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Oracle Outside In Web View Export Developer's Guide

15 Web View Export .NET Classes

This section describes the Web View Export .NET classes.

15.1 Annotation Class

Annotation is an abstract base class for the Annotation objects.




  • Height (Int64) Height of area in coordinates or rows

  • Left (Int64) Leftmost coordinate or column

  • Opacity (Single) Opacity of the annotation. Range 0.0 - 1.0; 0==invisible

  • SectionIndex (Int64) 0-based page/sheet/image/slide index

  • Top (Int64) Top coordinate or row

  • Units (Annotation.UnitTypeValue) Type of units in which Height, Width, Left and Top are described

  • UserId (Int64) User Data

  • Width (Int64) Width of area in coordinates or columns

Annotation.UnitTypeValue Enumeration

The UnitTypeValue is an enumeration of the various unit types that annotation positions can be described in.

  • Pixels: Units specified in Pixels. This Unit type should be used for Graphic files.

  • Twips: Units specified in Twips (1/1440th of an inch). This Unit type should be used for Word Processing documents.

  • Cells: Units specified in cell positions. This Unit type should be used for Spreadsheets.

15.2 ArchiveNode Class

ArchiveNode provides information about an archive record. This is a read-only class where the technology fills in all the values.




  • IsDirectory (Boolean) A value of true indicates that the record is an archive node.

  • FileSize (Int32) File size of the archive node

  • NodeTime (Int32) Time the archive node was created

  • NodeNum (Int32) Serial number of the archive node in the archive

  • NodeName (String) The name of the archive node

15.3 Callback Class

Callback messages are notifications that come from Outside In during the export process, providing information and sometimes the opportunity to customize the generated output.



To access callback messages, your code must create an object that inherits from Callback and pass it through the API's SetCallbackHandler method.

Your object can implement methods that override the default behavior for whichever methods your application is interested in.

Callback has three methods: OpenFile, CreateNewFile and NewFileInfo.

15.3.1 OpenFile

OpenFileResponse OpenFile(
      FileTypeValue fileType,
      string fileName

This callback is made any time a new file needs to be opened.


  • fileType: Type of file being requested to be opened.

  • filename: Name of the file to be open

Return Value

To take action in response to this method, return an OpenFileResponse object.

FileTypeValue Enumeration

This enumeration defines the type of file being requested to be opened. Its value may be one of the following:

  • Input: File to be opened (path unknown)

  • Template: Template file to be opened

  • Path: Full file name of the file to be opened.

  • Other: Not used.

15.3.2 CreateNewFile

CreateNewFileResponse CreateNewFile( FileFormat ParentOutputId,  FileFormat OutputId,
   Association Association, string Path)

This callback is made any time a new output file needs to be generated. This gives the developer the chance to affect where the new output file is created, how it is named, and the URL (if any) used to reference the file.


  • ParentOutputId: File format identifier of the parent file.

  • OutputId: File format identifier of the file created.

  • Association: An Association that describes relationship between the primary output file and the new file.

  • Path: Full path of the file to be created.

Return Value

To take action in response to this notification, return a CreateNewFileResponse object with the new file information. If you wish to accept the defaults for the path and URL, you may return null.

CreateNewFileResponse Class

This is a class to define a new output file location in response to a CreateNewFile callback. If you do not wish to change the path to the new output file, you may use the path as received. If you do not wish to specify the URL for the new file, you may specify it as null.


CreateNewFileResponse(FileInfo File, string URL) 
  • File: File object with full path to new file.

  • URL: A new URL that references the newly created file. This parameter can be null.

Association Enumeration

This enumeration defines, for a new file created by an export process, the different possible associations between the new file and the primary output file. Its value may be one of the following:

  • Root - indicates the primary output file

  • Child - a new file linked (directly or indirectly) from the primary output file

  • Sibling - indicates new files not linked from the primary output file

  • Copy - the file was copied as a part of a template macro operation.

  • RequiredName - not used

Note that some of these relationships will not be possible in all Outside In Export SDKs.

15.3.3 NewFileInfo

void NewFileInfo( FileFormat ParentOutputId, FileFormat OutputId,
    Association Association, string Path, string URL)

This informational callback is made just after each new file has been created.


  • ParentOutputId: File format identifier of the parent file

  • OutputId: File format identifier of the file created

  • Association: An Association that describes relationship between the primary output file and the new file.

  • Path: Full path of the file created

  • URL: URL that references the newly created file

15.4 ColorInfo Class

ColorInfo is a class to define a color or to use a default color in appropriate cases.





Initializes a ColorInfo object to use the default color.

public ColorInfo(Byte red,
   Byte green,
   Byte blue)

Initializes a ColorInfo object with the specified RGB values.


  • Blue (byte) - Blue component of the color

  • Green (byte) - Green component of the color

  • Red (byte) - Red component of the color

  • UseDefault (byte) - Set to true if the default color is used

15.5 Exporter Interface

This section describes the Exporter properties and methods.

All of Outside In's Exporter functionality can be accessed through the Exporter Interface. The object returned by OutsideIn class is an implementation of this interface. This class derives from the Document Interface, which in turn is derived from the OptionsCache Interface.




  • AddKeyValuePairs

    void AddKeyValuePairs(
      Dictionary<string, string> stringkvPairs)

    This function lets you specify key/value pairs for use in the exported document.

    stringkvPairs: Key value pairs where the key is the name of the data.

  • GetExportStatus

    ExportStatus GetExportStatus()

    This function is used to determine if there were conversion problems during an export. The ExportStatus object returned may have information about sub-document failures, areas of a conversion that may not have high fidelity with the original document. When applicable the number of pages in the output is also provided.

