
This section includes key parameters, profiles, and setup considerations for Configure to Order functionality.

This chapter covers the following topics:


The following is a list of key parameters for Configure to Order functionality:

BOM Parameters

The following table lists the fields in the BOM Parameters form that are relevant to configurations.

the picture is described in the document text

BOM Parameters
Field Name Value Usage Notes
Create Lower Level Supply You can choose one of the following values:
Auto-created Configuration items only
ATO items and Auto-created Configuration Items
This parameter is used to indicate whether or not the system should create supply for lower level configurations and ATO items when progressing an order online in order management, or when using the Autocreate FAS batch program.
If set to No, the system will create supply only for the top-level ATO item or configuration. This is the default value for this parameter.
If set to Auto-created Configuration items only, the system will create supply for any lower level configuration that was generated because of the specific sales order configuration. Note that it will not create supply for any lower level configuration that was matched to a preconfigured item.
If set to ATO items and Auto-created Configuration Items, the system will create lower level supply for all ATO items, preconfigured items and autocreated configured items. Note that supply will be created even for ATO items setup as standard mandatory components on the model bill. This option should be used only if you do not expect to have on hand for your ATO items and preconfigured items.
Inactive Status The list of value consists of all the item statuses that are defined in the system. The Deactivate Configuration Items program sets item status of configuration items to this value.
Numbering Segment The list of value consists of all the item segments. The item field is a flexfield that may contain multiple segments. Let's say you have a two-segment item field. The two segments are Item-Group. Item, Group will show up in the LOV. The segment you choose here will be the field that the Numbering Method applies.
Note: The numbering segment parameter must be set in the OE validation organization. The setting in all other organizations will be ignored
Numbering Method You can choose one of the following values:
Append with sequence
Replace with sequence
Replace with order, line number, shipment #
User defined
Using the preceding example, let's say you choose the Item segment in the Numbering Segment. For an ATO model CN97444-Laptop, the configured item number will be the following for each Numbering Method:
45623*1*1-Laptop (45623 is the sales order number, 1 is the line number, 1 is the shipment number.)
User defined: You can use the user-defined method to generate customized numbering for configuration items. You can use the customized method to implement in packages, BOMCFGI.pls and CTOCUCNB.pls. For details on how to use these packages, see: See Custom CTO Packages.

Note: The numbering method parameter must be set in the OE validation organization. The setting in all other organizations is ignored.

Config BOM Creation Allowed You can optionally clear this check box to set this parameter to No. By default, this check box is selected (set to Yes). Set the check box to Yes in all organizations in which you plan to manufacture or purchase your configurations. It can be set to No in other organizations where a model BOM exists, but a config BOM is not necessary. For example, an OM validation organization that is not a manufacturing organization can be set to No.
Include Model/ Option Class Items in Lead Time Rollup You can optionally select this check box to set this parameter to Yes. By default, this check box is cleared (set to No). This parameter determines if a lead time rollup is performed on the model and option class items in the organization. This defaults to no, as rolling up a lead time on the model or option class results in a highly inflated model lead time, which affects the "Estimated manufacturing start date" calculation in AutoCreate Configuration, and affects the offset used by planning with Planning to Forecast and used by ATP against the model.

WIP Parameters

The following table lists the field in the WIP Parameters window that is relevant to configurations.

WIP Parameters
Field Name Value Usage Notes
Respond to Sales Order Changes You can choose one of the following values:
When linked 1 to 1
This parameter determines whether or not a work order that is reserved to a sales order will be put on hold after a configured item is delinked from a sales order line or the order is put on hold.
Never: The work order will not be put on hold if you delink the configured item from the sales order or the sales order is put on hold.
Always: The work order will be put on hold if you delink the configured item from the sales order or the sales order is put on hold.
When linked 1 to 1: The work order will be put on hold if it is the only work order reserved to the sales order.
Note: Work orders will be linked to sales orders if the shipping organization is the same as the manufacturing organization. In addition, in a multilevel environment, only the top level configuration work order would be linked to the sales order.
Default Discrete Class - You must have a default discrete class defined in your manufacturing organizations or Autocreate FAS and create flow schedules will fail.

OM Parameters

The following table lists the field in the Order Management Parameters window that is relevant to configurations.

OM Parameters
Field Name Value Usage Notes
Item Validation Organization The list of value consists of all the organizations that are defined in the system. In Order Management, the Item Validation Organization parameter indicates the Oracle Manufacturing organization against which items are validated. You must define all transactable items (models, option classes, and options) in this organization.
Caution: If you maintain your bills of material in any organization other than the Item Validation Organization, you need to ensure the consistency between the bills. A common practice is to set up the bill in the item primary manufacturing organization, then common it in all other organizations that need to use it.
If an operating unit has multiple OE responsibilities, then those OE responsibilities must have the same OE validation organization in order for AutoCreate Configuration to work properly.
See the Oracle Order Management User's Guide for more information on setting up the item validation organization.


Important: Most profiles used by CTO default to the site level setting. Changing them to a lower level could produce inconsistent results. You can set the following parameters at both the site and responsibility levels:

BOM: Automatic Reservation

This profile determines whether CTO attempts to reserve available on-hand when matching during autocreate configuration batch or online modes. If the profile is set to Yes, the program found a match, and the schedule date is within the number of days defined by the profile, OM: Reservation Time Fence, Autocreate Configuration attempts to reserve any quantity available on-hand.

BOM: Buy Cost Type

This profile determines the Buy Cost Type that is used during the Configuration Cost Rollup. See Chapter 9 for Cost Rollup calculation details.

Important: This profile should not be set to CTO or clear (null). Create a user-defined cost type and update this profile value with that cost type.

BOM: Configuration Item Delimiter

When you choose any numbering method other than User Defined, Append with sequence, or Replace with Order, line number Numbering Method, the system inserts a delimiter before the sequence number or between the sales order number and line number. Use this profile to define the delimiter to be used by the system.

Anything can be entered as the delimiter character. Do not choose the same delimiter as the item segment delimiter if you have a multisegment item number. It will cause the configuration item process to fail.

BOM: Configuration Item Type

This profile indicates the user item type of the new configuration items created by the Create Configuration Item program. A typical setting is ATO item.

