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Oracle9i Application Server Installation Guide
Release 2 (9.0.2) for Sun SPARC Solaris

Part Number A90324-01
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Getting Started

This chapter provides information about how to start installing Oracle9i Application Server (Oracle9iAS). The topics include:

2.1 Hardware Requirements

Table 2-1, Table 2-2, Table 2-3, and Table 2-4 contain the minimum hardware requirements for Oracle9iAS.

Table 2-1 Oracle9iAS Hardware Requirements
Information Example Values

CPUFoot 1

A SPARC Processor

Disk SpaceFoot 2


  • J2EE and Web Cache: 435MB

  • Portal and Wireless: 1.20 GB

  • Business Intelligence and Forms: 1.91 GB

  • Unified Messaging: 2.02 GB

Oracle9iAS Infrastructure: 1.91 GB

Oracle9iAS Developer Kits: 701 MB

TMP or Swap Space

1 GB

/var/tmp Space


  • J2EE and Web Cache: 5 MB

  • Portal and Wireless: 12 MB

  • Business Intelligence and Forms: 95 MB

  • Unified Messaging: 95 MB

Oracle9iAS Infrastructure: 7 MB

Oracle9iAS Developer Kits: 5 MB


256 color viewing capability

1 Oracle recommends a multiple CPU computer.
2 The disk space must be available on a single disk. Oracle9iAS does not support spanning the installation over multiple disks.
Table 2-2 Oracle9iAS Memory Requirements
Install Type Component Configuration Minimum Memory Requirements

J2EE and Web Cache

  • Oracle HTTP Server

  • Oracle9iAS Containers for J2EE

  • Oracle9iAS Web Cache Foot 1

128 MB

All other Oracle9iAS install types

Configure up to three additional Oracle9iAS components

256 MB

All other Oracle9iAS install types

Configure four or more additional Oracle9iAS components

512 MB

1 Memory for Oracle9iAS Web Cache should be based on the following formula: (average HTTP object size) * (maximum number of objects you want to cache). Thus, if you want to cache 1,000,000 objects and the average size of the objects is 3 KB, then set the maximum cache size to at least 3 GB.
Table 2-3 Oracle9iAS Infrastructure Memory Requirements 
Install Type Component Configuration Minimum Memory Requirements

Oracle9iAS Infrastructure

  • Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository

  • Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On

  • Oracle Internet Directory

  • Oracle Management Server

  • J2EE and Web Cache

512 MB

Table 2-4 Oracle9iAS Developer Kits Memory Requirements
Install Type Component Configuration Minimum Memory Requirements

Oracle9iAS Developer Kits

  • Oracle XML Developer Kit

  • Oracle9iAS Portal Developer's Kit

  • Oracle9iAS Wireless Developer's Kit

  • Oracle LDAP Developer's Kit

  • J2EE and Web Cache

128 MB

2.2 Operating System Requirements

Oracle9iAS installs on the following Solaris Operating Environments:

Table 2-5 lists the Solaris Operating System patches you need to download and install before installing Oracle9iAS. You can download the patches from:

Table 2-5 Solaris Operating System and Required Patches 
Operating System Version

Solaris 2.6

  • Latest recommended patch cluster

  • Linker patch: 107733-09 or higher

  • /usr/lib/ patch: 105568-23 or higher

  • libaio, libc, watchmalloc patch: 105210-38 or higher

  • X Input & Output Method patch: 106040-17 or higher

  • OpenWindows 3.6: Xsun patch: 105633-59 or higherFoot 1

  • Chinese TrueType fonts: 106409-01 or higherFoot 2

  • SunOS 5.6: ssJDK1.2.1_03 fails with fatal errors in ISO8859-01 Locales: 108091-03 or higherFoot 3