  • NewSubDocumentExporter

    Exporter NewSubDocumentExporter(
          int SubdocId,
          SubDocumentIdentifierTypeValue idType

    Create a new Exporter for a subdocument.

    SubDocId: Identifier of the subdocument

    idType: Type of subdocument

    SubDocumentIdentifierTypeValue: This is an enumeration for the type of subdocument being opened.

    • XMLExportLocator: Subdocument to be opened is based on output of XML Export (SubdocId is the value of the object_id attribute of a locator element.)

    • AttachmentLocator: Subdocument to be opened is based on the locator value provided by the one of the Export SDKs.

    • EmailAttachmentIndex: Subdocument to be opened is based on the index of the attachment from an email message. (SubdocId is the zero-based index of the attachment from an email message file. The first attachment presented by OutsideIn has the index value 0, the second has the index value 1, etc.)

    Returns: A new Exporter object for the subdocument

  • NewArchiveNodeExporter

    Exporter NewArchiveNodeExporter(
          int dwRecordNum

    Create a new Exporter for an archive node. You may get the number of nodes in an archive using getArchiveNodeCount. The nodes are numbered from 0 to getArchiveNodeCount -1.

    dwRecordNum: The number of the record to retrieve information about. The first node is node 0 and the total number of nodes may be obtained from GetArchiveNodeCount.

    Returns: A new Exporter object for the archive node

  • NewArchiveNodeExporter with Search Export Data

    Exporter NewArchiveNodeExporter(
          uint flags,
          uint params1,
          uint params2

    Create a new Exporter for an archive node. To use this function, you must first process the archive with Search Export and save the Node data for later use in this function.

    Flags: Special flags value from Search Export

    Params1: Data1 from Search Export

    Params2: Data2 from Search Export

    Returns: A new Exporter object for the archive node

  • Export

    void Export()

    Perform the conversion and close the Export process.

  • SetExportTimeout

    OptionsCache SetExportTimeout(int millisecondsTimeout);

    This method sets the time that the export process should wait for a response from the Outside In export engine to complete the export of a document, setting an upper limit on the time that will elapse during a call to Export(). If the specified length of time or the default timeout amount is reached before the export has completed, the export operation is terminated and an OutsideInException is thrown. If this option is not set, the default timeout is 5 minutes.

15.5.1 IAnnotatable Interface

All of the Outside In annotation-related methods are accessed through the IAnnotable Interface.




  • AddStampAnnotation

    void AddStampAnnotation(
         StampAnnotation StampAnno)

    Add a stamp annotation to the exported document.

    StampAnno: A StampAnnotation object with information about the stamp to add.

  • AddStampAnnotation and Add Annotation Properties

    void AddStampAnnotation(
          StampAnnotation StampAnno,
          Dictionary<string, string> Properties)

    Add a stamp annotation to the exported document and associate properties with the annotation.

    StampAnno: A StampAnnotation object with information about the stamp to add.

    Properties: Key value pairs of name/value of properties associated with this annotation.

  • AddStampAnnotation and Associate Comment with Annotation

    void AddStampAnnotation(
          StampAnnotation StampAnno,
          string Comment)

    Add a stamp annotation to the exported document and associate a comment with the annotation.

    StampAnno: A StampAnnotation object with information about the stamp to add

    Comment: Comment text to associate with the annotation

  • AddStampAnnotation with Comment and Properties

    void AddStampAnnotation(
          StampAnnotation StampAnno,
          string Comment,
          Dictionary<string, string> Properties)

    Add a stamp annotation to the exported document and associate a comment and properties with the annotation.

    StampAnno: A StampAnnotation object with information about the stamp to add

    Comment: Comment text to associate with the annotation

    Properties: Key value pairs of name/value of properties associated with this annotation

  • AddStampImage

    void AddStampImage(
          Dictionary<string, Uri> stamps

    This method maps a stamp name to an image URL.

    stamps: Key value pairs of stamp names and image URLs

  • ApplyHighlights

    void ApplyHighlights(
          string HighlightJsonData

    This method applies a set of highlights from a JSON-encoded text stream previously generated from the Web View Export Javascript library.

    HighlightJsonData: stream of highlight (and comment) information that was obtained via the Web View Export Javascript API function OIT.highlights.serialize.

  • AddAreaHighlight

    void AddAreaHighlight(
          HighlightAreaAnnotation HighlightAreaAnno

    Highlight an area on a page in a document.

    HighlightAreaAnno: A HighlightAreaAnnotation object with information about the area to highlight

  • AddAreaHighlight and Add Annotation Properties

    void AddAreaHighlight(
          HighlightAreaAnnotation HighlightAreaAnno,
          Dictionary<string, string> Properties

    Add an area highlight to a document and associate properties with the annotation.

    HighlightAreaAnno: A HighlightAreaAnnotation object with information about the area to highlight

    Properties: Key value pairs of name/value of properties associated with this annotation

  • AddAreaHighlight and Associate Comment with Annotation

    void AddAreaHighlight(
          HighlightAreaAnnotation HighlightAreaAnno,
          string Comment

    Highlight an area on a page in a document and associate a comment with the annotation.

    HighlightAreaAnno: A HighlightAreaAnnotation object with information about the area to highlight

    Comment: Comment text to associate with the annotation

  • AddAreaHighlight with Comment and Properties

    void AddAreaHighlight(
          HighlightAreaAnnotation HighlightAreaAnno,
          string Comment,
          Dictionary<string, string> Properties

    Add an area highlight to a document, including associated comment text and properties.

