Fundamentals > Using the Calendar > Calendar Tasks >

Adding Participants to an Activity

When you add an activity to your calendar, you may also want to have a record of the persons who will be attending or participating in the activity. You do this by adding participants to the activity on your calendar and verifying their availability. Participants can include contacts, employees, and resources such as a projector or a conference room. See Figure 41 for an example of the Calendar Detail form and Participant Availability subview.

TIP:  If you do not see the Gantt chart in the Participant Availability subview, you may see a large button called Show Participant Availability. Click that to see the Gantt chart. Gantt charts are not available for recurring activities.

Figure 41.  Participant Availability Subview

Click for full size image

To add contacts to an activity

  1. Navigate to the Calendar screen.
  2. In the Daily, Weekly, or Monthly view, click New.
  3. The Calendar Detail form appears with the Participant Availability view beneath it.

  4. Complete the appropriate fields.
  5. Click the Add Contact button in the Participant Availability view.
  6. The Contacts dialog box appears.

  7. Add a contact by selecting the contact's record.
  8. To select more than one contact at a time, hold down CTRL on your keyboard as you click each record or, if the records are consecutive, click the first record, hold down SHIFT, and click the last record.

  9. Click OK when you are finished selecting the contacts you want to add.
  10. The selected contacts appear in the Participant Availability subview and are now part of the activity.

To add employees to an activity

  1. Navigate to the Calendar screen.
  2. In the Daily, Weekly, or Monthly view, click New.
  3. The Calendar Detail form appears with the Participant Availability subview beneath it.

  4. Complete the fields.
  5. Click Add Employee in the Participant Availability subview.
  6. The Employees dialog box appears.

    TIP:  The Query button in the Employees list can be used to find an employee when there are a large number of employees in the organization.

  7. Add an employee by selecting the employee's record.
  8. To select more than one employee at a time, hold down CTRL on your keyboard as you click each record or, if the records are consecutive, click the first record, hold down SHIFT, and click the last record.

    NOTE:  If an alarm is set for this activity, it will go off for all participants on the participant list.

  9. Click OK when you have selected all the employees you want to add.
  10. The selected employees now appear in the Participant Availability subview and are part of the activity.

  11. (Optional) Check the Participant Availability subview beneath the Calendar Detail form to verify an employee's availability.

To add resources to an activity

  1. Navigate to the Calendar screen.
  2. In the Daily, Weekly, or Monthly view, click New.
  3. The Calendar Detail form appears with the Participant Availability subview beneath it.

  4. Complete the fields.
  5. Click Add Resource in the Participant Availability subview.
  6. The Pick Resource dialog box appears.

  7. Query for the type of resource you are looking for. Once records corresponding to your query are returned, select one or multiple records.
  8. Click Check Availability in the Pick Resource dialog box.
  9. The records refresh to display only the records that you selected in Step 5. A check mark appears in the Availability column for any resource that is available during the time of your appointment.

  10. Select the records, available or unavailable, that you want to add to your appointment and then click OK.
  11. The resources appear in the Participant Availability subview. A projection screen icon will appear next to each resource to distinguish them from employees and contacts.

NOTE:  You can only add resources to a recurring appointment when you first create it. After you create it, you can no longer add resources since the Gantt chart is not displayed in conjunction with recurring appointments.

 Published: 14 August 2003