Multithreaded Programming Guide

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Updated: July 2014

Operations on Signals

This section describes the operations on signals.

Setting the Thread's Signal Mask

pthread_sigmask(3C) does for a thread what sigprocmask(2) does for a process. pthread_sigmask() sets the thread's signal mask. When a new thread is created, its initial mask is inherited from its creator.

The call to sigprocmask() in a multithreaded process is equivalent to a call to pthread_sigmask(). See the sigprocmask(2) man page for more information.

Sending a Signal to a Specific Thread

pthread_kill(3C) is the thread analog of kill(2). A pthread_kill() call sends a signal to a specific thread. A signal that is sent to a specified thread is different from a signal that is sent to a process. When a signal is sent to a process, the signal can be handled by any thread in the process. A signal sent by pthread_kill() can be handled only by the specified thread.

You can use pthread_kill() to send signals only to threads in the current process. Because the thread identifier, type thread_t, is local in scope, you cannot name a thread outside the scope of the current process.

On receipt of a signal by the target thread, the action invoked (handler, SIG_DFL, or SIG_IGN) is global, as usual. If you send SIGXXX to a thread, and SIGXXX to kill a process, the whole process is killed when the target thread receives the signal.

Waiting for a Specified Signal

For multithreaded programs, sigwait(2) is the preferred interface to use because sigwait() deals well with asynchronously generated signals.

sigwait() causes the calling thread to wait until any signal identified by the sigwait() function's set argument is delivered to the thread. While the thread is waiting, signals identified by the set argument are unmasked, but the original mask is restored when the call returns.

All signals identified by the set argument must be blocked on all threads, including the calling thread. Otherwise, sigwait() might not work correctly.

Use sigwait() to separate threads from asynchronous signals. You can create one thread that listens for asynchronous signals while you create other threads to block any asynchronous signals set to this process.

The following example shows the syntax of sigwait() .

#include <signal.h>
int sigwait(const sigset_t *set, int *sig

When the signal is delivered, sigwait() clears the pending signal and places the signal number in sig. Many threads can call sigwait() at the same time, but only one thread returns for each signal that is received.

With sigwait(), you can treat asynchronous signals synchronously. A thread that deals with such signals calls sigwait() and returns as soon as a signal arrives. By ensuring that all threads, including the caller of sigwait(), mask asynchronous signals, ensures signals are handled only by the intended handler and are handled safely.

By always masking all signals in all threads and calling sigwait() as necessary, your application is much safer for threads that depend on signals.

Usually, you create one or more threads that call sigwait() to wait for signals. Because sigwait() retrieves even masked signals, be sure to block the signals of interest in all other threads so the signals are not accidentally delivered.

When a signal arrives, a signal-handling thread returns from sigwait() , handles the signal, and calls sigwait() again to wait for more signals. The signal-handling thread is not restricted to using Async-Signal-Safe functions. The signal-handling thread can synchronize with other threads in the usual way. The Async-Signal-Safe category is defined in MT Interface Safety Levels.

Note - sigwait() cannot receive synchronously generated signals.

Waiting for Specified Signal Within a Given Time

sigtimedwait(3RT) is similar to sigwait(2) except that sigtimedwait() fails and returns an error when a signal is not received in the indicated amount of time. See the sigtimedwait (3C) man page for more information.