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Oracle Outside In Web View Export Developer's Guide

10 Web View Export C/C++ Options

Options are parameters affecting the behavior of an export or transformation. This chapter presents the C/C++ options relevant to the Web View Export product.

Options are set using the DASetOption call. It is recommended that developers familiarize themselves with all of the options available.

Options may be Local, in which case they only affect the handle for which they are set, or Global, in which case they automatically affect all handles associated with the hDoc and must be set before the call to DAOpenDocument.

While default values are provided, users are encouraged to set all options for a number of reasons. In some cases, the default values were chosen to provide backwards compatibility. In other cases, the default values were chosen arbitrarily from a range of possibilities.

10.1 Character Mapping

This section discusses character mapping options.


This option is used in cases where Oracle Outside In cannot determine the character set used to encode the text of an input file. When all other means of determining the file's character set are exhausted, Oracle Outside In will assume that an input document is encoded in the character set specified by this option. This is most often used when reading plain-text files, but may also be used when reading HTML or PDF files. The possible character sets are listed in charsets.h.

When "extended test for text" is enabled (see Section 10.2.2, "SCCOPT_FIFLAGS"), this option will still apply to plain-text input files that are not identified as EBCDIC or Unicode.

This option supersedes the SCCOPT_FALLBACKFORMAT option for selecting the character set assumed for plain-text files. For backwards compatibility, use of deprecated character-set -related values is still currently supported for SCCOPT_FALLBACKFORMAT, though internally such values will be translated into equivalent values for the SCCOPT_DEFAULTINPUTCHARSET. As a result, if an application were to set both options, the last such value set for either option will be the value that takes effect.

Data Type



  • Windows Code Page 1252 on Windows and ISO 8859-1 (Latin 1) on UNIX


This option selects the character used when a character cannot be found in the output character set. This option takes the Unicode value for the replacement character.

Data Type



  • 0x002a = "*"

10.2 Input Handling

This section discusses input handling options.


This option controls how files are handled when their specific application type cannot be determined. This normally affects all plain-text files, because plain-text files are generally identified by process of elimination, for example, when a file isn't identified as having been created by a known application, it is treated as a plain-text file.

It is recommended that FI_NONE be set to prevent Web View Export from exporting unidentified binary files as though they were text, which could generate many pages of "garbage" output.

This option must be set for an hDoc before any subhandle has been created for that hDoc.

A number of values that were formerly allowed for this option have been deprecated. Specifically, the values that select specific plain-text character sets are no longer to be used. Instead, applications should use the SCCOPT_DEFAULTINPUTCHARSET option for such functionality.

Data Type





This option affects how an input file's internal format (application type) is identified when the file is first opened by the Oracle Outside In technology. When the extended test flag is in effect, and an input file is identified as being either 7-bit ASCII, EBCDIC, or Unicode, the file's contents will be interpreted as such by the export process.

The extended test is optional because it requires extra processing and cannot guarantee complete accuracy (which would require the inspection of every single byte in a file to eliminate false positives.)

Data Type



  • SCCUT_FI_EXTENDEDTEST: The technology will attempt an extra test after the file is first opened to see if it is 7-bit text or EBCDIC.


This option allows the developer to set flags that enable options that span multiple export products.

Data Type



0: All flags turned off


This option controls a number of miscellaneous interactions between the developer and the Outside In Technology.

Data Type





This option can disable the password verification of files where the contents can be processed without validation of the password. If this option is not set, the filter should prompt for a password if it handles password-protected files.

As of Release 8.4.0, only the PST and MDB Filters support this option.

Data Type





This option allows the developer to specify the location of a Lotus Notes or Domino installation for use by the NSF filter. A valid Lotus installation directory must contain the file nnotes.dll.


Please see section 2.1.1 for NSF support on Win x86-32 or Win x86-64 or section 3.1.1 for NSF support on Linux x86-32 or Solaris Sparc 32.

Data Type



If this option isn't set, then OIT will first attempt to load the Lotus library according to the operating system's PATH environment variable, and then attempt to find and load the Lotus library as indicated in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Notes.Link.


