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Oracle Outside In Java API Reference

Interface OptionsCache

All Known Subinterfaces:
Document, Exporter
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface OptionsCache

Interface for setting and getting export options. Currently, the only public implementation of this interface is retrieved through OutsideIn.newLocalExporter(). It returns an Exporter object which extends this OptionsCache interface.

Method Summary
 OptionsCache addSourceFile( file)
          Sets the next source document when exporting multiple input documents to the same destination document.
 OptionsCache addSourceFile(SeekableByteChannel6 redirect)
          Sets an object that implements SeekableByteChannel6 to be used as the next source document when exporting multiple input documents to the same destination document.
 OptionsCache addSourceFile(SeekableByteChannel6 redirect, java.lang.String filename)
          Sets an object that implements SeekableByteChannel6 to be used as the next source document when exporting multiple input documents to the same destination document and provides information about the filename.
 boolean getAcceptAlternateGraphics()
          Gets the AcceptAlternateGraphics option.
 boolean getAppendEmailAttachments()
          Gets the AppendEmailAttachments option.
 boolean getApplyZLIBCompression()
          Gets the ApplyZLIBCompression option.
 Options.BiDiReorderMethodValue getBiDiReorderMethod()
          Gets the BiDiReorderMethod option.
 Options.BorderModeValue getBorderMode()
          Gets the BorderMode option.
 boolean getCollapseWhiteSpace()
          Gets the CollapseWhiteSpace option.
 boolean getCropToContent()
          Gets the CropToContent option.
 Options.DefaultInputCharacterSetValue getDefaultInputCharacterSet()
          Gets the DefaultInputCharacterSet option.
 Margins getDefaultPageMargins()
          Gets the DefaultPageMargins option.
 PageInfo getDefaultPageSize()
          Gets the DefaultPageSize option.
 FontInfo getDefaultRenderFont()
          Gets the DefaultRenderFont option.
 FileFormat getDestinationFormat()
          Gets the DestinationFormat option.
 boolean getDetectGrayScaleAsColor()
          Gets the DetectGrayScaleAsColor option.
 Options.DocumentMemoryModeValue getDocumentMemoryMode()
          Gets the DocumentMemoryMode option.
 boolean getDropPDFHyphens()
          Gets the DropPDFHyphens option.
 Options.EmailAttachmentHandlingValue getEmailAttachmentHandling()
          Gets the EmailAttachmentHandling option.
 MailHeaders getEmailHeaders()
          Gets the EmailHeaders option.
 Options.EmbedFontsValue getEmbedFonts()
          Gets the EmbedFonts option.
 boolean getEnableAllSubObjects()
          Gets the EnableAllSubObjects option.
 boolean getEnableAlphaBlending()
          Gets the EnableAlphaBlending option.
 Options.ExportPerformanceModeValue getExportPerformanceMode()
          Gets the ExportPerformanceMode option.
 java.util.List<java.lang.String> getExternalStylesheets()
          Gets the ExternalStylesheets option.
 Options.ExtractEmbeddedFilesValue getExtractEmbeddedFiles()
          Gets the ExtractEmbeddedFiles option.
 boolean getExtractXMPMetadata()
          Gets the ExtractXMPMetadata option.
 Options.FallbackFormatValue getFallbackFormat()
          Gets the FallbackFormat option.
 long getFitHeightToPages()
          Gets the FitHeightToPages option.
 long getFitWidthToPages()
          Gets the FitWidthToPages option.
 FontAliases getFontAliasList()
          Gets the FontAliasList option.
 java.lang.String getFontBaseURL()
          Gets the FontBaseURL option.
 java.util.List<> getFontDirectories()
          Gets the FontDirectories option.
 FontList getFontFilter()
          Gets the FontFilter option.
 Options.FontReferenceMethodValue getFontReferenceMethod()
          Gets the FontReferenceMethod option.
 boolean getGenerateBulletsAndNumbering()
          Gets the GenerateBulletsAndNumbering option.
 boolean getGenerateExcelRevisions()
          Gets the GenerateExcelRevisions option.
 boolean getGenerateJavascriptTabs()
          Gets the GenerateJavascriptTabs option.
 long getGraphicHeight()
          Gets the GraphicHeight option.
 long getGraphicHeightLimit()
          Gets the GraphicHeightLimit option.
 long getGraphicOutputDPI()
          Gets the GraphicOutputDPI option.
 boolean getGraphicRenderAsPage()
          Gets the GraphicRenderAsPage option.
 long getGraphicSizeLimit()
          Gets the GraphicSizeLimit option.
 Options.GraphicSizeMethodValue getGraphicSizeMethod()
          Gets the GraphicSizeMethod option.
 long getGraphicWidth()
          Gets the GraphicWidth option.
 long getGraphicWidthLimit()
          Gets the GraphicWidthLimit option.
 long getGridMaxPageHeight()
          Gets the GridMaxPageHeight option.
 long getGridMaxPageWidth()
          Gets the GridMaxPageWidth option.
 GridWrapInfo getGridWrap()
          Gets the GridWrap option.
 Options.HTMLFlavorValue getHTMLFlavor()
          Gets the HTMLFlavor option.
 boolean getHTMLOutputFormatting()
          Gets the HTMLOutputFormatting option.
 java.util.EnumSet<Options.IECondCommentFlagValues> getIECondCommentMode()
          Gets the IECondCommentMode option.
 boolean getIgnorePassword()
          Gets the IgnorePassword option.
 boolean getImagePassthrough()
          Gets the ImagePassthrough option.
 java.util.EnumSet<Options.IncludeCharacterAttributeValues> getIncludeCharacterAttributes()
          Gets the IncludeCharacterAttributes option.
 boolean getIncludeSearchMLOffset()
          Gets the IncludeSearchMLOffset option.
 boolean getInterlacedGIFs()
          Gets the InterlacedGIFs option.
 boolean getInternalRendering()
          Gets the InternalRendering option.
 boolean getISODateTimes()
          Gets the ISODateTimes option.
 long getJPEGQuality()
          Gets the JPEGQuality option.
 boolean getLinearizePDFOutput()
          Gets the LinearizePDFOutput option.
 java.lang.String getLotusNotesDirectory()
          Gets the LotusNotesDirectory option.
 MarginText getMarginText()
          Gets the MarginText option.
 FontInfo getMarginTextFont()
          Gets the MarginTextFont option.
 int getNullReplacementCharacter()
          Gets the NullReplacementCharacter option.
 boolean getOutputChangeTracking()
          Gets the OutputChangeTracking option.
 Options.OutputCharacterSetValue getOutputCharacterSet()
          Gets the OutputCharacterSet option.
 Options.OutputGraphicTypeValue getOutputGraphicType()
          Gets the OutputGraphicType option.
 boolean getOutputRawtext()
          Gets the OutputRawtext option.
 long getPageBreakLimit()
          Gets the PageBreakLimit option.
 Options.PageDirectionValue getPageDirection()
          Gets the PageDirection option.
 Options.PageFitModeValue getPageFitMode()
          Gets the PageFitMode option.
 java.util.EnumSet<Options.PageMLFlagValues> getPageMLFlags()
          Gets the PageMLFlags option.
 PageRange getPageRange()
          Gets the PageRange option.
 long getPageScalePercent()
          Gets the PageScalePercent option.
 boolean getParseXMPMetadata()
          Gets the ParseXMPMetadata option.
 long getPDFInputMaxEmbeddedObjects()
          Gets the PDFInputMaxEmbeddedObjects option.
 long getPDFInputMaxVectorPaths()
          Gets the PDFInputMaxVectorPaths option.
 Options.PDFReorderBiDiValue getPDFReorderBiDi()
          Gets the PDFReorderBiDi option.
 float getPDFWordSpacingFactor()
          Gets the PDFWordSpacingFactor option.
 boolean getPerformExtendedFI()
          Gets the PerformExtendedFI option.
 java.util.List<java.lang.String> getPostLibraryScripts()
          Gets the PostLibraryScripts option.
 java.util.List<java.lang.String> getPreLibraryScripts()
          Gets the PreLibraryScripts option.
 boolean getPreventGraphicOverlap()
          Gets the PreventGraphicOverlap option.
 java.lang.String getPrinterName()
          Gets the PrinterName option.
 Options.ProcessOLEEmbeddingModeValue getProcessOLEEmbeddingMode()
          Gets the ProcessOLEEmbeddingMode option.
 boolean getQuickThumbnail()
          Gets the QuickThumbnail option.
 long getRawTextBufferSize()
          Gets the RawTextBufferSize option.
 ColorInfo getRedactionColor()
          Gets the RedactionColor option.
 FontInfo getRedactionLabelFont()
          Gets the RedactionLabelFont option.
 boolean getRedactionLabelsVisible()
          Gets the RedactionLabelsVisible option.
 boolean getRedactionsEnabled()
          Gets the RedactionsEnabled option.
 boolean getRenderEmbeddedFonts()
          Gets the RenderEmbeddedFonts option.
 boolean getRenderGridlines()
          Gets the RenderGridlines option.
 boolean getRenderHeadings()
          Gets the RenderHeadings option.
 java.util.EnumSet<Options.SearchMLFlagValues> getSearchMLFlags()
          Gets the SearchMLFlags option.
 java.util.EnumSet<Options.SearchMLParaAttributeValues> getSearchMLParaAttributes()
          Gets the SearchMLParaAttributes option.
 boolean getShowArchiveFullPath()
          Gets the ShowArchiveFullPath option.
 boolean getShowColumnHeadings()
          Gets the ShowColumnHeadings option.
 boolean getShowHiddenCells()
          Gets the ShowHiddenCells option.
 boolean getShowHiddenSpreadSheetData()
          Gets the ShowHiddenSpreadSheetData option.
 boolean getShowHiddenText()
          Gets the ShowHiddenText option.
 boolean getSimpleStyleNames()
          Gets the SimpleStyleNames option.
 boolean getStrictFile()
          Gets the StrictFile option.
 boolean getStrokeOutText()
          Gets the StrokeOutText option.
 boolean getSuppressEmptyCells()
          Gets the SuppressEmptyCells option.
 java.util.EnumSet<Options.SuppressFontAttributeValues> getSuppressFontAttributes()
          Gets the SuppressFontAttributes option.
 java.lang.String getTempDirectory()
          Gets the TempDirectory option.
 Options.TIFFByteOrderValue getTIFFByteOrder()
          Gets the TIFFByteOrder option.
 Options.TIFFColorSpaceValue getTIFFColorSpace()
          Gets the TIFFColorSpace option.
 Options.TIFFCompressionValue getTIFFCompression()
          Gets the TIFFCompression option.
 Options.TIFFFillOrderValue getTIFFFillOrder()
          Gets the TIFFFillOrder option.
 boolean getTIFFMultiPage()
          Gets the TIFFMultiPage option.
 long getTimeZoneOffset()
          Gets the TimeZoneOffset option.
 ColorInfo getTransparencyColor()
          Gets the TransparencyColor option.
 Options.UnicodeByteOrderValue getUnicodeByteOrder()
          Gets the UnicodeByteOrder option.
 int getUnmappableCharacter()
          Gets the UnmappableCharacter option.
 Options.UnmappedTextValue getUnmappedText()
          Gets the UnmappedText option.
 java.lang.String getURLPathOutput()
          Gets the URLPathOutput option.
 java.lang.String getURLPathResources()
          Gets the URLPathResources option.
 boolean getUseDocumentPageSettings()
          Gets the UseDocumentPageSettings option.
 long getVectorObjectLimit()
          Gets the VectorObjectLimit option.
 Watermark getWatermark()
          Gets the Watermark option.
 java.util.EnumSet<Options.WebFontPermissionValues> getWebFontPermissions()
          Gets the WebFontPermissions option.
 java.lang.String getWebViewLibraryName()
          Gets the WebViewLibraryName option.
 Options.WebViewStructureValue getWebViewStructure()
          Gets the WebViewStructure option.
 java.lang.String getWebViewStylesheetName()
          Gets the WebViewStylesheetName option.
 XMLReference getXMLDefinitionReference()
          Gets the XMLDefinitionReference option.
 java.util.EnumSet<Options.XXFormatOptionValues> getXXFormatOptions()
          Gets the XXFormatOptions option.
 OptionsCache setAcceptAlternateGraphics(boolean AcceptAlternateGraphics)
          Sets the AcceptAlternateGraphics option.
 OptionsCache setAppendEmailAttachments(boolean AppendEmailAttachments)
          Sets the AppendEmailAttachments option.
 OptionsCache setApplyZLIBCompression(boolean ApplyZLIBCompression)
          Sets the ApplyZLIBCompression option.
 OptionsCache setBiDiReorderMethod(Options.BiDiReorderMethodValue BiDiReorderMethod)
          Sets the BiDiReorderMethod option.
 OptionsCache setBorderMode(Options.BorderModeValue BorderMode)
          Sets the BorderMode option.
 OptionsCache setCallbackHandler(Callback callback)
          Sets the callback handler object.
 OptionsCache setCollapseWhiteSpace(boolean CollapseWhiteSpace)
          Sets the CollapseWhiteSpace option.
 OptionsCache setCropToContent(boolean CropToContent)
          Sets the CropToContent option.
 OptionsCache setDefaultInputCharacterSet(Options.DefaultInputCharacterSetValue DefaultInputCharacterSet)
          Sets the DefaultInputCharacterSet option.
 OptionsCache setDefaultPageMargins(Margins DefaultPageMargins)
          Sets the DefaultPageMargins option.
 OptionsCache setDefaultPageSize(PageInfo DefaultPageSize)
          Sets the DefaultPageSize option.
 OptionsCache setDefaultRenderFont(FontInfo DefaultRenderFont)
          Sets the DefaultRenderFont option.
 OptionsCache setDestinationFile( file)
          Sets the destination document.
 OptionsCache setDestinationFile(SeekableByteChannel6 redirect)
          Sets an object that implements SeekableByteChannel6 to be used as the destination document.
 OptionsCache setDestinationFormat(FileFormat fileId)
          Sets the destination file format.
 OptionsCache setDetectGrayScaleAsColor(boolean DetectGrayScaleAsColor)
          Sets the DetectGrayScaleAsColor option.
 OptionsCache setDocumentMemoryMode(Options.DocumentMemoryModeValue DocumentMemoryMode)
          Sets the DocumentMemoryMode option.
 OptionsCache setDropPDFHyphens(boolean DropPDFHyphens)
          Sets the DropPDFHyphens option.
 OptionsCache setEmailAttachmentHandling(Options.EmailAttachmentHandlingValue EmailAttachmentHandling)
          Sets the EmailAttachmentHandling option.
 OptionsCache setEmailHeaders(MailHeaders EmailHeaders)
          Sets the EmailHeaders option.
 OptionsCache setEmbedFonts(Options.EmbedFontsValue EmbedFonts)
          Sets the EmbedFonts option.
 OptionsCache setEnableAllSubObjects(boolean EnableAllSubObjects)
          Sets the EnableAllSubObjects option.
 OptionsCache setEnableAlphaBlending(boolean EnableAlphaBlending)
          Sets the EnableAlphaBlending option.
 OptionsCache setExportPerformanceMode(Options.ExportPerformanceModeValue ExportPerformanceMode)
          Sets the ExportPerformanceMode option.
 OptionsCache setExportTemplate( template)
          Sets the template file to be used for exporting html files.
 OptionsCache setExternalStylesheets(java.util.List<java.lang.String> ExternalStylesheets)
          Sets the ExternalStylesheets option.
 OptionsCache setExtractEmbeddedFiles(Options.ExtractEmbeddedFilesValue ExtractEmbeddedFiles)
          Sets the ExtractEmbeddedFiles option.
 OptionsCache setExtractXMPMetadata(boolean ExtractXMPMetadata)
          Sets the ExtractXMPMetadata option.
 OptionsCache setFallbackFormat(Options.FallbackFormatValue FallbackFormat)
          Sets the FallbackFormat option.
 OptionsCache setFitHeightToPages(long FitHeightToPages)
          Sets the FitHeightToPages option.
 OptionsCache setFitWidthToPages(long FitWidthToPages)
          Sets the FitWidthToPages option.
 OptionsCache setFontAliasList(FontAliases FontAliasList)
          Sets the FontAliasList option.
 OptionsCache setFontBaseURL(java.lang.String FontBaseURL)
          Sets the FontBaseURL option.
 OptionsCache setFontDirectories(java.util.List<> FontDirectories)
          Sets the FontDirectories option.
 OptionsCache setFontFilter(FontList FontFilter)
          Sets the FontFilter option.
 OptionsCache setFontReferenceMethod(Options.FontReferenceMethodValue FontReferenceMethod)
          Sets the FontReferenceMethod option.
 OptionsCache setGenerateBulletsAndNumbering(boolean GenerateBulletsAndNumbering)
          Sets the GenerateBulletsAndNumbering option.
 OptionsCache setGenerateExcelRevisions(boolean GenerateExcelRevisions)
          Sets the GenerateExcelRevisions option.
 OptionsCache setGenerateJavascriptTabs(boolean GenerateJavascriptTabs)
          Sets the GenerateJavascriptTabs option.
 OptionsCache setGraphicHeight(long GraphicHeight)
          Sets the GraphicHeight option.
 OptionsCache setGraphicHeightLimit(long GraphicHeightLimit)
          Sets the GraphicHeightLimit option.
 OptionsCache setGraphicOutputDPI(long GraphicOutputDPI)
          Sets the GraphicOutputDPI option.
 OptionsCache setGraphicRenderAsPage(boolean GraphicRenderAsPage)
          Sets the GraphicRenderAsPage option.
 OptionsCache setGraphicSizeLimit(long GraphicSizeLimit)
          Sets the GraphicSizeLimit option.
 OptionsCache setGraphicSizeMethod(Options.GraphicSizeMethodValue GraphicSizeMethod)
          Sets the GraphicSizeMethod option.
 OptionsCache setGraphicWidth(long GraphicWidth)
          Sets the GraphicWidth option.
 OptionsCache setGraphicWidthLimit(long GraphicWidthLimit)
          Sets the GraphicWidthLimit option.
 OptionsCache setGridMaxPageHeight(long GridMaxPageHeight)
          Sets the GridMaxPageHeight option.
 OptionsCache setGridMaxPageWidth(long GridMaxPageWidth)
          Sets the GridMaxPageWidth option.
 OptionsCache setGridWrap(GridWrapInfo GridWrap)
          Sets the GridWrap option.
 OptionsCache setHTMLFlavor(Options.HTMLFlavorValue HTMLFlavor)
          Sets the HTMLFlavor option.
 OptionsCache setHTMLOutputFormatting(boolean HTMLOutputFormatting)
          Sets the HTMLOutputFormatting option.
 OptionsCache setIECondCommentMode(java.util.EnumSet<Options.IECondCommentFlagValues> IECondCommentMode)
          Sets the IECondCommentMode option.
 OptionsCache setIgnorePassword(boolean IgnorePassword)
          Sets the IgnorePassword option.
 OptionsCache setImagePassthrough(boolean ImagePassthrough)
          Sets the ImagePassthrough option.
 OptionsCache setIncludeCharacterAttributes(java.util.EnumSet<Options.IncludeCharacterAttributeValues> IncludeCharacterAttributes)
          Sets the IncludeCharacterAttributes option.
 OptionsCache setIncludeSearchMLOffset(boolean IncludeSearchMLOffset)
          Sets the IncludeSearchMLOffset option.
 OptionsCache setInterlacedGIFs(boolean InterlacedGIFs)
          Sets the InterlacedGIFs option.
 OptionsCache setInternalRendering(boolean InternalRendering)
          Sets the InternalRendering option.
 OptionsCache setISODateTimes(boolean ISODateTimes)
          Sets the ISODateTimes option.
 OptionsCache setJPEGQuality(long JPEGQuality)
          Sets the JPEGQuality option.
 OptionsCache setLinearizePDFOutput(boolean LinearizePDFOutput)
          Sets the LinearizePDFOutput option.
 OptionsCache setLotusNotesDirectory(java.lang.String LotusNotesDirectory)
          Sets the LotusNotesDirectory option.
 OptionsCache setLotusNotesId(java.lang.String notesIdFile)
          Sets the path and filename of the Lotus Notes id file used when attempting to open Lotus Notes source files.
 OptionsCache setMarginText(MarginText MarginText)
          Sets the MarginText option.
 OptionsCache setMarginTextFont(FontInfo MarginTextFont)
          Sets the MarginTextFont option.
 OptionsCache setNullReplacementCharacter(int NullReplacementCharacter)
          Sets the NullReplacementCharacter option.
 OptionsCache setOpenForNonSequentialAccess(boolean bOpenForNonSequentialAccess)
          Sets the open mode for archive input files.
 OptionsCache setOutputChangeTracking(boolean OutputChangeTracking)
          Sets the OutputChangeTracking option.
 OptionsCache setOutputCharacterSet(Options.OutputCharacterSetValue OutputCharacterSet)
          Sets the OutputCharacterSet option.
 OptionsCache setOutputGraphicType(Options.OutputGraphicTypeValue OutputGraphicType)
          Sets the OutputGraphicType option.
 OptionsCache setOutputRawtext(boolean OutputRawtext)
          Sets the OutputRawtext option.
 OptionsCache setPageBreakLimit(long PageBreakLimit)
          Sets the PageBreakLimit option.
 OptionsCache setPageDirection(Options.PageDirectionValue PageDirection)
          Sets the PageDirection option.
 OptionsCache setPageFitMode(Options.PageFitModeValue PageFitMode)
          Sets the PageFitMode option.
 OptionsCache setPageMLFlags(java.util.EnumSet<Options.PageMLFlagValues> PageMLFlags)
          Sets the PageMLFlags option.
 OptionsCache setPageRange(PageRange PageRange)
          Sets the PageRange option.
 OptionsCache setPageScalePercent(long PageScalePercent)
          Sets the PageScalePercent option.
 OptionsCache setParseXMPMetadata(boolean ParseXMPMetadata)
          Sets the ParseXMPMetadata option.
 OptionsCache setPasswordsList(java.util.List<java.lang.String> passwords)
          Sets the list of passwords to use when attempting to open a password protected source file.
 OptionsCache setPDFInputMaxEmbeddedObjects(long PDFInputMaxEmbeddedObjects)
          Sets the PDFInputMaxEmbeddedObjects option.
 OptionsCache setPDFInputMaxVectorPaths(long PDFInputMaxVectorPaths)
          Sets the PDFInputMaxVectorPaths option.
 OptionsCache setPDFReorderBiDi(Options.PDFReorderBiDiValue PDFReorderBiDi)
          Sets the PDFReorderBiDi option.
 OptionsCache setPDFWordSpacingFactor(float PDFWordSpacingFactor)
          Sets the PDFWordSpacingFactor option.
 OptionsCache setPerformExtendedFI(boolean PerformExtendedFI)
          Sets the PerformExtendedFI option.
 OptionsCache setPostLibraryScripts(java.util.List<java.lang.String> PostLibraryScripts)
          Sets the PostLibraryScripts option.
 OptionsCache setPreLibraryScripts(java.util.List<java.lang.String> PreLibraryScripts)
          Sets the PreLibraryScripts option.
 OptionsCache setPreventGraphicOverlap(boolean PreventGraphicOverlap)
          Sets the PreventGraphicOverlap option.
 OptionsCache setPrinterName(java.lang.String PrinterName)
          Sets the PrinterName option.
 OptionsCache setProcessOLEEmbeddingMode(Options.ProcessOLEEmbeddingModeValue ProcessOLEEmbeddingMode)
          Sets the ProcessOLEEmbeddingMode option.
 OptionsCache setQuickThumbnail(boolean QuickThumbnail)
          Sets the QuickThumbnail option.
 OptionsCache setRawTextBufferSize(long RawTextBufferSize)
          Sets the RawTextBufferSize option.
 OptionsCache setRedactionColor(ColorInfo RedactionColor)
          Sets the RedactionColor option.
 OptionsCache setRedactionLabelFont(FontInfo RedactionLabelFont)
          Sets the RedactionLabelFont option.
 OptionsCache setRedactionLabelsVisible(boolean RedactionLabelsVisible)
          Sets the RedactionLabelsVisible option.
 OptionsCache setRedactionsEnabled(boolean RedactionsEnabled)
          Sets the RedactionsEnabled option.
 OptionsCache setRenderEmbeddedFonts(boolean RenderEmbeddedFonts)
          Sets the RenderEmbeddedFonts option.
 OptionsCache setRenderGridlines(boolean RenderGridlines)
          Sets the RenderGridlines option.
 OptionsCache setRenderHeadings(boolean RenderHeadings)
          Sets the RenderHeadings option.
 OptionsCache setSearchMLFlags(java.util.EnumSet<Options.SearchMLFlagValues> SearchMLFlags)
          Sets the SearchMLFlags option.
 OptionsCache setSearchMLParaAttributes(java.util.EnumSet<Options.SearchMLParaAttributeValues> SearchMLParaAttributes)
          Sets the SearchMLParaAttributes option.
 OptionsCache setShowArchiveFullPath(boolean ShowArchiveFullPath)
          Sets the ShowArchiveFullPath option.
 OptionsCache setShowColumnHeadings(boolean ShowColumnHeadings)
          Sets the ShowColumnHeadings option.
 OptionsCache setShowHiddenCells(boolean ShowHiddenCells)
          Sets the ShowHiddenCells option.
 OptionsCache setShowHiddenSpreadSheetData(boolean ShowHiddenSpreadSheetData)
          Sets the ShowHiddenSpreadSheetData option.
 OptionsCache setShowHiddenText(boolean ShowHiddenText)
          Sets the ShowHiddenText option.
 OptionsCache setSimpleStyleNames(boolean SimpleStyleNames)
          Sets the SimpleStyleNames option.
 OptionsCache setSourceFile( file)
          Sets the source document.
 OptionsCache setSourceFile(SeekableByteChannel6 redirect)
          Sets an object that implements SeekableByteChannel6 to be used as the source document.
 OptionsCache setSourceFile(SeekableByteChannel6 redirect, java.lang.String filename)
          Sets an object that implements SeekableByteChannel6 to be used as the source document and provides information about the filename.
 OptionsCache setSourceFormat(FileFormat fileId)
          Sets the preferred file input format of the source document.
 OptionsCache setStrictFile(boolean StrictFile)
          Sets the StrictFile option.
 OptionsCache setStrokeOutText(boolean StrokeOutText)
          Sets the StrokeOutText option.
 OptionsCache setSuppressEmptyCells(boolean SuppressEmptyCells)
          Sets the SuppressEmptyCells option.
 OptionsCache setSuppressFontAttributes(java.util.EnumSet<Options.SuppressFontAttributeValues> SuppressFontAttributes)
          Sets the SuppressFontAttributes option.
 OptionsCache setTempDirectory(java.lang.String TempDirectory)
          Sets the TempDirectory option.
 OptionsCache setTIFFByteOrder(Options.TIFFByteOrderValue TIFFByteOrder)
          Sets the TIFFByteOrder option.
 OptionsCache setTIFFColorSpace(Options.TIFFColorSpaceValue TIFFColorSpace)
          Sets the TIFFColorSpace option.
 OptionsCache setTIFFCompression(Options.TIFFCompressionValue TIFFCompression)
          Sets the TIFFCompression option.
 OptionsCache setTIFFFillOrder(Options.TIFFFillOrderValue TIFFFillOrder)
          Sets the TIFFFillOrder option.
 OptionsCache setTIFFMultiPage(boolean TIFFMultiPage)
          Sets the TIFFMultiPage option.
 OptionsCache setTimeZoneOffset(long TimeZoneOffset)
          Sets the TimeZoneOffset option.
 OptionsCache setTransparencyColor(ColorInfo TransparencyColor)
          Sets the TransparencyColor option.
 OptionsCache setUnicodeByteOrder(Options.UnicodeByteOrderValue UnicodeByteOrder)
          Sets the UnicodeByteOrder option.
 OptionsCache setUnmappableCharacter(int UnmappableCharacter)
          Sets the UnmappableCharacter option.
 OptionsCache setUnmappedText(Options.UnmappedTextValue UnmappedText)
          Sets the UnmappedText option.
 OptionsCache setURLPathOutput(java.lang.String URLPathOutput)
          Sets the URLPathOutput option.
 OptionsCache setURLPathResources(java.lang.String URLPathResources)
          Sets the URLPathResources option.
 OptionsCache setUseDocumentPageSettings(boolean UseDocumentPageSettings)
          Sets the UseDocumentPageSettings option.
 OptionsCache setVectorObjectLimit(long VectorObjectLimit)
          Sets the VectorObjectLimit option.
 OptionsCache setWatermark(Watermark Watermark)
          Sets the Watermark option.
 OptionsCache setWebFontPermissions(java.util.EnumSet<Options.WebFontPermissionValues> WebFontPermissions)
          Sets the WebFontPermissions option.
 OptionsCache setWebViewLibraryName(java.lang.String WebViewLibraryName)
          Sets the WebViewLibraryName option.
 OptionsCache setWebViewStructure(Options.WebViewStructureValue WebViewStructure)
          Sets the WebViewStructure option.
 OptionsCache setWebViewStylesheetName(java.lang.String WebViewStylesheetName)
          Sets the WebViewStylesheetName option.
 OptionsCache setXMLDefinitionReference(XMLReference XMLDefinitionReference)
          Sets the XMLDefinitionReference option.
 OptionsCache setXXFormatOptions(java.util.EnumSet<Options.XXFormatOptionValues> XXFormatOptions)
          Sets the XXFormatOptions option.