  • CDE 1.2: libDtSvc patch (recommended): 105669-10 or higher

  • Motif 1.2.7: Runtime library patch: 105284-45 or higher

  • SunOS 5.6: Kernel update patch (required):105181-30 or higher

  • Patchadd and patchrm patch: 106125-11 or higher

  • /kernel/drv/mm patch: 106429-02 or higher

  • C++ shared library patch: 105591-12 or higher

  • Euro support patch: 106842-09 or higher and 106841-01 or higher

Solaris 7

  • Latest recommended patch cluster

  • Libthread patch: 106980-17 or higher

  • Kernal update patch: 106541-17 or higher

  • /kernal/fs/sockfs patch: 109104-04 or higher

  • /usr/lib/fs/fsck patch: 107544-03 or higher

  • Motif Runtime library patch: 107081-37 or higher

  • X Input & Output Method patch: 107636-08 or higher

  • OpenWindows 3.6.1 Xsun patch: 108376-29 or higherFootref 1

  • CDE Windows manager patch: 107226-18 or higher

  • CDE 1.3 libDT Widget patch: 108374-05 or higher

  • Patch for replacing bad font in zh.GBK locale: 107153-01 or higher

  • Linker patch: 106950-16 or higher

  • Shared library for C++ patch: 106300-10 or higher, and106327-11 or higher

  • Open Windows 3.6.1 libX+Patch: 107656-07 or higher

  • CDE 1.3: dtsession patch: 107702-09 or higher

Solaris 8

  • Latest recommended patch cluster

  • Xsun patch: 108652-37 or higher

  • CDE dtwm patch: 108921-13 or higher

  • Motif 2.1 patch: 108940-37 or higher

  • Portal and Wireless patch: 112138-01 or higher

1 This patch is only required for Asian locales.
2 This patch is only required to display Traditional Chinese characters in Swing applications.
3 This patch is only required for any locale that uses the ISO8859-1 or ISO8859-15 character encoding.

2.3 Online Documentation Requirements

You can view Oracle9iAS documentation online using a Web browser or Portable Data Format (PDF) Viewer.

Table 2-6 lists the documentation viewing tools for Oracle9iAS online documentation.

See Also:

Appendix G, "Installing the Documentation Library"

Table 2-6 Online Documentation Requirements 
Requirement Items

Online Readers

Requires any one of the following:


  • Netscape Navigator 4.7 or higher

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher


  • Acrobat Reader 3.0 or higher

  • Acrobat Reader+Search 3.0 or higher

  • Acrobat Exchange 3.0 or higher

  • PDFViewer Web browser plug-in 1.0 or higher

Library-wide HTML search and navigation

Active Internet Connection

Disk Space

310 MB

2.4 Certified Software

Installing and operating Oracle9iAS requires a Web browser. Some of the Oracle9iAS installations require an Oracle database. A complete list of certified software, including databases and Web browsers, for Oracle9iAS is located at Oracle MetaLink:

2.5 Preinstallation Tasks

Review and complete the following preinstallation tasks before installing Oracle9iAS:

2.5.1 Release Notes

Oracle recommends reading the Oracle9i Application Server Release Notes prior to installing Oracle9iAS. Oracle9i Application Server Release Notes are available with Oracle platform-specific documentation and are available at the OTN Web site at:

2.5.2 Component Dependent Configuration

The following section describes dependent configuration requirements for Oracle9iAS Unified Messaging. Oracle9iAS Unified Messaging

In order to store data on a customer database, the database must be configured before Oracle9iAS Unified Messaging installation. Information about Oracle9iAS Unified Messaging is available in the Oracle9iAS Unified Messaging Administrator's Guide.

2.5.3 Setting Environment Variables

The following environment variables must be verified before starting Oracle Universal Installer: ORACLE_HOME

Oracle home is the root directory in which Oracle software is installed.

Oracle homes are identified by name. The Oracle home name identifies the program group associated with a specific Oracle home and the installed Oracle services associated with the home.

Multiple instances of Oracle9iAS install types (J2EE and Web Cache, Business Intelligence and Forms, Portal and Wireless, and Unified Messaging) must be installed in separate Oracle homes on the same computer. However, a previous Oracle9iAS instance can be extended to larger install type using Oracle Universal Installer. It is not possible to downgrade a larger install type to a smaller install type.

You must install Oracle9iAS Infrastructure in its own Oracle home directory, preferably on a separate host. The Oracle9iAS installation cannot exist in the same Oracle home as the Oracle9iAS Infrastructure installation.

Components from the Oracle9iAS Developer Kits installation are installed as part of the Oracle9iAS installation. Oracle9iAS Developer Kits can be installed on a separate host to set up a development environment.

Oracle9iAS installations require a unique instance name and administrative (ias_admin) password during initial installation on a host. Additional installations of Oracle9iAS on the host in the same Oracle home require the ias_admin password to continue with the installation. Installations in a different Oracle home require an instance name and the ias_admin password before continuing with the installation.