This option controls whether or not the PDF filter will attempt to reorder bidirectional text runs so that the output is in standard logical order as used by the Unicode 2.0 and later specification. This additional processing will result in slower filter performance according to the amount of bidirectional data in the file.

Data Type





This option controls how the technology reorders bidirectional text.

Data Type



This option allows the user to define an offset to GMT that will be applied during date formatting, allowing date values to be displayed in a selectable time zone. This option affects the formatting of numbers that have been defined as date values. This option will not affect dates that are stored as text.


This option does not apply for spreadsheet files.

Data Type



  • 0: GMT time


Some HTML includes a special type of comment that will be read by particular versions of browsers or other products. This option allows you to control which of those comments are included in the output.

Data Type



  • NONE: Don't output any conditional comment


In the Viewer and rendering products, this option tells the archive display engine to show the full path to a node in the szNode field in response to a SCCVW_GETTREENODE message. It also causes the name fields in DAGetTreeRecord and DAGetObjectInfo to contain the full path instead of just the archive node name.

Data Type




10.3 Graphics

This section discusses graphics options.


This option allows the user to specify the output graphics device's resolution in DPI and only applies to images embedded in a PDF whose size is specified in physical units (in/cm). For example, consider a 1" square, 100 DPI graphic that is to be rendered on a 50 DPI device (SCCOPT_GRAPHIC_OUTPUTDPI is set to 50). In this case, the size of the resulting PDF will be 50 x 50 pixels.

In addition, the special #define of SCCGRAPHIC_MAINTAIN_IMAGE_DPI, which is defined as 0, can be used to suppress any dimensional changes to an image. In other words, a 1" square, 100 DPI graphic will be converted to an image that is 100 x 100 pixels in size. This value indicates that the DPI of the output device is not important. It extracts the maximum resolution from the input image with the smallest exported image size.

Setting this option to SCCGRAPHIC_MAINTAIN_IMAGE_DPI may result in the creation of extremely large images. Be aware that there may be limitations in the system running this technology that could result in undesirably large bandwidth consumption or an error message. Additionally, an out of memory error message will be generated if system memory is insufficient to handle a particularly large image.

Also note that the SCCGRAPHIC_MAINTAIN_IMAGE_DPI setting will force the technology to use the DPI settings already present in raster images, but for all other content the resolution used internally by Web View Export will be in effect.

For some output graphic types, there may be a discrepancy between the value set by this option and the DPI value reported by some graphics applications. The discrepancy occurs when the output format uses metric units (DPM, or dots per meter) instead of English units (DPI, or dots per inch). Depending on how the graphics application performs rounding on meters to inches conversions, the DPI value reported may be 1 unit more than expected.

Data Type



  • SCCGRAPHIC_DEFAULT_OUTPUT_DPI: Currently defined to be 72 dots per inch.


This option determines the method used to size graphics. The developer can choose among three methods, each of which involves some degree of trade off between the quality of the resulting image and speed of conversion.

Using the quick sizing option results in the fastest conversion of color graphics, though the quality of the converted graphic will be somewhat degraded. The smooth sizing option results in a more accurate representation of the original graphic, as it uses anti-aliasing. Antialiased images may appear smoother and can be easier to read, but rendering when this option is set will require additional processing time. The grayscale only option also uses antialiasing, but only for grayscale graphics, and the quick sizing option for any color graphics.

The smooth sizing option does not work on images which have a width or height of more than 4096 pixels.

Data Type




10.4 Page Rendering

This section discusses page rendering options.


This option allows the developer to specify the size of each page in the generated PDF output file. The size may be specified in inches, points, centimeters or picas. This option is only valid when SCCOPT_USEDOCPAGESETTINGS is set to FALSE.

1 inch = 6 picas = 72 points = ~ 2.54 cm

Data Type



8.5 inches by 11 inches DEFAULTPAGESIZE Structure

typedef struct DEFAULTPAGESIZEtag
   VTFLOAT dwHeight;
   VTFLOAT dwWidth;
   VTDWORD wUnits;


Note: You must define a value for both dwHeight and dwWidth in wUnits. If you define only height or only width, the image is not scaled.