Method Detail


OptionsCache setSourceFile( file)
                           throws OutsideInException
Sets the source document. This file is used as the input for subsequent method calls.
file - A File object describing the source document location
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)
OutsideInException - If the input file does not exist


OptionsCache setSourceFile(SeekableByteChannel6 redirect)
                           throws OutsideInException
Sets an object that implements SeekableByteChannel6 to be used as the source document. Exporting a file using this method may have issues with files that require the original name of the file (examples: if the extension of the file is needed for identification purposes or if the name of a secondary file depends on the name/path of the original source file).
redirect - Object implementing SeekableByteChannel6 to be used to read the source data containing the input file
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)
OutsideInException - If the provided SeekableByteChannel6 object is not valid


OptionsCache setSourceFile(SeekableByteChannel6 redirect,
                           java.lang.String filename)
                           throws OutsideInException
Sets an object that implements SeekableByteChannel6 to be used as the source document and provides information about the filename.
redirect - Object implementing SeekableByteChannel6 to be used to read the source data containing the input file
filename - A fully qualified path or file name that may be used to derive the extension of the file or name of a secondary file that is dependent on the name/path of the source file
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)
OutsideInException - If the provided SeekableByteChannel6 object is not valid


OptionsCache addSourceFile( file)
                           throws OutsideInException
Sets the next source document when exporting multiple input documents to the same destination document. The initial export must use setSourceFile(File), setSourceFile(SeekableByteChannel6), or setSourceFile(SeekableByteChannel6, String) for the first source file.
file - A File object describing the source document location
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)
OutsideInException - If the input file does not exist


OptionsCache addSourceFile(SeekableByteChannel6 redirect)
                           throws OutsideInException
Sets an object that implements SeekableByteChannel6 to be used as the next source document when exporting multiple input documents to the same destination document. The initial export must use setSourceFile(), setSourceFile(SeekableByteChannel6), or setSourceFile(SeekableByteChannel6, String) for the first source file. This method has the same limitations as setSourceFile(SeekableByteChannel6).
redirect - Object implementing SeekableByteChannel6 to be used to read the source data containing the input file
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)
OutsideInException - If the provided SeekableByteChannel6 object is not valid


OptionsCache addSourceFile(SeekableByteChannel6 redirect,
                           java.lang.String filename)
                           throws OutsideInException
Sets an object that implements SeekableByteChannel6 to be used as the next source document when exporting multiple input documents to the same destination document and provides information about the filename. The initial export must use setSourceFile(), setSourceFile(SeekableByteChannel6), or setSourceFile(SeekableByteChannel6, String) for the first source file.
redirect - Object implementing SeekableByteChannel6 to be used to read the source data containing the input file
filename - A fully qualified path or file name that may be used to derive the extension of the file or name of a secondary file that is dependent on the name/path of the source file
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)
OutsideInException - If the provided SeekableByteChannel6 object is not valid


OptionsCache setSourceFormat(FileFormat fileId)
Sets the preferred file input format of the source document. When a source document can be interpreted as more than one format (for example, docx files may be interpreted as Microsoft Word or a zip archive), this option influences how Outside In interprets the input file.
fileId - The file format when used to interpret the source file, if applicable to the source document
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


OptionsCache setDestinationFile( file)
                                throws OutsideInException
Sets the destination document. This file is used to generate the output filenames when Exporter.export() is called.
file - A File object describing the destination document location and filename
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)
OutsideInException - If the output directory does not exist


OptionsCache setDestinationFile(SeekableByteChannel6 redirect)
                                throws OutsideInException
Sets an object that implements SeekableByteChannel6 to be used as the destination document. An Exporter.export() operation will write the output data to the provided SeekableByteChannel6 object.
redirect - Object implementing SeekableByteChannel6 to be used as the destination document written during an Exporter.export() operation
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)
OutsideInException - If the provided SeekableByteChannel6 object is not valid


OptionsCache setDestinationFormat(FileFormat fileId)
Sets the destination file format. Output files will be stored in the specified file format for subsequent calls to Exporter.export().
fileId - The file format type written during subsequent exports
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


FileFormat getDestinationFormat()
Gets the DestinationFormat option. Option indicating the file format of the main output file(s) produced by the export conversion.


