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Oracle Outside In Java API Reference



Facilities for setting and getting options that can alter the behavior of conversions.


Interface Summary
Option Interface for exposing an export option by name and providing a brief description of the option.
OptionImpl Used internally by the Outside In API and not to be used externally.
OptionsCache Interface for setting and getting export options.


Class Summary
FontAliases Maps source document fonts to different fonts in the destination document.
FontInfo Contains information describing a font's name and height attribute.
FontList Describes a list of fonts to be included or excluded during the export process.
GridWrapInfo Describes the method of wrapping grids in a spreadsheet or database source file.
MailHeaders Contains listings of e-mail headers to render or exclude when transforming source documents that contain e-mail file formats.
Margins Describes page margins used when writing or rendering an output file.
MarginText Describes margin text or "endorsements" for use in Image Export technologies.
OptionsCacheImpl Used internally by the Outside In API and not to be used externally.
PageInfo Describes a page's size and the units of measurement used.
PageRange Indicates the range of pages to render or write to the output file.
Watermark Describes a watermark image and its associated attributes.
XMLReference Describes the location and type of an XML definition file referenced when exporting to an XML destination format.


Enum Summary
GridWrapInfo.AdvanceModeValue Values indicating how the template element is used when traversing a source spreadsheet or database.
MailHeaders.BaselineValue The initial set of headers that make up the baseline.
MailHeaders.MailHeaderValue The available fields in a mail message.
MailHeaders.MailTypeValue The type(s) of mail documents in which to either show or hide headers
MarginText.Location Enumeration of possible locations for placing text
Option.OutsideInProducts List of Outside In export products
OptionImpl.OptionScopeValue Used internally by the Outside In API and not to be used externally.
Options List of options available in Outside In.
Options.BiDiReorderMethodValue Values for the byte order of Unicode characters in the output files when Unicode is chosen as the output character set.
Options.BorderModeValue Values indicating how borders are handled for spreadsheet and database files.
Options.DefaultInputCharacterSetValue Values for the default character set used when Outside In cannot determine the character set used to encode the text of a source file.
Options.DocumentMemoryModeValue Values for specifying the maximum amount of memory the technology may use to store the document's data.
Options.EmailAttachmentHandlingValue Values for specifying the action to take when attachments are encountered in the source document.
Options.EmbedFontsValue Values indicating which fonts to embed in the destination file.
Options.ExportPerformanceModeValue Values indicating the performance mode to be used.
Options.ExtractEmbeddedFilesValue Values used to control the extraction of attachments to email documents.
Options.FallbackFormatValue Values to control how unknown files are handled.
Options.FontReferenceMethodValue Values to control the way fonts are present (or not) in HTML5 output.
Options.GraphicSizeMethodValue Values indicating the general algorithm to use when scaling graphics.
Options.HTMLFlavorValue Values to tailor html output to a specific browser.
Options.IECondCommentFlagValues Values to control special types of comments that will be read by particular versions of browsers or other products.
Options.IncludeCharacterAttributeValues The character attribute values that may be tracked and output to XML tags when exporting to SEARCHML destination file formats.
Options.OutputCharacterSetValue Available character sets to use in the destination file.
Options.OutputGraphicTypeValue Available formats for graphic files that are produced by the technology.
Options.PageDirectionValue Values indicating the order of that pages are rendered for spreadsheet and database source files.
Options.PageFitModeValue Values indicating how to scale spreadsheet and database files in the rendered output.
Options.PageMLFlagValues Flags that control the behavior of PageML output.
Options.PDFReorderBiDiValue Available methods of handling bidirectional text runs.
Options.ProcessOLEEmbeddingModeValue Values indicating how to handle native (OLE) embedded documents.
Options.SearchMLFlagValues Flags that control the output when exporting to a SearchML destination file format
Options.SearchMLParaAttributeValues Flags that control the output related to paragraph attributes when exporting to a SearchML destination file format
Options.SpecialOptionFlag Used internally by the Outside In API and not to be used externally.
Options.SuppressFontAttributeValues Flags indicating what font-related markup to exclude from the output when exporting to the HTML destination file format.
Options.TIFFByteOrderValue Values for specifying the byte brder used in the output file when exporting to the TIFF destination file format.
Options.TIFFColorSpaceValue Values for specifying the color depth and color options in the output file when exporting to the TIFF destination file format.
Options.TIFFCompressionValue Values for specifying the compression used in the output file when exporting to the TIFF destinatio file format.
Options.TIFFFillOrderValue Values for specifying the fill order used in the output file when exporting to the TIFF destination file format.
Options.UnicodeByteOrderValue Values that indicate the byte order of Unicode characters in the output files when Unicode is chosen as the output character set.
Options.UnmappedTextValue Values for indicating how unmapped text is output when exporting to a SEARCHML destination file format.
Options.WebFontPermissionValues Flags to control the use of embedded fonts in the output file when exporting to the HTML5 file format.
Options.WebViewStructureValue Values for controlling the structure of the output files created when using HTML5 as the destination file format.
Options.XXFormatOptionValues Flags that can affect the output when exporting to the FLEXIONDOC destination file format.
PageInfo.PageSizeUnitsValue Units that can be used to specify the width and height of a page
Watermark.AnchorPosition Indicates the starting location of the watermark image, and all offsets will be with respect to this anchor position.
Watermark.ScaleModeValue Indicates the method of scaling the watermark image.
XMLReference.ReferenceMethodValue The type of XML definition file referenced.


Package Description

Facilities for setting and getting options that can alter the behavior of conversions.

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Oracle Outside In Java API Reference


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