  • dwHeight: Height of the page. Default is 11 inches.

  • dwWidth: Width of the page. Default is 8.5 inches.

  • wUnits: One of the following (SCCGRAPHIC_INCHES is the default):






This option specifies the top, left, bottom and right margins in twips from the edges of the page. For instance, setting all the values to 1440 creates a 1-inch margin on all sides. Page margins will only be applied when formatting word processing, database and spreadsheet files.

This option is overridden when the SCCOPT_USEDOCPAGESETTINGS option is set to TRUE and print margins are specified in the input document.

This option does not affect the output of bitmap, presentation, vector or archive files.

Data Type


This structure is used by the SCCOPT_DEFAULTPRINTMARGINS option to specify margin settings.

SCCVWPRINTMARGINS is a C data structure defined in sccvw.h as follows:

typedef struct SCCVWPRINTMARGINStag
   VTDWORD  dwTop;
   VTDWORD  dwBottom;
   VTDWORD  dwLeft;
   VTDWORD  dwRight;


  • dwTop: Margin from the top edge of the page (in twips). Default is 1 inch.

  • dwBottom: Margin from the bottom edge of the page (in twips). Default is 1 inch.

  • dwLeft: Margin from the left edge of the page (in twips). Default is 1 inch.

  • dwRight: Margin from the right edge of the page (in twips). Default is 1 inch.


This option indicates the page that rendering should end on. It is only valid if the option SCCOPT_WHATTOPRINT has the value SCCVW_PRINT_PAGERANGE.

Note that page range settings are one-based and inclusive. Therefore, specifying a range with SCCOPT_PRINTENDPAGE equal to 5 and SCCOPT_PRINTSTARTPAGE equal to 3 would export any of the three pages that follow, if they exist: 3, 4 and 5.

Data Type



  • 0: The last page at the end of the document.


This option indicates the page rendering should start on. It is only valid if the option SCCOPT_WHATTOPRINT has the value SCCVW_PRINT_PAGERANGE.

Note that page range settings are one-based and inclusive. Therefore, specifying a range with SCCOPT_PRINTENDPAGE equal to 5 and SCCOPT_PRINTSTARTPAGE equal to 3 would export any of the three pages that follow, if they exist: 3, 4 and 5.

Data Type



  • 0: Printing will begin with the first page of the document.


This option is used to select the document's page layout information when rendering.

If TRUE, the document's native (or author selected) page margins, paper size, page scaling and page orientation are used when available from the filter.

The values of the SCCOPT_DEFAULTPAGESIZE and SCCOPT_DEFAULTPRINTMARGINS options are overridden if this option is set to TRUE and the properties associated with those options are specified in the input document. Additionally, print area and page breaks in spreadsheet documents are ignored unless this option is set to TRUE.

If FALSE, the page margins, size, orientation and scaling are set to specific values rather than those in the native document. The page size is forced to 8 1/2" x 11" in portrait orientation, but this may be changed by setting the SCCOPT_DEFAULTPAGESIZE option. The margins are forced 1" all around, but may be changed by setting the SCCOPT_DEFAULTPRINTMARGINS option. The scaling for the document will be set to 100%, although this may be changed by setting any of the various scaling options.

It should be noted that this option also affects page orientation for both input spreadsheets and word processing documents.

Data Type





This option indicates whether the whole file or a selected range of pages should be rendered.

Data Type





This option is used to control the formatting of numbers. It is useful for setting environment dependent variables related to international support. The default values are retrieved from the operating system for the Windows platform, and are set to logical U.S. defaults on all other platforms.

Data Type


These structures are used to set the SCCID_NUMBERFORMAT option. The fields of the structures allow the developer to control variables related to international support. Please note that the SCCVWNUMBERFORMAT775 structure always assumes 2-digit year data, whereas the SCCVWNUMBERFORMAT structure allows for both 2- and 4-digit year data.