See Also: Preventing Conflicts With Other Oracle Homes

To prevent a conflict between the software in an existing Oracle home and the Oracle9iAS installation, you must remove all references to the existing Oracle home in your environment. Follow these steps to remove these references.

  1. Unset your existing Oracle home variable using the following command.

    C shell Bourne/Korn shell
    prompt> unsetenv ORACLE_HOME
    prompt> unset ORACLE_HOME

  2. Edit your PATH, CLASSPATH, and LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables so they do not use the existing Oracle home value.


    Be sure to set your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to include ORACLE_HOME/lib.


    Be sure your PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and CLASSPATH environment variables do not exceed 1,024 characters. Longer variable names might generate errors such as "Word too long" during installation. DISPLAY

Set the DISPLAY environment variable to refer to the X Server that will display the installer. The format of the DISPLAY environment variable is:


Oracle9iAS requires a running X server to properly create graphics for the installer, Web applications, and management tools. The frame buffer X server installed with your operating system requires that you remain logged in and have the frame buffer running at all times. If you do not wish to do this, then you must use a virtual frame buffer, such as X Virtual Frame Buffer (XVFB) or Virtual Network Computing (VNC).

The installer configures this instance to use the same X server from the installation process for applications and management tools. This X server must either always be running or you must reconfigure Oracle9iAS to use another X server that is always running after the installation completes.


Oracle Applications users must read article 181244.1 at:

This article contains applications-specific X server requirements and configuration information.

See Also:

  • Your operating system documentation for more information on the DISPLAY environment variable.

  • Oracle Technology Network ( for further information about obtaining and installing XVFB or other virtual frame buffer solutions. Search OTN for "frame buffer". Installing From a Remote Machine

Setting the DISPLAY environment variable enables you to run the Oracle Universal Installer remotely from another workstation. On the system where you launch the Oracle Universal Installer, set DISPLAY to the system name or IP address of your local workstation.


You can use a PC X emulator to run the install if it supports a PseudoColor color model or PseudoColor visual. Set the PC X emulator to use a PseudoColor visual, and then start the installer. Refer to the X emulator documentation for instructions on how to change the color model or visual settings.

If you get an Xlib error similar to"Failed to connect to server", "Connection refused by server," or "Can't open display" when starting the installer, then run the commands on your local workstations as listed in the table below.

Shell Types On server where the installer is running In session on your workstation
C shell
prompt> setenv DISPLAY hostname:0.0
prompt> xhost +server_name
Bourne or Korn shell
prompt> DISPLAY=hostname:0.0 ; export DISPLAY
prompt> xhost +server_name TMP

During installation, Oracle Universal Installer uses a temporary directory for swap space. This directory must meet the requirements listed in Section 2.1, "Hardware Requirements" before installing Oracle9iAS. The installation may fail if you do not have sufficient space. The installer checks for the TMP environment variable to locate the temporary directory. If this environment variable does not exist, then the installer uses the /tmp directory. Set the TMP environment variable using the following command.

C shell Bourne/Korn shell
prompt> setenv TMP full_path
prompt> TMP=full_path;export TMP TNS_ADMIN

TNS_ADMIN points to the directory where Net configuration files are stored.

If TNS_ADMIN is set on your system, you will have conflicts between that directory and the directory where the Oracle9iAS Net configuration files are created. You will also have conflicts if the configuration files are in a common directory outside of the Oracle home for your other Oracle product. For example, your system may use /var/opt/oracle/tnsnames.ora for database aliases.

To prevent conflicts between the Net configuration files for different Oracle products, copy the configuration files from either TNS_ADMIN or the common directory to ORACLE_HOME/network/admin for the other products and unset TNS_ADMIN using the following command.

C shell Bourne/Korn shell
prompt> unsetenv TNS_ADMIN
prompt> unset TNS_ADMIN

2.5.4 Hostnames File Configuration

Oracle Universal Installer requires that the fully qualified hostname information appear in the configuration files for your computer. A fully qualified hostname includes both the name of the system and its domain.

Verify that /etc/hosts.* has the following format:


The following example shows a properly configured /etc/hosts.* file: oasdocs oracleinstall

In addition to /etc/hosts, ensure the following files use the fully qualified hostname:

Failure to properly configure the hostname information in the listed files may result in runtime errors during Oracle9iAS installation.

