Siebel Smart Answer Administration Guide > Configuration and Implementation of Siebel Smart Answer > Administering and Maintaining Smart Answer >

Modifying a Category

You can specify that you do not want to return feedback for specified categories to the KB file. You can also specify an auto response threshold for each category. For more information about auto response, see Setting Up Auto Response.

To modify a category

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Catalog screen > Smart Answer Settings view.
  2. In the catalog list, click the catalog name, then click Categories.
  3. In the Categories list, select the category that you want to change.
  4. In the Categories form, use the following table to complete the necessary fields:
    Field Name


    Displays the name of the category. This name was imported with the KB catalog file.



    Response Threshold

    Required for auto response. A value of 0-99 (an integer value) that represents the confidence level that must be reached before the automatic response is sent.

    No Training

    Optional. Used for Smart Answer only. If this option is not selected, feedback is returned to, and stored in the KB file for a category. The default value is off.

    NOTE:  If you have a hierarchical KB, some categories have subcategories. You might need to modify both categories and subcategories to achieve the results you require.

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