These are C data structures defined in sccvw.h as follows:

typedef struct SCCVWNUMBERFORMAT775tag
   VTTCHAR   cDecimalSep;
   VTTCHAR   cThousandSep;
   VTTCHAR   cDateSep;
   VTTCHAR   cTimeSep;
   VTTCHAR   szCurrencySymbol[8];
   VTTCHAR   szAM[8];
   VTTCHAR   szPM[8];
   VTDWORD   dwNumBytesAM;
   VTDWORD   dwNumBytesPM;
   VTWORD    wCurrencyPosition;
   VTWORD    wShortDateOrder;

typedef struct SCCVWNUMBERFORMATtag
   VTTCHAR   cDecimalSep;
   VTTCHAR   cThousandSep;
   VTTCHAR   cDateSep;
   VTTCHAR   cTimeSep;
   VTTCHAR   szCurrencySymbol[8];
   VTTCHAR   szAM[8];
   VTTCHAR   szPM[8];
   VTDWORD    dwNumBytesAM
   VTDWORD   dwNumBytesPM;
   VTWORD    wCurrencyPosition
   VTWORD    wShortDateOrder;
   VTWORD    wShortDateYearDigits;
   VTWORD    wShortDateMonthDigits;
   VTWORD    wShortDateDayDigits;
   VTWORD    wShortDateFlags;


  • cDecimalSep: The character used for the decimal separator when formatting currency.

  • cThousandSep: The character used for the thousands separator when formatting currency.

  • cDateSep: The character used to separate years, months, and days when formatting dates. This option only works on variable formats. For example, only one of the several date formats in Microsoft Excel is variable.

  • cTimeSep: The character used to separate hours, minutes, and seconds when formatting times. This option only works on variable formats. For example, only one of the several time formats in Microsoft Excel is variable.

  • szCurrencySymbol: The string used for the currency symbol when formatting currency.

  • szAM: The string used to indicate "AM" when formatting times.

  • szPM: The string used to indicate "PM" when formatting times.

  • dwNumBytesAM: Number of bytes of the string stored in szAM.

  • dwNumBytesPM: Number of bytes of the string stored in szPM.

  • wCurrencyPosition: Flags that indicate the positioning of the currency symbol when formatting currency. Only six specific filters are supported: SOC6, WG2, WK4, WK6, WPW, and VISO.

    • SCCVW_CURRENCY_LEADS: The currency symbol is placed before the amount.

    • SCCVW_CURRENCY_TRAILS: The currency symbol is placed after the amount.

    • SCCVW_CURRENCY_SPACE: A space is placed between the currency and the amount.

    • SCCVW_CURRENCY_NOSPACE: A space is not placed between the currency and the amount.

  • wShortDateOrder: Indicates the order used when formatting short dates (numeric dates). This option only works on variable formats. For example, only one of the several date formats in Microsoft Excel is variable. One of the following:

    • SCCVW_DATEORDER_MDY: Month, Day, Year

    • SCCVW_DATEORDER_DMY: Day, Month, Year

    • SCCVW_DATEORDER_YMD: Year, Month, Date

  • wShortDateYearDigits: This parameter is specific to the SCCVWNUMBERFORMAT structure. This is the number of digits in the year as specified by the Windows registry entry sShortDate. This option only works on variable formats. For example, only one of the several date formats in Microsoft Excel is variable.

  • wShortDateMonthDigits: This parameter is specific to the SCCVWNUMBERFORMAT structure. This is the number of digits in the month as specified by the Windows registry entry sShortDate.

  • wShortDateDayDigits: This parameter is specific to the SCCVWNUMBERFORMAT structure. This is the number of digits in the day as specified by the Windows registry entry sShortDate.

  • wShortDateFlags: This parameter is specific to the SCCVWNUMBERFORMAT structure. It is reserved for internal use.

10.5 Font Rendering

This section discusses font rendering options.


This is an advanced option that casual users of Web View Export may ignore.

This option sets the font to use when the chunker-specified font is either excluded or is not available on the system. It is also the font used when the font in the source file is not available on the system performing the conversion.

Data Type


This structure is used by various options to specify a font.

SCCVWFONTSPEC is a C data structure defined in sccvw.h as follows:

typedef struct
   VTTCHAR  szFace[40];
   VTWORD   wHeight;
   VTWORD   wAttr;
   VTWORD   wType;


  • szFace: The name of the font. For example, "Helvetica Compressed." The default is "Arial", however this default is constrained by the fonts available on the system.