2.5.5 Creating UNIX Accounts and Groups

The following UNIX account and groups are required for the installation process: UNIX Group Name for the Oracle Universal Installer Inventory

Use the admintool or groupadd utility to create a group name. For example, oinstall. The oinstall group will own Oracle Universal Installer's oraInventory directory. The oracle user account that runs the installation must have the oinstall group as its primary group.

For more information on these utilities, refer to your operating system documentation. UNIX Account to Own Oracle Software

The oracle account is the UNIX account that owns Oracle software for your system. You must run Oracle Universal Installer from this account.

Create an oracle account with the properties listed in Table 2-7.

Table 2-7 Oracle Account Properties
Variable Property

Login Name

Select any name to access the account. This document refers to the name as the oracle account.

Group Identifier

The oinstall group.

Home Directory

Select a home directory consistent with other user home directories.

Login Shell

The default shell can be either the C, Bourne, or Korn shell.


Use the oracle account only for installing and maintaining Oracle software. Never use it for purposes unrelated to the Oracle Universal Installer. Do not use root as the oracle account. UNIX Group Names for Privileged Groups

Two groups, the database operator group and the database administrator group, are required for Oracle9iAS Infrastructure installation. Oracle documentation refers to these groups as OSOPER and OSDBA, respectively. Databases use these groups for operating system authentication. This is necessary in situations where the database is shut down and database authentication is unavailable.

The privileges of these groups are given to either a single UNIX group or two corresponding UNIX groups. There are two ways to choose which groups get the privileges:

The following table lists the privileges for the OSOPER and OSDBA groups.

Group Privileges




Contains all system privileges with ADMIN OPTION, and the OSOPER role; permits CREATE DATABASE and time-based recover.

2.5.6 Port Allocation

Following installation, Oracle Universal Installer creates a file showing the port assignments during installation of Oracle9iAS components. The installation process automatically detects any port conflicts and selects an alternate port in the range allocated for that component. Appendix F, "Default Port Numbers and Port Ranges" lists the default port ranges. The file titled portlist.ini is located at:


This file lists component entries as"port name = port value". For example:

Oracle HTTP Server port = 7777
Oracle HTTP Server SSL port = 4443
Oracle HTTP Server listen port = 7778
Oracle HTTP Server SSL listen port = 4444
Oracle HTTP Server Jserv port = 8007
Enterprise Manager Servlet port = 1810

You can also view the port numbers by pointing your browser to the Oracle9iAS Welcome page and selecting the Ports tab

See Also: Oracle9iAS Infrastructure Port Usage

Installation of Oracle9iAS Infrastructure requires exclusive use of port 1521 on your computer. If one of your current system applications uses this port, then complete one of the following actions before installing Oracle9iAS Infrastructure: To upgrade your existing Net8 listener


Your Oracle8i database will be unavailable when performing the upgrade.

  1. Stop the Net8 listener prior to installing Oracle9iAS Infrastructure.

  2. Install Oracle9iAS Infrastructure.

  3. Compare your Net8 listener configuration with your Oracle Net listener configuration.

    1. If your Net8 listener and Oracle Net listener configurations consist only of the following two network addresses:

      • TCP/IP port 1521

      • IPC key EXTPROC

      Then no further network address modification is necessary.

    2. If there are additional network addresses configured on your Net8 listener, then add these addresses to your Oracle Net listener configuration.

  4. Your Net8 listener configuration may have SID_DESC entries for your Oracle8i database. Add these SID_DESC entries for your Oracle8i database to the SID_LIST of your Oracle Net listener configuration. If you do not have SID_DESC entries for you Oracle8i database, then no further modification is necessary.

  5. Start the Oracle Net listener.

The Oracle Net listener supports the Oracle8i database as well as Oracle9iAS Infrastructure.

2.5.7 Configuring Kernel Parameters

The Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository and Oracle Internet Directory, installed as part of the Oracle9iAS Infrastructure installation, requires you to configure your system kernel parameters. Review your kernel parameter settings to ensure that they meet Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository and Oracle Internet Directory requirements. You may experience errors during installation or operational errors after installation if this is not completed.

Table 2-8 shows the kernels and their default setting.

Table 2-8 Kernel Parameter Settings
Kernel Setting Purpose



Defines the maximum number of semaphore sets in the entire system.



