
List of Figures

Title and Copyright Information


1 Introduction to Localizations for European Reporting and SEPA Processing

2 Setting Up Localizations for European Reporting and SEPA Processing

3 (CZE, HUN, POL, and RUS) Setting Up Legal Numbering for Legal Documents

4 (CZE, HUN, and ESP) Setting Up Accounts and Layouts for Financial Statement Reports

5 (CZE and POL) Working With Delinquency Fees

6 Setting Up European Union (EU) and SEPA Functionality

7 Using European Union Functionality

8 Working with SEPA Payments and Credits

9 Working with Direct Debits for SEPA

10 Generating the EU Sales List Report

11 Working With Intrastat Reporting

A Fields in the SEPA Payments XML File (Release 9.1 Update)

B SEPA Direct Debit XML File

C SEPA Direct Debit for Draft Remittance XML File (Release 9.1 Update)

D Elements and Attributes for the Belgium Intracommunity °n 723 Report