  • wHeight: Size of the font in half points. For example, a value of 24 will produce a 12-point font. This size is only applied when the font size is not known. The default is 10-point, however this default is constrained by the font sizes available on the system.

  • wAttr: The attributes of the font. This parameter is used primarily by the Oracle Outside In Viewer Technology and is currently ignored by Web View Export.

  • wType: Should be set to 0.


This option allows the developer to specify one or more font directories where fonts are located for use by Web View Export. If multiple font directories are specified, they should be delimited by a colon on Linux and UNIX systems and a semi-colon on Windows systems.

This option must be set prior to performing any exports. Please note that Web View Export supports single TrueType fonts (*.ttf, *.TTF) and TrueType collections (*.ttc, *.TTC), not Windows bitmap fonts (*.fon, *.FON), or any other type of font. Also, Web View Export does not require case-sensitive font filenames on UNIX systems.

Data Type



NONE - the option must be set.

10.6 Web View Export Options

This section discusses Web View Export options.


This option enables "Ajax mode" and "Streaming mode" in web view output files. Enabling these modes directly affects the structure of the output files created by Web View Export.

  • When this option is set to SCCWV_STRUCTURE_AJAX_CHUNKED or SCCWV_STRUCTURE_AJAX_STREAMING, the output files that comprise the web view of a document will use Ajax techniques to load portions of the web view on demand, in response to browser-based requests. This generally means that the export process will produce a higher number of smaller output files.

  • When the option is set to SCCWV_STRUCTURE_AJAX_STREAMING, client side viewing may begin as soon as the primary output file is created, and before the export has completed. This reduces the wait time when exporting very large documents.

  • When this option is SCCWV_STRUCTURE_FLAT, the entire document will be exported in a single operation to fewer, larger output files.

There are other practical differences implied by Ajax mode.

When Ajax Chunked Mode or Ajax Streaming Mode is Enabled

  • HTML content is spread among multiple output pages.

  • Document internal data is exported in JSON format, and stored in multiple output files.

  • Documents produced in Ajax mode can be embedded into another page with the OIT.view.load Javascript API method.

  • Documents produced in Ajax mode generally cannot be opened by a browser directly from the local file system (e.g., from a file:/// URL.) This is due to security features that restrict most browsers to using Ajax loading methods only on files accessed from web servers.

When Ajax Streaming Mode is Enabled

  • The browser may begin viewing the document before the entire output has been produced. (The primary output file may be served once its NEWFILEINFO callback message is sent. See documentation of Export callback function for details.)

  • Font subsetting is not available. If SCCOPT_FONT_REFERENCE_METHOD is set to SCCFONTS_REFERENCE_EXPORTED, it will revert to the default of SCCFONTS_REFERENCE_BY_NAME.

When Ajax Mode is Disabled

  • HTML content is exported in a single HTML file.

  • Document internal data is exported in a single Javascript file.

  • The web view output may not be viewed until the entire export operation is complete.

  • Documents produced without Ajax mode enabled may not be loaded via OIT.view.load.

  • Documents produced without Ajax mode enabled may be opened by a browser directly from the local file system (possibly with a security warning regarding Javascript.).

Data Type





String option for specifying the base URL for Web View Export scripts, css files and other resources that do not vary with the converted file. The value of this option is used as a prefix for references to those resources in the primary output file.

For example, if the resources' base URL is "/oit/", the script reference in the output file would look like this:

<script src="/oit/oit.js"></script>

By default, this value is empty, meaning all resources must be present in the same directory as the generated output.

Data Type

utf-8 encoded string




String option for specifying the base URL for output files generated during the export process. The value of this option is used as a prefix for references to those resources in the primary output file.

If the output base URL is "/exports/", an image tag in an exported document would look like this:

<img src="/exports/doc01.doc.jpg" />

and URLs to the exported files within content.js would be of this form:

{id:"page.1",name:"Page 1",type:"page",oid:"overlay.1",w:"816px",h:"1056px",src:"/exports/output.3.html"},

By default, the output file base URL is empty, and all output will be specified without path information.

