5 Working with Correspondence of Accounts in Russia

This chapter contains the following topics:

5.1 Understanding Correspondence of Accounts

Correspondence is the relationship between accounts used to process certain types of transactions. The Russian government defines rules for the accounts to which transactions can be credited and debited. For example, if you debit an account for an asset under construction, you can credit only an account for materials, stock, accounts payable, future period expenses, or other payables. The rules for correspondence also specify the naming conventions for the accounts. For example, accounts used for fixed asset transactions must begin with the characters 01.

When you generate reports to meet legal requirements, you can produce the reports only from accounts that are enabled under the rules of correspondence. These reports include the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow reports.

To work with correspondence of accounts, you:

  • Run the General Ledger Post program (R09801).

  • Run the Correspondence Transaction Generation program (R74R9801) to write detailed correspondence information to the Correspondence Rules table (F74R9011).

  • Use the Correspondence Batch Revision program (P74R0011) to create batch headers for correspondence batches and change batch statuses.

  • Run the Post Correspondence program (R74R9002) to post correspondence transactions to the Correspondence Balance table (F74R9002).

  • Use the Correspondence Maintenance Application program (P74R9011) to modify or add correspondence records in the F74R9011 table, as necessary.

  • Run the Repost Correspondence program (R74R9003) to post the changes you make to posted records in table F74R9011.

5.2 Prerequisites

Before you work with correspondence of accounts, you must:

  • Verify that the accounts, methods, and rules that you need to report on correspondence accounts are set up.

    See Setting Up Correspondence of Accounts for Russia.

  • Verify that the Zero Amounts processing options for the version of the Journal Entry MBF Processing Options that is associated with voucher and invoice entry programs is set up to allow zero amounts.

5.3 Generating Correspondence Transaction Records

This section provides an overview of the Correspondence Transaction Generation program and discusses how to:

  • Generate correspondence records.

  • Set processing options for Correspondence Transaction Generation (R74R9801).

5.3.1 Understanding the Correspondence Transaction Generation Program

When you run the Correspondence Transaction Generation program, the system reads records for posted batches in the Account Ledger table (F0911) and generates transaction records in the F74R9011 table. The transaction records in the F74R9011 table relate debits with credits.

When you run the program in final mode, the system writes lines that are processed without error to the F74R9011 table, and assigns G to the post status and GE to the correspondence batch header status. If there are errors for any lines when you run the program in final mode, the system assigns E (error) as the post status and writes EG (error generated) for the status of the correspondence batch header, and sends a message to the work center. Errors exist when:

  • No valid rule exists in the correspondence rules setup for the account relation.

  • The amounts do not balance.

  • The sum of the correspondence generated amounts for an account is not equal to the account amount in the F0911 table for that journal entry.

You run the Generate Correspondence program after you run the General Ledger Post program, and before you run the Post Correspondence program.

5.3.2 Generating Correspondence Records

Select Correspondence (G74R09COR), Correspondence Transaction Generation.

5.3.3 Setting Processing Options for Correspondence Transaction Generation (R74R9801)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports. General

1. Final Mode

Specify whether the system runs the program in proof or final mode. When you run the program in proof mode, the system generates a report and does not update records. When you run the program in final mode, the system generates a report and updates the F74R9011 table.

2. Account Type

Specify the account type setup for correspondence accounts. The value that you enter must exist in the Account Type (74R/AT) UDC table.

3. Ledger Types

Specify the ledger types that the system uses to select records to process. You can enter up to three ledger types. The values that you enter must exist in the Ledger Types (09/LT) UDC table.

4. Print Processed Lines

Enter 1 to print only the lines with errors on the report. Leave this processing option blank to print all lines on the report.

5. Tolerance Margin

Specify the tolerance margin allowed for differences between the debit amount and the credit amount when the journal entries use correspondence method 01 or correspondence method 02.

5.4 Modifying Correspondence Records

This section provides an overview of correspondence records and discusses how to:

  • Set processing options for Correspondence Maintenance Application (P74R9011).

  • Review and modify correspondence account transactions.

5.4.1 Understanding Correspondence Records

The Correspondence Maintenance Application program enables you to:

  • Manually redistribute amount for transactions with a batch header status that is not equal to P (posted).

  • Delete lines for transactions with a batch header status that is not equal to P (posted).

  • Modify lines for transactions with a batch header status that is not equal to P (posted).

  • Add correspondence transactions to the F74R9011 table.

The Correspondence Batch Revision program enables you to:

  • Create correspondence batch headers.

  • Review or change the status.

  • Run the Correspondence Transaction Generation program.

  • Run the Post Correspondence program.