OptionsCache setCallbackHandler(Callback callback)
Sets the callback handler object. Callbacks enable client code to be notified of the creation of new destination files and allow client code to alter the destination file names and paths. Only one callback handler may be set per Exporter object. Subsequent calls to this method will overwrite any previously set callback handler. To disable this option after setting a previous callback handler, use null as the parameter.
callback - The callback handler to receive notifications
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)
See Also:


OptionsCache setPasswordsList(java.util.List<java.lang.String> passwords)
Sets the list of passwords to use when attempting to open a password protected source file. Only one password list may be set per Exporter object. Subsequent calls to this method will overwrite any previously set passwords list. To disable this option after setting a previous passwords list, use null as the parameter.
passwords - The list of passwords to attempt
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


OptionsCache setLotusNotesId(java.lang.String notesIdFile)
Sets the path and filename of the Lotus Notes id file used when attempting to open Lotus Notes source files. Only one Lotus Notes id may be set per Exporter object. Subsequent calls to this method will overwrite any previously set Lotus Notes id. To disable this option after setting a previous Lotus Notes id, use null as the parameter.
notesIdFile - The Lotus Notes Id file
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


OptionsCache setOpenForNonSequentialAccess(boolean bOpenForNonSequentialAccess)
Sets the open mode for archive input files. This option enables archive files to open specific nodes without reading all prior nodes in the archive sequentially.
bOpenForNonSequentialAccess - Whether to enable or disable non-sequential access to archive nodes.
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)
See Also:
Document.saveArchiveNode(int, int, int, File), Exporter.newArchiveNodeExporter(int, int, int)


OptionsCache setExportTemplate( template)
                               throws OutsideInException
Sets the template file to be used for exporting html files.
template - A file object describing the html template location
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)
OutsideInException - If the attempt to set the template fails


OptionsCache setDefaultInputCharacterSet(Options.DefaultInputCharacterSetValue DefaultInputCharacterSet)
Sets the DefaultInputCharacterSet option. This option is used in cases where Outside In cannot determine the character set used to encode the text of an input file. When all other means of determining the file's character set are exhausted, Outside In will assume that an input document is encoded in the character set specified by this option. This is most often used when reading plain-text files, but may also be used when reading HTML or PDF files. When PerformExtendedFI is true, this option will still apply to plain-text input files that are not identified as EBCDIC or Unicode.
DefaultInputCharacterSet - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


Options.DefaultInputCharacterSetValue getDefaultInputCharacterSet()
Gets the DefaultInputCharacterSet option. This option is used in cases where Outside In cannot determine the character set used to encode the text of an input file. When all other means of determining the file's character set are exhausted, Outside In will assume that an input document is encoded in the character set specified by this option. This is most often used when reading plain-text files, but may also be used when reading HTML or PDF files. When PerformExtendedFI is true, this option will still apply to plain-text input files that are not identified as EBCDIC or Unicode.
The current value for the DefaultInputCharacterSet option


OptionsCache setUnmappableCharacter(int UnmappableCharacter)
Sets the UnmappableCharacter option. This option selects the character used when a character cannot be found in the output character set. This option takes the Unicode value for the replacement character. It is left to the user to make sure that the selected replacement character is available in the output character set.
UnmappableCharacter - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


int getUnmappableCharacter()
Gets the UnmappableCharacter option. This option selects the character used when a character cannot be found in the output character set. This option takes the Unicode value for the replacement character. It is left to the user to make sure that the selected replacement character is available in the output character set.
The current value for the UnmappableCharacter option


OptionsCache setUnicodeByteOrder(Options.UnicodeByteOrderValue UnicodeByteOrder)
Sets the UnicodeByteOrder option. byte order of Unicode characters in the output files when Unicode is chosen as the output character set.
UnicodeByteOrder - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


Options.UnicodeByteOrderValue getUnicodeByteOrder()
Gets the UnicodeByteOrder option. byte order of Unicode characters in the output files when Unicode is chosen as the output character set.
The current value for the UnicodeByteOrder option


OptionsCache setOutputCharacterSet(Options.OutputCharacterSetValue OutputCharacterSet)
Sets the OutputCharacterSet option. Output Character Set
OutputCharacterSet - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


Options.OutputCharacterSetValue getOutputCharacterSet()
Gets the OutputCharacterSet option. Output Character Set
The current value for the OutputCharacterSet option


OptionsCache setInternalRendering(boolean InternalRendering)
Sets the InternalRendering option.
InternalRendering - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


boolean getInternalRendering()
Gets the InternalRendering option.
The current value for the InternalRendering option


OptionsCache setEnableAlphaBlending(boolean EnableAlphaBlending)
Sets the EnableAlphaBlending option.
EnableAlphaBlending - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


boolean getEnableAlphaBlending()
Gets the EnableAlphaBlending option.
The current value for the EnableAlphaBlending option


OptionsCache setOutputChangeTracking(boolean OutputChangeTracking)
Sets the OutputChangeTracking option. option to output change tracking information.
OutputChangeTracking - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


boolean getOutputChangeTracking()
Gets the OutputChangeTracking option. option to output change tracking information.
The current value for the OutputChangeTracking option


OptionsCache setCollapseWhiteSpace(boolean CollapseWhiteSpace)
Sets the CollapseWhiteSpace option. option to delete whitespace from the output document
CollapseWhiteSpace - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


boolean getCollapseWhiteSpace()
Gets the CollapseWhiteSpace option. option to delete whitespace from the output document
The current value for the CollapseWhiteSpace option


OptionsCache setExtractEmbeddedFiles(Options.ExtractEmbeddedFilesValue ExtractEmbeddedFiles)
Sets the ExtractEmbeddedFiles option. Option to control extraction of attached documents
ExtractEmbeddedFiles - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


Options.ExtractEmbeddedFilesValue getExtractEmbeddedFiles()
Gets the ExtractEmbeddedFiles option. Option to control extraction of attached documents
The current value for the ExtractEmbeddedFiles option


OptionsCache setHTMLFlavor(Options.HTMLFlavorValue HTMLFlavor)
Sets the HTMLFlavor option. html output flavor
HTMLFlavor - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


Options.HTMLFlavorValue getHTMLFlavor()
Gets the HTMLFlavor option. html output flavor
The current value for the HTMLFlavor option


OptionsCache setHTMLOutputFormatting(boolean HTMLOutputFormatting)
Sets the HTMLOutputFormatting option. readable HTML output option
HTMLOutputFormatting - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


boolean getHTMLOutputFormatting()
Gets the HTMLOutputFormatting option. readable HTML output option
The current value for the HTMLOutputFormatting option


OptionsCache setShowHiddenText(boolean ShowHiddenText)
Sets the ShowHiddenText option. This option will force HTML Export to place all hidden text in line with surrounding text. Please note that enabling this option will not display hidden cells, hidden rows or hidden sheets in spreadsheet documents. Also note that when graphic documents (such as faxes) are processed by OCR software and converted to PDF, the optically recognized text may be rendered as a layer of hidden text behind the original image. In order to properly export such PDF documents, this option must be enabled.
ShowHiddenText - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


boolean getShowHiddenText()
Gets the ShowHiddenText option. This option will force HTML Export to place all hidden text in line with surrounding text. Please note that enabling this option will not display hidden cells, hidden rows or hidden sheets in spreadsheet documents. Also note that when graphic documents (such as faxes) are processed by OCR software and converted to PDF, the optically recognized text may be rendered as a layer of hidden text behind the original image. In order to properly export such PDF documents, this option must be enabled.
The current value for the ShowHiddenText option


OptionsCache setSimpleStyleNames(boolean SimpleStyleNames)
Sets the SimpleStyleNames option. This option is for use by people who intend to read or change the CSS style names generated by HTML Export. By default, HTML Export creates unique style names based on the style names used in the original document. Unfortunately, there is an inherent limitation in the style names the CSS standard permits. That standard only permits the characters [a-z][A-Z][0-9] and "-". Source document style names do not necessarily have this restriction. In fact they may even contain Unicode characters at times. For this reason, the original style names may need to be modified to conform to this standard. To avoid illegal style names, HTML Export performs the following substitutions on all source style names: 1. If the character is a "-", then it is replaced with "--". 2. If the character is not one of the remaining characters ([a-z][A-Z][0-9]), then it is replaced by "-xxxx" where "xxxx" is the Unicode value of the character in hexadecimal. 3. Otherwise the character appears in the style name normally. An example of one of the most common examples of this substitution is that spaces in style names are replaced with "-0020". For a more complete example of this character substitution in style names, consider the source style name My Special H1-Style!. This would be transformed to: My-0020Special-0020H1--Style-0021 While admittedly this system lacks a certain aesthetic, it avoids the problem of how the document looks when the browser receives duplicate or invalid style names. Developers should also appreciate the simplicity of the code needed to parse or create these style names. In addition, HTML Export will sometimes create special character attribute-only versions of styles. These have the same name as the style they are based on with "--Char" appended to the end. These styles differ from their original counterparts in that they contain no block level CSS. This more general solution replaces the solution implemented in versions 7.1 and earlier which created "--List" styles to solve a subset of this problem. This was done to work around limitations in some browsers. Because of these CSS limitations, the SCCOPT_EX_SIMPLESTYLENAMES option was created. Setting this option to TRUE causes HTML Export to generate style names that are easy to read but are not guaranteed to be unique. It does this by discarding all characters in the original style name that are not legal in CSS style names. As one would expect, this may lead to naming collisions. An example of a naming collision caused by setting this option can be seen if you look at source document styles named MyStyle and My $ Style. When exported with this option, both would become MyStyle. This in turn may generate confusion when viewing the document in the browser. This is because the browser will look upon the second style as being a redefinition of the first. With the option set to FALSE this is not a problem. The two styles would be converted to MyStyle and My-0020-0024-0020Style respectively. Because the style names are unique, the browser will not see the second style as a redefinition of the first. As this contrived example indicates, naming collisions should be rare for most U.S. documents. If a style name consists of nothing but illegal characters, HTML Export will create a style name for it. This style name is of the form UnnamedStyleX where X is a count of styles encountered so far that did not have style names for one reason or another. This behavior is expected to be very common when converting international documents in languages that are not based on 7-bit ASCII.
SimpleStyleNames - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


boolean getSimpleStyleNames()
Gets the SimpleStyleNames option. This option is for use by people who intend to read or change the CSS style names generated by HTML Export. By default, HTML Export creates unique style names based on the style names used in the original document. Unfortunately, there is an inherent limitation in the style names the CSS standard permits. That standard only permits the characters [a-z][A-Z][0-9] and "-". Source document style names do not necessarily have this restriction. In fact they may even contain Unicode characters at times. For this reason, the original style names may need to be modified to conform to this standard. To avoid illegal style names, HTML Export performs the following substitutions on all source style names: 1. If the character is a "-", then it is replaced with "--". 2. If the character is not one of the remaining characters ([a-z][A-Z][0-9]), then it is replaced by "-xxxx" where "xxxx" is the Unicode value of the character in hexadecimal. 3. Otherwise the character appears in the style name normally. An example of one of the most common examples of this substitution is that spaces in style names are replaced with "-0020". For a more complete example of this character substitution in style names, consider the source style name My Special H1-Style!. This would be transformed to: My-0020Special-0020H1--Style-0021 While admittedly this system lacks a certain aesthetic, it avoids the problem of how the document looks when the browser receives duplicate or invalid style names. Developers should also appreciate the simplicity of the code needed to parse or create these style names. In addition, HTML Export will sometimes create special character attribute-only versions of styles. These have the same name as the style they are based on with "--Char" appended to the end. These styles differ from their original counterparts in that they contain no block level CSS. This more general solution replaces the solution implemented in versions 7.1 and earlier which created "--List" styles to solve a subset of this problem. This was done to work around limitations in some browsers. Because of these CSS limitations, the SCCOPT_EX_SIMPLESTYLENAMES option was created. Setting this option to TRUE causes HTML Export to generate style names that are easy to read but are not guaranteed to be unique. It does this by discarding all characters in the original style name that are not legal in CSS style names. As one would expect, this may lead to naming collisions. An example of a naming collision caused by setting this option can be seen if you look at source document styles named MyStyle and My $ Style. When exported with this option, both would become MyStyle. This in turn may generate confusion when viewing the document in the browser. This is because the browser will look upon the second style as being a redefinition of the first. With the option set to FALSE this is not a problem. The two styles would be converted to MyStyle and My-0020-0024-0020Style respectively. Because the style names are unique, the browser will not see the second style as a redefinition of the first. As this contrived example indicates, naming collisions should be rare for most U.S. documents. If a style name consists of nothing but illegal characters, HTML Export will create a style name for it. This style name is of the form UnnamedStyleX where X is a count of styles encountered so far that did not have style names for one reason or another. This behavior is expected to be very common when converting international documents in languages that are not based on 7-bit ASCII.
The current value for the SimpleStyleNames option


OptionsCache setShowHiddenSpreadSheetData(boolean ShowHiddenSpreadSheetData)
Sets the ShowHiddenSpreadSheetData option. The setting for this option determines whether or not hidden sheets in a spreadsheet will be included in the output. When set to FALSE (the default), the hidden elements are not written. When set to TRUE, they are placed in the output in the same manner as regular spreadsheet data.
ShowHiddenSpreadSheetData - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


boolean getShowHiddenSpreadSheetData()
Gets the ShowHiddenSpreadSheetData option. The setting for this option determines whether or not hidden sheets in a spreadsheet will be included in the output. When set to FALSE (the default), the hidden elements are not written. When set to TRUE, they are placed in the output in the same manner as regular spreadsheet data.
The current value for the ShowHiddenSpreadSheetData option


OptionsCache setFallbackFormat(Options.FallbackFormatValue FallbackFormat)
Sets the FallbackFormat option. This option controls how files are handled when their specific application type cannot be determined. This normally affects all plain-text files, because plain-text files are generally identified by process of elimination, for example, when a file isn't identified as having been created by a known application, it is treated as a plain-text file. It is recommended that None be set to prevent the conversion from exporting unidentified binary files as though they were text, which could generate many pages of "garbage" output.
FallbackFormat - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


Options.FallbackFormatValue getFallbackFormat()
Gets the FallbackFormat option. This option controls how files are handled when their specific application type cannot be determined. This normally affects all plain-text files, because plain-text files are generally identified by process of elimination, for example, when a file isn't identified as having been created by a known application, it is treated as a plain-text file. It is recommended that None be set to prevent the conversion from exporting unidentified binary files as though they were text, which could generate many pages of "garbage" output.
The current value for the FallbackFormat option


OptionsCache setExtractXMPMetadata(boolean ExtractXMPMetadata)
Sets the ExtractXMPMetadata option. Adobe's Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP) is a labeling technology that allows you to embed data about a file, known as metadata, into the file itself. This option enables the XMP feature, which does not interpret the XMP metadata, but passes it straight through without any interpretation. This option will be ignored if the ParseXMPMetadata option is enabled.
ExtractXMPMetadata - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


boolean getExtractXMPMetadata()
Gets the ExtractXMPMetadata option. Adobe's Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP) is a labeling technology that allows you to embed data about a file, known as metadata, into the file itself. This option enables the XMP feature, which does not interpret the XMP metadata, but passes it straight through without any interpretation. This option will be ignored if the ParseXMPMetadata option is enabled.
The current value for the ExtractXMPMetadata option


OptionsCache setParseXMPMetadata(boolean ParseXMPMetadata)
Sets the ParseXMPMetadata option. Adobe's Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP) is a labeling technology that allows you to embed data about a file, known as metadata, into the file itself. This option enables parsing of the XMP data into normal OIT document properties. Enabling this option may cause the loss of some regular data in premium graphics filters (such as Postscript), but won't affect most formats (such as PDF).
ParseXMPMetadata - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


boolean getParseXMPMetadata()
Gets the ParseXMPMetadata option. Adobe's Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP) is a labeling technology that allows you to embed data about a file, known as metadata, into the file itself. This option enables parsing of the XMP data into normal OIT document properties. Enabling this option may cause the loss of some regular data in premium graphics filters (such as Postscript), but won't affect most formats (such as PDF).
The current value for the ParseXMPMetadata option