    HighlightAreaAnno: A HighlightAreaAnnotation object with information about the area to highlight

    Comment: Comment text to associate with the annotation

    Properties: Key value pairs of name/value of properties associated with this annotation

  • AddTextHighlight

    void AddTextHighlight(
          HighlightTextAnnotation textanno

    Highlight text in a document.

    textanno: A HighlightTextAnnotation object with information about the text to highlight

  • AddTextHighlight and Add Annotation Properties

    void AddTextHighlight(
          HighlightTextAnnotation textanno,
          Dictionary<string, string> Properties

    Highlight text in a document and associate properties with the annotation.

    textanno: A HighlightTextAnnotation object with information about the text to highlight

    Properties: Key value pairs of name/value of properties associated with this annotation

  • AddTextHighlight and Associate a Comment

    void AddTextHighlight(
          HighlightTextAnnotation textanno,
          string Comment

    Highlight text in a document and associate a comment with the highlight.

    textanno: A HighlightTextAnnotation object with information about the text to highlight

    Comment: Comment text to associate with the annotation

  • AddTextHighlight with Comment and Properties to Annotation

    void AddTextHighlight(
          HighlightTextAnnotation textanno,
          string Comment,
          Dictionary<string, string> Properties

    Highlight text in a document and provide comment text and properties to be associated with the annotation.

    textanno: A HighlightTextAnnotation object with information about the text to highlight

    Comment: Comment text to associate with the annotation

    Properties: Key value pairs of name/value of properties associated with this annotation

15.5.2 Document Interface

All of the Outside In document-related methods are accessed through the Document Interface.




  • Close

    void Close()

    Closes the currently open document.

  • GetArchiveNodeCount

    Int32 GetArchiveNodeCount()

    Retrieves the number of nodes in an archive file.

    Returns the number of nodes in the archive file or 0 if the file is not an archive file.

  • GetFileId

    FileFormat GetFileId(FileIdInfoFlagValue dwFlags)

    Gets the format of the file based on the technology's content-based file identification process.

    dwFlags: Option to retrieve the file identification pre-Extended or post-Extended Test

    Returns the format identifier of the file.

  • GetObjectInfo

    ObjectInfo GetObjectInfo()

    Retrieves the information about an embedded object.

    Return: An ObjectInfo object with the information about the embedded object

  • GetArchiveNode

    ArchiveNode GetArchiveNode(Int32 nNodeNum)

    Retrieves information about a record in an archive file

    nNodeNum: The number of the record to retrieve information about. The first node is node 0.

    Return Value: An ArchiveNode object with the information about the record

  • SaveArchiveNode

    void SaveArchivenode(
          Int32 nNodeNum,
          FileInfo fileinfo)
    void SaveArchiveNode(
          Int32 nNodeNum,
          string strFileName)

    Extracts a record in an archive file to disk.

    nNodeNumType: The number of the record to retrieve information about. The first node is node 0.

    strFileNameType/fileinfo: Full path of the destination file to which the file will be extracted

  • SaveArchiveNode with ArchiveNode

    void SaveArchiveNode(
          ArchiveNode arcNode,
          FileInfo fileinfo)
    void SaveArchiveNode(
          ArchiveNode arcNode,
          string strFileName)

    Extracts a record in an archive file to disk.

    arcNode: A TreeRecord object retrieved from GetArchiveNodeInfo with information about the node to extract

    strFileNameType/fileinfo: Full path of the destination file to which the file will be extracted

15.5.3 OptionsCache Class

This section describes the OptionsCache class.

The options that configure the way outputs are generated are accessed through the OptionsCache class.

All of the options described in the following subsections are available through this interface. Other methods in this interface are described below.




  • OptionsCache SetSourceFile(FileInfo file)

    Sets the source document to be opened.

    file: Full path to source file

  • OptionsCache SetSourceFile(string filename)

    Sets the source document.

    filename: Full path of the source document

    Returns: The options cache object associated with this document

  • OptionsCache SetSourceFormat(FileFormat fileId)

    Sets the source format to process the input file as, ignoring the algorithmic detection of the file type.

    fileId: the format to treat the input document as.

  • OptionsCache SetDestinationFile(FileInfo file)

    Sets the location of the destination file.

    file: Full path to the destination file

  • OptionsCache SetDestinationFile(string filename)

    Set the location of the destination file.

    filename: Full path to the destination file

    returns: The updated options object

  • OptionsCache SetDestinationFormat(FileFormat fileId)

    Sets the destination file format to which the file should be converted to.

    fileId: the format to convert the input document(s) to.

  • OptionsCache SetCallbackHandler(Callback callback)

    Sets the object to use to handle callbacks.

    callback: the callback handling object.

  • OptionsCache SetPasswordsList(List<String> Passwords)

    Provides a list of strings to use as passwords for encrypted documents. The technology will cycle through this list until a successful password is found or the list is exhausted.

    Passwords: List of strings to be used as passwords.

  • OptionsCache SetLotusNotesId(String NotesIdFile)

    Sets the Lotus Notes ID file location.

    NotesIdFile: Full path to the Notes ID file.

  • OptionsCache SetSourceFile(Stream file)

    Set an input stream as the source document. Exporting a file using this method may have issues with files that require the original name of the file (example: extension of the file for identification purposes or name of a secondary file dependent on the name/path of this file).

  • OptionsCache SetSourceFile(Stream file, String Filename)

    Set an input stream as the source document and provide information about the filename (fully qualified path or file name that may be used to derive the extension of the file or name of a secondary file dependent on the name/path of this file).