BOM: Configurator URL for UI Manager

In order to preconfigure items using BOM, this profile must be set to the proper URL for the configurator in your instance. See Preconfiguring Items

BOM: Create Configuration Exception Behavior

This profile indicates whether or not to create a configuration item, bill of materials and routing if option items would be dropped from the configuration bill of any organization that the bill is created in. The values for this profile are Create and Link Item and Do Not Create. You can set this profile at the site and responsibility levels. See Create Configuration Items for information on how this profile affects autocreate configuration behavior.

BOM: CTO Default Blanket PO Release Method

This profile is used to set the release method on the Approved Supplier List (ASL) created for the configuration. PDOI will use this value to set the release method on the ASL created for the configuration. Values are:

You can set this profile at the site and responsibility levels. See the Oracle Purchasing User's Guide for more on release method on Aisle.

BOM: CTO Perform Cost Rollup

This profile determines if a cost rollup is performed when progressing an order to create a configuration item. The value of this profile also determines the default settings of the corresponding parameter in the AutoCreate configuration concurrent program. This profile is optional. If the profile is null, a cost rollup is performed when a configuration item is created by progressing the sales order. However, the parameter in the AutoCreate Configuration concurrent program defaults to No. See Configuration Item Cost Rollup for more information.

BOM: CTO Perform Flow Calculations

This profile determines how flow calculations are performed when progressing an order to create a configuration item. The value of this profile also determines the default settings of the corresponding parameter in the autocreate configuration batch program. The profile is optional. If the profile value is null, the flow calculations are done ‘based on processes’. The parameter in the AutoCreate Configuration concurrent program defaults to ‘Based on Processes’ in this case. See: Configuration BOM, for more information.

This profile has the following options to perform the flow calculations:

Based on the profile option selection, the total product cycle time, yields and planning percentages are either not calculated, or calculated by process or by line operation.

BOM: CTO Perform List Price and Purchase Price Rollup

This profile determines if list price and purchase price rollup is performed when progressing an order to create a configuration item. The value of this profile also determines the default settings of the corresponding parameter in the autocreate configuration batch program. This profile is optional. If the profile is null, a purchase price rollup is performed when a configuration item is created by progressing the sales order. However, the parameter in the AutoCreate Configuration concurrent program defaults to No. See Configuration Purchase Price Calculation Rollup for more information.

BOM: Inherit Option Class Operation Sequence Number

This profile controls whether components within the model structure inherit the operation sequence from their parent option class or model. The list of values is Yes or No. When the profile is set to Yes, Bills of Material applies inheritance logic for all items in the model structure with an operation sequence defaulted to 1.

In the following example, the profile option is set to Yes, and the CPU and Monitor option class items have operation sequence numbers for the Laptop Computer routing. The processor options are defaulted to an operation sequence of 1, and inherit operation sequence 30 from the CPU option class item. The VGA Option class, options and included item are defaulted to an operation sequence of 1, and then inherit operation sequence 40 from the manual option class item. Routings are not required for the CPU, Monitor, and VGA option classes.

BOM: Inherit Option Class Operation Sequence Number Example
Level Item Item Type Op Seq Operation Sequence Inherited
. 2 . Laptop Computer ATO Model    
. . 3 . . CPU Option Class 30 Retains 30
. . . 4 . . . Pentium I Option 1 Inherits 30
. . . 4 . . . 486 Processor Option 1 Inherits 30
. . 3 . . Monitor Option Class 40 Retains 40
. . . 4 . . . VGA Option Class 1 Inherits 40
. . . . 5 . . . . VGA Manual Included Item 1 Inherits 40
. . . . 5 . . . . VGA1 Option 1 Inherits 40
. . . . 5 . . . . VGA2 Option 1 Inherits 40

BOM: Match to Existing Configurations

This profile controls whether a match is performed during AutoCreate Configuration, Create Configuration Item workflow activity, Match from Sales Order Pad, and match during PDS based ATP. If the profile value is Yes, the program uses the Enable Configuration Matching attribute on the model to determine if the match is performed. If set to No, then a match is not performed regardless of the setting of Enable Configuration Matching. See Enabling Items for more information.

BOM: Model Item Access

Indicates if a holder of this responsibility can define and update bills of material for model and option class items.

BOM: Perform Lead Time Calculations

In a discrete manufacturing environment, this profile determines if lead time calculations are performed when progressing an order to create a configuration item. The value of this profile also determines the default settings of the corresponding parameter in the autocreate configuration batch program. Lead time is not calculated if the configuration item has a flow routing, regardless of this profile.This profile is optional. If the profile is null, a lead time rollup is performed when a configuration item is created by progressing the sales order. However, the parameter in the AutoCreate Configuration concurrent program defaults to No. See Perform Lead Time Calculation for more information.

BOM: Reuse Existing Configurations

This profile option is set at the Site level only. If the Reuse Existing Configuration profile value is set to YES, then the same configuration that is delinked, gets relinked to the Sales Order when the order is progressed again to create configuration item. If the profile value is set to NO, every time a configuration item is delinked from a Sales Order and the order is progressed, a new configuration item is created and linked to the Sales Order.

BOM: Send Notifications for Autocreate Config Exceptions

This profile determines if notifications are sent for expected errors encountered by the auto create configuration process. This profile is optional. If the profile is null, notifications are not sent when progressing the order to create a configuration item. See Configuration Creation Error Handling for more information.

BOM: Use Custom Match Function

If the profile Match to Existing Configurations is set to Yes, this profile sets the default for the match function: custom or standard. This profile can be overridden with the Enable Configuration Matching attribute on the model item definition. If the profile value for Match to Existing Configurations is No, then the value of this profile does not matter because a match is not performed. If Use Custom Match Function is set to Yes, then for the models that have the Match Configuration attribute set to Custom, CTO calls the function CTO_CUSTOM_MATCH_PK (file CTOCUSMB.pls), instead of the standard match program.

The profiles BOM: Match to Existing Configurations and BOM: Use Custom Match Function replace BOM: Check for Duplicate Configuration, which is used in the previous releases.

