Siebel Marketing Guide > Program and Campaign Management Tools > Forecasting for Campaigns >

Calculated Fields in Forecast

After you type values in the Input tab fields and click Recalculate, Forecast performs a number of calculations. The results appear in Forecast's Predicted Results form. These calculations are detailed in Table 68.

Table 68. Calculated Fields in Forecast
Calculation Formula and Description
# Responses
# Responses = Response Rate * Count. Expected number of responses to your campaign plan.
# Sales
# Sales = Conversion Rate * # Responses. Expected number of sales generated by your campaign plan.
Revenue = # Sales * Revenue Per Sale. Expected revenue generated by your campaign plan.
Gross Margin
Gross Margin = Contribution per Sale * # Sales. Expected profit margin from sales generated by your campaign plan.
Marketing Cost
Marketing Cost = Fixed Cost + Outbound Cost + Inbound Cost. Expected cost of designing and executing your campaign plan.
Net Margin
Net Margin = Gross Margin = Marketing Cost. Expected total profit from sales generated by your campaign plan.
Cost/Response = Marketing Cost / # Responses. Expected cost per response generated by your campaign plan.
Cost/Response = Marketing Cost / # Sales. Expected cost per sale generated by your campaign plan.
(Net Margin = Marketing Cost) / (Marketing Cost *100). Expected return on investment for your campaign plan.

 Siebel Marketing Guide, Version 7.5, Rev. A 
 Published: 18 April 2003