OptionsCache setPerformExtendedFI(boolean PerformExtendedFI)
Sets the PerformExtendedFI option. This option affects how an input file's internal format (application type) is identified when the file is first opened by the Oracle Outside In technology. When the extended test flag is in effect, and an input file is identified as being either 7-bit ASCII, EBCDIC, or Unicode, the file's contents will be interpreted as such by the export process. The extended test is optional because it requires extra processing and cannot guarantee complete accuracy (which would require the inspection of every single byte in a file to eliminate false positives.)
PerformExtendedFI - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


boolean getPerformExtendedFI()
Gets the PerformExtendedFI option. This option affects how an input file's internal format (application type) is identified when the file is first opened by the Oracle Outside In technology. When the extended test flag is in effect, and an input file is identified as being either 7-bit ASCII, EBCDIC, or Unicode, the file's contents will be interpreted as such by the export process. The extended test is optional because it requires extra processing and cannot guarantee complete accuracy (which would require the inspection of every single byte in a file to eliminate false positives.)
The current value for the PerformExtendedFI option


OptionsCache setLotusNotesDirectory(java.lang.String LotusNotesDirectory)
Sets the LotusNotesDirectory option. This option allows the developer to specify the location of a Lotus Notes or Domino installation for use by the NSF filter. A valid Lotus installation directory must contain the file nnotes.dll. Either Lotus Notes version 8 or Lotus Domino version 8 must be installed on the same machine as OIT. A 32-bit version of the Lotus software must be used if you are using a 32-bit version of OIT. A 64-bit version of the Lotus software must be used if you are using a 64-bit version of OIT.
LotusNotesDirectory - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


java.lang.String getLotusNotesDirectory()
Gets the LotusNotesDirectory option. This option allows the developer to specify the location of a Lotus Notes or Domino installation for use by the NSF filter. A valid Lotus installation directory must contain the file nnotes.dll. Either Lotus Notes version 8 or Lotus Domino version 8 must be installed on the same machine as OIT. A 32-bit version of the Lotus software must be used if you are using a 32-bit version of OIT. A 64-bit version of the Lotus software must be used if you are using a 64-bit version of OIT.
The current value for the LotusNotesDirectory option


OptionsCache setPDFReorderBiDi(Options.PDFReorderBiDiValue PDFReorderBiDi)
Sets the PDFReorderBiDi option. This option controls whether or not the PDF filter will attempt to reorder bidirectional text runs so that the output is in standard logical order as used by the Unicode 2.0 and later specification. This additional processing will result in slower filter performance according to the amount of bidirectional data in the file.
PDFReorderBiDi - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


Options.PDFReorderBiDiValue getPDFReorderBiDi()
Gets the PDFReorderBiDi option. This option controls whether or not the PDF filter will attempt to reorder bidirectional text runs so that the output is in standard logical order as used by the Unicode 2.0 and later specification. This additional processing will result in slower filter performance according to the amount of bidirectional data in the file.
The current value for the PDFReorderBiDi option


OptionsCache setPDFWordSpacingFactor(float PDFWordSpacingFactor)
Sets the PDFWordSpacingFactor option. Option to specify the spacing threshold to detect word breaks in PDF documents
PDFWordSpacingFactor - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


float getPDFWordSpacingFactor()
Gets the PDFWordSpacingFactor option. Option to specify the spacing threshold to detect word breaks in PDF documents
The current value for the PDFWordSpacingFactor option


OptionsCache setPDFInputMaxEmbeddedObjects(long PDFInputMaxEmbeddedObjects)
Sets the PDFInputMaxEmbeddedObjects option. This option specifies the maximum number of embedded objects that will be output by the PDF filter. Once the limit is reached the filter will ignore any further embedded objects that it encounters. Setting this to 0 specifies an unlimited number.
PDFInputMaxEmbeddedObjects - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


long getPDFInputMaxEmbeddedObjects()
Gets the PDFInputMaxEmbeddedObjects option. This option specifies the maximum number of embedded objects that will be output by the PDF filter. Once the limit is reached the filter will ignore any further embedded objects that it encounters. Setting this to 0 specifies an unlimited number.
The current value for the PDFInputMaxEmbeddedObjects option


OptionsCache setPDFInputMaxVectorPaths(long PDFInputMaxVectorPaths)
Sets the PDFInputMaxVectorPaths option. This option specifies the maximum number of vector path drawings that will be output by the PDF filter. Once the limit is reached the filter will ignore any further vector drawings that it encounters. Setting this to 0 specifies an unlimited number.
PDFInputMaxVectorPaths - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


long getPDFInputMaxVectorPaths()
Gets the PDFInputMaxVectorPaths option. This option specifies the maximum number of vector path drawings that will be output by the PDF filter. Once the limit is reached the filter will ignore any further vector drawings that it encounters. Setting this to 0 specifies an unlimited number.
The current value for the PDFInputMaxVectorPaths option


OptionsCache setTimeZoneOffset(long TimeZoneOffset)
Sets the TimeZoneOffset option. This option allows the user to define an offset to GMT that will be applied during date formatting, allowing date values to be displayed in a selectable time zone. This option affects the formatting of numbers that have been defined as date values. This option will not affect dates that are stored as text. Note: This option does not apply for spreadsheet files. Note: Daylight savings is not supported. The sent time in msg files when viewed in Outlook can be an hour different from the time sent when an image of the msg file is created. To query the operating system for the time zone set on the machine, specify TimeZoneOffset_UseNative.
TimeZoneOffset - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


long getTimeZoneOffset()
Gets the TimeZoneOffset option. This option allows the user to define an offset to GMT that will be applied during date formatting, allowing date values to be displayed in a selectable time zone. This option affects the formatting of numbers that have been defined as date values. This option will not affect dates that are stored as text. Note: This option does not apply for spreadsheet files. Note: Daylight savings is not supported. The sent time in msg files when viewed in Outlook can be an hour different from the time sent when an image of the msg file is created. To query the operating system for the time zone set on the machine, specify TimeZoneOffset_UseNative.
The current value for the TimeZoneOffset option


OptionsCache setISODateTimes(boolean ISODateTimes)
Sets the ISODateTimes option. When this flag is set, all Date and Time values are converted to the ISO 8601 standard. This conversion can only be performed using dates that are stored as numeric data within the original file.
ISODateTimes - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


boolean getISODateTimes()
Gets the ISODateTimes option. When this flag is set, all Date and Time values are converted to the ISO 8601 standard. This conversion can only be performed using dates that are stored as numeric data within the original file.
The current value for the ISODateTimes option


OptionsCache setStrictFile(boolean StrictFile)
Sets the StrictFile option. When an embedded file or URL can't be opened with the full path, OIT will sometimes try and open the referenced file from other locations, including the current directory. When this option is set, it will prevent OutsideIn from trying to open the file from any location other than the fully qualified path or URL.
StrictFile - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


boolean getStrictFile()
Gets the StrictFile option. When an embedded file or URL can't be opened with the full path, OIT will sometimes try and open the referenced file from other locations, including the current directory. When this option is set, it will prevent OutsideIn from trying to open the file from any location other than the fully qualified path or URL.
The current value for the StrictFile option


OptionsCache setIgnorePassword(boolean IgnorePassword)
Sets the IgnorePassword option. This option can disable the password verification of files where the contents can be processed without validation of the password. If this option is not set, the filter will return an error. Currently only the PST and MDB Filters support this option.
IgnorePassword - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


boolean getIgnorePassword()
Gets the IgnorePassword option. This option can disable the password verification of files where the contents can be processed without validation of the password. If this option is not set, the filter will return an error. Currently only the PST and MDB Filters support this option.
The current value for the IgnorePassword option


OptionsCache setBiDiReorderMethod(Options.BiDiReorderMethodValue BiDiReorderMethod)
Sets the BiDiReorderMethod option. This option controls how the technology reorders bidirectional text.
BiDiReorderMethod - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


Options.BiDiReorderMethodValue getBiDiReorderMethod()
Gets the BiDiReorderMethod option. This option controls how the technology reorders bidirectional text.
The current value for the BiDiReorderMethod option


OptionsCache setIECondCommentMode(java.util.EnumSet<Options.IECondCommentFlagValues> IECondCommentMode)
Sets the IECondCommentMode option. Some HTML includes a special type of comment that will be read by particular versions of browsers or other products. This option allows you to control which of those comments are included in the output.
IECondCommentMode - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


java.util.EnumSet<Options.IECondCommentFlagValues> getIECondCommentMode()
Gets the IECondCommentMode option. Some HTML includes a special type of comment that will be read by particular versions of browsers or other products. This option allows you to control which of those comments are included in the output.
The current value for the IECondCommentMode option


OptionsCache setShowArchiveFullPath(boolean ShowArchiveFullPath)
Sets the ShowArchiveFullPath option. This option causes the full path of a node to be returned in "GetRecordInfo" and "GetObjectInfo".
ShowArchiveFullPath - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


boolean getShowArchiveFullPath()
Gets the ShowArchiveFullPath option. This option causes the full path of a node to be returned in "GetRecordInfo" and "GetObjectInfo".
The current value for the ShowArchiveFullPath option


OptionsCache setGenerateExcelRevisions(boolean GenerateExcelRevisions)
Sets the GenerateExcelRevisions option. This option enables you to extract tracked changes from Excel. Extracted content shall include location (worksheet, row, column), author, date, and time. Please note that Excel has an option to display the changes inline or on a different sheet. Either case should be extracted along with where the comments are displayed in the Excel file (inline or separate sheet). Revisions are always displayed in a table following the final sheet in the document.
GenerateExcelRevisions - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


boolean getGenerateExcelRevisions()
Gets the GenerateExcelRevisions option. This option enables you to extract tracked changes from Excel. Extracted content shall include location (worksheet, row, column), author, date, and time. Please note that Excel has an option to display the changes inline or on a different sheet. Either case should be extracted along with where the comments are displayed in the Excel file (inline or separate sheet). Revisions are always displayed in a table following the final sheet in the document.
The current value for the GenerateExcelRevisions option


OptionsCache setProcessOLEEmbeddingMode(Options.ProcessOLEEmbeddingModeValue ProcessOLEEmbeddingMode)
Sets the ProcessOLEEmbeddingMode option. Microsoft Powerpoint versions from 1997 through 2003 had the capability to embed OLE documents in the Powerpoint files. This option controls which embeddings are to be processed as native (OLE) documents and which are processed using the alternate graphic. Note: The Microsoft Powerpoint application sometimes does embed known Microsoft OLE embeddings (such as Visio, Project) as an "Unknown" type. To process these embeddings, the ProcessOLEEmbedAll option is required. Post Office-2003 products such as Office 2007 embeddings also fall into this category.
ProcessOLEEmbeddingMode - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


Options.ProcessOLEEmbeddingModeValue getProcessOLEEmbeddingMode()
Gets the ProcessOLEEmbeddingMode option. Microsoft Powerpoint versions from 1997 through 2003 had the capability to embed OLE documents in the Powerpoint files. This option controls which embeddings are to be processed as native (OLE) documents and which are processed using the alternate graphic. Note: The Microsoft Powerpoint application sometimes does embed known Microsoft OLE embeddings (such as Visio, Project) as an "Unknown" type. To process these embeddings, the ProcessOLEEmbedAll option is required. Post Office-2003 products such as Office 2007 embeddings also fall into this category.
The current value for the ProcessOLEEmbeddingMode option


OptionsCache setDropPDFHyphens(boolean DropPDFHyphens)
Sets the DropPDFHyphens option. This option controls whether or not the PDF filter will drop hyphens at the end of a line. Since most PDF-generating tools create them as generic dashes, it's impossible for Outside In to know if the hyphen is a syllable hyphen or part of a hyphenated word. When this option is set to TRUE, all hyphens at the end of lines will be dropped from the extracted text. Note: When this option is TRUE, the character counts for the extracted text may not match the counts used for rendering where the hyphens are required for rendering. This will affect annotations in rendering APIs.
DropPDFHyphens - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


boolean getDropPDFHyphens()
Gets the DropPDFHyphens option. This option controls whether or not the PDF filter will drop hyphens at the end of a line. Since most PDF-generating tools create them as generic dashes, it's impossible for Outside In to know if the hyphen is a syllable hyphen or part of a hyphenated word. When this option is set to TRUE, all hyphens at the end of lines will be dropped from the extracted text. Note: When this option is TRUE, the character counts for the extracted text may not match the counts used for rendering where the hyphens are required for rendering. This will affect annotations in rendering APIs.
The current value for the DropPDFHyphens option


OptionsCache setApplyZLIBCompression(boolean ApplyZLIBCompression)
Sets the ApplyZLIBCompression option. This option determines if ZLIB compression will be applied to all object streams when generating the PDF output file.
ApplyZLIBCompression - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


boolean getApplyZLIBCompression()
Gets the ApplyZLIBCompression option. This option determines if ZLIB compression will be applied to all object streams when generating the PDF output file.
The current value for the ApplyZLIBCompression option


OptionsCache setInterlacedGIFs(boolean InterlacedGIFs)
Sets the InterlacedGIFs option. This option allows the developer to specify interlaced or non-interlaced GIF output. Interlaced GIFs are useful when graphics are to be downloaded over slow Internet connections. They allow the browser to begin to render a low-resolution view of the graphic quickly and then increase the quality of the image as it is received. There is no real penalty for using interlaced graphics.
InterlacedGIFs - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


boolean getInterlacedGIFs()
Gets the InterlacedGIFs option. This option allows the developer to specify interlaced or non-interlaced GIF output. Interlaced GIFs are useful when graphics are to be downloaded over slow Internet connections. They allow the browser to begin to render a low-resolution view of the graphic quickly and then increase the quality of the image as it is received. There is no real penalty for using interlaced graphics.
The current value for the InterlacedGIFs option


OptionsCache setCropToContent(boolean CropToContent)
Sets the CropToContent option. When this option is true, Image Export crops whitespace from the edge of each output image. This includes margins and any unused space at the end of a page. This results in smaller output files without any loss of original input document content. If there is no content, then no cropping is performed.
CropToContent - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


boolean getCropToContent()
Gets the CropToContent option. When this option is true, Image Export crops whitespace from the edge of each output image. This includes margins and any unused space at the end of a page. This results in smaller output files without any loss of original input document content. If there is no content, then no cropping is performed.
The current value for the CropToContent option


OptionsCache setGraphicHeight(long GraphicHeight)
Sets the GraphicHeight option. This option defines the absolute height in pixels to which exported graphics will be resized. If this option is set and the GraphicWidth option is not, the width of the image will be calculated based on the aspect ratio of the source image. The developer should be aware that very large values for this option or GraphicWidth could produce images whose size exceeds available system memory, resulting in conversion failure. If you are exporting a non-graphic file (word processing, spreadsheet or archive) and the settings for GraphicHeight and GraphicWidth do not match the aspect ratio of the original document, the exported image will have whitespace added so that the original file's aspect ratio is maintained. The settings for the GraphicWidthLimit and GraphicWidthLimit options can override the setting for GraphicHeight.
GraphicHeight - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


long getGraphicHeight()
Gets the GraphicHeight option. This option defines the absolute height in pixels to which exported graphics will be resized. If this option is set and the GraphicWidth option is not, the width of the image will be calculated based on the aspect ratio of the source image. The developer should be aware that very large values for this option or GraphicWidth could produce images whose size exceeds available system memory, resulting in conversion failure. If you are exporting a non-graphic file (word processing, spreadsheet or archive) and the settings for GraphicHeight and GraphicWidth do not match the aspect ratio of the original document, the exported image will have whitespace added so that the original file's aspect ratio is maintained. The settings for the GraphicWidthLimit and GraphicWidthLimit options can override the setting for GraphicHeight.
The current value for the GraphicHeight option


OptionsCache setGraphicHeightLimit(long GraphicHeightLimit)
Sets the GraphicHeightLimit option. This option allows a hard limit to be set for how tall in pixels an exported graphic may be. Any images taller than this limit will be resized to match the limit. It should be noted that regardless whether the GraphicWidthLimit option is set or not, any resized images will preserve their original aspect ratio. Note that this option differs from the behavior of setting the height of graphics in that it sets an upper limit on the image height. Images larger than this limit will be reduced to the limit value. However, images smaller than this height will not be enlarged when using this option. Setting the height using GraphicHeight causes all output images to be reduced or enlarged to be of the specified height. A value of zero is equivalent to no limit, which causes this option to be ignored.
GraphicHeightLimit - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


long getGraphicHeightLimit()
Gets the GraphicHeightLimit option. This option allows a hard limit to be set for how tall in pixels an exported graphic may be. Any images taller than this limit will be resized to match the limit. It should be noted that regardless whether the GraphicWidthLimit option is set or not, any resized images will preserve their original aspect ratio. Note that this option differs from the behavior of setting the height of graphics in that it sets an upper limit on the image height. Images larger than this limit will be reduced to the limit value. However, images smaller than this height will not be enlarged when using this option. Setting the height using GraphicHeight causes all output images to be reduced or enlarged to be of the specified height. A value of zero is equivalent to no limit, which causes this option to be ignored.
The current value for the GraphicHeightLimit option