The following table summarizes the relationship between these two profiles and the model item attribute Enable Configuration Matching:

BOM: Match Profile Relationship
Match Profile Custom Match Model Match Attribute Result
Yes Yes Custom Custom
Yes Yes No No
Yes Yes Standard Standard
Yes Yes NULL Custom*
Yes No Custom Custom
Yes No No No
Yes No Standard Standard
Yes No NULL Standard
No Any Value Any Value No

BOM: Use OM Validation Organization When Pre-Configuring Single Level Items

This profile will enable you to decide whether to access the configurator UI published to the OM validation organization or the current organization when preconfiguring single level items. When the profile is set to Yes, the configurator will be called using the OM validation organization as the context organization for single level configurations, irrespective of the current organization from which the BOM form was opened. When the profile is set to No, the configurator will be called using the current organization as the context organization for single level configurations. Note that the OM validation organization is always used as the context organization for multilevel configurations. In general, this profile should be set to Yes. A null value sets the profile to No.

CZ: Populate Decimal Quantity Flags

This profile, when set to Yes, enables you to enter the decimal quantities for the optional items in the configurator window. If set to No, decimal quantities are not allowed.

INV: Capable to Promise

This site level profile option determines which ATP program will be used for ATP Check. To perform ATP calculations for multilevel and/or multiorganization configuration structures, this profile option must be set to ATP/CTP based on planning output. This option uses data from the Planning Data Store and lets you obtain multilevel supply chain ATP results from a plan.

For more information on the Global ATP Server, see of the Oracle Global ATP Server chapter of the Oracle ASCP and Oracle Global ATP Server User's Guide

MRP: Default Sourcing Assignment Set

This profile option determines the sourcing assignment set that CTO will use to assign sources to models. This must be set if models need to be sourced. This assignment set must also be assigned to the supply chain plans in all sourcing organizations.

Any sourcing rules and assignments on models will be ignored if this profile is not set.

OM: Employee for Self-Service Orders

For orders that are originating from self-service applications, the CTO autocreate purchase requisition program will honor this profile.

OM: Included Item Freeze Method

Controls when PTO included items are displayed in Order Management. Values are Entry, Booking, and Shipping.

OM: Item View Method

This profile determines whether you want to display the Item name or Item description for the optional items in the OM Options Window. The Profile has two values: Item Name and Description.

OM: Reservation Time Fence

This profile option controls automatic reservations during scheduling. The profile option represents the number of days into the future that scheduling will reserve.

The default value is Null, which means that scheduling will not automatically reserve. This profile option is used during autocreate configuration if the BOM: Automatic Reservations = Yes

OM: Use Configurator

This profile option determines whether the configurator window or the order management options window is used to select the options for all ATO and PTO Models (SL, ML) entered in order management.

Use the configurator window when you want to set up validation rules, or you want to use the Java interface to choose your options. Use the forms-based options window when you do not need validation rules, but just need to select options.

Note: You must use the configurator when in Order Management if the order is originally configured using the configurator through I-Store or another interface.

See the Oracle Order Management User's Guide for more information on the options window.

WSH: Retain ATO Reservations

This profile option controls whether or not reservations will be maintained when backordering an ATO item or model.

If the profile is set to Yes, then reservations will not be removed for backordered ATO items/Models, but will be updated to Unstaged.

If the profile is set to No, then the delivery detail status will be changed to N (Not Ready to Release) and reservations will be deleted. Note that you will lose the ability to track that this item was backordered and these items will not show up on the Backorder Detail Report or the Backorder Summary Report.

Model Items, Bills, and Routing

This section describes the setup of item, bills of material, and routing for models and option classes. It also describes the features of cataloging configurations and configuration rules.

Items Setup

Several key item attributes are central to ensure correct processing of a configure-to-order sales order. The following table highlights these attributes and their typical setting.

Item Attributes
Attribute PTO Model PTO Option Class ATO Model Option Class ATO Item Option (Component)
BOM Item Type Model Option Class Model Option Class Standard Standard
BOM Allowed Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Planning Method Not Planned Not Planned MPS Planning MRP Planning MRP MRP
Forecast Control Consume Consume & Derive Consume or Consume & Derive Consume and derive if manufacturing the model. Null if it belongs to a purchase model. Consume Consume & Derive if manufacturing model, Null if purchasing model
Build in WIP No No No No Yes, if using the autocreate program to generate supply—even if it is a buy item. Otherwise, it depends. (depends)
OE Transactable Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Check ATP No No No No (depends) (depends)
ATP Components (depends) (depends) (depends) (depends) (depends) (depends)
Assemble to Order No No Yes Yes Yes. This value should be the same in all organizations No
Pick Components Yes Yes No No No No
Ship Model Complete Yes or No (only applicable for PTO model) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Purchased / purchasable No No Yes if you will be purchasing the model Yes if you will be purchasing the model Yes if you will be purchasing the ATO item Yes if you will be purchasing the model
Lot/Serial Control No No Yes, if you want the configuration to be lot/serial controlled. Note: Serial Control of "Unique within Item" will mean "Unique within base Model" for configurations. No, unless you want to set the default serialization starting operation sequence number for the configuration based on the option class routing. Depends Depends
Match Configuration N/A N/A Null if you want to default from profile, Standard if you want a standard match, Custom if you need a custom match. See Match Configurations N/A N/A N/A
AutoCreated Configuration N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A if no base model exists. Not enabled if base model exists and you want it treated as a preconfigured item. See Preconfiguring Items. N/A
Create Configuration Item, BOM N/A N/A Depends on attribute settings. See: Create Configuration Item, BOM Attribute. N/A N/A N/A
Base Model N/A N/A N/A N/A The model the configured item is generated from. Null if the ATO item is not configured. This must be the same in all organizations. N/A

Create Configuration Item, BOM Attribute

The Create Configuration Item, BOM attribute on the ATO model defines how items, BOMs, and routings are created according to the following values:

Use of the following features requires you to use the setting Based on Model:

The item attribute must be set to Based on Model for all child models of a model set to Based on Model. If this is not followed, AutoCreate Configurations errors out for this model's configurations. You should also set the model's attribute value to Based on Model if the model has customer, region, or item sourcing rules, or if you have PDS with match on and you have assigned sourcing rules to your models. It is possible to use a setting other than Based on Model if you are using match but always manufacture the configuration and its subconfigurations in the shipping organization.

Warehouse changes are allowed if the model's attribute value is set to Based on Model and you have assigned sourcing rules to your models. CTO does not perform any validations for the new warehouse to check if configuration data already exists in the required organizations for this warehouse.