  • OptionsCache SetNextSourceFile(Stream file)

    Set an input stream as the next source document to be exported to the original destination file. This method has the same limitations as the similar SetSourceFile(Stream file) method.

  • OptionsCache SetNextSourceFile(Stream file, String Filename)

    Set an input stream as the next source document to be exported to the original destination file. The file name provided is used as in the method SetSourceFile(Stream file, String Filename)

  • OptionsCache SetNextSourceFile(FileInfo file)

    Set an input stream as the next source document to be exported to the original destination file.

  • OptionsCache SetDestinationFile(Stream file)

    Set an output stream as the destination for an export. BiDiReorderMethod


This option controls how the technology reorders bidirectional text.

Data Type

  • BiDiReorderMethodValue

BiDiReorderMethodValue Enumeration

One of the following values:

  • UnicodeOff: This disables any processing for bidirectional characters. This option is the default.

  • UnicodeLToR: Characters displayed using the Unicode bidirectional algorithm assuming a base left-to-right order. Use this option to enable bidirectional rendering.

  • UnicodeRToL: Characters displayed using the Unicode bidirectional algorithm assuming a base right-to-left order. Use this option to force starting bidirectional rendering in the right-to-left.


BiDiReorderMethodValue.UnicodeOff DefaultInputCharacterSet


This option is used in cases where Outside In cannot determine the character set used to encode the text of an input file. When all other means of determining the file's character set are exhausted, Outside In will assume that an input document is encoded in the character set specified by this option. This is most often used when reading plain-text files, but may also be used when reading HTML or PDF files.

Data Type


DefaultInputCharacterSetValue Enumeration

DefaultInputCharacterSetValue can be one of the following enumerations:
















































































DefaultInputCharacterSetValue.SystemDefault DefaultPageMargins

This option specifies the top, left, bottom and right margins in twips from the edges of the page. For instance, setting all the values to 1440 creates a 1-inch margin on all sides. Page margins will only be applied when formatting word processing, database and spreadsheet files.

Please note all margins are applied before scaling with the PageFitMode option. This option is overridden when the UseDocumentPageSettings option is set to true and print margins are specified in the input document. This option does not affect the output of bitmap, presentation, vector or archive files.

Data Type



A Margins object with the margins on the 4 sides defined.


1 inch for all margins DefaultPageSize

This option allows the developer to specify the size of each page in the generated output file. The size may be specified in inches, points, centimeters or picas. This option is only valid when UseDocumentPageSettings is set to false. 1 inch = 6 picas = 72 points = ~ 2.54 cm.

Data Type



A PageInfo object with the page size information.


8.5 inches by 11 inches DefaultRenderFont

This option sets the font to use when the font specified by the filter is not available on the system.

Data Type



The default font to be used


None DocumentMemoryMode


This option determines the maximum amount of memory that the internal storage may use to store the document's data, from 4 MB to 1 GB. The more memory the internal storage has available to it, the less often it needs to re-read data from the document.


  • Smallest: 1 - 4MB

  • Small: 2 - 16MB

  • Medium: 3 - 64MB

  • Large: 4 - 256MB

  • Largest: 5 - 1 GB


DocumentMemoryModeValue.Small EMailAttachmentHandling

This option determines whether email attachments are converted or extracted.

Data Type


EmailAttachmentHandlingValue Enumeration

  • None: Attachments will not be converted or extracted.

  • Export: The attachments to this email will be converted.

  • ExportRecursive: The attachments to this email will be converted; if any are emails, they will also have their attachments converted, and so on.

  • Extract: Attachments will be extracted in their native form, stored alongside the Web View output files.


EmailAttachmentHandlingValue.None ExternalStylesheets

String option for specifying the url of a user supplied stylesheet to be included in the output html file. Values specified through this option will appear in output HTML files as linked stylesheets.


<script src="oit.css">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/some/path/myStylesheet.css"/>

Data Type



None FallbackFormat

This option controls how files are handled when their specific application type cannot be determined. This normally affects all plain-text files, because plain-text files are generally identified by process of elimination, for example, when a file isn't identified as having been created by a known application, it is treated as a plain-text file. It is recommended that None be set to prevent the conversion from exporting unidentified binary files as though they were text, which could generate many pages of "garbage" output.

Data Type


FallbackFormatValue Enumeration

FallbackFormatValue can be one of the following enumerations:

  • Text: Unidentified file types will be treated as text files.

  • None: Outside In will not attempt to process files whose type cannot be identified.


FallbackFormatValue.Text FontAliasList

This option enables the capability to specify which font on the system should be used when a specific font referenced in the original file is not available. A different alias can be set for each font desired to be mapped.

Data Type



A FontAliases object with a list of font matchings


Please refer to the section "SCCOPT_PRINTFONTALIAS" in the C-API for the default font alias list. FontBaseURL

This option allows the developer to specify the base URL used in the Web View Export output when referencing a non-exported font as a downloadable font. (Exported fonts will be placed in the exported output location.)

Data Type



None FontDirectories

This option allows the developer to specify one or more font directories where fonts are located for use by Web View Export. If multiple font directories are specified, they should be delimited by a colon on Linux and UNIX systems and a semi-colon on Windows systems. Please note that Web View Export supports single TrueType fonts (*.ttf, *.TTF) and TrueType collections (*.ttc, *.TTC), not Windows bitmap fonts (*.fon, *.FON), or any other type of font. Also, Web View Export does not require case-sensitive font filenames on UNIX systems.

