A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W


access groups, defined and relationship to user   1


associating price lists with   1

associating users with   1

auto-approval limit, setting   1

creating   1

credit auto-approval limit, setting   1

credit checks for, skipping   1

use of purchase orders   1

AddToCart method

about   1

arguments   1

preconditions for calling   1

pseudo-algorithm   1

pseudo-algorithm for DefaultAddToCart   1

pseudo-algorithm for PostAddToCart   1

AddToFavoriteList method

about   1

arguments   1

preconditions for calling   1

pseudo-algorithm   1

administrative tasks

account credit auto-approval limit, setting   1

anonymous Shopping Carts, managing   1

credit checks for an account, skipping   1

customer account, associating price lists with   1

customer account, associating users with   1

customer account, creating   1

customer account, setting credit auto-approval limit   1

customer account, setting purchase order auto-approval limit   1

quote expiration dates, setting   1


See Removing the Siebel Advisor Applet from Siebel eSales Web Pages

anonymous quote type   1

anonymous Shopping Carts, managing   1

API, Shopping Service

See Siebel eSales User Action Methods

applets, hiding   1


about   1

configuring   1

customizing   1

features   1

process of setting up   1

Approve Order Process workflow   1

auctions, Silent Authorize Order workflow   1 ,  2

Authorize and Settle credit card charge modification, about   1

Authorize credit card charge modification, about   1

Authorize Order Process workflow   1

auto-approval limit, setting for an account   1

Back to top


browser-based application

See Implementing Siebel eSales Without Frames

Back to top


CalculateShippingCost script, about   1

Cancel Order Process workflow   1

Catalog page, home page link   1

Check Shipment button, about using   1


Authorize Order Process workflow   1

Checkout Process workflow   1

Complete Checkout Process workflow   1

Credit Check-Quotes workflow   1

Current User Type workflow   1

Enter Payment Details Process workflow   1

Enter Shipping Details Process workflow   1

Save Account Shipping Address workflow   1

Save Credit Card workflow   1

Save Shipping Address workflow   1

Set Primary Account Address workflow   1

Setting PO Status workflow   1

workflows list   1

.Com applications, unframing   1

communications drivers, about setting up   1

Complete Checkout Process workflow   1

conditional expressions, used to hide applets   1

Contact Us, home page link   1


use of purchase orders   1

contacts, use of purchase orders   1

CreateOrder method

about   1

arguments   1

preconditions for calling   1

pseudo-algorithm   1

credit auto-approval limit for an account, setting   1

credit card charges

credit card authorization, about querying for   1

credit card authorization, querying for Siebel Response messages   1

modifications allowed   1

modifying, fields   1

reversing charges   1

Credit Card Transaction Service

business service methods, list   1

business service user properties   1

Credit Card Transaction Service, business service methods

AuthCharge   1

Authorization   1

Charge   1

Process   1

Refund   1

Reverse   1

Validate   1

credit card validation, on business component other than quote   1

credit cards

data, about encrypting and eSales fields   1

payments, workflow for authorizing   1

transaction service, calling from other business components   1

transaction service, calling from other places in eSales   1

transactions, data maps used in   1

transactions, enabling with CyberSource   1

Credit Check-Quotes workflow   1

Current User Type workflow   1

customer accounts

auto-approval limit, setting   1

creating an account   1

credit auto-approval limit, setting   1

price lists, associating with   1

users, associating with   1


accessing from eSales   1

credit card transactions, enabling   1

customizing integration   1

installing   1

integration with Siebel eSales   1

modifying   1

Support Center, accessing   1

Web site   1

CyberSource Adapter Service

about and methods   1

scripts, examining   1

scripts, list   1

scripts, using to modify   1

CyberSource, customizing

Credit Card Transaction Service, calling from other business components   1

Credit Card Transaction Service, calling from other places in eSales   1

fields not in Siebel database, passing data from   1