OptionsCache setGraphicOutputDPI(long GraphicOutputDPI)
Sets the GraphicOutputDPI option. This option allows the user to specify the output graphics device's resolution in DPI and only applies to images whose size is specified in physical units (in/cm). For example, consider a 1" square, 100 DPI graphic that is to be rendered on a 50 DPI device (GraphicOutputDPI is set to 50). In this case, the size of the resulting TIFF, BMP, JPEG, GIF, or PNG will be 50 x 50 pixels. In addition, setting this option to 0(Maintain Source Image DPI), can be used to suppress any dimensional changes to an image. In other words, a 1" square, 100 DPI graphic will be converted to an image that is 100 x 100 pixels in size. This value indicates that the DPI of the output device is not important. It extracts the maximum resolution from the input image with the smallest exported image size. Setting this option to 0 may result in the creation of extremely large images. Be aware that there may be limitations in the system running this technology that could result in undesirably large bandwidth consumption or an error message. Additionally, an out of memory error message will be generated if system memory is insufficient to handle a particularly large image. Also note that setting this option to 0 will force the technology to use the DPI settings already present in raster images, but will use the current screen resolution as the DPI setting for any other type of input file. For some output graphic types, there may be a discrepancy between the value set by this option and the DPI value reported by some graphics applications. The discrepancy occurs when the output format uses metric units (DPM, or dots per meter) instead of English units (DPI, or dots per inch). Depending on how the graphics application performs rounding on meters to inches conversions, the DPI value reported may be 1 unit more than expected. An example of a format which may exhibit this problem is PNG. The maximum value that can be set is 2400 DPI.
GraphicOutputDPI - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


long getGraphicOutputDPI()
Gets the GraphicOutputDPI option. This option allows the user to specify the output graphics device's resolution in DPI and only applies to images whose size is specified in physical units (in/cm). For example, consider a 1" square, 100 DPI graphic that is to be rendered on a 50 DPI device (GraphicOutputDPI is set to 50). In this case, the size of the resulting TIFF, BMP, JPEG, GIF, or PNG will be 50 x 50 pixels. In addition, setting this option to 0(Maintain Source Image DPI), can be used to suppress any dimensional changes to an image. In other words, a 1" square, 100 DPI graphic will be converted to an image that is 100 x 100 pixels in size. This value indicates that the DPI of the output device is not important. It extracts the maximum resolution from the input image with the smallest exported image size. Setting this option to 0 may result in the creation of extremely large images. Be aware that there may be limitations in the system running this technology that could result in undesirably large bandwidth consumption or an error message. Additionally, an out of memory error message will be generated if system memory is insufficient to handle a particularly large image. Also note that setting this option to 0 will force the technology to use the DPI settings already present in raster images, but will use the current screen resolution as the DPI setting for any other type of input file. For some output graphic types, there may be a discrepancy between the value set by this option and the DPI value reported by some graphics applications. The discrepancy occurs when the output format uses metric units (DPM, or dots per meter) instead of English units (DPI, or dots per inch). Depending on how the graphics application performs rounding on meters to inches conversions, the DPI value reported may be 1 unit more than expected. An example of a format which may exhibit this problem is PNG. The maximum value that can be set is 2400 DPI.
The current value for the GraphicOutputDPI option


OptionsCache setGraphicSizeLimit(long GraphicSizeLimit)
Sets the GraphicSizeLimit option. This option is used to set the maximum size of the exported graphic in pixels. It may be used to prevent inordinately large graphics from being converted to equally cumbersome output files, thus preventing bandwidth waste. This option takes precedence over all other options and settings that affect the size of a converted graphic. When creating a multi-page TIFF file, this limit is applied on a per page basis. It is not a pixel limit on the entire output file.
GraphicSizeLimit - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


long getGraphicSizeLimit()
Gets the GraphicSizeLimit option. This option is used to set the maximum size of the exported graphic in pixels. It may be used to prevent inordinately large graphics from being converted to equally cumbersome output files, thus preventing bandwidth waste. This option takes precedence over all other options and settings that affect the size of a converted graphic. When creating a multi-page TIFF file, this limit is applied on a per page basis. It is not a pixel limit on the entire output file.
The current value for the GraphicSizeLimit option


OptionsCache setTransparencyColor(ColorInfo TransparencyColor)
Sets the TransparencyColor option. This option allows the user to set the color used as the "transparency color" in the output graphic file. Naturally, this option is only used when the selected output graphic file format supports transparency (GIF and PNG only). If the option is not set, the default behavior is to use the same color value that the input file used as the transparency color.
TransparencyColor - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


ColorInfo getTransparencyColor()
Gets the TransparencyColor option. This option allows the user to set the color used as the "transparency color" in the output graphic file. Naturally, this option is only used when the selected output graphic file format supports transparency (GIF and PNG only). If the option is not set, the default behavior is to use the same color value that the input file used as the transparency color.
The current value for the TransparencyColor option


OptionsCache setGraphicWidth(long GraphicWidth)
Sets the GraphicWidth option. This option defines the absolute width in pixels to which exported graphics will be resized. If this option is set and the GraphicHeight option is not, the height of the image will be calculated based on the aspect ratio of the source image. The developer should be aware that very large values for this option or GraphicWidth could produce images whose size exceeds available system memory, resulting in conversion failure. If you are exporting a non-graphic file (word processing, spreadsheet or archive) and the settings for GraphicHeight and GraphicWidth do not match the aspect ratio of the original document, the exported image will have whitespace added so that the original file's aspect ratio is maintained. The settings for the GraphicWidthLimit and GraphicWidthLimit options can override the setting for GraphicHeight.
GraphicWidth - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


long getGraphicWidth()
Gets the GraphicWidth option. This option defines the absolute width in pixels to which exported graphics will be resized. If this option is set and the GraphicHeight option is not, the height of the image will be calculated based on the aspect ratio of the source image. The developer should be aware that very large values for this option or GraphicWidth could produce images whose size exceeds available system memory, resulting in conversion failure. If you are exporting a non-graphic file (word processing, spreadsheet or archive) and the settings for GraphicHeight and GraphicWidth do not match the aspect ratio of the original document, the exported image will have whitespace added so that the original file's aspect ratio is maintained. The settings for the GraphicWidthLimit and GraphicWidthLimit options can override the setting for GraphicHeight.
The current value for the GraphicWidth option


OptionsCache setGraphicWidthLimit(long GraphicWidthLimit)
Sets the GraphicWidthLimit option. This option allows a hard limit to be set for how wide in pixels an exported graphic may be. Any images wider than this limit will be resized to match the limit. It should be noted that regardless whether the GraphicHeightLimit option is set or not, any resized images will preserve their original aspect ratio. Note that this option differs from the behavior of setting the width of graphics by using GraphicWidth in that it sets an upper limit on the image width. Images larger than this limit will be reduced to the limit value. However, images smaller than this width will not be enlarged when using this option. Setting the width using GraphicWidth causes all output images to be reduced or enlarged to be of the specified width.
GraphicWidthLimit - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


long getGraphicWidthLimit()
Gets the GraphicWidthLimit option. This option allows a hard limit to be set for how wide in pixels an exported graphic may be. Any images wider than this limit will be resized to match the limit. It should be noted that regardless whether the GraphicHeightLimit option is set or not, any resized images will preserve their original aspect ratio. Note that this option differs from the behavior of setting the width of graphics by using GraphicWidth in that it sets an upper limit on the image width. Images larger than this limit will be reduced to the limit value. However, images smaller than this width will not be enlarged when using this option. Setting the width using GraphicWidth causes all output images to be reduced or enlarged to be of the specified width.
The current value for the GraphicWidthLimit option


OptionsCache setGraphicRenderAsPage(boolean GraphicRenderAsPage)
Sets the GraphicRenderAsPage option. This option affects the way raster (bitmapped) images such as TIFF, JPG, and PNG are handled. The default behavior for Image Export is to export such images as copies of the input document, scaled according to the width and height options set by the caller. If this option is set to true, the output produced by Image Export will look like a printed page, with the image placed on a white rectangle representing a "virtual page." As usual, the dimensions of the entire image, including the virtual page, will be controlled by the normal Image Export output width and height settings. The margins into which the image will be placed will be controlled by existing Outside In print margin options. The image itself will be attempted to be scaled to its true (physical) size, or scaled down to fit within the margins if necessary.
GraphicRenderAsPage - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


boolean getGraphicRenderAsPage()
Gets the GraphicRenderAsPage option. This option affects the way raster (bitmapped) images such as TIFF, JPG, and PNG are handled. The default behavior for Image Export is to export such images as copies of the input document, scaled according to the width and height options set by the caller. If this option is set to true, the output produced by Image Export will look like a printed page, with the image placed on a white rectangle representing a "virtual page." As usual, the dimensions of the entire image, including the virtual page, will be controlled by the normal Image Export output width and height settings. The margins into which the image will be placed will be controlled by existing Outside In print margin options. The image itself will be attempted to be scaled to its true (physical) size, or scaled down to fit within the margins if necessary.
The current value for the GraphicRenderAsPage option


OptionsCache setGraphicSizeMethod(Options.GraphicSizeMethodValue GraphicSizeMethod)
Sets the GraphicSizeMethod option. Option to determine the method used to size graphics
GraphicSizeMethod - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


Options.GraphicSizeMethodValue getGraphicSizeMethod()
Gets the GraphicSizeMethod option. Option to determine the method used to size graphics
The current value for the GraphicSizeMethod option


OptionsCache setTIFFColorSpace(Options.TIFFColorSpaceValue TIFFColorSpace)
Sets the TIFFColorSpace option. This option will specify the color depth and color options in the TIFF File that is generated.
TIFFColorSpace - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


Options.TIFFColorSpaceValue getTIFFColorSpace()
Gets the TIFFColorSpace option. This option will specify the color depth and color options in the TIFF File that is generated.
The current value for the TIFFColorSpace option


OptionsCache setTIFFCompression(Options.TIFFCompressionValue TIFFCompression)
Sets the TIFFCompression option. This option will specify the type of compression used in the TIFF file that is generated.
TIFFCompression - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


Options.TIFFCompressionValue getTIFFCompression()
Gets the TIFFCompression option. This option will specify the type of compression used in the TIFF file that is generated.
The current value for the TIFFCompression option


OptionsCache setTIFFMultiPage(boolean TIFFMultiPage)
Sets the TIFFMultiPage option. When this option is set to true, the output of multiple pages from one input document will generate a single file with a separate image for each page converted.
TIFFMultiPage - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


boolean getTIFFMultiPage()
Gets the TIFFMultiPage option. When this option is set to true, the output of multiple pages from one input document will generate a single file with a separate image for each page converted.
The current value for the TIFFMultiPage option


OptionsCache setTIFFByteOrder(Options.TIFFByteOrderValue TIFFByteOrder)
Sets the TIFFByteOrder option. This option determines the byte order used within the TIFF file that is generated.
TIFFByteOrder - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


Options.TIFFByteOrderValue getTIFFByteOrder()
Gets the TIFFByteOrder option. This option determines the byte order used within the TIFF file that is generated.
The current value for the TIFFByteOrder option


OptionsCache setTIFFFillOrder(Options.TIFFFillOrderValue TIFFFillOrder)
Sets the TIFFFillOrder option. This option determines the fill order used within the TIFF file that is generated.
TIFFFillOrder - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


Options.TIFFFillOrderValue getTIFFFillOrder()
Gets the TIFFFillOrder option. This option determines the fill order used within the TIFF file that is generated.
The current value for the TIFFFillOrder option


OptionsCache setJPEGQuality(long JPEGQuality)
                            throws OutsideInException
Sets the JPEGQuality option. This option allows the developer to specify the lossyness of JPEG compression when creating JPEG Files.
JPEGQuality - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


long getJPEGQuality()
Gets the JPEGQuality option. This option allows the developer to specify the lossyness of JPEG compression when creating JPEG Files.
The current value for the JPEGQuality option


OptionsCache setQuickThumbnail(boolean QuickThumbnail)
Sets the QuickThumbnail option. When this option is set to true the technology will render scaled images with a focus on speed and reduced overall memory usage. This focus on speed and memory usage, in some cases, will cause the resulting images to be less readable than when this option is set to false.
QuickThumbnail - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


boolean getQuickThumbnail()
Gets the QuickThumbnail option. When this option is set to true the technology will render scaled images with a focus on speed and reduced overall memory usage. This focus on speed and memory usage, in some cases, will cause the resulting images to be less readable than when this option is set to false.
The current value for the QuickThumbnail option


OptionsCache setImagePassthrough(boolean ImagePassthrough)
Sets the ImagePassthrough option. This feature is used to allow certain input files to circumvent the normal filtering process and to be 'wrapped' in a PDF output file directly. This allows for much faster exporting of the supported file formats, which for release 8.4 are JPEG, JPEG2000, and TIFF.
ImagePassthrough - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


boolean getImagePassthrough()
Gets the ImagePassthrough option. This feature is used to allow certain input files to circumvent the normal filtering process and to be 'wrapped' in a PDF output file directly. This allows for much faster exporting of the supported file formats, which for release 8.4 are JPEG, JPEG2000, and TIFF.
The current value for the ImagePassthrough option


OptionsCache setAcceptAlternateGraphics(boolean AcceptAlternateGraphics)
Sets the AcceptAlternateGraphics option. This option enables an optimization in XML Export's graphics output when exporting embedded graphics from an input document. When this option is set to TRUE and the input document contains embedded graphics that are already in one of our supported output formats, they will be copied to output files rather than converted to the selected output format specified by the SCCOPT_GRAPHIC_TYPE option. For example, if this option is set to TRUE and the selected output graphics type is GIF, an input document's embedded JPEG graphic will be copied to a JPEG output file rather than being converted to the GIF format. The same behavior applies to all of XML Export's supported graphics output formats (currently GIF, JPEG, and PNG.) If this option is set to FALSE, all graphics output will be in the format specified by the SCCOPT_GRAPHIC_TYPE option. Note: When using this option, JPEG files will be transferred directly to their output file location, without being filtered. This presents the possibility that any JPEG viruses in the file can be transferred to that location, as well.
AcceptAlternateGraphics - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


boolean getAcceptAlternateGraphics()
Gets the AcceptAlternateGraphics option. This option enables an optimization in XML Export's graphics output when exporting embedded graphics from an input document. When this option is set to TRUE and the input document contains embedded graphics that are already in one of our supported output formats, they will be copied to output files rather than converted to the selected output format specified by the SCCOPT_GRAPHIC_TYPE option. For example, if this option is set to TRUE and the selected output graphics type is GIF, an input document's embedded JPEG graphic will be copied to a JPEG output file rather than being converted to the GIF format. The same behavior applies to all of XML Export's supported graphics output formats (currently GIF, JPEG, and PNG.) If this option is set to FALSE, all graphics output will be in the format specified by the SCCOPT_GRAPHIC_TYPE option. Note: When using this option, JPEG files will be transferred directly to their output file location, without being filtered. This presents the possibility that any JPEG viruses in the file can be transferred to that location, as well.
The current value for the AcceptAlternateGraphics option


OptionsCache setOutputGraphicType(Options.OutputGraphicTypeValue OutputGraphicType)
Sets the OutputGraphicType option. This option allows the developer to specify the format of the graphics produced by the technology. When setting this option, remember that the JPEG file format does not support transparency. Though the GIF file format supports transparency, it is limited to using only one of its 256 available colors to represent a transparent pixel ("index transparency"). PNG supports many types of transparency. The PNG files written by HTML Export are created so that various levels of transparency are possible for each pixel. This is achieved through the implementation of an 8-bit "alpha channel". There is a special optimization that HTML Export can make when this option is set to FI_NONE. Some of the Outside In Viewer Technology's import filters can be optimized to ignore certain types of graphics. To take advantage of this optimization, the option must be set before EXOpenExport is called. Note: SCCOPT_GRAPHIC_TYPE = FI_NONE must be set (via DASetOption) before the call to EXOpenExport. Otherwise, the SCCUT_FILTEROPTIMIZEDFORTEXT speed enhancement for the PDF filter is not set. This will result in slower exports of HTML Files when graphic output is not required. It should be noted that unpredictable and potentially undesirable output will occur if this option is set to FI_NONE when EXOpenExport is called and the template then attempts to use the {## option} macro to turn graphics back on. Users who wish to turn graphics on and off from the template should set this option after the call to EXOpenExport.
OutputGraphicType - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