Set the attribute to Items based on Model, BOMs and Routings Based on Sourcing, or Based on Model if shipment or transaction flows are in use that cause your configuration to be invoiced in organizations that are not part of the sourcing chain, or if you are using depot repair and intend to return items for repair to a nonmanufacturing organization. For depot repair, the item should be created everywhere so the configuration can be returned to the appropriate organization. See the Oracle Inventory User's Guide for more on Enhanced Intercompany Invoicing and Transaction flows. See the Oracle Depot Repair Guide for more on Depot Repair.

For option specific sourced (OSS) items, the organizations in which BOMs are created are further restricted by OSS rules. See: Impact of Option Specific Sources.

Organization Assignment

In a multilevel, multiorganization ATO environment it is important to ensure that the items are enabled in the proper organizations for ordering, manufacturing and planning your product. The following able summarizes the organizations in which items must be enabled.

Item/Organization Enablement
Item Validation Org Receiving Org Sourcing (Manufacturing) Org Item Master Org PO Validation Org Transaction Flow Org
All items in multilevel structure Only the items that need to be received in the organization. Typically, this is the top level purchased or transferred model.
If this organization is also the shipping organization, all optional items in your model BOM should also be enabled in this organization.
Items manufactured and consumed in the organization. Typically, this includes the model being manufactured, all of its option classes and options, and any immediate child models. Child model components do not have to be enabled here unless they are also manufactured here. All items in multilevel structure The ATO model, plus all optional items on its bill that you want to include in a purchase price rollup In organizations that are part of your transaction flow for a configured product, but are never part of the physical flow for that product, only the model needs to be enabled.

Note: ATO models exist in organizations that are not part of any sourcing chain for the model if the organization is:

If the model attribute “Create config item, BOM” attribute is set to Based on Model, or item based on model, BOM based on sourcing, The configuration item will also be created in these organizations. Set the following attributes on the model item to prevent the configurations from being accidentally transacted or planned in these organizations: ATP, ATP Components = none Planning Method = Not Planned

Model and Option Class Bills of Material

Model bills of material: An ATO model bill lists the option classes, options, and standard items that exist for a model. The bill of material for a PTO model lists the option classes, options, and included items that exist for that mode

Option class bills of material: Option class bills can contain standard components, options, other option classes, or models

Model Bills of Material

An ATO model can have another ATO model as its component. The decision as to whether or not to create a config item for a lower level model is determined by the BOM supply type on the lower level model in the item validation organization.

A PTO model can have another PTO model or an ATO model as its components.

Option Class Bills of Material

Oracle Manufacturing enables you to structure any number of levels of option classes within option classes so you can create an indented hierarchy of choices. You can also specify a mandatory component under any option class in the indented structure that would automatically be included anytime you choose an option from that option class (or a lower level option class).

BOM Attributes

the picture is described in the document text

The following BOM attributes are important for model or option class bills of material:

In a multilevel, multiorganization ATO environment it is important to ensure that the bills are created in the proper organizations for ordering, manufacturing, and planning your product. The following table summarizes the organizations in which bills must be enabled.

BOM/Organization EnablementBOM/Organization Enablement
Transaction Flow Org Item Validation Org Receiving Org Sourcing (Manufacturing) Org Item Master Org PO Validation Org
None Complete Multilevel BOM (often common to the primary manufacturing organization for each level) None if entire configuration is made in house.
Complete structure if configuration is purchased.
In the previous release, the entire bill must exist in one and only one of the possible receiving organizations for a purchased configuration
Model and option class bills made in or sourced from organization None None

Model and Option Class Routing

Routings for your model and all the option classes should be set-up in the appropriate manufacturing organizations. Oracle Bills of Material supports both discrete and flow manufacturing.

Operation sequences on sub-level phantom routings or option classes must be unique. If they are not, only the operations from the parent are included in the configured routing.

Common Model Routing to Option Classes

The routing for your model can include all steps that any configuration might require. You can then establish option class routings by referencing the model routing as a common routing, so lower level options can still reference the model's routing operations. For example, you can reference the laptop computer's routing as a common routing for the CPU option class, referencing the laptop computer's routing steps in the option class bill.

Alternatively, you can set up a routing for the model that contains only the operations that pertain to building the entire model structure and any of its mandatory components or immediate options. Then you can set up separate routings for each of your option classes that contain the routing steps pertaining to its options and mandatory components. It is important that option class routings and phantom model routings are of the same routing type as the parent model routing. It is also important that you do not duplicate routing operation sequences in any of the routings.

Note: APS ignores option class routings that are commoned to a model routing during resource capacity planning for a model forecast. It does not check which model it is commoned to, nor does it ignore option class routings commoned to another option class. Therefore, it is recommended that you common an option class routing only to its parent manufactured model.

Discrete Manufacturing

Option Dependent Routing Steps

the picture is described in the document text

Oracle Bills of Material enables you to define option-dependent operations in model or option class routings. You can specify that a routing step is option dependent, which causes the configuration to include that routing step only if an option referencing that step was chosen. You can assign multiple routing steps to a single optional component in the model bill. You specify one value in the operation sequence column on the main BOM window. The operation you specify on the main window is used as the back flush location for the item. You can then assign additional operation sequences to the components by using a child window. The child window is available from any optional BOM component line by clicking the Operations button; the Assign Operations window appears.

Laptop Computer ATO Model BOM
Level Item Item Type Op Seq Optional Qty
. 2 . Laptop Computer ATO Model   No 1
. . 3 . . Carrying Case Product 10 No 1
. . 3 . . Keyboard Product 20 No 1
. . 3 . . CPU Option Class 30 No 1
. . . 4 . . . Pentium I Purchased Item 30 Yes 1
. . . 4 . . . Pentium II Purchased Item 25, 35 Yes 1
Routing for Laptop Computer ATO Model (Commoned to the CPU Option Class)
Op Seq Option Dependent Department Operation Description
10 No Casing Cut and smooth case edges
20 No Assembly 1 Attach keyboard and cable
25 Yes Assembly 2 Clean processor
30 No Assembly 2 Insert processor into board
35 Yes Inspection Inspect Pentium II

In the preceding example, a routing is created for the ATO model. A second routing is created for the ATO option class that uses the model routing as common. This is a typical setup that enables the components on the option class BOM to reference operations on the model BOM.