Data Type



None FontFilter

This option allows the developer to specify a list of fonts to be included or excluded during the export process

Data Type



A FontFilter object describing the inclusion or exclusion list.


None FontReferenceMethod

This option controls the way embedded fonts are presented (or not) in the HTML5 output.

Data Type


FontReferenceMethodValue Enumeration

  • ReferenceByName: The font is referenced in the output file by name only

  • ReferenceExported: The font is subsetted, exported during document conversion, and referenced in the output by file name

  • ReferenceByBaseURL: The full font is referenced in the output using the font file name and the base URL supplied by the FontBaseURL option.


FontReferenceMethodValue.ReferenceByName GraphicHeightLimit


Note that this option differs from the behavior of setting the height of graphics in that it sets an upper limit on the image height. Images larger than this limit will be reduced to the limit value. However, images smaller than this height will not be enlarged when using this option. Setting the height using GraphicHeight causes all output images to be reduced or enlarged to be of the specified height.

Data Type



0 GraphicOutputDPI


This option allows the user to specify the output graphics device's resolution in DPI and only applies to images whose size is specified in physical units (in/cm). For example, consider a 1" square, 100 DPI graphic that is to be rendered on a 50 DPI device (GraphicOutputDPI is set to 50). In this case, the size of the resulting TIFF, BMP, JPEG, GIF, or PNG will be 50 x 50 pixels.

In addition, setting this option to 0 (Maintain Source Image DPI) can be used to suppress any dimensional changes to an image. In other words, a 1" square, 100 DPI graphic will be converted to an image that is 100 x 100 pixels in size. This value indicates that the DPI of the output device is not important. It extracts the maximum resolution from the input image with the smallest exported image size.

Setting this option to 0 may result in the creation of extremely large images. Be aware that there may be limitations in the system running this technology that could result in undesirably large bandwidth consumption or an error message. Additionally, an out of memory error message will be generated if system memory is insufficient to handle a particularly large image.

Also note that setting this option to 0 will force the technology to use the DPI settings already present in raster images, but will use the current screen resolution as the DPI setting for any other type of input file.

For some output graphic types, there may be a discrepancy between the value set by this option and the DPI value reported by some graphics applications. The discrepancy occurs when the output format uses metric units (DPM, or dots per meter) instead of English units (DPI, or dots per inch). Depending on how the graphics application performs rounding on meters to inches conversions, the DPI value reported may be 1 unit more than expected. An example of a format which may exhibit this problem is PNG. The maximum value that can be set is 2400 DPI.

Data Type



96 GraphicSizeLimit


This option is used to set the maximum size of the exported graphic in pixels. It may be used to prevent inordinately large graphics from being converted to equally cumbersome output files, thus preventing bandwidth waste.

This setting takes precedence over all other options and settings that affect the size of a converted graphic.

When creating a multi-page TIFF file, this limit is applied on a per page basis. It is not a pixel limit on the entire output file.

Data Type



0 GraphicWidthLimit


This option allows a hard limit to be set for how wide in pixels an exported graphic may be. Any images wider than this limit will be resized to match the limit. It should be noted that regardless whether the GraphicHeightLimit option is set or not, any resized images will preserve their original aspect ratio.

Note that this option differs from the behavior of setting the width of graphics by using GraphicWidth in that it sets an upper limit on the image width. Images larger than this limit will be reduced to the limit value. However, images smaller than this width will not be enlarged when using this option. Setting the width using GraphicWidth causes all output images to be reduced or enlarged to be of the specified width.

Data Type



0 IECondCommentMode


Some HTML input files may include "conditional comments", which are HTML comments that mark areas of HTML to be interpreted in specific versions of Internet Explorer, while being ignored by other browsers. This option allows you to control how the content contained within conditional comments will be interpreted by Outside In's HTML parsing code.

Data Type


IECondCommentFlagValues Enumeration

IECondCommentFlagValues can be one or more of the following enumerations ORed together:

  • None: Don't output any conditional comment

  • IE5: Include the IE5 comments

  • IE6: Include the IE6 comments

  • IE7: Include the IE7 comments

  • IE8: Include the IE8 comments

  • IE9: Include the IE9 comments

  • ALL: Include all conditional comments


IECondCommentFlagValues.None IgnorePassword


This option can disable the password verification of files where the contents can be processed without validation of the password. If this option is not set, the filter will return an error.

Currently, only the PST and MDB Filters support this option

Data Type



false ISODateTimes


When this flag is set, all Date and Time values are converted to the ISO 8601 standard. This conversion can only be performed using dates that are stored as numeric data within the original file.




false LotusNotesDirectory


This option allows the developer to specify the location of a Lotus Notes or Domino installation for use by the NSF filter. A valid Lotus installation directory must contain the file nnotes.dll.

Either Lotus Notes version 8 or Lotus Domino version 8 must be installed on the same machine as OIT. A 32-bit version of the Lotus software must be used if you are using a 32-bit version of OIT. A 64-bit version of the Lotus software must be used if you are using a 64-bit version of OIT.

Data Type



None OutputRawtext

An option controlling whether raw text output is generated on the server side. This option must be enabled in order to enable in-browser searching via the Outside In API. This does not affect the search capabilities of the browser itself. Raw text generation is enabled by default.

Data Type



true PageRange

This option indicates whether the whole file or a selected range of pages should be rendered.

Data Type



The page range to be exported.


All pages are printed PDFReorderBiDi


This option controls whether or not the PDF filter will attempt to reorder bidirectional text runs so that the output is in standard logical order as used by the Unicode 2.0 and later specification. This additional processing will result in slower filter performance according to the amount of bidirectional data in the file.