Options.OutputGraphicTypeValue getOutputGraphicType()
Gets the OutputGraphicType option. This option allows the developer to specify the format of the graphics produced by the technology. When setting this option, remember that the JPEG file format does not support transparency. Though the GIF file format supports transparency, it is limited to using only one of its 256 available colors to represent a transparent pixel ("index transparency"). PNG supports many types of transparency. The PNG files written by HTML Export are created so that various levels of transparency are possible for each pixel. This is achieved through the implementation of an 8-bit "alpha channel". There is a special optimization that HTML Export can make when this option is set to FI_NONE. Some of the Outside In Viewer Technology's import filters can be optimized to ignore certain types of graphics. To take advantage of this optimization, the option must be set before EXOpenExport is called. Note: SCCOPT_GRAPHIC_TYPE = FI_NONE must be set (via DASetOption) before the call to EXOpenExport. Otherwise, the SCCUT_FILTEROPTIMIZEDFORTEXT speed enhancement for the PDF filter is not set. This will result in slower exports of HTML Files when graphic output is not required. It should be noted that unpredictable and potentially undesirable output will occur if this option is set to FI_NONE when EXOpenExport is called and the template then attempts to use the {## option} macro to turn graphics back on. Users who wish to turn graphics on and off from the template should set this option after the call to EXOpenExport.
The current value for the OutputGraphicType option


OptionsCache setDetectGrayScaleAsColor(boolean DetectGrayScaleAsColor)
Sets the DetectGrayScaleAsColor option. Option to export grayscale content to color JPEGs or not.
DetectGrayScaleAsColor - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


boolean getDetectGrayScaleAsColor()
Gets the DetectGrayScaleAsColor option. Option to export grayscale content to color JPEGs or not.
The current value for the DetectGrayScaleAsColor option


OptionsCache setPageFitMode(Options.PageFitModeValue PageFitMode)
Sets the PageFitMode option. This option scales a spreadsheet/database file to a certain percent or to a page width or height. However, in an effort to preserve readability after scaling, PDF Export will not shrink a database document to under approximately one-third of its original size. It should be noted that when this option is set to "NoMap", the pages of the database file are printed down first and then across. Please note that any margins applied as a result of settings for the "DefaultPrintMargins" option will be included in any scaling that is applied to the output image as a result of settings for this option.
PageFitMode - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


Options.PageFitModeValue getPageFitMode()
Gets the PageFitMode option. This option scales a spreadsheet/database file to a certain percent or to a page width or height. However, in an effort to preserve readability after scaling, PDF Export will not shrink a database document to under approximately one-third of its original size. It should be noted that when this option is set to "NoMap", the pages of the database file are printed down first and then across. Please note that any margins applied as a result of settings for the "DefaultPrintMargins" option will be included in any scaling that is applied to the output image as a result of settings for this option.
The current value for the PageFitMode option


OptionsCache setRenderGridlines(boolean RenderGridlines)
Sets the RenderGridlines option. Option to generate lines between cells in the rendered images
RenderGridlines - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


boolean getRenderGridlines()
Gets the RenderGridlines option. Option to generate lines between cells in the rendered images
The current value for the RenderGridlines option


OptionsCache setRenderHeadings(boolean RenderHeadings)
Sets the RenderHeadings option. Option to print headings in the rendered images
RenderHeadings - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


boolean getRenderHeadings()
Gets the RenderHeadings option. Option to print headings in the rendered images
The current value for the RenderHeadings option


OptionsCache setGridMaxPageHeight(long GridMaxPageHeight)
Sets the GridMaxPageHeight option. Normally, the size of pages generated from spreadsheet worksheets and database tables is limited to the size of the page defined by the input document's page size information and how the UseDocPageSettings option is set. If, after scaling is factored in, the resulting image is too large to fit on a single page, it is split up into multiple pages. The options GridMaxPageWidth and GridMaxPageHeight are used to change the size of a page to match the scaled size of the page being rendered - within limits. The key reason for those limits is that rendering very large pages can easily overwhelm the memory available on the system. When using this feature, a calculation should be made to be sure that the values passed in work within said memory limits. The values for these two options will override the current page dimensions if necessary. The memory needed may be calculated based on the following: memory = [max. worksheet/table height (in inches)] x [max. worksheet/table width (in inches)] x [dpi setting]2 x 3 bytes/pixel + a bit extra for the needs of the rest of the conversion. By default, these options are set to the current page dimensions. Users may choose to set only one of the two options if desired. If, for example, only the SCCOPT_ set only one of the two options if desired. If, for example, only the GridMaxPageWidth is set, then the height of the page will be based on the normal page height. When a worksheet or table is larger than the maximum values specified by these options, then the file is rendered on multiple pages, with the requested (larger) page dimensions. These new options grow the page size (if needed) to match the size of the worksheet or table.
GridMaxPageHeight - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


long getGridMaxPageHeight()
Gets the GridMaxPageHeight option. Normally, the size of pages generated from spreadsheet worksheets and database tables is limited to the size of the page defined by the input document's page size information and how the UseDocPageSettings option is set. If, after scaling is factored in, the resulting image is too large to fit on a single page, it is split up into multiple pages. The options GridMaxPageWidth and GridMaxPageHeight are used to change the size of a page to match the scaled size of the page being rendered - within limits. The key reason for those limits is that rendering very large pages can easily overwhelm the memory available on the system. When using this feature, a calculation should be made to be sure that the values passed in work within said memory limits. The values for these two options will override the current page dimensions if necessary. The memory needed may be calculated based on the following: memory = [max. worksheet/table height (in inches)] x [max. worksheet/table width (in inches)] x [dpi setting]2 x 3 bytes/pixel + a bit extra for the needs of the rest of the conversion. By default, these options are set to the current page dimensions. Users may choose to set only one of the two options if desired. If, for example, only the SCCOPT_ set only one of the two options if desired. If, for example, only the GridMaxPageWidth is set, then the height of the page will be based on the normal page height. When a worksheet or table is larger than the maximum values specified by these options, then the file is rendered on multiple pages, with the requested (larger) page dimensions. These new options grow the page size (if needed) to match the size of the worksheet or table.
The current value for the GridMaxPageHeight option


OptionsCache setGridMaxPageWidth(long GridMaxPageWidth)
Sets the GridMaxPageWidth option. Normally, the size of pages generated from spreadsheet worksheets and database tables is limited to the size of the page defined by the input document's page size information and how the UseDocPageSettings option is set. If, after scaling is factored in, the resulting image is too large to fit on a single page, it is split up into multiple pages. The options GridMaxPageWidth and GridMaxPageHeight are used to change the size of a page to match the scaled size of the page being rendered - within limits. The key reason for those limits is that rendering very large pages can easily overwhelm the memory available on the system. When using this feature, a calculation should be made to be sure that the values passed in work within said memory limits. The values for these two options will override the current page dimensions if necessary. The memory needed may be calculated based on the following: memory = [max. worksheet/table height (in inches)] x [max. worksheet/table width (in inches)] x [dpi setting]2 x 3 bytes/pixel + a bit extra for the needs of the rest of the conversion. By default, these options are set to the current page dimensions. Users may choose to set only one of the two options if desired. If, for example, only the SCCOPT_ set only one of the two options if desired. If, for example, only the GridMaxPageWidth is set, then the height of the page will be based on the normal page height. When a worksheet or table is larger than the maximum values specified by these options, then the file is rendered on multiple pages, with the requested (larger) page dimensions. These new options grow the page size (if needed) to match the size of the worksheet or table.
GridMaxPageWidth - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


long getGridMaxPageWidth()
Gets the GridMaxPageWidth option. Normally, the size of pages generated from spreadsheet worksheets and database tables is limited to the size of the page defined by the input document's page size information and how the UseDocPageSettings option is set. If, after scaling is factored in, the resulting image is too large to fit on a single page, it is split up into multiple pages. The options GridMaxPageWidth and GridMaxPageHeight are used to change the size of a page to match the scaled size of the page being rendered - within limits. The key reason for those limits is that rendering very large pages can easily overwhelm the memory available on the system. When using this feature, a calculation should be made to be sure that the values passed in work within said memory limits. The values for these two options will override the current page dimensions if necessary. The memory needed may be calculated based on the following: memory = [max. worksheet/table height (in inches)] x [max. worksheet/table width (in inches)] x [dpi setting]2 x 3 bytes/pixel + a bit extra for the needs of the rest of the conversion. By default, these options are set to the current page dimensions. Users may choose to set only one of the two options if desired. If, for example, only the SCCOPT_ set only one of the two options if desired. If, for example, only the GridMaxPageWidth is set, then the height of the page will be based on the normal page height. When a worksheet or table is larger than the maximum values specified by these options, then the file is rendered on multiple pages, with the requested (larger) page dimensions. These new options grow the page size (if needed) to match the size of the worksheet or table.
The current value for the GridMaxPageWidth option


OptionsCache setPageDirection(Options.PageDirectionValue PageDirection)
Sets the PageDirection option. This option controls the pattern in which the pages are rendered, either across first and then down, or down first and then across. This option is overridden when the UseDocPageSettings option is set to true and print direction is specified in the input document.
PageDirection - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


Options.PageDirectionValue getPageDirection()
Gets the PageDirection option. This option controls the pattern in which the pages are rendered, either across first and then down, or down first and then across. This option is overridden when the UseDocPageSettings option is set to true and print direction is specified in the input document.
The current value for the PageDirection option


OptionsCache setPageScalePercent(long PageScalePercent)
                                 throws OutsideInException
Sets the PageScalePercent option. This option will scale spreadsheet pages by the percentage specified. The option has no effect unless the PageFitMode option is set to ScaleToPercent. This option must take a value between 1 and 100. If any value outside of this range is used, the option will be ignored.
PageScalePercent - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


long getPageScalePercent()
Gets the PageScalePercent option. This option will scale spreadsheet pages by the percentage specified. The option has no effect unless the PageFitMode option is set to ScaleToPercent. This option must take a value between 1 and 100. If any value outside of this range is used, the option will be ignored.
The current value for the PageScalePercent option


OptionsCache setFitHeightToPages(long FitHeightToPages)
Sets the FitHeightToPages option. This option will fit the spreadsheet image to the number of vertical pages specified. The setting for this option will have no effect unless the PageFitMode option is set to ScaleToPagesSpecified.
FitHeightToPages - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


long getFitHeightToPages()
Gets the FitHeightToPages option. This option will fit the spreadsheet image to the number of vertical pages specified. The setting for this option will have no effect unless the PageFitMode option is set to ScaleToPagesSpecified.
The current value for the FitHeightToPages option


OptionsCache setFitWidthToPages(long FitWidthToPages)
Sets the FitWidthToPages option. This option will fit the spreadsheet image to the number of horizontal pages specified. The setting for this option will have no effect unless the PageFitMode option is set to ScaleToPagesSpecified.
FitWidthToPages - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


long getFitWidthToPages()
Gets the FitWidthToPages option. This option will fit the spreadsheet image to the number of horizontal pages specified. The setting for this option will have no effect unless the PageFitMode option is set to ScaleToPagesSpecified.
The current value for the FitWidthToPages option


OptionsCache setShowHiddenCells(boolean ShowHiddenCells)
Sets the ShowHiddenCells option. This option lets you determine whether or not to show hidden rows or columns when rendering spreadsheets. It is used to expand the widths of cells that are hidden by virtue of having their row height or column width reduced to 0. Setting this option to false will leave the data hidden. Setting this option to true will show all hidden rows and columns, displayed using the default row width or default column height.
ShowHiddenCells - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


boolean getShowHiddenCells()
Gets the ShowHiddenCells option. This option lets you determine whether or not to show hidden rows or columns when rendering spreadsheets. It is used to expand the widths of cells that are hidden by virtue of having their row height or column width reduced to 0. Setting this option to false will leave the data hidden. Setting this option to true will show all hidden rows and columns, displayed using the default row width or default column height.
The current value for the ShowHiddenCells option


OptionsCache setShowColumnHeadings(boolean ShowColumnHeadings)
Sets the ShowColumnHeadings option. When this option is set to true, row and column headings ("1", "2", "3" / "A", "B", "C") are included in the output for spreadsheet and database files. When set to false, no row and column headings are created.
ShowColumnHeadings - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


boolean getShowColumnHeadings()
Gets the ShowColumnHeadings option. When this option is set to true, row and column headings ("1", "2", "3" / "A", "B", "C") are included in the output for spreadsheet and database files. When set to false, no row and column headings are created.
The current value for the ShowColumnHeadings option


OptionsCache setBorderMode(Options.BorderModeValue BorderMode)
Sets the BorderMode option. This option determines how borders will be handled for spreadsheet and database files. There are three valid values for this option: CreateIfMissing: If a CSS output flavor is in use, this forces borders to be created if none are present in the (entire) table. By default, most apps do not include borders when creating these types of files. When needed, HTML Export will generate thin borders between cells. Otherwise, the borders specified in the table are used. Using borders makes it easier to read the output data by preventing values from running together when there is not much space between cells. This output appears in a browser in a format similar to that used by the original application when displaying the file on-screen. If a CSS output flavor is not in use, then borders are put around all cells no matter how the input document is formatted. This is because individual cell border information may not be specified in HTML without CSS. Off: This setting forces the borders always to be off, regardless of borders specified in the source document. This option setting does not distinguish between CSS and non-CSS output flavors being used. Turning borders off has the following advantages: - It allows HTML Export to use optimizations that speed up the conversion of large, sparse files. It does this by enabling rowspan and colspan table tag attributes to be used to span empty cells. It also reduces the amount of HTML needed to be written for individual cells. For large, mostly empty spreadsheets, this can result in greatly reduced conversion time and output file size(s). The output appears in a format similar to that used by the original application when printing the file. - For left aligned text and data cells, a special optimization has been made to merge those cells with any empty cells on the right. The following caveats apply to the optimization: - If the spreadsheet being processed stores data by row (such as Microsoft Excel spreadsheets with portrait page orientation) rather than by column (such as Quattro files), additional optimizations are possible. The technology will use colspan to shrink the output when two or more adjacent cells in a row are empty. When two or more adjacent rows are completely empty, the rows are skipped, and the row height of the next non-empty row is increased. - Note that if there are merged cells in the input document, the technology will not produce perfectly optimized output. Instead, colspan will not be used to compress empty cells until after the merged cells are processed. - The behavior of this option setting matches the old border behavior of the now discontinued SCCOPT_EX_SHOWSPREADSHEETBORDER option when it was set to FALSE. However, this option does not disable the creation of Row and Column headings ("1", "2", "3" / "A", "B", "C"). To do that, use the new SCCOPT_EX_SSDBROWCOLHEADINGS option. - If the current row has frames in it, we will not span those cells. SCCEX_SSDBBORDERS_USESOURCE: If a CSS output flavor is being used, then this value sets the borders according to what is specified in the source document. If a CSS output flavor is not in use, then borders are put around all cells no matter how the input document is formatted. This is because individual cell border information may not be specified in HTML without CSS.
BorderMode - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


Options.BorderModeValue getBorderMode()
Gets the BorderMode option. This option determines how borders will be handled for spreadsheet and database files. There are three valid values for this option: CreateIfMissing: If a CSS output flavor is in use, this forces borders to be created if none are present in the (entire) table. By default, most apps do not include borders when creating these types of files. When needed, HTML Export will generate thin borders between cells. Otherwise, the borders specified in the table are used. Using borders makes it easier to read the output data by preventing values from running together when there is not much space between cells. This output appears in a browser in a format similar to that used by the original application when displaying the file on-screen. If a CSS output flavor is not in use, then borders are put around all cells no matter how the input document is formatted. This is because individual cell border information may not be specified in HTML without CSS. Off: This setting forces the borders always to be off, regardless of borders specified in the source document. This option setting does not distinguish between CSS and non-CSS output flavors being used. Turning borders off has the following advantages: - It allows HTML Export to use optimizations that speed up the conversion of large, sparse files. It does this by enabling rowspan and colspan table tag attributes to be used to span empty cells. It also reduces the amount of HTML needed to be written for individual cells. For large, mostly empty spreadsheets, this can result in greatly reduced conversion time and output file size(s). The output appears in a format similar to that used by the original application when printing the file. - For left aligned text and data cells, a special optimization has been made to merge those cells with any empty cells on the right. The following caveats apply to the optimization: - If the spreadsheet being processed stores data by row (such as Microsoft Excel spreadsheets with portrait page orientation) rather than by column (such as Quattro files), additional optimizations are possible. The technology will use colspan to shrink the output when two or more adjacent cells in a row are empty. When two or more adjacent rows are completely empty, the rows are skipped, and the row height of the next non-empty row is increased. - Note that if there are merged cells in the input document, the technology will not produce perfectly optimized output. Instead, colspan will not be used to compress empty cells until after the merged cells are processed. - The behavior of this option setting matches the old border behavior of the now discontinued SCCOPT_EX_SHOWSPREADSHEETBORDER option when it was set to FALSE. However, this option does not disable the creation of Row and Column headings ("1", "2", "3" / "A", "B", "C"). To do that, use the new SCCOPT_EX_SSDBROWCOLHEADINGS option. - If the current row has frames in it, we will not span those cells. SCCEX_SSDBBORDERS_USESOURCE: If a CSS output flavor is being used, then this value sets the borders according to what is specified in the source document. If a CSS output flavor is not in use, then borders are put around all cells no matter how the input document is formatted. This is because individual cell border information may not be specified in HTML without CSS.
The current value for the BorderMode option