fields not in Siebel database, passing data to   1

scripts, modifying in CyberSource Adapter Service   1

third-party payment applications, using   1

CyberSource, integrating with eSales

address verification, about   1

business service methods   1

business service user properties, table of   1

CyberSource Adapter Service, methods, user properties, and scripts   1

Back to top


data maps

CyberSource, about using and viewing   1

CyberSource, used in credit card transactions   1

DAVSNO reply code, returned by CyberSource   1

(declarations) script, about   1

DefaultAddToCart, using pseudo-algorithm   1

Delete Old Anonymous Quotes workflow   1

DiscardCart method

about   1

arguments   1

preconditions for calling   1

pseudo-algorithm   1

Display Error Process workflow   1

Back to top



See Setting Up Personalization for Siebel eSales

Edit Quote Process workflow   1

email notification, customizing

about and tasks involved   1

communications driver profiles, about setting up   1

email template, modifying   1

workflows, using to control notification   1

email notifications workflows

about   1

list   1

Enter Payment Details Process workflow   1

Enter Shipping Details Process workflow   1

error messages

credit card authorizations, about querying for   1

credit card authorizations, querying for Siebel Response message   1

Display Error Process workflow   1

workflows for displaying   1


See Setting Up Personalization for Siebel eSales

eSales home page

See The Siebel eSales Web Site

External Shipment Tracking ASI user properties, setting   1

Back to top


favorites list

making items unavailable   1

preventing item orders   1

frames, implementing Siebel eSales without   1

Back to top


GetShippingMethodCost script, about   1

GetShippingRate script, about   1

GetShoppingCartStatus method

about   1

arguments   1

preconditions for calling   1

pseudo-algorithm   1

Back to top


home page

about and screen example   1

hyperlinks and tabs   1

HTML, unframing .Com applications   1

Back to top



Cybersource   1

required Siebel applications   1


customizing for CyberSource   1

integration objects

about   1

authorization integration components (output)   1

authorize and settle (CyberSource Input)   1

authorize and settle (CyberSource Output)   1

configuration user properties   1

CreditCard authorization (CyberSource Input)   1

CreditCard authorization (CyberSource Output)   1

CreditCard Payments authorization   1

CreditCard-Quote authorization (Siebel Input)   1

CreditCard-Quote authorization (Siebel Output)   1

refund (CyberSource Input)   1

refund (CyberSource Output)   1

settle-charge (CyberSource Input)   1

settle-charge (CyberSource Output)   1

using to set up shipping charge calculation   1

Back to top


Login View workflow   1

LOV (List of Values) cache, clearing   1

Back to top


magnifying glass

See The Siebel eSales Web Site


AddToCart   1

AddToFavoriteList   1

CreateOrder   1

DiscardCart   1

GetShoppingCartStatus   1

MoveToCart   1

OrderQuote   1

OrderTemplate   1

RemoveInvalidItems   1

Reorder   1

RepriceQuote   1

SaveCartAsQuote   1

SaveCartAsTemplate   1

SelectPrimary   1

SetApplicationName   1

SetBusCompFields   1

SetShoppingCart   1

ValidateAddress   1

ValidatePayment   1

ValidQuote   1

methods, about

integration with Siebel eAuction   1

invoked by workflows   1

user action methods list   1

Modify Order Process workflow   1

MoveToCart method

about   1

arguments   1

preconditions for calling   1

pseudo-algorithm   1

My Account, home page link   1

My Company Applet, hiding   1

Back to top


notification, customizing

about and tasks involved   1

communications driver profiles, about setting up   1

email templates, modifying   1

email workflows, list   1

workflows, about using to control notification   1

Back to top


object manager parameters

default parameters, viewing   1

Mobile Web Client, modifying parameters   1

Web client, modifying parameters   1

Object Manager, support for shopping cart   1

Order Confirmation View workflow   1

order modification, workflows   1

Order Quote Process workflow   1

order workflows

Approve Order Process workflow   1

auction quotes to orders   1

Authorize Order Process   1

Cancel Order Process workflow   1

Checkout Process   1

Complete Checkout Process   1

Credit Check-Quotes   1

Current User Type   1

