Upgrade Guide for UNIX > Postupgrade Tasks > Postupgrade Tasks for All Environments >

Migrating Custom Columns on Obsolete Tables

CAUTION:  This procedure only applies to development environment upgrades. However, the output of this procedure is also used in the production environment.

Customer extension columns on obsolete tables need to be identified and manually migrated after the upgrade. However, Siebel columns on obsolete tables are reconfigured and migrated during the upgrade and therefore do not need to be manually migrated. Custom extension columns on tables that are upgraded (not obsolete) are also retained during the upgrade.

Critical obsolete tables are listed in Table 18. Any customer extension columns based on these tables must be manually migrated.

Table 18.  Repository Tables That Are Obsolete in Release 7.x
Previous Table
Suggested New Table

The rpt_obs_tbl_custom_cols.sql script identifies custom columns on obsolete tables and generates SQL template update statements for migrating the custom columns on obsolete tables to new tables during the upgrade.

This script has two parts:

To identify custom columns on obsolete tables and generate SQL template update statements

  1. At the odbcsql command, under the $SIEBEL_ROOT/siebsrvr/bin directory, invoke rpt_obs_tbl_custom_cols.sql by entering:

    odbcsql /s "$ODBCDataSource" /u $TableOwner /p $TablePassword /separator / /a /v /c rem /l $SiebelRoot/log/rpt_obs_tbl_custom_cols.log $DbsrvrRoot/$DatabasePlatform/rpt_obs_tbl_custom_cols.sql "$AncestorRepName"

    Table 19.  Command line flags for rpt_obs_tbl_custom_cols.sql
    ODBC source name
    User name to log into database
    Password to log into database
    Not applicable
    Turn on ODBC auto-commit for session
    Not applicable
    Turn on statement printing at execute
    Remark. Specify string which begins at comment (at beginning of line)
    Write errors and status to log file specified here
    Not applicable
    Name of prior standard Siebel repository

    Part one of the script compares the Prior Standard Siebel Repository with the Prior Customer Repository and generates a report that includes obsolete tables and custom columns mapped to obsolete tables. The second part of the script generates SQL template update statements that you can use to manually migrate your custom columns to new target tables.

  2. Review the report generated by part one of the script and identify custom columns on obsolete tables. After the upgrade, you need to remap all custom columns listed in this report to new target tables.
  3. Review the SQL template update statements generated by part two of the script.

    Modify the SQL template update statements for your configuration. After you have modified them, you can run them after the upgrade to migrate custom columns For more information, see Running Update Statements.

    NOTE:  Run these update statements after you upgrade your development environment and after you upgrade your production environment.

Running Update Statements

In the development environment, you ran the script rpt_obs_tbl_custom_cols.sql to identify custom columns on obsolete tables and to generate SQL template update statements. You can use the SQL template update statements generated by this script to migrate data in custom columns on obsolete tables to new tables. To do this, review and edit the SQL template update statements for your configuration. For example, you should check that all target tables specified in the update statements are accurate for your configuration. After you have edited the statements, run them.

To run the update statements

  1. Navigate to $DBSRVR_ROOT/log/rpt_obs_tbl_custom_cols.log to access the SQL template update statements generated by rpt_obs_tbl_custom_cols.sql.
  2. Edit the SQL template update statements as required for your configuration. You can use a simple text editor application to edit the statements.
  3. Using ODBCSQL, or any client or vendor provided interface which can execute SQL, run the update statements against the upgraded database.

 Upgrade Guide for UNIX
 Published: 20 October 2003