Siebel Public Sector Guide > Managing Investigative Cases > Tracking Evidence Items >

Creating Evidence Records

This task is a step in Process of Managing Investigative Cases.

Perform the following procedure to create new evidence records.

To create an evidence record

  1. Navigate to the Evidence screen > Evidence List view.
  2. Create a new record and complete the fields as appropriate.

    The following table describes some of the fields.


    Evidence Number

    An automatically generated number which uniquely identifies the item of evidence.

    Evidence Name

    Descriptive name for the evidence.

    Evidence Serial #

    This field is populated automatically by a serialization rule as soon as the record is saved.

    According to the default serialization rules, the serial number assigned to each item of evidence is based on the case number associated with it. For example, if the case number is NY-2B-2, then the evidence serial number could be NY-2B-2-3.

    Evidence Status

    This field defaults to In Process when you create the evidence record. Other options include Archived, Locked, Marked for Deletion, and so on.

    Evidence Substatus

    Select an option to further clarify the evidence status. The options displayed are dependent on the value selected from the Evidence Status drop-down list.

    Case Name

    Select the name of the case that is associated with this evidence. Once you have selected a case name, the Case Number field is automatically populated.

    Asset Number

    If an evidence item has already been recorded in the system as an asset, you can select it using this field. Once you have selected an asset number, the Asset Product field is automatically populated.

    Evidence Parent

    If the evidence belongs to another item of evidence (for example, bullets from a gun) select the parent item from this field. Any items selected in this field are listed on the parent item's SubEvidence view.

    Evidence Owner

    The designated owner of the item of evidence.

    Logged By

    The employee that logged the details about the item of evidence.

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