Data Type

utf-8 encoded string




String option for specifying the url of a user supplied stylesheet to be included in the output html file. Values specified through this option will appear in output HTML files as linked stylesheets.


char * pCustomStyles = "/some/path/myStylesheet.css";
DAAddOptionItem( hExport, SCCOPT_POST_LIBRARY_SCRIPT, pInitScript, strlen(pCustomStyles), NULL );

which results in the following contents in the EXH5 output:

<script src="oit.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/some/path/myStylesheet.css"/>


String option specifying the relative URL of the customer's initialization script. Scripts specified via this option will load after the Outside In libraries, and may access the Outside In javascript API. This option may be called multiple times; the scripts will be referenced in the same order as the calls to set this option.


char * pInitScript = "/config/oitinit.js";
DWORD optionId;
DAAddOptionItem( hExport, SCCOPT_POST_LIBRARY_SCRIPT, pInitScript, strlen(pInitScript), &optionId );

which results in the following contents in the EXH5 output:

<script src="oit.js">
<script src="/config/oitinit.js">

Data Type

utf-8 encoded URL string




String option specifying the URL of a script file to be referenced via a <script> tag in the output file. Scripts specified via this option will load before the Outside In libraries. This option may be called multiple times; the scripts will be referenced in the same order as the calls to set this option.


char * pJQlib = "/jQuery/jQuery-min.js";
DAAddOptionItem( hExport, SCCOPT_PRE_LIBRARY_SCRIPT, pJQlib, strlen(pJQlib), NULL );

char * pHelperLib = "/shims/customstuff.js";
DAAddOptionItem( hExport, SCCOPT_PRE_LIBRARY_SCRIPT, pHelperLib, strlen(pHelperLib), NULL );

which results in the following contents in the EXH5 output:

<script src="/jQuery/jQuery-min.js">
<script src="/shims/customstuff.js">
<script src="oit.js">

Data Type

utf-8 encoded URL string




Boolean option controlling whether raw text output is generated on the server side. This option must be enabled in order to enable in-browser searching via the Outside In API. This does not affect the search capabilities of the browser itself.

Raw text generation is enabled by default.

Data Type





If the export process is generating raw text, this option controls the size limit of a single buffer of raw text. This is a limit on the number of Unicode characters produced. The output files that store these characters will be UTF8-encoded, so their size on disk will likely not exactly match the value of this option.

The minimum value for this option is 8KB, the maximum is 16MB. Values outside of this range will be treated as the nearest limit; a value of zero will be treated as the default value.

Data Type





This option controls the use of "embedded" fonts (see SCCOPT_FONT_REFERENCE_METHOD) in the Web View Export output; specifically, whether or not a downloadable (web font) version of the font should be made available to Web View Export output, based on the licensing restrictions indicated within the font itself.

Data Type





  • SCCFONTS_DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS: Normally restricted per the TrueType specification. This requires that the font declare itself as capable of being embedded.

  • SCCFONTS_REQUIRE_INSTALLABLE: Font selection is tightly restricted (a la Internet Explorer 9/10). This requires that the font declare itself as capable of being installed.

  • SCCFONTS_REQUIRE_PREVIEW_PRINT: This requires that the font declare itself as capable of preview and print. When this bit is set, the font may be embedded, and temporarily loaded on the remote system. Documents containing Preview & Print fonts must be opened as read-only; no edits can be applied to the document.

  • SCCFONTS_REQUIRE_EDITABLE: This requires that the font declare itself as capable being edited. When this bit is set, the font may be embedded but must only be installed temporarily on other systems. In contrast to Preview & Print fonts, documents containing Editable fonts may be opened for reading, editing is permitted, and changes may be saved.


This option controls the way embedded fonts are presented (or not) in the HTML5 output.

Data Type





  • SCCFONTS_REFERENCE_BY_NAME: The font is referenced in the output file by name only. For example: "Baskerville".

  • SCCFONTS_REFERENCE_EXPORTED: The font is exported during document conversion, and referenced in the output by file name. For example: "ttf002.ttf".

