Upgrade Guide for UNIX > Migrating Client Configurations > Migrating Applets and Views >

About Model Applets

The Siebel repository contains models for each type of applet and view. You should use these model objects for the Web Client migration, because model objects are designed to support diverse migration needs. For example, the model list applet has the standard Web applet buttons, Web templates, and a number of controls mapped to Web template placeholders.

Before using model applets, compare the applets you intend to migrate with the structure of the models to verify that the models suit your needs. If necessary, you can modify model applets that do not use a grid-based layout to meet your requirements. For example, you can modify models to use different Web templates, controls, or control mappings.

Before using model views, compare the views you intend to migrate with the structure of the models to verify that the models suit your needs. If necessary, you can modify model views to meet your requirements.

You may want to test the wizards against a few applets and views before running the wizards against an entire repository. To test the wizards, see Applying the Web Layout to a Set of Applets or Applying the Web Layout to a Set of Views.

Table 25 lists preconfigured model applets and views available in Release 7.x.

Table 25.  Model Applets and Views
Model Applets and Views
Model chart applet
Model form applet
Model list applet
Model association list applet
Model MVG applet
Model pick applet
Model tree applet
Model more applets view
Model one applet view
Model tree applet view

The Release 7.5.3 Web Client Migration wizard automatically selects a Web template based on the model applet. By default, new form applets migrate to the Web Client using a grid layout Web template.

Not all form applets can be converted to a grid layout. For version 7.5.3, an applet's class and its associated Web templates must be supported for conversion to a grid-based layout. If an applet's class is not supported, the applet migrates using a nongrid layout specified in the model form applet. Supported applet classes are defined in a configuration file called awtcvtcfg.txt, located in the binary subdirectory of the Siebel Tools installation directory.

There are two applet Web templates that support grid layout. See Table 26.

Table 26.  Grid Layout Templates
Web Template
File Name
Applet Form Grid Layout
Use with all modes of form applets.
Applet Popup Form Grid Layout
Use with all modes of popup form applets.

The following list summarizes how grid-based applet Web templates differ from standard applet Web templates:

The wizards map items from the dedicated client layout to the Siebel Web Client using the following information from model applets and views:

 Upgrade Guide for UNIX
 Published: 20 October 2003