Defines the maximum semaphores on the system. This setting is a minimum recommended value, for initial installation only.

The SEMMNS parameter should be set to the sum of the PROCESSES parameter for each Oracle database, adding the largest one twice, and then adding an additional 10 for each database.



Defines the minimum recommended value, for initial installation only.



Defines the maximum allowable size of one shared memory segment. 4 GB = 4294967295



Defines the minimum allowable size of a single shared memory segment.



Defines the maximum number of shared memory segments in the entire system.



Defines the maximum number of shared memory segments one process can attach.

2.6 Oracle Universal Installer

This section describes how Oracle9iAS uses Oracle Universal Installer for installation. It includes the following topics:

2.6.1 About Oracle Universal Installer

Oracle9iAS uses Oracle Universal Installer to guide you through each step of the installation process.

The Oracle Universal Installer provides the following features:

2.6.2 Oracle Universal Installer Prerequisite Checks

The Oracle Universal Installer automatically checks your computer prior to installation to verify that your system meets operational requirements. Table 2-9 lists the prerequisite checks that are performed.

Table 2-9 Oracle Universal Installer Automatic Prerequisite Checks
Prerequisite Checks See Also

Check for enough disk space for Oracle home installation

Table 2-1, "Oracle9iAS Hardware Requirements"

Check for TMP (/var/tmp) variable and sufficient swap space

Table 2-1, "Oracle9iAS Hardware Requirements"

Check that the install host has enough RAM

Table 2-2, "Oracle9iAS Memory Requirements"

Verify existence of one infrastructure per host installation (All Oracle9iAS instances on one host share the same infrastructure)

Chapter 1, "Installation Concepts"

Check the /etc/hosts file.

Section 2.5.4, "Hostnames File Configuration"

Prohibit installation of Oracle9iAS into an existing 8.0.x or 8.1.x Oracle home


Prohibit installation of Oracle9iAS Infrastructure into an existing Oracle9iAS home


Check for Solaris Operating Environment 32 version 2.6 or later

Section 2.2, "Operating System Requirements"

Ensure that the value of ORACLE_HOME does not contain spaces

Section, "ORACLE_HOME"

Verify the monitor has 256 color viewing capability

Section 2.1, "Hardware Requirements"

Verify installation of correct Solaris kernel patches

Table 2-5, "Solaris Operating System and Required Patches"

Verify operational requirements of the CPU

Table 2-1, "Oracle9iAS Hardware Requirements"


Section, "Preventing Conflicts With Other Oracle Homes"

2.6.3 oraInventory Directory

The Oracle Universal Installer creates the oraInventory directory the first time it is run on a computer. The oraInventory directory keeps an inventory of products that the Oracle Universal Installer installs on your computer, as well as other installation information. If you have previously installed Oracle products, then you may already have an oraInventory directory.

When a UNIX group name is created and specified, it grants the specified group the permission to write to the oraInventory directory. If another group attempts to run the installer, then they must have permission to write to the oraInventory directory. If they do not have permission, then the installation will fail.

The location of oraInventory is defined in /var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc.

The latest log file is:


The your_base_directory identifier is the location for your installation files and todays_date_time is the date and time of installation. Log file names of previous installation sessions take the form installActionsdatetime.log.

A complete listing of log files is included in the Oracle9i Application Server Administrator's Guide.

Do not delete or manually alter the oraInventory directory or its contents. Doing so can prevent the installer from locating products that you have installed on your system.

2.6.4 Starting Oracle Universal Installer

Follow these steps to launch Oracle Universal Installer and install Oracle9iAS:

  1. Insert the CD labelled Disk 1 into the CD-ROM drive.

  2. Mount the installation CD-ROM.

    The Oracle Product Installation CD-ROM is in RockRidge format. If you are using the Solaris Volume Management software (installed by default with Solaris Operating Environment), then the CD-ROM is mounted automatically to cdrom/9ias_902disk1 when you insert it in the disk drive.

    If you are not using the Solaris Volume Management software, then you must mount the CD-ROM manually. To manually mount or unmount the CD-ROM, you must have root privileges. Be sure to unmount the CD-ROM before removing it from the drive.