In this example, Oracle Manufacturing automatically includes Operation Sequence 25 and 35 in any configuration containing a Pentium II because the Pentium II option in the bill references steps 25 and 35. These routing steps can also add to the standard cost for configurations with the Pentium II, because Oracle Manufacturing performs a single level rollup for configurations and accounts for all costed resources used in the configuration routing.

Operation Sequence Inheritance

You can specify that items within the model structure inherit the operation sequence from their parent option class or model. You invoke this option by setting the site level profile BOM: Inherit Option Class Operation Sequence Number to Yes. Bills of Material applies inheritance logic for all items in the model structure with an operation sequence defaulted to 1. You should maintain a routing for the top-level model, but may not need to maintain a routing for any option class or model where all items below it have an operation sequence of 1.

In the following example, the profile option is set to Yes, and the CPU option class items have operation sequence numbers for the Laptop Computer routing. The processor options are defaulted to an operation sequence of 1, and inherit operation sequence 30 from the CPU option class item. Routing is not required for the CPU option class.

Operational Sequence Inheritance
Level Item Item Type Op Seq Operation Sequence Inherited
. 2 . Laptop Computer ATO Model - -
. . 3 . . CPU Option Class 30 Retains 30
. . . 4 . . . Pentium I Option 1 Inherits 30
. . . 4 . . . Pentium II Option 1 Inherits 30

WIP Serial Tracking for Configurations

WIP enables you to start serial tracking and genealogy at any operation on the job for assemblies that have predefined serial generation. If you want this functionality for your configurations, set the model to be under predefined serial control, and specify the default serialization starting operation sequence number on any mandatory operation in the ATO Model Routing. This information will then be copied to the configuration item routing. When using noncommoned option class routings, the option class must be set to predefined serial control to have the default serialization starting operation sequence number on the configuration to be one of the routing operations on the option class routing rather than one on the model routing. If you define a default serialization starting operation sequence number on both the model and option class routing, the setting on the option class will be ignored.

For more information on WIP serial tracking, see the Oracle Work in Process User's Guide.

Flow Manufacturing

Option Dependent Event

A flow routing consists of processes, line operations and events. You can designate option dependent events by selecting the Optional check box for an event. On your bills of material, the operation sequence refers to the event sequence on a flow routing. Therefore, you associate an option with event sequences. As in discrete, a single option can reference multiple event sequences.

All operations and processes on the model routing are included on the configured routing. All nonoptional events are included on the configured routing. The option dependent events are included only in the configuration routing if an option referencing that event was chosen.

Operation Sequence Inheritance

You can specify that items within the model structure inherit the event sequence from their parent option class or model. This functionality is similar to that described under Discrete Manufacturing.

Cataloging Configurations

Oracle Manufacturing provides features that help you catalog your assemble to order configurations so you can easily find on hand configurations that meet customer requirements, or find configuration item numbers that were used to fulfill previous orders for the same configuration. Oracle Manufacturing lets you set up rules to automatically assign item catalog descriptive element values to assemble to order configurations based on the options selected.

For example, you might want to catalog computer configurations using descriptive elements that indicate the processor type and operating system (OS) chosen for each configuration. You could then assign the laptop computer model item to a catalog group that specifies those descriptive elements, but not assign any values to those attributes because the laptop computer is a model, not a specific configuration. You would also assign each option item to a catalog group with descriptive elements that describe that option. So you would assign the processor option items (Pentium I, Pentium II) to a Processors catalog group containing a processor type descriptive element as well as others that might describe more specific processor attributes.

Catalog Configurations Example
Item Catalog Group Descriptive Element Name Descriptive Element Value
Laptop Computer Personal Computers Processor Type OS -
Pentium I Processors Processor Type Slow
Pentium II Processors Processor Type Fast
Windows Operating Systems OS Windows
UNIX Operating Systems OS Unix

You would also specify which descriptive elements to assign automatically to an ordered configuration, based on options chosen under each option class in the laptop computer's bill. For example, when you defined the bill for the CPU option class, you would specify that the processor type descriptive element should be assigned automatically based on options chosen under this class. The Bills of Material window lets you specify descriptive elements for each model or option class bill of material to be used to populate configuration item description. If you want the Autocreate Configuration Items program to concatenate descriptions, you must specify descriptive elements for each model and option class bill. An example of a concatenated description might be Pentium II-Windows.

Concatenated Description Example
Item Item Type Element Name
CPU Option Class Processor Type
Operating System Option Class OS

You can inherit multiple elements from the parent option class or model. In the case of a multilevel ATO, the description of the parent configuration does not roll up the description from the child. If the same element exists on more than one option class that has a common option, the one with maximum value is used. If models and option classes belong to different catalog groups, the Configured Item inherits only the elements of the model's catalog group. For ATO models that are not assigned to a catalog, Configure to Order ignores the return values of the CUSTOM function.

More on cataloging configurations can be found in the CTO chapter of the Oracle Bills of Material User's Guide.

See Custom CTO Packages for more information.

Configuration Rules

Configuration rules are defined in Oracle Configurator Developer.

For more information on setting up configuration rules, please See: Oracle Configurator Developer User's Guide.

Preconfiguring Items

Invoke Oracle Configurator from within Oracle Bills of Material to create a configured bill of material and routings for a predefined ATO item. This is useful in a business to business environment where the same configuration is ordered repeatedly. Preconfigured items can be built to forecast and kept on hand. Customers can order the preconfigured items directly, as they would a standard ATO item.

Preconfigure BOM respects the new organization level BOM parameter Create Configuration BOM. An error message displays if you try to preconfigure in an organization where this parameter is set to No.

You can preconfigure multilevel structures within BOM in a manner similar to that done in Order Management. The configurator uses the item validation organization defined in the OM parameters form for the current organization to determine the BOM to present during the configuration session. Once the options are chosen, the sourcing rules on the models, the setting of the Create Configuration Item, BOM, and Routing attribute, and any Option Specific Source definition are used to determine the organizations in which to create the BOM and routings.

The profile option BOM: Use OM Validation Organization When Pre-Configuring Single Level Items determines whether the current organization or the OM validation organization is used when preconfiguring a single level BOM. Usually, this value should be set to Yes.

