JavaFX: Bringing Rich Experiences To All the Screens Of Your Life

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Profile: desktop, common


Several Controls are labeled, including Labels and Buttons, ToggleButtons, CheckBoxes, and RadioButtons. These all have similar variables for configuring the label appearances.

Script Variable Summary

accessnametypeCan ReadCan InitCan WriteDefault Valuedescription

Variable Summary

accessnametypeCan ReadCan InitCan WriteDefault Valuedescription

The default font to use for text in the Labeled.

The default font to use for text in the Labeled. If the Label's text is rich text then this font may or may not be used depending on the font information embedded in the rich text, but in any case where a default font is required, this font will be used.


An optional icon for the Labeled.

An optional icon for the Labeled. This can be positioned relative to the text by using the graphicHPos and graphicVPos variables. The node specified for this variable cannot appear elsewhere in the scene graph, otherwise the IllegalArgumentException is thrown. See the class description of Node for more detail.


Specifies the horizontal positioning of the graphic relative to the text.


The amount of space between the graphic and text


Specifies the vertical positioning of the graphic relative to the text.


Specifies how the text and graphic within the Labeled should be positioned horizontally when there is empty space within the Labeled.


The text to display in the label.


Specifies the behavior for lines of text when text is multiline Unlike vpos which affects the graphic and text, this setting only affects multiple lines of text relative to the text bounds.


Specifies the behavior to use if the text of the Labeled exceeds the available space for rendering the text.


If a run of text exceeds the width of the Labeled, then this variable indicates whether the text should wrap onto another line.


Specifies how the text and graphic within the Labeled should be positioned vertically when there is empty space within the Labeled.

Inherited Variables

Function Summary

Inherited Functions