Siebel Life Sciences Guide > Using Analysis > End-User Procedures >

Working with Sales, Rx, and Call Data

The views in the Analysis screen display prescriber, account, plan, payer, and territory level sales and Rx data, as well as call data. These views provide the capability to view data in both list and chart formats.

To access any of the views listed in Table 12, navigate to the Analysis screen default Analysis view, select the appropriate market in the All Markets list, and then select the desired view from the view tabs.

A list format appears by default when you select a view from the Analysis view tabs. You can view your sales and Rx data numbers in a chart format by clicking the toggle button.

The data in the Analysis screen must be updated periodically. Mobile users must download files that have been extracted and sent by the Siebel administrator and then import the new data into their local databases. For more information, see To import syndicated data extracts.

To display data with the views in the Analysis screen

  1. Navigate to the Analysis screen.
  2. Select the appropriate market (therapeutic class) in the All Markets list.
  3. NOTE:  You can select a different market at any time in all views in the Analysis screen, except in the Activities subviews (the Account Detailing Analysis and Contact Detailing Analysis views).

  4. Click a category from the view tabs.
  5. Display only the sales, Rx, or call data you want to view using query by example or targeting.
  6. See Planning Calls for information on targeting.

    NOTE:  By default, Siebel ePharma displays (and charts) all available data appropriate to the selected Analysis view. Siebel Systems recommends that you always filter your data lists to make the displayed data more meaningful. The charts in the Account Detailing Analysis and Contact Detailing Analysis views display all calls, regardless of status, unless you filter the data in the upper list.

  7. Select a chart type from the drop-down list to specify which type of chart you want to use for viewing the selected data.
  8. Examples of available chart types include 3D stacked bar, 3D bar, and 2D bar.

  9. Zoom in on data or limit the chart to particular data points by hovering the mouse cursor over the chart element (a bar or pie segment) to see the data only for that chart element. To return to the complete set of data for the original chart, execute a new query.

 Siebel Life Sciences Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003