The Preconfiguration process matches to existing configurations, if the profile BOM: Match to Existing Configuration is set to Yes, and the model is set to perform matching. If the program finds a match for the top-level model you will be asked if you want to use the matched item id or create a new configuration for the new item. If you choose to use the match, no BOM is created for the current item. If you choose to create a new configuration for the new item, the new configuration replaces the old configuration in the match tables, and future matches in OM or BOM will match to the new predefined configuration.

If a match is found for any of the lower level models, the matched configuration item is used by default.

Note: Preconfiguration does not perform weight and volume calculations, lead time calculations, cost rollup, list price and purchase price rollup for the configuration items. To perform these calculations for your preconfigured items, use the appropriate batch processes described in Optional Processing Programs.

If you try to preconfigure an item based on a model that is sourced entirely from another organization, you will receive an error asking you to go to the source organization to configure the item.

You cannot preconfigure an alternate BOM. If a routing already exists for an ATO Item having a base model, and then the user preconfigures the bill for the ATO Item, no new routing gets created after preconfiguring.

The BOM: Configurator URL profile option must be set properly to enable you to call the configurator from within BOM. SeeProfiles for more information on setting profile options.

Enabling Items

It is recommended that you enable the preconfigured item in all organizations that require it for the configuration process. If you do not enable the preconfigured item, the preconfiguration process automatically enables it in all organizations identified by the base model's item attribute Create Configured Item, BOM, and the base model's sourcing chain from this organization. See Create Configuration Items for details. These items are created as autocreated items by setting AutoCreated Configuration to Yes in these organizations. If you want these items to be treated as preconfigured items, enable them in all organizations before preconfiguring the BOM or deselect the configuration item attribute AutoCreated Configuration on the preconfigured item in all organizations.

When the item is automatically enabled in an organization, for attributes that have the attribute control set at the organization level, attribute values for these items are inherited from the base model in that organization. Item attributes are copied from the preconfigured item if the attribute control is set at the master level.

Note: Child configuration items are created as autocreated items with all attributes set as described in Create Configuration Items. If you want the child configurations to be treated as preconfigured items, you must either:

Note: For preconfigured items, because the item is created by the user, item attributes are not copied from or validated against the base model item attributes. It is up to the user to set them appropriately. The Assemble to Order and Build in WIP flag must be selected. It is recommended that you use the ATO item template for these items.

The following table shows the differences between preconfigured items and Auto Created Configuration Items.

Preconfigured and Auto Created Item Differences
Preconfigured Item Auto Created Configured Item
Created by user Created by system
Autocreated configuration = N on Items form Autocreated configuration = Y on Items form
Item attributes are as defined by the user Item attributes are:
  • Inherited from the model if item is auto created in all organizations

  • Copied from configured item in another organization if it was preconfigured there and attribute control was at master level

  • Inherited from model if it was preconfigured in another organization and attribute control was at organization level

Is displayed in iStore and similar applications for users to order Is not displayed in iStore and similar applications for users to order

BOM and Routing Creation

BOMs and routings are created for the preconfigured item and any child configuration items in the sources identified based on the base model's sourcing rules, option specific source definition, and the item attribute Create Configured Item, BOM.

See: Create and Process Configuration for more information on how the system determines where to create the item, bill, and routing. See Create Configuration Items for more information on BOM creation logic. See Match Configuration Item for more information about matching.

Note: To prevent creating an incorrect BOM, the preconfigure item process does not respect the profile Create Configuration BOM With Dropped Components. It will always error out if a component is dropped during config item creation at any level.

Option Specific Sourcing

Preconfiguration behavior with regards to option specific sourcing is as follows:

Preconfiguration does not perform weight and volume calculations, lead time calculations, cost rollup, list price, and purchase price rollup for the configuration items. To perform these calculations for your preconfigured items, use the appropriate batch processes described in Batch vs. Online Mode.


the picture is described in the document text

Preconfiguring Items

To preconfigure an item:

  1. Create a new item in the master organization and assign it to the appropriate manufacturing organization. On the BOM tab of the item master, set the base item to the model from which you want to derive the configuration and select the Assemble to Order flag.

  2. In the manufacturing organization, create a new bill of material for the item with no components. Put the cursor in the components region. Go to the Tools menu and select Configure Bill. This will bring up the configurator where you can pick your options. Once done, this item can be planned, ordered and stocked just like any standard item.

Preconfiguring Items Example

Preconfiguring items respect the multilevel structure and the sourcing rules that you have defined for models at all levels of the BOM. As an example, use Example 2: Process Flow for Multi-Level, Multi-Organization ATO, and PTO:

If you went in to the warehouse, W1, added a new item based on your laptop computer model, and then tried to preconfigure a BOM, the program would give you a message asking you to go to Org M1 to configure the item, because the entire item is sourced from M1. If you go to M1 and try to preconfigure the BOM, the program will invoke the configurator based on the item validation organization defined in the OM parameters for the given organization. You would be able to choose options for all levels of your bill, regardless of where they will be manufactured. Then, when done, the program will create the BOMs and routings in the appropriate organizations based on the sourcing rules. In the case of this example, a configured laptop computer BOM and routing will be created in M1, and a configured monitor item and routing would be created in M2. You will get a message when the program completes indicating that the BOMs were created in the appropriate organizations.

Sourcing Setup for ATO Models

Sourcing rules assigned to models are used during the planning of the model forecast, and during ATP of a model sales order. These same rules are used during autocreate configuration to determine the correct sourcing for the configured item. Once the configuration item is created, its sourcing rules are used for all planning and execution.

Note: If you are using transfer from sourcing rules on your models, you must use ASCP, Global forecast, and ATP based on planning output to ensure proper forecast explosion, planning, ATP, and forecast consumption of your models, configurations.

If you are using a customer, region or item specific sourcing rule for ATP purposes to choose a shipping warehouse, but then all manufacturing for the configuration and any sub level configurations are done in the shipping organization. In this case, you can specify a forecast directly in the shipping organization instead of using global forecasting.

See the Oracle Demand Planning Implementation Manual for more information on global forecasting, and the Oracle Advanced Planning Implementation and User's Guide for more information on ATP and planning for configurations.

