Oracle® Fusion Middleware

Release Notes for Outside In Technology



May 2018

The primary goals of this release are improved rendering fidelity in several key target formats, improved general font selection for all rendering products, increased format coverage, and enhanced functionality. Other customer-requested enhancements and bug fixes are also included in the 8.5.4 release.

What’s New

To know about the new features and enhancements in this release, see What's New guide.

This chapter contains the following sections:

1.1 Post Installation Notes

This section contains post installation notes in the 8.5.4 release.

Annotations in Bit ActiveX viewer for .NET 4.5 or higher

When Bit Active X is not highlighting annotations in .NET 4.5 or higher version then, perform the following steps:

  1. Open command prompt in Administrator mode.

  2. Run regsvr32 /u < path to old ocx. For example, C:\Program Files\OIX\OutSideX folder. This command will unregister the old activex dll.

  3. Run Sample applications and it should show error as Activex is missing.

  4. Copy new patch dlls of ActiveX to C:\Program Files\OIX\OutsideX\Filters directory.

  5. Run regsvr32 <path to test patch ocx file>. This will register the Activex File.

  6. Rebuild the Sample application.

VC Samples

To run VC Samples, follow steps:

  1. Build the C:\Program Files\OIX\OutsideX\Samples\VC\VSProjects\VCSamples in release/debug mode.

  2. Run the exe's present in C:\Program Files\OIX\OutsideX\Samples\VC\VSProjects\x64\release directory.


MSI installer is present in Windows ActiveX release, manual registration of OCX is applicable only for patch release with OCX file.

1.2 Clean Content

This is the first release in 8.5.4. For more information on Clean Content, see the following guides:

1.3 Transformation Server

The Transformation Server SDK is intended to deprecate in a future release.

Transformation Server 8.5.4 is not part of this release. It will be made available subsequently.

1.4 Licensing Information

Licensing information for Oracle Outside In is available in License Information guide.

1.5 Product Documentation

The complete Oracle Outside In documentation set is available from the Oracle Help Center at

1.6 Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Release Notes for Outside In Technology, 8.5.4


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