Data Type


PDFReorderBiDiValue Enumeration

This enumeration defines the type of Bidirection text reordering the PDF filter should perform.

  • StandardBiDi: Do not attempt to reorder bidirectional text runs.

  • ReorderedBiDi: Attempt to reorder bidirectional text runs.


PDFReorderBiDiValue.StandardBiDi PerformExtendedFI


This option affects how an input file's internal format (application type) is identified when the file is first opened by the Outside In technology. When the extended test flag is in effect, and an input file is identified as being either 7-bit ASCII, EBCDIC, or Unicode, the file's contents will be interpreted as such by the export process.

The extended test is optional because it requires extra processing and cannot guarantee complete accuracy (which would require the inspection of every single byte in a file to eliminate false positives.)

Data Type



One of the following values:

  • false: When this is set, standard file identification behavior occurs.

  • true: If set, the File Identification code will run an extended test on all files that are not identified.


true PostLibraryScripts

List of strings specifying the relative URL of the customer's initialization script. Scripts specified via this option will load after the Outside In libraries, and may access the Outside In Javascript API. The scripts will be referenced in the same order as that of list used to set this option.


<script src="oit.js">
    <script src="/config/oitinit.js">

Data Type



None PreLibraryScripts

List of strings specifying the URL of a script file to be referenced via a <script> tag in the output file. Scripts specified via this option will load before the Outside In libraries. The scripts will be referenced in the same order as that of list used to set this option.


<script src="/jQuery/jQuery-min.js">
    <script src="/shims/customstuff.js">
    <script src="oit.js">

Data Type



None RenderEmbeddedFonts

This option allows you to disable the use of embedded fonts in PDF input files. If the option is set to true, the embedded fonts in the PDF input are used to render text; if the option is set to false, the embedded fonts are not used and the fallback is to use fonts available to Outside In to render text.

Data Type



true ShowArchiveFullPath

This option causes the full path of a node to be returned in "GetArchiveNodeInfo" and "GetObjectInfo".

Data Type



false StrokeOutText

This option is used to stroke out (display as graphical primitives) text in an AutoCAD file. Setting this option to false would improve performance, but the visual fidelity may be compromised.

  • If the export for the conversion is text only, text is never stroked out.

  • If the export is not text only, and the drawing is perspective, text will always be stroked out (regardless of this option). This is due to the fact that in non-text only situations visual fidelity is of importance, and handling of textual objects in perspective drawings is more accurate with stroked out text. If the conversion is non-text only and the drawing is not perspective, this option determines if text should be stroked.

Note that when this option is true, some special characters appear as asterisks or question marks due to limited support of characters for stroking out text.

Data Type



true TimeZoneOffset


This option allows the user to define an offset to GMT that will be applied during date formatting, allowing date values to be displayed in a selectable time zone. This option affects the formatting of numbers that have been defined as date values. This option will not affect dates that are stored as text. To query the operating system for the time zone set on the machine, specify TimeZoneOffset_UseNative.


This option does not apply for spreadsheet files.

Daylight savings is not supported. The sent time in msg files when viewed in Outlook can be an hour different from the time sent when an image of the msg file is created.

Data Type



  • 0: GMT time UnmappableCharacter

This option selects the character used when a character cannot be found in the output character set. This option takes the Unicode value for the replacement character. It is left to the user to make sure that the selected replacement character is available in the output character set.

Data Type



42 URLPathOutput

String option for specifying the base URL for output files generated during the export process. The value of this option is used as a prefix for references to those resources in the primary output file. If the output base URL is "/exports/", an image tag in an exported document would look like this:

<img src="/exports/doc01.doc.jpg" />

and URLs to the exported files within content.js would be of this form:

{id:"page.1",name:"Page 1",type:"page",oid:"overlay.1",w:"816px",h:"1056px",src:"/exports/output.3.html"}

By default, the output file base URL is empty, and all output will be specified without path information.

Data Type



None URLPathResources

String option for specifying the base URL for Web View Export scripts, css files and other resources that do not vary with the converted file. The value of this option is used as a prefix for references to those resources in the primary output file. For example, if the resources' base URL is "/oit/", the script reference in the output file would look like this:

<script src="/oit/oit.js"></script>

By default, this value is empty, meaning all resources must be present in the same directory as the generated output.

Data Type



None UseDocumentPageSettings


This option is used to select the document's page layout information when rendering.

If TRUE the document's native (or author selected) page margins, paper size, page scaling and page orientation are used when available from the filter.

The values of the DefaultPrintMargins, RenderGridlines, RenderHeadings, PageDirection, and PageFitMode options are overridden if this option is set to true and the properties associated with those options are specified in the input document. Additionally, print area and page breaks in spreadsheet documents are ignored unless this option is set to true.

If FALSE, the page margins, size, orientation and scaling are set to specific values rather than those in the native document. The page size is forced to 8 1/2" x 11" in portrait orientation, but this may be changed by setting the GraphicHeight and/or GraphicWidth options. The margins are forced 1" all around, but may be changed by setting the defaultMargins option. The scaling for the document will be set to 100%, although this may be changed by setting any of the various scaling options.

It should be noted that this option also affects page orientation for both input spreadsheets and word processing documents.

Data Type



true WebFontPermissions

This option controls the use of "embedded" fonts (see FontReferenceMethod) in the Web View Export output; specifically, whether or not a downloadable (web font) version of the font should be made available to Web View Export output, based on the licensing restrictions indicated within the font itself.