5.4.2 Forms Used to Review and Modify Correspondence Account Transactions and Batches

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage
Work With Correspondence Batches W74R0011A Correspondence (G74R09COR), Correspondence Batch Revision Review and modify the batches in the F0011 table and run the Correspondence Transaction Generation and Post Correspondence programs.
Edit Batch Header W74R0011B Choose a record, then click Select on the Work With Correspondence Batches form.

Choose a record, then choose Row, Review Status on the Work With Correspondence Batches form.

Choose a record, then choose Row, Create Batch Header on the Work with Batches Without Correspondence Header form.

Change the status of the batch when you access this form from the Work With Correspondence Batches.

Create a batch header record in the F74R0011 table when you access this form from the Work with Batches Without Correspondence Header form.

Work with Batches Without Correspondence Header W74R0011C On the Work With Correspondence Batches form, select Form, Create Batch Header.

Select a record and then choose Create Batch Header from the Row menu.

View all batches in Batch Control Records (F0011) table that do not have corresponding records in the F74R0011 table.

Create a correspondence batch header record.

Work With Batch W74R9011A Correspondence (G74R09COR), Correspondence Maintenance Application View batches for which a record exists in the F74R9011 table.
Display Batch Correspondence W74R9011B Choose a record, then click Select on the Work With Batch form. Review detail of records that exist in the F74R9011 table.
Work With Correspondence W74R9011D Choose a record, then click Select on the Display Batch Correspondence form.

Choose a record, then select Row, Review Corresp. on the Work With Correspondence Batches form.

Modify the correspondence record.
Select Documents W74R9011C On the Work With Correspondence form, select Documents from the Form menu. Select a document that exists for the batch

5.4.3 Setting Processing Options for Correspondence Batch Revision (P74R0011)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports. General

1. Batch Type

Specify the default value for the batch type that the system displays in the Work With Correspondence Batches form.

5.4.4 Changing the Status of a Batch

Access the Edit Batch Header form.

Correspondence Status

Enter the status of the batch. The value that you enter must exist in the Correspondence Batch Status (74R/CS) UDC table.

5.5 Posting Correspondence Records

This section provides an overview of the Post Correspondence program and discusses how to:

  • Post correspondence records

  • Set processing options for Post Correspondence

5.5.1 Understanding the Post Correspondence Program

Balances for correspondences accounts must exist in the F74R9002 table before you can generate the Cash Flow report. You run the Post Correspondence program to populate the F74R9002 table after you run the Correspondence Transaction Generation program to generate records.

When you run the Post Correspondence program, the system:

  • Selects all correspondence transactions with a status of G and a correspondence batch header status of GE.

  • Updates the F74R9002 table, if run in final mode.

  • Updates the posted code for each correspondence transaction to P in the F74R9011 table.

  • Prints a report showing the processed records.

  • Updates the status of the correspondence batch header to PO (posted).

5.5.2 Posting Correspondence Records

Select Correspondence (G74R09COR), Post Correspondence.

5.5.3 Setting Processing Options for Post Correspondence (R74R9002)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports. Mode

1. Mode

Leave this processing option blank to print the report in proof mode. Enter 1 to print the report and update the F74R9002 table to match the F74R9011 table.

2. Missing Entries

Specify whether the system verifies if a record for the batch exists in the F74R9011 table. Enter 1 to validate the entries. The system uses this processing option when you run the Repost Correspondence program.

5.6 Reposting Correspondence Records

This section provides an overview of the Repost Correspondence program and discusses how to:

  • Reposting correspondence records.

  • Set processing options for Repost Correspondence (R74R9003).

5.6.1 Understanding the Repost Correspondence Program

You use the Repost Correspondence program to post changes that you made to posted records in the F74R9011 table. The Repost Correspondence program updates the F74R9002 table with the posted amounts from the F74R9011 table.

When you run the Repost Correspondence program, the system:

  • Selects records from the F74R9011 table that have a correspondence results code P.

  • Updates, deletes, or adds balances to the F74R9002 table when records are processed in final mode.

  • Prints a report showing the processed transactions.

5.6.2 Reposting Correspondence Records

Select Correspondence (G74R09COR), Repost Correspondence.

5.6.3 Setting Processing Options for Repost Correspondence (R74R9003)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports. Mode

1. Mode

Leave this processing option blank to print the report in proof mode. Enter 1 to print the report in final mode and update the F74R9002 table.

2. Missing Entries

Specify whether the system verifies if a record for the batch exists in the F74R9011 table. Enter 1 to validate the entries and delete records in table F74R9002 that do not have transactions in the F74R9011 table.