Error Messages in MAF Applications

27 Deploying MAF Applications

28 Understanding Secure Mobile Development Practices

29 Securing MAF Applications

30 Testing and Debugging MAF Applications

A Troubleshooting

B Local HTML and Application Container APIs

C MAF Application and Project Files

D Converting Preferences for Deployment

E MAF Application Usage

F Parsing XML

G MAF Sample Applications