Data Type


WebFontPermissionValues Enumeration

WebFontPermissionValues can be one or more of the following enumerations ORed together:

  • DefaultPermissions

  • RequireInstallable

  • RequirePreviewPrint

  • RequireEditable

  • AllOff: All flags turned off


WebFontPermissionValues.DefaultPermissions WebViewLibraryName

String option specifying the file name of the Web View Javascript library, which will be written into a <script> tag in the generated HTML files for a Web View. If this option is not set, the value "oit.js" will be used. This option allows the Web View Javascript library to be renamed for versioning or other purposes. This option works in combination with the URLPathResources option.

Data Type



oit.js WebViewStructure

This option controls the structure of the output files created by Web View Export.

Data Type


WebViewStructureValue Enumeration

  • Flat: HTML content is exported in a single HTML file.

  • AjaxChunked: HTML content is spread among multiple output pages.

  • AjaxStreamed: HTML content is spread among multiple output pages and the browser may begin viewing the document before the entire output has been produced.


WebViewStructureValue.Flat WebViewStylesheetName

String option specifying the file name of the Web View stylesheet, which will be written into a <link> tag in the generated HTML files for a Web View. If this option is not set, the value "oit.css" will be used. This option allows the Web View stylesheet to be renamed for versioning or other purposes. This option works in combination with the URLPathResources option

Data Type




15.6 ExportStatus Class

The ExportStatus class provides access to information about a conversion. This information may include information about sub-document failures, areas of a conversion that may not have high fidelity with the original document. When applicable the number of pages in the output is also provided.




  • PageCount (Int32) - A count of all of the output pages produced during an export operation.

  • StatusFlags (ExportStatusFlags) - Gets the information about possible fidelity issues with the original document.

  • SubDocsFailed (Int32) - Number of sub documents that were not converted.

  • SubDocsPassed (Int32) - Number of sub documents that were successfully converted.

ExportStatusFlags Enumeration

This enumeration is the set of possible known problems that can occur during an export process.

  • NoInformationAvailable: No Information is available.

  • MissingMap: A PDF text run was missing the toUnicode table.

  • VerticalText: A vertical text run was present.

  • TextEffects: A run had unsupported text effects applied. One example is Word Art.

  • UnsupportedCompression: A graphic had an unsupported compression.

  • UnsupportedColorSpace: A graphic had an unsupported color space.

  • Forms: A subdocument had forms.

  • RightToLeftTables: A table had right to left columns.

  • Equations: A file had equations.

  • AliasedFont: The desired font was missing, but a font alias was used.

  • MissingFont: The desired font wasn't present on the system.

  • SubDocFailed: A subdocument was not converted.

15.7 FileFormat Class

This class defines the identifiers for file formats.




  • GetDescription

    String GetDescription()

    This method returns the description of the format.

  • GetId

    int GetId()

    This method returns the numeric identifier of the format.

  • ForId

    FileFormat ForId(int id)

    This method returns the FileFormat object for the given identifier.

    id : The numeric identifier for which the corresponding FileFormat object is returned.

15.8 FontAliases Class

FontAliases is a class for providing font matching of unknown fonts.




FontAliases(Dictionary<string, string> aliasList)
   aliasList      Aliases list as a key-value pair with original name as key


  • AliasList (Dictionary<String, String>) - List of font aliases set.

15.9 FontInfo Class

FontInfo is a class to define a font for use in the OutsideIn API.




FontInfo(String fontface, Int16 height)
   fontface  The name of the font
   height    Size of the font in half points


  • Fontface (String) - The name of the font

  • Height (Int16) - Size of the font in half points

15.10 FontList Class

FontList is a class for inclusion or exclusion of fonts in exported documents.




FontList(Boolean  IsExclusion, String[] fonts)
   IsExclusion  If set then accompanying list is an exclusion list
   fonts        List of fonts to include or exclude


  • IsExclusion (Boolean) - If set, then accompanying list is an exclusion list.

  • FontsList (String[]) - List of fonts to include or exclude.

15.11 HighlightAreaAnnotation Class

The HighlightAreaAnnotation class defines the characteristics of a highlighted area annotation. This class derives from the Annotation class.




HighlightAreaAnnotation(Int64 userId,  Int64 sectionIx,  Int64 Top,
   Int64 Left,  Int64 Width,  Int64 Height,  Annotation.UnitTypeValue units,
   Single opacity, ColorInfo fillColor, 
   HighlightAreaAnnotation.AnnoBorder border,
   HighlightAreaAnnotation.BorderStyleValue borderStyle):

Initializes a new instance of the HighlightAreaAnnotation class.


SetBorder(HighlightAreaAnnotation.BorderSidesValue side, HighlightAreaAnnotation.AnnoBorder)
  • Parameters:

    side: The side to which this border shall be applied. HighlightAreaAnnotation.BorderSidesValue is an enumeration of the sides of the annotation.

    border: The type of border to be used.


  • BorderStyle: The style of the border. (Note: in the initial release of Web View Export, only solid borders are supported)

  • FillColor: Color to be used to fill the area

  • BottomBorder: Border style to use for the bottom border

  • LeftBorder: Border style to use for the left border

  • RightBorder: Border style to use for the right border

  • TopBorder: Border style to use for the top border

15.11.1 AnnoBorder Class

The AnnoBorder class defines the characteristics of the borders of annotations.


AnnoBorder(ColorInfo color, System.Int64thickness)
   colorType: Color of the annotation border 
   thicknessType: Thickness of the annotation border

Initializes a new instance of the AnnoBorder class.