Sourcing Assignments

You can assign sourcing rules or bills of distribution to your models. Model sourcing assignments must be done on the source in the assignment set specified in the MRP: Default Assignment Set, in order for the configuration item to be created with the correct sourcing.

If you have an item-level assignment for the purposes of ATP and of planning feedback loop, you must also have an organization-level Make At or Buy rule in the end node in your sourcing chain to avoid a circular sourcing error in the AutoCreate Configurations process. For example, assume that an item-level assignment says to transfer from M1 and M2. If M1 makes the configuration, it must have an organization-level Make At rule assigned. If M2 buys the configuration, it must have an organization-level Buy From rule assigned.

Region or other assignments that cannot be defined on the source should never be assigned to the model itself, as they will not be applied to the configuration. To use these types of rules, create category level or higher assignments. A new category can be created for this model or group of models if it is necessary to assign a rule to a specific model.

Cross instance sourcing does not work for configured items because it is not defined on source.

Note: You must specify the same assignment set in all of the following places to assure accurate results throughout your CTO process:

If you are using Global Forecasting, the Forecast Distribution Assignment set specified in the ASCP Plan options is expected to be different assignment set because it is not used for sourcing.

The MRP and MSC profiles must be set at the site level. If you override them at a lower level, you will see inconsistent results.

Important: CTO creates the assignment set CTO Configuration Updates for its internal processing use during the Update Existing Configurations concurrent program. Do not use this assignment set for any purpose.

Option Specific Sourcing (OSS)

Option specific sourcing allows you to restrict the sourcing of a configuration based on a specific option or options that are ordered. For example, you may have a model that can be manufactured in three organizations. But if a specific option is chosen, it can be made only in one of the three, as they have the specialized machinery to build it.

If you have restricted options, specify the list of valid organizations and vendors where the model can be manufactured, stocked, transferred or procured, if that option is chosen. This list of organizations is overlaid with the model sourcing chain, during the ATP and Autocreate configurations processes, to restrict the sourcing of a specific configuration based on the options that were chosen. See: Impact of Option Specific Sources for more information.

Using Option Specific Sourcing

This section is intended to give you a feel for situations in which you may need to setup option specific sourcing for your models:

OSS setup is not required

There are three organizations, set according to regions of the world:

The model is a Make item in all three, but the BOM in each is different, and contains only options pertinent to its respective region.

For previous releases, you manually chose the warehouse on the sales order based on where the order originated (or used OM defaulting rules to do so). In this case, CTO creates the BOM only in the org against which the order is placed. This is still true if the model's Create Configuration Item, BOM attribute is set to Based on Sourcing (the default). No further set up is required.

You can use this attribute even if you are doing PDS based ATP with matching, because the ship from organization is always defaulted, and there is no variation in sourcing once that organization is picked. No OSS setup is required.

OSS setupis required

The ATO model can be made in any of six manufacturing organizations, and you want the choice of the manufacturing organization to be based on GOP, rather then simple defaulting rules. However, if the customer chooses a specific option (for example a specific specialty coating for the product) it can only be made in Org1. Match is used on this model.

For 12.0, if you want to use GOP to pick the warehouse or want to match during ATP, the model's Create Configuration Item, BOM attribute must be set to Based on Model so that the item, BOM, and routing are created in all six manufacturing organizations, and future matches to the configuration item are valid and ATPable in all six manufacturing organizations.

If you do not set up OSS for the model with the specialty coating, CTO attempts to create the bill for these configurations in all six organizations no matter which one is shipping the material. Because the speciality coating option does not exist on the model BOMs in organizations 2-5, autocreate configuration completes with a warning and puts the order on hold for all sales orders with this option.

To avoid this, set up OSS for the Model with the specialty coating as a component to restrict ATP to choose only Org 1, and to restrict the BOM creation for that item to Org1.

This is required even if you are not using ATP or APS.

Setting Up Option Specific Sourcing

the picture is described in the document text

To set up option specific sourcing

  1. Navigate to Advanced Planning, Source Instance Setup, Sourcing, CTO Option specific sourcing.

  2. In the header, enter the following:

    • Model Name: List of values contains all ATO models in your item master

    • Component Name:List of values that contains all active items in the system. You should pick only options, options classes or sub-models that are components of the parent model specified

If an option is specified, the sourcing chain for a configuration with that option will be limited to the organizations and suppliers listed in the setup

If an option class is specified, the sourcing chain for a configuration with that option class chosen is limited to the organizations and suppliers listed in the setup. If there is setup for both an option class and an option underneath it, an intersection of the specified sources is taken to determine the valid sources for the configuration.

If a sub model is specified as a component, any configuration that has that sub model is restricted to the organizations specified in the setup.

Note: If the sub model is phantom on the parent models bill in the OM validation organization, it is treated as an option class for the purposes of OSS processing.

  1. In the child form, enter list of organizations and supplier/supplier sites that are valid parts of the sourcing chain for this model and component combination. Valid parts of the chain are anywhere this model with this option can be can be manufactured, stocked, transferred or procured:

    • Organization: List of values contains all organizations in your system in which the model is enabled

    • Supplier:List of values contains all vendors in all operating units

    • Supplier Site:List of values contains all vendor site code. Note that the LOV displays the vendor code (name) and not the vendor ID, as vendor ID is operating unit specific. This enables you to set up a vendor site once and have it apply to all operating units that use that vendor.

Selecting View Model Assignments opens the assignments form with MRP: Default assignment set data. If the profile is set to Null then the Assignment form opens with no specific assignment in it.

Note: Option specific source lists setup for a model are ignored in cases where that model appears as a phantom on a parent model bill in the OM Validation Organization.

Note: An option specific list defined for a submodel will affect the parent model's available sources if the model appears as a nonphantom in the parent model's bill in the OM validation organization.

For ATP to consider option specific sourcing, any model with option specific sources defined, or any model with child models with option specific sourcing defined must have ATP Components set to something other then None. If this is not done, you could schedule against an invalid organization. If this happens, autocreate config will error out. Components with Option Specific Source lists do not have to be ATPable.