    Follow these steps to manually mount Disk 1 CD-ROM:

    1. Log in as the root user.

    2. Create the CD-ROM mount point directory:

      prompt> mkdir mount_point
    3. Mount the CD-ROM drive on the mount point directory and exit the root account:

      prompt> mount options device_name mount_point
      prompt> exit

      The following example mounts the CD-ROM manually on /cdrom, without using the Solaris Volume Management software. Execute the following commands as root user:

      prompt> mkdir /cdrom
      prompt> mount -r -F hsfs device_name /cdrom
    4. Log out as the root user.

  3. Run Oracle Universal Installer from the CD-ROM.


    Be sure you are not logged in as the root user when you start the Oracle Universal Installer. If you are, then only the root user will have permissions to manage Oracle9iAS.

    1. Log in as the oracle user.

    2. Start the installer by entering:

      prompt> mount_point/9ias_902disk1/runInstaller


      Do not use mount_point as your working directory when you start the installer. If you do, then you will not be able to eject Disk 1 during the installation process to insert Disk 2.

This launches Oracle Universal Installer, which installs Oracle9iAS.

2.7 Installation

The following sections provide the sequence and briefly describe the installation screens that you will encounter for the three types of Oracle9iAS installation. Oracle recommends reviewing the installation sequence for a better understanding of the Oracle9iAS installation process.

This section describes the installation sequence for the following Oracle9iAS installations:

2.7.1 Oracle9i Application Server Installation

  1. Welcome screen: Provides information about the Oracle Universal Installer.

  2. Inventory Location screen: Verify the location of the base directory for installation files (First time installation).

  3. File Locations screen: Verify the source path, destination name, and destination path for your Oracle9iAS installation.

  4. Available Products screen: Select the Oracle9i Application Server installation.

  5. Installation Types screen: Select one of the four Oracle9iAS install types listed--J2EE and Web Cache, Portal and Wireless, Business Intelligence and Forms, or Unified Messaging.

  6. Component Configuration and Startup screen: Select the components to configure during the installation process.

  7. One of the following screens appears based on the presence or absence of an instance of Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On on the install host:

    • Oracle9iAS Infrastructure Use screen: The Oracle9iAS Infrastructure Use screen appears for the installation of J2EE and Web Cache. The Oracle9iAS Infrastructure Use screen allows you to select whether you will use Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On or clustering (with Oracle9iAS Infrastructure) or not with installation of the J2EE and Web Cache install type.

    • Existing Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On screen: The Existing Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On screen appears for the Portal and Wireless, Business Intelligence and Forms, or Unified Messaging install types. Enter the Host Name and port number of your Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On instance.

  8. Oracle Internet Directory screen: Enter the username and password for your registration of Oracle9iAS configuration information into Oracle Internet Directory. The username you enter must be a member of the IASAdmins group.

  9. One of the following screens appears based on whether Oracle9iAS has been installed on your computer:

    • Create Instance Name and ias_admin Password screen: This screen appears if this is a first time installation of Oracle9iAS on this host. Enter the following instance information:

      • Instance Name: Identifies the installation instance of Oracle9iAS on this host.

      • ias_admin Password: The ias_admin users password used to administer any Oracle9iAS on this host. This password is required for installation of additional Oracle9iAS instances.

    • Enter ias_admin Password screen: This screen appears if the Oracle Universal Installer has detected a previous installation of Oracle9iAS in your Oracle home. Enter the ias_admin users password created from the previous installation.

    • Create Instance Name screen: This screen appears if the Oracle Universal Installer has detected a previous installation of Oracle9iAS on this host but in a different Oracle home. Enter an instance name to identify this instance of Oracle9iAS.

  10. Metadata Repository screen: Select the Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository you would like to use for this Oracle9iAS installation. This screen appears if the Oracle Universal Installer detects multiple installations of Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository.

  11. Outgoing Mail Server screen: Enter the outgoing mail server to use with Oracle9iAS Reports Services. This screen appears if you have selected Oracle9iAS Reports Services for installation.

  12. Installation Summary screen: Review the summary of your Oracle9iAS installation and begin the installation process.

  13. Install screen: Appears while the product is installing. The screen shows installation operations. No user interaction is required.

  14. Oracle9iAS Configuration Tools screen: Review the status of Oracle9iAS configuration tools for components you have selected. No user interaction is required.

  15. End of Installation screen: Appears at the end of the installation process. It notifies you whether the installation was successful or unsuccessful and provides information about accessing the Oracle9iAS instance.