15.12 HighlightTextAnnotation Class

The HighlightTextAnnotation class applies to characteristics of a highlighted text annotation. This class derives from the Annotation class.


the application of character attributes through highlighting is not supported in the initial release of Web View Export.




HighlightTextAnnotation(Int64 StartCharCount,
      Int64 EndCharCount,
      CharAttributeValues CharAttrs,
      CharAttributeValues CharMask)
HighlightTextAnnotation(Int64 StartCharCount,
      Int64 EndCharCount,
      ColorInfo Foreground,
      ColorInfo Background)
HighlightTextAnnotation(Int64 StartCharCount,
      Int64 EndCharCount,
      ColorInfo Foreground,
      ColorInfo Background,
      CharAttributeValues CharAttrs,
      CharAttributeValues CharMask)

Initializes a new instance of the HighlightTextAnnotation class.


  • StartCharCount: The character count of the starting position

  • EndCharCount: The character count of the end position

  • Foreground: The text color of the highlight

  • Background: The background color of the highlight

  • CharAttrs: The character attributes to use

  • CharMask: Character attributes to change

CharAttributeValues Enumeration

This enumeration is the list of all character attributes to apply for the text highlight.

  • Normal: Normal text - All attributes off

  • Underline: Underline attribute

  • Italic: Italic attribute

  • Bold: Bold attribute

  • StrikeOut: Strike out text

  • SmallCaps: Small caps

  • Outline: Outline Text

  • Shadow: Shadow text

  • Caps: All Caps

  • Subscript: Subscript text

  • Superscript: Superscript text

  • DoubleUnderline: Double Underline

  • WordUnderline: Word Underline

  • DottedUnderline: Dotted Underline

  • DashedUnderline: Dashed Underline

  • All: All attributes

15.13 Margins Class

The Margins Class is used to describe the page margins.




Margins(Int64 top,
       Int64 bottom,
       Int64 left,
       Int64 right)
top    Margin from the top edge of the page (in twips)
bottom Margin from the bottom edge of the page (in twips)
left   Margin from the left edge of the page (in twips)
right  Margin from the right edge of the page (in twips)


  • Top (Int64) Margin from the top edge of the page (in twips)

  • Bottom (Int64) Margin from the bottom edge of the page (in twips)

  • Left (Int64) Margin from the left edge of the page (in twips)

  • Right (Int64) Margin from the right edge of the page (in twips)

15.14 OutsideIn Class

This is a utility class that creates an instance of an Exporter object on request.




static Exporter NewLocalExporter()      

This method creates an instance of an Exporter object. It returns a newly created Exporter object.


InstallLocation (DirectoryInfo): Location of the Outside In binaries. This value is required if the Outside In binaries reside in a directory other than the application directory. Also, this can only be set once and should be set before the first Exporter object is created.

15.15 OutsideInException Class

This is the exception that is thrown when an Outside In Technology error occurs.

This class derives from the Exception class. This class has no public methods or properties except those of the parent Exception class.



15.16 PageInfo Class

PageInfo is a class for defining page dimensions.




PageInfo(PageInfo.PageSizeUnitsValues units,
              Single width,
              Single height)
units      Units used to specify width and height
width    Width of the page
height   Height of the page


  • Units: Units used to specify width and height

  • Width: Width of the page

  • Height: Height of the page

PageInfo.PageSizeUnitsValues Enumeration

PageSizeUnitsValues is an enumeration of the various units that can be used to specify the width and height of a page.

  • Inches: Units are in Inches

  • Points: Units are in Points (1/72th of an inch)

  • Centimeters: Units are in Centimeters

  • Picas: Units are in Picas (1/6th of an inch)

15.17 PageRange Class

PageRange is a class for defining page ranges for exporting purposes.





Creates an instance of the PageRangeObject for printing all pages.

PageRange(Int32 StartPage)
StartPage  Starting page number of the print range

Creates an instance of the PageRangeObject for printing from a page until end of document.

           Int32  StartPage,
           Int32  StopPage)
StartPage  Starting page number of the print range
StopPage   End page number of the print range

Creates an instance of the PageRangeObject for printing a range of pages.


  • PrintAll (Boolean) - If set to true, all pages of the document will be printed

  • StartPage (Int32) - The start page of the print range. 0 indicates printing will begin with the first page of the document.

  • StopPage (Int32) - The last page of the print range. 0 indicates the last page at the end of the document.

15.18 StampAnnotation Class

StampAnnotation is the class for defining stamp annotations. This class derives from the Annotation class.

The StampAnnotation type exposes the following members.




StampAnnotation(long userId,
   Int64 sectionIx,
   Int64 Top,
   Int64 Left,
   Int64 Width,
   Int64 Height,
   Annotation.UnitTypeValue units,
   Single opacity,
   StampAnnotation.SizingMethodValue sizemode,
   String stampName)
userId     User Data  
sectionIx  0-based page/sheet/image/slide index  
Top        Top coordinate or row  
Left       Leftmost coordinate or column  
Width      Width of area in coordinates or columns  
Height     Height of area in coordinates or rows  
Units      Unit type  
Opacity    Opacity of the annotation. Range 0.0 - 1.0; 0==invisible  
Sizemode   Image sizing method
stampName  Name of the stamp


SizeMode: Sizing method of the source image

StampName: Registered name of stamp image

SizingMethodValue Enumeration

The SizingMethodValue is an enumeration of the sizing methods that can be applied to the image.

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Oracle Outside In Web View Export Developer's Guide

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