OptionsCache setSuppressEmptyCells(boolean SuppressEmptyCells)
Sets the SuppressEmptyCells option. Option to suppress blank cells to the right and bottom of the last data cell.
SuppressEmptyCells - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


boolean getSuppressEmptyCells()
Gets the SuppressEmptyCells option. Option to suppress blank cells to the right and bottom of the last data cell.
The current value for the SuppressEmptyCells option


OptionsCache setDefaultPageSize(PageInfo DefaultPageSize)
Sets the DefaultPageSize option. This option allows the developer to specify the size of each page in the generated output file. The size may be specified in inches, points, centimeters or picas. This option is only valid when UseDocumentPageSettings is set to false. 1 inch = 6 picas = 72 points = ~ 2.54 cm.
DefaultPageSize - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


PageInfo getDefaultPageSize()
Gets the DefaultPageSize option. This option allows the developer to specify the size of each page in the generated output file. The size may be specified in inches, points, centimeters or picas. This option is only valid when UseDocumentPageSettings is set to false. 1 inch = 6 picas = 72 points = ~ 2.54 cm.
The current value for the DefaultPageSize option


OptionsCache setDefaultPageMargins(Margins DefaultPageMargins)
Sets the DefaultPageMargins option. This option specifies the top, left, bottom and right margins in twips from the edges of the page. For instance, setting all the values to 1440 creates a 1-inch margin on all sides. Page margins will only be applied when formatting word processing, database and spreadsheet files. Please note all margins are applied before scaling with the PageFitMode option. This option is overridden when the UseDocumentPageSettings option is set to true and print margins are specified in the input document. This option does not affect the output of bitmap, presentation, vector or archive files.
DefaultPageMargins - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


Margins getDefaultPageMargins()
Gets the DefaultPageMargins option. This option specifies the top, left, bottom and right margins in twips from the edges of the page. For instance, setting all the values to 1440 creates a 1-inch margin on all sides. Page margins will only be applied when formatting word processing, database and spreadsheet files. Please note all margins are applied before scaling with the PageFitMode option. This option is overridden when the UseDocumentPageSettings option is set to true and print margins are specified in the input document. This option does not affect the output of bitmap, presentation, vector or archive files.
The current value for the DefaultPageMargins option


OptionsCache setUseDocumentPageSettings(boolean UseDocumentPageSettings)
Sets the UseDocumentPageSettings option. This option is used to select the document's page layout information when rendering. If true, the document's native (or author selected) page margins, paper size, page scaling and page orientation are used when available from the filter. The values of the DefaultPrintMargins, RenderGridlines, RenderHeadings, PageDirection, and PageFitMode options are overridden if this option is set to true and the properties associated with those options are specified in the input document. Additionally, print area and page breaks in spreadsheet documents are ignored unless this option is set to true. If false, the page margins, size, orientation and scaling are set to specific values rather than those in the native document. The page size is forced to 8 1/2" x 11" in portrait orientation, but this may be changed by setting the GraphicHeight and/or GraphicWidth options. The margins are forced 1" all around, but may be changed by setting the defaultMargins option. The scaling for the document will be set to 100%, although this may be changed by setting any of the various scaling options. It should be noted that this option also affects page orientation for both input spreadsheets and word processing documents.
UseDocumentPageSettings - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


boolean getUseDocumentPageSettings()
Gets the UseDocumentPageSettings option. This option is used to select the document's page layout information when rendering. If true, the document's native (or author selected) page margins, paper size, page scaling and page orientation are used when available from the filter. The values of the DefaultPrintMargins, RenderGridlines, RenderHeadings, PageDirection, and PageFitMode options are overridden if this option is set to true and the properties associated with those options are specified in the input document. Additionally, print area and page breaks in spreadsheet documents are ignored unless this option is set to true. If false, the page margins, size, orientation and scaling are set to specific values rather than those in the native document. The page size is forced to 8 1/2" x 11" in portrait orientation, but this may be changed by setting the GraphicHeight and/or GraphicWidth options. The margins are forced 1" all around, but may be changed by setting the defaultMargins option. The scaling for the document will be set to 100%, although this may be changed by setting any of the various scaling options. It should be noted that this option also affects page orientation for both input spreadsheets and word processing documents.
The current value for the UseDocumentPageSettings option


OptionsCache setPageRange(PageRange PageRange)
Sets the PageRange option. This option indicates whether the whole file or a selected range of pages should be rendered.
PageRange - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


PageRange getPageRange()
Gets the PageRange option. This option indicates whether the whole file or a selected range of pages should be rendered.
The current value for the PageRange option


OptionsCache setLinearizePDFOutput(boolean LinearizePDFOutput)
Sets the LinearizePDFOutput option. option to produce linearized PDF Files
LinearizePDFOutput - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


boolean getLinearizePDFOutput()
Gets the LinearizePDFOutput option. option to produce linearized PDF Files
The current value for the LinearizePDFOutput option


OptionsCache setEmailHeaders(MailHeaders EmailHeaders)
Sets the EmailHeaders option. Customized Mime Headers
EmailHeaders - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


MailHeaders getEmailHeaders()
Gets the EmailHeaders option. Customized Mime Headers
The current value for the EmailHeaders option


OptionsCache setAppendEmailAttachments(boolean AppendEmailAttachments)
Sets the AppendEmailAttachments option. option to output email attachments as PDF Files
AppendEmailAttachments - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


boolean getAppendEmailAttachments()
Gets the AppendEmailAttachments option. option to output email attachments as PDF Files
The current value for the AppendEmailAttachments option


OptionsCache setStrokeOutText(boolean StrokeOutText)
Sets the StrokeOutText option. This option is used to stroke out (display as graphical primitives) text in an AutoCAD file. Setting this option to FALSE would improve performance, but the visual fidelity may be compromised. If the export for the conversion is text only, text is never stroked out. If the export is not text only, and the drawing is perspective, text will always be stroked out (regardless of this option). This is due to the fact that in non-text only situations visual fidelity is of importance, and handling of textual objects in perspective drawings is more accurate with stroked out text. If the conversion is non-text only and the drawing is not perspective, this option determines if text should be stroked. Note that when this option is TRUE, some special characters appear as asterisks or question marks due to limited support of characters for stroking out text.
StrokeOutText - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


boolean getStrokeOutText()
Gets the StrokeOutText option. This option is used to stroke out (display as graphical primitives) text in an AutoCAD file. Setting this option to FALSE would improve performance, but the visual fidelity may be compromised. If the export for the conversion is text only, text is never stroked out. If the export is not text only, and the drawing is perspective, text will always be stroked out (regardless of this option). This is due to the fact that in non-text only situations visual fidelity is of importance, and handling of textual objects in perspective drawings is more accurate with stroked out text. If the conversion is non-text only and the drawing is not perspective, this option determines if text should be stroked. Note that when this option is TRUE, some special characters appear as asterisks or question marks due to limited support of characters for stroking out text.
The current value for the StrokeOutText option


OptionsCache setRenderEmbeddedFonts(boolean RenderEmbeddedFonts)
Sets the RenderEmbeddedFonts option. This option allows you to disable the use of embedded fonts in PDF input files. If the option is set to true, the embedded fonts in the PDF input will be used to render text; if the option is set to false, the embedded fonts will not be used and the fallback is to use fonts available to Outside In to render text.
RenderEmbeddedFonts - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


boolean getRenderEmbeddedFonts()
Gets the RenderEmbeddedFonts option. This option allows you to disable the use of embedded fonts in PDF input files. If the option is set to true, the embedded fonts in the PDF input will be used to render text; if the option is set to false, the embedded fonts will not be used and the fallback is to use fonts available to Outside In to render text.
The current value for the RenderEmbeddedFonts option


OptionsCache setDefaultRenderFont(FontInfo DefaultRenderFont)
Sets the DefaultRenderFont option. This option sets the font to use when the font specified by the filter is not available on the system.
DefaultRenderFont - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


FontInfo getDefaultRenderFont()
Gets the DefaultRenderFont option. This option sets the font to use when the font specified by the filter is not available on the system.
The current value for the DefaultRenderFont option


OptionsCache setFontAliasList(FontAliases FontAliasList)
Sets the FontAliasList option. This option enables the capability to specify which font on the system should be used when a specific font referenced in the original file is not available. A different alias can be set for each font desired to be mapped.
FontAliasList - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


FontAliases getFontAliasList()
Gets the FontAliasList option. This option enables the capability to specify which font on the system should be used when a specific font referenced in the original file is not available. A different alias can be set for each font desired to be mapped.
The current value for the FontAliasList option


OptionsCache setEmbedFonts(Options.EmbedFontsValue EmbedFonts)
Sets the EmbedFonts option. option whether or not to automatically embed Adobe Standard Base 14 fonts.
EmbedFonts - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


Options.EmbedFontsValue getEmbedFonts()
Gets the EmbedFonts option. option whether or not to automatically embed Adobe Standard Base 14 fonts.
The current value for the EmbedFonts option


OptionsCache setFontDirectories(java.util.List<> FontDirectories)
                                throws OutsideInException
Sets the FontDirectories option. This option allows the developer to specify one or more font directories where fonts are located for use by Web View Export. If multiple font directories are specified, they should be delimited by a colon on Linux and UNIX systems and a semi-colon on Windows systems. Please note that Web View Export supports single TrueType fonts (*.ttf, *.TTF) and TrueType collections (*.ttc, *.TTC), not Windows bitmap fonts (*.fon, *.FON), or any other type of font. Also, Web View Export does not require case-sensitive font filenames on UNIX systems.
FontDirectories - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


java.util.List<> getFontDirectories()
Gets the FontDirectories option. This option allows the developer to specify one or more font directories where fonts are located for use by Web View Export. If multiple font directories are specified, they should be delimited by a colon on Linux and UNIX systems and a semi-colon on Windows systems. Please note that Web View Export supports single TrueType fonts (*.ttf, *.TTF) and TrueType collections (*.ttc, *.TTC), not Windows bitmap fonts (*.fon, *.FON), or any other type of font. Also, Web View Export does not require case-sensitive font filenames on UNIX systems.
The current value for the FontDirectories option


OptionsCache setFontFilter(FontList FontFilter)
Sets the FontFilter option. This option allows the developer to specify a list of fonts to be included or excluded during the export process
FontFilter - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


FontList getFontFilter()
Gets the FontFilter option. This option allows the developer to specify a list of fonts to be included or excluded during the export process
The current value for the FontFilter option


OptionsCache setWatermark(Watermark Watermark)
Sets the Watermark option. Watermark to be used
Watermark - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


Watermark getWatermark()
Gets the Watermark option. Watermark to be used
The current value for the Watermark option


OptionsCache setTempDirectory(java.lang.String TempDirectory)
Sets the TempDirectory option. Directory where temporary files are created
TempDirectory - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


java.lang.String getTempDirectory()
Gets the TempDirectory option. Directory where temporary files are created
The current value for the TempDirectory option


OptionsCache setDocumentMemoryMode(Options.DocumentMemoryModeValue DocumentMemoryMode)
Sets the DocumentMemoryMode option. This option determines the maximum amount of memory that the internal storage may use to store the document's data, from 4 MB to 1 GB. The more memory the internal storage has available to it, the less often it needs to re-read data from the document.
DocumentMemoryMode - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


Options.DocumentMemoryModeValue getDocumentMemoryMode()
Gets the DocumentMemoryMode option. This option determines the maximum amount of memory that the internal storage may use to store the document's data, from 4 MB to 1 GB. The more memory the internal storage has available to it, the less often it needs to re-read data from the document.
The current value for the DocumentMemoryMode option


OptionsCache setExportPerformanceMode(Options.ExportPerformanceModeValue ExportPerformanceMode)
Sets the ExportPerformanceMode option. Option to skip the processing of some or all style information when possible. This should result in better performance, but certain output will no longer be available. Note that this option is only supported in Search Export. Attempting to use it with other products will lead to unpredictable results.
ExportPerformanceMode - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


Options.ExportPerformanceModeValue getExportPerformanceMode()
Gets the ExportPerformanceMode option. Option to skip the processing of some or all style information when possible. This should result in better performance, but certain output will no longer be available. Note that this option is only supported in Search Export. Attempting to use it with other products will lead to unpredictable results.
The current value for the ExportPerformanceMode option


OptionsCache setEnableAllSubObjects(boolean EnableAllSubObjects)
Sets the EnableAllSubObjects option. Option to enable Oracle's Internal Optimization
EnableAllSubObjects - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


boolean getEnableAllSubObjects()
Gets the EnableAllSubObjects option. Option to enable Oracle's Internal Optimization
The current value for the EnableAllSubObjects option


OptionsCache setXXFormatOptions(java.util.EnumSet<Options.XXFormatOptionValues> XXFormatOptions)
Sets the XXFormatOptions option. This option is a set of flags that can be set to affect the XML Export output.
XXFormatOptions - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


java.util.EnumSet<Options.XXFormatOptionValues> getXXFormatOptions()
Gets the XXFormatOptions option. This option is a set of flags that can be set to affect the XML Export output.
The current value for the XXFormatOptions option


OptionsCache setXMLDefinitionReference(XMLReference XMLDefinitionReference)
Sets the XMLDefinitionReference option. option whether Flexiondoc will reference a SearchML or PageML schema, DTD, or no reference when generating output.
XMLDefinitionReference - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


XMLReference getXMLDefinitionReference()
Gets the XMLDefinitionReference option. option whether Flexiondoc will reference a SearchML or PageML schema, DTD, or no reference when generating output.
The current value for the XMLDefinitionReference option


OptionsCache setNullReplacementCharacter(int NullReplacementCharacter)
Sets the NullReplacementCharacter option. the character that will be used to replace null characters if null path separators are being used.
NullReplacementCharacter - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


int getNullReplacementCharacter()
Gets the NullReplacementCharacter option. the character that will be used to replace null characters if null path separators are being used.
The current value for the NullReplacementCharacter option


OptionsCache setPageMLFlags(java.util.EnumSet<Options.PageMLFlagValues> PageMLFlags)
Sets the PageMLFlags option. options to control PageML output
PageMLFlags - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


java.util.EnumSet<Options.PageMLFlagValues> getPageMLFlags()
Gets the PageMLFlags option. options to control PageML output
The current value for the PageMLFlags option


OptionsCache setPrinterName(java.lang.String PrinterName)
Sets the PrinterName option. printer whose device context is used to render pages.
PrinterName - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


java.lang.String getPrinterName()
Gets the PrinterName option. printer whose device context is used to render pages.
The current value for the PrinterName option


OptionsCache setIncludeCharacterAttributes(java.util.EnumSet<Options.IncludeCharacterAttributeValues> IncludeCharacterAttributes)
Sets the IncludeCharacterAttributes option. Character Attributes to track
IncludeCharacterAttributes - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


java.util.EnumSet<Options.IncludeCharacterAttributeValues> getIncludeCharacterAttributes()
Gets the IncludeCharacterAttributes option. Character Attributes to track
The current value for the IncludeCharacterAttributes option


OptionsCache setSearchMLFlags(java.util.EnumSet<Options.SearchMLFlagValues> SearchMLFlags)
Sets the SearchMLFlags option. options to control SearchML output
SearchMLFlags - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


java.util.EnumSet<Options.SearchMLFlagValues> getSearchMLFlags()
Gets the SearchMLFlags option. options to control SearchML output
The current value for the SearchMLFlags option