email workflows list   1

Enter Payment Details Process   1

Enter Shipping Details Process   1

error messages   1

features   1

Modify Order Process   1

modifying processes   1

Process Designer, accessing   1

Reorder Process workflow   1

Save Account Shipping Address   1

Save Cart Process workflow   1

Save Credit Card   1

Save Shipping Address   1

Set Primary Account Address   1

Setting PO Status   1

OrderQuote method

about   1

arguments   1

preconditions for calling   1

pseudo-algorithm   1

orders, modifying

See Customizing Email Notifications for Siebel eSales

OrderTemplate method

about   1

arguments   1

preconditions for calling   1

pseudo-algorithm   1

Back to top


package sorting

order, changing   1

turning off   1

Package Tracking Number, defined   1

package, defined   1

parametric search, about and accessing   1

payment applications, using third-party   1

persistent cart quote type, about and process overview   1


about   1

applets, hiding   1

portal pages, including unstructured content   1

PostAddToCart method, using pseudo-algorithm   1

price lists

customer accounts, associating with   1

default, setting   1

row number, finding   1

Set PriceList WebLogin action, about   1

setting up   1

Process Designer, accessing   1

purchase approval, workflows   1

purchase orders

Approve Order Process workflow   1

Reject Order Process workflow   1

use by accounts   1

use by contacts   1 ,  2

workflow for authorizing   1

Back to top


quotation quote type   1

Quote Empty Form Applet, hiding with conditional expression   1

Quote Form Applet - Current, hiding   1

Quote Item List Applet, hiding   1


Delete Old Anonymous Quotes workflow   1

Edit Quote Process workflow   1

expiration dates, setting   1

Order Quote Process workflow   1

quote types   1

Reprice Process workflow   1

workflows   1

Back to top


Recommended Product List Applet, hiding   1

Refund credit card charge modification, about   1

Reject Order Process workflow   1

RemoveInvalidItems method

about   1

arguments   1

preconditions for calling   1

pseudo-algorithm   1

Reorder method

about   1

arguments   1

preconditions for calling   1

pseudo-algorithm   1

Reorder Process workflow   1

Reprice Process workflow   1

RepriceQuote method

about   1

arguments   1

preconditions for calling   1

pseudo-algorithm   1


and user types   1

predefined, list   1

setting up   1

Web anonymous user   1

Web corporate user   1

Web delegated customer administrator   1

Web purchasing manager   1

Web registered user   1

returned data, extending   1

reversing charges   1

RSA encryption, about backing up data   1

run-time events, configuring Shopping Cart behavior   1 ,  2

Back to top


Save Account Shipping Address workflow   1

Save Cart Process workflow   1

Save Credit Card workflow   1

Save Shipping Address workflow   1

SaveCartAsQuote method

about   1

arguments   1

preconditions for calling   1

pseudo-algorithm   1

SaveCartAsTemplate method

about   1

arguments   1

preconditions for calling   1

pseudo-algorithm   1


business service scripts, setting up shipping charge calculation   1

CyberSource Adapter Service, using to modify scripts   1


parametric search, about and accessing   1

SelectPrimary method

about   1

arguments   1

preconditions for calling   1

pseudo-algorithm   1

Send Order Accepted Email (eSales) workflow   1

Send Order Awaiting Approval Email (eSales) workflow   1

Send Order Failed Email (eSales) workflow   1

Send Order Rejected Email (eSales) workflow   1

Send Order Shipped Email (eSales) workflow   1

Set Primary Account Address workflow   1

SetApplicationName method

about   1

arguments   1

preconditions for calling   1

pseudo-algorithm   1

SetApplicationName WebSessionStart action, about   1

SetBusCompFields method

about   1

arguments   1

preconditions for calling   1

pseudo-algorithm   1

SetPriceList WebLogin action, about   1

SetShoppingCart method

about   1

arguments   1

preconditions for calling   1

pseudo-algorithm   1

SetShoppingCart WebLogin action, about   1

Setting PO Status workflow   1

Settle credit card charge modification, about   1

setup procedures

required for shipment tracking   1

Shipment Identification Number

about   1

defined   1

Shipment Reference Number, defined   1

shipment tracking

about third-party applications   1

required setup procedures   1