  • SCCFONTS_REFERENCE_BY_BASE_URL: The full font is referenced in the output using the font file name and the base URL supplied by the SCCOPT_FONT_BASE_URL option. For example: "". If SCCOPT_FONT_BASE_URL is not specified then this option reverts to the default (SCCFONTS_REFERENCE_BY_NAME).

Option Effects in CSS

SCCFONTS_REFERENCE_BY_NAME: Reference by family name only

.oit-span-6 {
    font: 0.65pt "Arial", "Helvtetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif;

SCCFONTS_REFERENCE_EXPORTED: Reference exported font.

@font-face {
    font-family:  f101;
    src: url('m2.f101.ttf');
.oit-span-6 {
    font: 0.65pt "Arial", f101, "Helvtetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif;

SCCFONTS_REFERENCE_BY_BASE_URL: Reference original font with fontBaseUrl, if specified. Otherwise default to SCCFONTS_REFERENCE_BY_NAME.

@font-face {
    font-family:  f101;
    src: url('fontBaseUrl/Arial.ttf');
.oit-span-6 {
    font: 0.65pt "Arial", f101, "Helvtetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif;


This option allows the developer to specify the base URL used in the Web View Export output when referencing a non-exported font as a downloadable font.

(Exported fonts will be placed in the exported output location.)

Data Type

utf-8 encoded URL string




This option determines whether email attachments are converted or extracted.

Data Type

DWORD enumeration; value must be one of the following: SCCOPT_EXPORT, SCCOPT_EXPORT_RECURSIVE, or SCCOPT_EXTRACT




  • SCCOPT_EXPORT: The attachments to this email will be converted.

  • SCCOPT_EXPORT_RECURSIVE: The attachments to this email will be converted; if any are emails, they will also have their attachments converted, and so on.

  • SCCOPT_EXTRACT: The attachments will be extracted in their native form, stored alongside the Web View Export output files.


Image stamp annotations are bitmap images that are "stamped" onto the rendition of a file generated by Outside In. The source of the image may be a PNG, JPG, or GIF image. They may be considered special type of rectangular annotation.

In the Export API, image stamps are applied in the following way:

  • Names are defined for the source images. In the C API, this is accomplished via calling DAAddOptionItem as many times as necessary, with the option SCCOPT_STAMP_IMAGE_URL (for Web View Export output files) or SCCOPT_STAMP_IMAGE_FILE (for Image Export output files.)

  • A stamp is applied by specifying its destination rectangle and the name of its source image. In the C API, this is accomplished by populating an EXANNOSTAMP data structure and specifying it as a parameter to EXAddStampAnnotation.

The EXANNOSTAMPIMAGE data structure has the following definition:

typedef struct EXANNOSTAMPIMAGE 
  VTLPCTSTR   szStampName;
  VTLPVOID    pStampImage;
  VTDWORD     dwSpecType;
  • szStampName is a null-terminated UTF8 string that specifies the name of a stamp

  • pStampImage is the IO spec of the stamp image.

  • dwSpecType is the type of IO spec provided by pStampImage

When setting the SCCOPT_STAMP_IMAGE_URL option, pStampImage must be a null-terminated UTF8 encoded URL to a PNG, JPG, or GIF image. dwSpecType should be set to IOTYPE_URL.

If the name specified by szStampName has already been used in a previous call to SCCOPT_STAMP_IMAGE_URL, its URL will be updated with the new value.

Data Type

pointer to EXANNOSTAMPIMAGE structure




String option specifying the file name of the Web View Javascript library, which will be written into a <script> tag in the generated HTML files for a Web View. If this option is not set, the value "oit.js" will be used.

This option allows the Web View Javascript library to be renamed for versioning or other purposes. This option works in combination with the resource path option.

Data Type

utf-8 encoded string




String option specifying the file name of the Web View stylesheet, which will be written into a <link> tag in the generated HTML files for a Web View. If this option is not set, the value "oit.css" will be used.

This option allows the Web View stylesheet to be renamed for versioning or other purposes. This option works in combination with the resource path option.

Data Type

utf-8 encoded string



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Oracle Outside In Web View Export Developer's Guide

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