OptionsCache setIncludeSearchMLOffset(boolean IncludeSearchMLOffset)
Sets the IncludeSearchMLOffset option. option to include offset information in SearchML
IncludeSearchMLOffset - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


boolean getIncludeSearchMLOffset()
Gets the IncludeSearchMLOffset option. option to include offset information in SearchML
The current value for the IncludeSearchMLOffset option


OptionsCache setSearchMLParaAttributes(java.util.EnumSet<Options.SearchMLParaAttributeValues> SearchMLParaAttributes)
Sets the SearchMLParaAttributes option. options to control SearchML output related to paragraph attributes
SearchMLParaAttributes - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


java.util.EnumSet<Options.SearchMLParaAttributeValues> getSearchMLParaAttributes()
Gets the SearchMLParaAttributes option. options to control SearchML output related to paragraph attributes
The current value for the SearchMLParaAttributes option


OptionsCache setUnmappedText(Options.UnmappedTextValue UnmappedText)
Sets the UnmappedText option. option allows for the production of unmapped text (the original code points from the input document).
UnmappedText - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


Options.UnmappedTextValue getUnmappedText()
Gets the UnmappedText option. option allows for the production of unmapped text (the original code points from the input document).
The current value for the UnmappedText option


OptionsCache setSuppressFontAttributes(java.util.EnumSet<Options.SuppressFontAttributeValues> SuppressFontAttributes)
Sets the SuppressFontAttributes option. option is used to turn off specified font-related markup in the output.
SuppressFontAttributes - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


java.util.EnumSet<Options.SuppressFontAttributeValues> getSuppressFontAttributes()
Gets the SuppressFontAttributes option. option is used to turn off specified font-related markup in the output.
The current value for the SuppressFontAttributes option


OptionsCache setGenerateBulletsAndNumbering(boolean GenerateBulletsAndNumbering)
Sets the GenerateBulletsAndNumbering option. option to generate list numbers and/or bullets as needed rather than using list markup tags.
GenerateBulletsAndNumbering - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


boolean getGenerateBulletsAndNumbering()
Gets the GenerateBulletsAndNumbering option. option to generate list numbers and/or bullets as needed rather than using list markup tags.
The current value for the GenerateBulletsAndNumbering option


OptionsCache setGridWrap(GridWrapInfo GridWrap)
Sets the GridWrap option. Options related to grids have no effect on the output unless a template that has been enabled with the {## unit} template macro is in use. This option allows the developer to specify how the "previous" and "next" relationships will work between grids at the edges of the spreadsheet or database. As such, it is only useful when a grid-enabled template has been selected with the SCCOPT_EX_TEMPLATE option. This option specifies whether the "previous" and "next" relationships "wrap" at the edges of the spreadsheet or database.
GridWrap - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


GridWrapInfo getGridWrap()
Gets the GridWrap option. Options related to grids have no effect on the output unless a template that has been enabled with the {## unit} template macro is in use. This option allows the developer to specify how the "previous" and "next" relationships will work between grids at the edges of the spreadsheet or database. As such, it is only useful when a grid-enabled template has been selected with the SCCOPT_EX_TEMPLATE option. This option specifies whether the "previous" and "next" relationships "wrap" at the edges of the spreadsheet or database.
The current value for the GridWrap option


OptionsCache setGenerateJavascriptTabs(boolean GenerateJavascriptTabs)
Sets the GenerateJavascriptTabs option. Option to support tabs using JavaScript to calculate tab stops and position blocks of text accordingly
GenerateJavascriptTabs - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


boolean getGenerateJavascriptTabs()
Gets the GenerateJavascriptTabs option. Option to support tabs using JavaScript to calculate tab stops and position blocks of text accordingly
The current value for the GenerateJavascriptTabs option


OptionsCache setPreventGraphicOverlap(boolean PreventGraphicOverlap)
Sets the PreventGraphicOverlap option. option to have text flowing around graphics.
PreventGraphicOverlap - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


boolean getPreventGraphicOverlap()
Gets the PreventGraphicOverlap option. option to have text flowing around graphics.
The current value for the PreventGraphicOverlap option


OptionsCache setPageBreakLimit(long PageBreakLimit)
Sets the PageBreakLimit option. option for the suggested page size for the output generated. PageSize is in characters
PageBreakLimit - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


long getPageBreakLimit()
Gets the PageBreakLimit option. option for the suggested page size for the output generated. PageSize is in characters
The current value for the PageBreakLimit option


OptionsCache setWebViewStructure(Options.WebViewStructureValue WebViewStructure)
Sets the WebViewStructure option. This option controls the the structure of the output files created by Web View Export
WebViewStructure - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


Options.WebViewStructureValue getWebViewStructure()
Gets the WebViewStructure option. This option controls the the structure of the output files created by Web View Export
The current value for the WebViewStructure option


OptionsCache setURLPathResources(java.lang.String URLPathResources)
Sets the URLPathResources option. String option for specifying the base URL for Web View Export scripts, css files and other resources that do not vary with the converted file. The value of this option is used as a prefix for references to those resources in the primary output file. For example, if the resources' base URL is "/oit/", the script reference in the output file would look like this: <script src="/oit/oit.js"></script> By default, this value is empty, meaning all resources must be present in the same directory as the generated output.
URLPathResources - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


java.lang.String getURLPathResources()
Gets the URLPathResources option. String option for specifying the base URL for Web View Export scripts, css files and other resources that do not vary with the converted file. The value of this option is used as a prefix for references to those resources in the primary output file. For example, if the resources' base URL is "/oit/", the script reference in the output file would look like this: <script src="/oit/oit.js"></script> By default, this value is empty, meaning all resources must be present in the same directory as the generated output.
The current value for the URLPathResources option


OptionsCache setURLPathOutput(java.lang.String URLPathOutput)
Sets the URLPathOutput option. String option for specifying the base URL for output files generated during the export process. The value of this option is used as a prefix for references to those resources in the primary output file. If the output base URL is "/exports/", an image tag in an exported document would look like this: <img src="/exports/doc01.doc.jpg" /> and URLs to the exported files within content.js would be of this form: {id:"page.1",name:"Page 1",type:"page",oid:"overlay.1",w:"816px",h:"1056px",src:"/exports/output.3.html"} By default, the output file base URL is empty, and all output will be specified without path information.
URLPathOutput - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


java.lang.String getURLPathOutput()
Gets the URLPathOutput option. String option for specifying the base URL for output files generated during the export process. The value of this option is used as a prefix for references to those resources in the primary output file. If the output base URL is "/exports/", an image tag in an exported document would look like this: <img src="/exports/doc01.doc.jpg" /> and URLs to the exported files within content.js would be of this form: {id:"page.1",name:"Page 1",type:"page",oid:"overlay.1",w:"816px",h:"1056px",src:"/exports/output.3.html"} By default, the output file base URL is empty, and all output will be specified without path information.
The current value for the URLPathOutput option


OptionsCache setExternalStylesheets(java.util.List<java.lang.String> ExternalStylesheets)
Sets the ExternalStylesheets option. String option for specifying the url of a user supplied stylesheet to be included in the output html file. Values specified through this option will appear in output HTML files as linked stylesheets. Example: <script src="oit.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/some/path/myStylesheet.css"/>
ExternalStylesheets - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


java.util.List<java.lang.String> getExternalStylesheets()
Gets the ExternalStylesheets option. String option for specifying the url of a user supplied stylesheet to be included in the output html file. Values specified through this option will appear in output HTML files as linked stylesheets. Example: <script src="oit.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/some/path/myStylesheet.css"/>
The current value for the ExternalStylesheets option


OptionsCache setPostLibraryScripts(java.util.List<java.lang.String> PostLibraryScripts)
Sets the PostLibraryScripts option. List of strings specifying the relative URL of the customer's initialization script. Scripts specified via this option will load after the Outside In libraries, and may access the Outside In javascript API. The scripts will be referenced in the same order as that of list used to set this option. Example: <script src="oit.js"> <script src="/config/oitinit.js">
PostLibraryScripts - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


java.util.List<java.lang.String> getPostLibraryScripts()
Gets the PostLibraryScripts option. List of strings specifying the relative URL of the customer's initialization script. Scripts specified via this option will load after the Outside In libraries, and may access the Outside In javascript API. The scripts will be referenced in the same order as that of list used to set this option. Example: <script src="oit.js"> <script src="/config/oitinit.js">
The current value for the PostLibraryScripts option


OptionsCache setPreLibraryScripts(java.util.List<java.lang.String> PreLibraryScripts)
Sets the PreLibraryScripts option. List of strings specifying the URL of a script file to be referenced via a <script> tag in the output file. Scripts specified via this option will load before the Outside In libraries. The scripts will be referenced in the same order as that of list used to set this option. Example: <script src="/jQuery/jQuery-min.js"> <script src="/shims/customstuff.js"> <script src="oit.js">
PreLibraryScripts - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


java.util.List<java.lang.String> getPreLibraryScripts()
Gets the PreLibraryScripts option. List of strings specifying the URL of a script file to be referenced via a <script> tag in the output file. Scripts specified via this option will load before the Outside In libraries. The scripts will be referenced in the same order as that of list used to set this option. Example: <script src="/jQuery/jQuery-min.js"> <script src="/shims/customstuff.js"> <script src="oit.js">
The current value for the PreLibraryScripts option


OptionsCache setOutputRawtext(boolean OutputRawtext)
Sets the OutputRawtext option. An option controlling whether raw text output is generated on the server side. This option must be enabled in order to enable in-browser searching via the Outside In API. This does not affect the search capabilities of the browser itself. Raw text generation is enabled by default.
OutputRawtext - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


boolean getOutputRawtext()
Gets the OutputRawtext option. An option controlling whether raw text output is generated on the server side. This option must be enabled in order to enable in-browser searching via the Outside In API. This does not affect the search capabilities of the browser itself. Raw text generation is enabled by default.
The current value for the OutputRawtext option


OptionsCache setFontBaseURL(java.lang.String FontBaseURL)
Sets the FontBaseURL option. This option allows the developer to specify the base URL used in the Web View Export output when referencing a non-exported font as a downloadable font. (Exported fonts will be placed in the exported output location.)
FontBaseURL - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


java.lang.String getFontBaseURL()
Gets the FontBaseURL option. This option allows the developer to specify the base URL used in the Web View Export output when referencing a non-exported font as a downloadable font. (Exported fonts will be placed in the exported output location.)
The current value for the FontBaseURL option


OptionsCache setWebFontPermissions(java.util.EnumSet<Options.WebFontPermissionValues> WebFontPermissions)
Sets the WebFontPermissions option. This option controls the use of "embedded" fonts (see FontReferenceMethod) in the Web View Export output; specifically, whether or not a downloadable (web font) version of the font should be made available to Web View Export output, based on the licensing restrictions indicated within the font itself.
WebFontPermissions - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


java.util.EnumSet<Options.WebFontPermissionValues> getWebFontPermissions()
Gets the WebFontPermissions option. This option controls the use of "embedded" fonts (see FontReferenceMethod) in the Web View Export output; specifically, whether or not a downloadable (web font) version of the font should be made available to Web View Export output, based on the licensing restrictions indicated within the font itself.
The current value for the WebFontPermissions option


OptionsCache setFontReferenceMethod(Options.FontReferenceMethodValue FontReferenceMethod)
Sets the FontReferenceMethod option. This option controls the way embedded fonts are presented (or not) in the HTML5 output.
FontReferenceMethod - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


Options.FontReferenceMethodValue getFontReferenceMethod()
Gets the FontReferenceMethod option. This option controls the way embedded fonts are presented (or not) in the HTML5 output.
The current value for the FontReferenceMethod option


OptionsCache setEmailAttachmentHandling(Options.EmailAttachmentHandlingValue EmailAttachmentHandling)
Sets the EmailAttachmentHandling option. This option chooses whether email attachments are converted or extracted.
EmailAttachmentHandling - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


Options.EmailAttachmentHandlingValue getEmailAttachmentHandling()
Gets the EmailAttachmentHandling option. This option chooses whether email attachments are converted or extracted.
The current value for the EmailAttachmentHandling option


OptionsCache setWebViewStylesheetName(java.lang.String WebViewStylesheetName)
Sets the WebViewStylesheetName option. String option specifying the file name of the Web View stylesheet, which will be written into a <link> tag in the generated HTML files for a Web View. If this option is not set, the value "oit.css" will be used. This option allows the Web View stylesheet to be renamed for versioning or other purposes. This option works in combination with the URLPathResources option
WebViewStylesheetName - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


java.lang.String getWebViewStylesheetName()
Gets the WebViewStylesheetName option. String option specifying the file name of the Web View stylesheet, which will be written into a <link> tag in the generated HTML files for a Web View. If this option is not set, the value "oit.css" will be used. This option allows the Web View stylesheet to be renamed for versioning or other purposes. This option works in combination with the URLPathResources option
The current value for the WebViewStylesheetName option


OptionsCache setWebViewLibraryName(java.lang.String WebViewLibraryName)
Sets the WebViewLibraryName option. String option specifying the file name of the Web View Javascript library, which will be written into a <script> tag in the generated HTML files for a Web View. If this option is not set, the value "oit.js" will be used. This option allows the Web View Javascript library to be renamed for versioning or other purposes. This option works in combination with the URLPathResources option.
WebViewLibraryName - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


java.lang.String getWebViewLibraryName()
Gets the WebViewLibraryName option. String option specifying the file name of the Web View Javascript library, which will be written into a <script> tag in the generated HTML files for a Web View. If this option is not set, the value "oit.js" will be used. This option allows the Web View Javascript library to be renamed for versioning or other purposes. This option works in combination with the URLPathResources option.
The current value for the WebViewLibraryName option


OptionsCache setRawTextBufferSize(long RawTextBufferSize)
Sets the RawTextBufferSize option. Raw text buffer size in the Javascript APIs.
RawTextBufferSize - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


long getRawTextBufferSize()
Gets the RawTextBufferSize option. Raw text buffer size in the Javascript APIs.
The current value for the RawTextBufferSize option


OptionsCache setVectorObjectLimit(long VectorObjectLimit)
Sets the VectorObjectLimit option. Sets a hard limit on the number of SVG vector objects that will be generated in a drawing so that browser capabilities will not be exceeded. Once this number of objects is reached, any further objects in the same drawing are discarded. A value of 0 (the default) indicates no limit.
VectorObjectLimit - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


long getVectorObjectLimit()
Gets the VectorObjectLimit option. Sets a hard limit on the number of SVG vector objects that will be generated in a drawing so that browser capabilities will not be exceeded. Once this number of objects is reached, any further objects in the same drawing are discarded. A value of 0 (the default) indicates no limit.
The current value for the VectorObjectLimit option


OptionsCache setRedactionColor(ColorInfo RedactionColor)
Sets the RedactionColor option. This option sets the color of redaction rectangles.
RedactionColor - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


ColorInfo getRedactionColor()
Gets the RedactionColor option. This option sets the color of redaction rectangles.
The current value for the RedactionColor option


OptionsCache setRedactionLabelsVisible(boolean RedactionLabelsVisible)
Sets the RedactionLabelsVisible option. Option to render redaction labels in output
RedactionLabelsVisible - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


boolean getRedactionLabelsVisible()
Gets the RedactionLabelsVisible option. Option to render redaction labels in output
The current value for the RedactionLabelsVisible option


OptionsCache setRedactionLabelFont(FontInfo RedactionLabelFont)
Sets the RedactionLabelFont option. Option to set the name and size of font to use for redaction labels. The font size may be reduced to allow text to fit within a redaction rectangle.
RedactionLabelFont - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


FontInfo getRedactionLabelFont()
Gets the RedactionLabelFont option. Option to set the name and size of font to use for redaction labels. The font size may be reduced to allow text to fit within a redaction rectangle.
The current value for the RedactionLabelFont option


OptionsCache setRedactionsEnabled(boolean RedactionsEnabled)
Sets the RedactionsEnabled option. Option to tell the export to format the output to be redaction-capable.
RedactionsEnabled - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


boolean getRedactionsEnabled()
Gets the RedactionsEnabled option. Option to tell the export to format the output to be redaction-capable.
The current value for the RedactionsEnabled option


OptionsCache setMarginTextFont(FontInfo MarginTextFont)
Sets the MarginTextFont option. Option to set the name and size of font to use for margin text.
MarginTextFont - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


FontInfo getMarginTextFont()
Gets the MarginTextFont option. Option to set the name and size of font to use for margin text.
The current value for the MarginTextFont option


OptionsCache setMarginText(MarginText MarginText)
Sets the MarginText option. Option to set the margin text to be displayed.
MarginText - The option value
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


MarginText getMarginText()
Gets the MarginText option. Option to set the margin text to be displayed.
The current value for the MarginText option

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