Shipment Tracking Interface

Request, about   1

Response, about   1

Shipment Tracking Number, defined   1

shipment tracking setup procedures

required   1

Shipment Tracking-Package Tracking user properties, setting   1

Shipment, defined   1

Shipping Calculation Process workflow   1

shipping charge calculation, setting up

about   1

business service scripts, list   1

business services, arguments   1

integration objects, about using and list   1

modifying shipping charge calculation   1

workflow   1

Shipping Cost Service business service, scripts   1

shipping tracking

External Shipment Tracking ASI user properties, setting   1

package sorting order, changing   1

package sorting, turning off   1

returned data, extending   1

Shipment Tracking-Package Tracking user properties, setting   1

terms, list   1

Web services, configuring   1

ShippingCost - Quote (Siebel Input), integration object component   1

ShippingCost - Quote (Siebel Output), integration object components   1

Shopping Cart

about   1

customizing   1

default object manager parameters, viewing   1

home page link   1

object manager parameters, modifying in the Web client   1

quote types   1

run-time events, about configuring   1

Save Cart Process workflow   1

Shopping Cart View workflow   1

Shopping Service business service method, invoked by WebLogin   1

Shopping Service business service method, invoked by WebSessionStart   1

Shopping Service business service methods   1

support by Object Manager   1

Shopping Cart View workflow   1

Shopping Service API

description   1

User Action methods   1

workflow methods   1

Shopping Service API, about   1

Shopping Service business service

customizing   1

methods   1

methods, detailed description   1

methods, User Action   1

methods, workflow   1

WebLogin, invoked by   1

WebSessionStart, invoked by   1

Siebel Advisor applet

removing views   1

Siebel applications, about installing   1

Siebel eAuction, integration methods   1

Siebel eSales

about   1

configuring   1

credit card encryption   1

customizing   1

features   1

implementing without frames   1

integration with CyberSource   1

process of setting up   1

removing Siebel Advisor views   1

upgrading from earlier version   1

Siebel Response Messages   1

Siebel Web Engine, about installing   1

Back to top



email templates, modifying   1

preventing item orders   1

workflows   1

third-party payment applications

See Using Other Third-Party Payment Applications

third-party shipping tracking applications

See About Shipment Tracking Applications

third-party tax applications

See About CyberSource Internet Commerce Suite

Back to top


unframing .Com applications   1

unstructured content, creating   1

user interface

Siebel eSales, implementing without frames   1

user profile, SetApplicationName WebSessionStart action, about   1


access control tasks   1

action methods   1

associating with customer accounts   1

types and responsibilities   1

Back to top


Validate, Credit Card Transaction Service business method   1

ValidateAddress method

about   1

arguments   1

preconditions for calling   1

pseudo-algorithm   1

ValidatePayment method

about   1

arguments   1

preconditions for calling   1

pseudo-algorithm   1

ValidQuote method

about   1

arguments   1

preconditions for calling   1

pseudo-algorithm   1


Siebel Advisor applet, removing   1

workflows for displaying   1

Back to top


Waybill number, defined   1

Web anonymous user, responsibility   1

Web corporate user, responsibility   1

Web delegated customer administrator

new responsibility visible to, about adding   1

responsibility   1

Web purchasing manager, responsibility   1

Web registered user, responsibility   1

Web services

shipping tracking, configuring   1

Web site

CyberSource   1

multilingual, about deploying   1

WebLogin run-time event, configuring Shopping Cart behavior   1

WebSessionStart run-time event, configuring Shopping Cart behavior   1


activating   1

Anonymous Quote records, deleting   1

checkout   1

error message display   1

methods invoked   1

modifying processes   1

order modification   1

purchase approval   1

quote   1

Shipping Calculation Process   1

template   1

view display   1

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Siebel eSales Administration Guide Copyright © 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.