2.7.2 Oracle9iAS Infrastructure Installation

  1. Welcome screen: Provides information about the Oracle Universal Installer.

  2. Inventory Location screen: Verify the location of the base directory for installation files (First time installation).

  3. File Locations screen: Verify the source path, destination name, and destination path for your Oracle9iAS installation.

  4. Available Products screen: Select the Oracle9iAS Infrastructure installation.

  5. Select Configuration Options screen: Select to either accept installer recommendations for Oracle9iAS Infrastructure components, or specify existing instances of components.

  6. One of the following two screens may appear based on your configuration choices on the Select Configuration Options Screen

    • Existing Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On: This screen appears if you have unchecked the configuration of Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On on the Component Configuration and Startup screen.

    • Existing Oracle Internet Directory: This screen appears if you have unchecked the configuration of Oracle Internet Directory on the Component Configuration and Startup screen.

    The Oracle Universal Installer configures both Oracle Internet Directory and Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On whether they are deselected or not. This is completed to verify connectivity between Oracle Internet Directory and Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On.

  7. One of the following screens appears based on whether Oracle9iAS has been installed on your computer:

    • Create Instance Name and ias_admin Password screen: This screen appears if this is a first time installation of Oracle9iAS on this host. Enter the following instance information:

      • Instance Name: Identifies the installation instance of Oracle9iAS on this host.

      • ias_admin Password: The ias_admin users password used to administer any Oracle9iAS on this host. This password is required for installation of additional Oracle9iAS instances.

    • Create Instance Name screen: This screen appears if the Oracle Universal Installer has detected a previous installation of Oracle9iAS on this host but in a different Oracle home. Enter an instance name to identify this instance of Oracle9iAS.

  8. Privileged Operating System Groups screen: This screen appears only if the oracle account is not a member of the dba group. Enter the database administrator and operator group name.

  9. Database Character Set screen: Select the Database Character Set from the list you would like to use.

  10. Installation Summary screen: Review the summary of your Oracle9iAS installation and begin the installation process.

  11. Install screen: Appears while the product is installing. The screen shows installation operations. No user interaction is required.

  12. Oracle9iAS Configuration Tools screen: Review the status of Oracle9iAS configuration tools for components you have selected. No user interaction is required.

  13. End of Installation screen: Appears at the end of the installation process. It notifies you whether the installation was successful or unsuccessful and provides information about accessing the Oracle9iAS instance.

2.7.3 Oracle9iAS Developer Kits Installation

  1. Welcome screen: Provides information about the Oracle Universal Installer.

  2. Inventory Location screen: Verify the location of the base directory for installation files (First time installation).

  3. File Location screen: Verify the source path, destination name, and destination path for your Oracle9iAS installation.

  4. Available Products screen: Select the Oracle9iAS Infrastructure installation.

  5. One of the following screens appears based on whether Oracle9iAS has been installed on your computer:

    • Create Instance Name and ias_admin Password screen: This screen appears if this is a first time installation of Oracle9iAS on this host. Enter the following instance information:

      • Instance Name: Identifies the installation instance of Oracle9iAS on this host.

      • ias_admin Password: The ias_admin users password used to administer any Oracle9iAS on this host. This password is required for installation of additional Oracle9iAS instances.

    • Enter ias_admin Password screen: This screen appears if the Oracle Universal Installer has detected a previous installation of Oracle9iAS in your Oracle home. Enter the ias_admin users password created from the previous installation.

    • Create Instance Name screen: This screen appears if the Oracle Universal Installer has detected a previous installation of Oracle9iAS on this host but in a different Oracle home. Enter an instance name to identify this instance of Oracle9iAS.

  6. Installation Summary screen: Review the summary of your Oracle9iAS installation and begin the installation process.

  7. Install screen: Appears while the product is installing. The screen shows installation operations. No user interaction is required.

  8. Oracle9iAS Configuration Tools screen: Review the status of Oracle9iAS configuration tools for components you have selected. No user interaction is required.

  9. End of Installation screen: Appears at the end of the installation process. It notifies you whether the installation was successful or unsuccessful and provides information about accessing the Oracle9iAS instance.

2.8 Additional Oracle9iAS Product Installations

When you are planning a subsequent Oracle9iAS installation, Oracle recommends the following steps:

2.8.1 Oracle9iAS Supplemental Components

Refer to appendices or specific guides for the following supplemental components available with Oracle9iAS, version 9.0.2:

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