Siebel Communications Server Administration Guide > Configuring Events and Commands > Command Data >

Command Data Parameters

Table 22 describes the parameters available in command data definitions. A dash (—) in the Macro column indicates that macro expansion is not applicable for the parameter. Y indicates that macro expansion applies to the parameter.

Table 22.  Command Data Parameters
Parameter that, when set to TRUE, allows automatic passing of current screen-context data with the current work item. This is the easiest way of transferring screens between agents. AttachContext applies to voice work items only.
Note: The Send Screen Pop and Receive Screen Pop settings in the Communications tab of the User Preference screen override the setting of the AttachContext command parameter. For more information, see Setting Communications User Preferences.
The default is FALSE.
Business component name.
If this parameter is empty, then the associated command is enabled on all views. If a business component name is specified, the associated command is enabled only on views that are based on the specified business component.
Business object name.
If this parameter is empty, then the associated command is enabled on all views. If a business object name is specified, the associated command is enabled only on views that are based on the specified business object.
Field name that is required to be active.
If this property is specified, then the related command is enabled only when this field is active (that is, when a cursor is in this field).
Parameter names and values for the command.
You can use this parameter to pass data to accompany the device command, whether for a communications driver or a special command.
You create each parameter you need in the form Param.param_name, then specify a value for the parameter that you will pass for the device command.
Parameters specific to commands for particular middleware vendors, and possible values for these parameters, are listed in the command parameters table for the relevant driver in Using Siebel CTI Connect.
The Param parameter can also be used to pass parameter values received from outside Communications Server, such as from a business service that invokes a Siebel communications command. For more information, see About Using Business Services with Events and Commands.
Field name/filter pair that will be used as a criterion to determine if this command will be active for this condition. RequiredField is always based on the currently selected row.
For example, the following property will cause the specified command to be disabled if field A of the current (selected) row in the current (active) applet does not contain a value that ends with X2.
A group of subparameters that are parameters to the script method (if any) invoked using the Script parameter.
You create each parameter you need in the form ScriptParam.param_name, then specify a parameter value that will be passed to the script. The parameter names themselves are not passed to the script. Parameters should be ordered in the sequence in which they are expected by the script.
Param1 and Param2 are subparameters of the ScriptParam parameter.
An applet from which an agent can make a selection, such as to select a recipient for a work item or to specify a reason code.
For example, applets that can be specified include ACD Transfer Call Applet, Transfer Multiple LOV Popup Applet, and Accept Reject Popup Applet.
Business component for an applet from which an agent can make a selection.
Business object specifying application elements from which an agent can make a selection.
Parameter that, when set to TRUE, enables an applet in which the user can make a selection. For example, the applet can be used to select the person to whom to send, transfer, or conference a work item (such as to call or to transfer a call to) or used to specify a reason code.
For example, for a MakeCall command, a dialog box can be displayed from which the agent can select an employee to call.
The SelectBusObj, SelectBusComp, SelectApplet, SelectTitle, and SelectQuerySpec parameters determine the specific nature of the selection applet.
The default is FALSE.
Query specification for an applet, such as Transfer Multiple LOV Popup Applet, from which an agent can make a selection.
For example, a command data definition can use SelectQuerySpec as follows:
   SelectTitle="Please select the reason for changing status to Not Ready"
   SelectApplet="Transfer Multiple LOV Popup Applet"
   SelectBusObj="List Of Values"
   SelectBusComp="List Of Values"
   SelectQuerySpec="[Type]='REASON_CODE' AND [Active]='Y'"
In this example, SelectQuerySpec queries the List of Values business component to obtain the values to display in the Reason Codes list.
If the applet allows you to select multiple records, as does Transfer Multiple LOV Popup Applet, then the selection values are concatenated as comma-separated values.
The title for the applet (dialog box) from which an agent can select a recipient for a work item.
If this value is not specified, the applet will have the title that is assigned to the selection applet.
A group of subparameters that are parameters to the Siebel business service method (if any) invoked using the ServiceMethod parameter for the associated command.
You create each parameter you need in the form ServiceParam.param_name, then specify a parameter value. The parameter name and value are both passed to the service method. Parameters should be ordered in the sequence in which they are expected by the service method.
Param1 and Param2 are subparameters of the ServiceParam parameter.
Field name and values of a work-tracking object previously specified in an event log definition. The WorkTrackingObj command data parameter stores or updates this object for the currently selected work item.
For example, the following command and command data definitions update the customer dashboard with a contact ID:
   ServiceMethod="Persistent Customer Dashboard.Update    Dashboard from CTI"
The WorkTrackingObj parameter updates the attribute value of "ContactId" for the currently selected work item.
In this example, ContactId is a custom work item attribute.
You can also use WorkTrackingObj to update the Siebel bookmark. For example, using the following line in a command data definition for a command to resume a suspended work item (such as to remove a call from hold) prevents a screen pop from occurring when an agent resumes a work item. If this parameter is not defined as shown, a screen pop may display the view the agent was on when suspending the work item.
For more information, see Work Item Attributes.

 Siebel Communications Server Administration Guide 
 Published: 23 June 2003