Option Specific Sourcing Example

Model BOM in the item validation org is:



Model1 sourcing:

the picture is described in the document text

Model2 sourcing:

the picture is described in the document text

Sourcing Rules
Sourcing rule Org / Global Type Org Supplier Alloc% Rank
SR11 Item Transfer D1 - 40% 1
- - Transfer D2 - 60% 1
SR12 Org D1 Transfer M1 - 30% 1
- - Transfer M2 - 30% 1
- - Transfer M3 - 30% 1
- - Transfer M6 - 40% 1
- - Transfer M7 - 100% 2
SR13 Org D2 Transfer M4 - 50% 1
- - Transfer M5 - 50% 1
SR14 Org M4 Transfer M1 - 50% 1
- - Transfer M3 - 25% 1
- - Buy - S1 25% 1
SR15 Org M5 Buy - S2 100% 1
SR16 Item Transfer M4 - 40% 1
- - Transfer M5 - 60% 1
MRP Sourcing Assignments
Assigned to Org Item/ BOD/SR
Customer - Model1 SR11
Model-Org D1 Model1 SR12
Model-Org D2 Model1 SR13
Model-Org M4 Model1 SR14
Model-Org M5 Model1 SR15
Item - Model2 SR16

Additional requirements

Set up the option specific source lists listed in Table 2–17.

Option Specific Source Lists
Model Component Org Vendor Vendor Site
Model1 O1 D1 - -
- - D2 - -
- - M4 - -
- - M1 - -
- - M3 - -
- - M6 - -
Model1 O2 D1 - -
- - D2 - -
- - M4 - -
- - M2 - -
- - M3 - -
- - M6 - -
Model1 O3 D2 - -
- - M4 - -
- - - S1 Ste1
Model1 O4 D1 - -
- - M2 - -
- - M6 - -
- - M7 - -
Model2 O5 M4 - -

Impact on Sourcing Assignments for the Model

Category or organization level assignments cannot be used for option specific source models, or models that are parents of option specific sourced models. If specified, those rules will be ignored during CTO process. In addition, Region or other assignments that cannot be defined on the source should not be used for option specific sourced models. This means that users of option specific sourcing will be restricted to item-level and customer-item assignments for Global ATP and loop back.

In organizations where you will be purchasing a configuration, you must define explicit buy rules in order for those organizations to be considered as valid organizations during OSS processing.

Defining an item rule for an option specific model, or a parent of an option specific model, will make all the organizations where the model is enabled as valid organizations. To avoid this, you must assign specific Make At or Buy From assignments in the end node of your sourcing chains.

Interactions with Other Features

If users set the new model level Create Configuration Item, BOM item attribute to create configuration data based on the model, and they have certain organizations where they build configurations with certain options (and the options are not on the model BOM in those organizations), they must set up option specific sourcing for these options. If they don't, CTO will attempt to create the bill and routing in all valid sources for the model, which could result in all of their sales orders getting put on hold, because some of the selected options didn't exist in some of the model sources.

The model order line is promised by looking at model sourcing rule and the list of organizations specified for the selected option items. In certain setups, a specific configuration for this model may not have a valid source. If this happens, during availability check the user will get an error stating no valid sources exist based on option specific sourcing. To avoid this, the user should create configurator rules to ensure nonvalid configurations are not configured and sent to ATP.

When a configuration is created from a model with option specific sourcing defined, either from a sales order or through Bills of Material, the configuration will be marked as an option specific sourced item. If these configurations are ordered directly on a sales order line, ATP will validate that the ship from organization appears as an explicit organization in the items sourcing tree.

Additional Tips

Forecasting and Master Scheduling for ATO Models

The following information provides an overview of planning and ATP for configurations. For more information refer to the relevant planning guides.


In general, ASCP is the recommended planning solution for configurations, and ATP based on planning output is the recommended ATP solution. Both have been designed specifically to support configurations throughout the planning life cycle—from forecasting to shipment of your configurations—and provide the most robust and accurate results for your business.

Features available in ASCP and ATP based on planning output that are not available in MRP and ATP based on collected data are:

In order for ATP to recognize a match, the configuration must have been collected and planned in the ATP referenced ASCP plan.

See the CTO chapter of the Oracle Advanced Planning Implementation and User's Guide for more information.

MRP can be used to plan for configurations that:

See Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP and Oracle Supply Chain Planning User's Guide for more information.


Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP enables you to define and maintain forecasts for any item, at any level on your bills of material. You can directly forecast demand for option classes, options, and mandatory components. You can also explode forecasts for models and option classes, through model and option class bills, to selected option classes, options, and mandatory components.

Forecast Control

Use the Forecast Control item attribute to tell the system the types of demand that you place for models, option classes, options, and mandatory components. MRP and ASCP use the Forecast Control value you assign to each assemble-to-order and pick-to-order item when forecasting and master scheduling models and options.

Consume Independent forecast demand is demand that you place for an option by directly entering forecasts for the option, rather than exploding forecast to the option. If you forecast demand directly for an option and do not want to derive it during forecast explosion, then set Forecast Control to Consume.

Consume and Derive The forecast explosion process can derive a forecast for option classes, options and lower level models by calculating forecasts for the children by extending parent forecast quantities using the component usages and planning percents defined on your planning, model, and option class bills. If you want to forecast demand for an item by exploding demand from a higher level item in a bill of material, then set Forecast Control to Consume and Derive.

If you forecast demand for an item directly, and you explode forecast demand to the item, also set Forecast Control to Consume and Derive.

None Set the value to forecast control item attribute to None. This means that at every level of the bill the production forecast for the lower level item is based on the forecasted planned orders for the item above it in the bill structure. The main effect of this is that as the top model's forecast is consumed the amount of planned order supply is reduced. This will directly affect the production forecast demand exploded to the next level. Use this feature if you want the lower level forecasts to be reduced based on the top level models forecast consumption, not how often the specific option is used.

Null Sales order demand is demand that you place when your customers order configurations. As your customers order configurations, the system automatically places sales order demand for each model, option class, and option selected by your customer when they place the order. If you place sales order demand for an item, but do not forecast the item, then set Forecast Control to Null.

Derived Sales Order Demand Under normal circumstances, the system does not place sales order demand for mandatory components when your customers order configurations. You can set the Forecast Control attribute to Consume or Consume and Derive to automatically place demand and consume forecasts for mandatory components when you place sales orders demand for configurations that include the mandatory components.

If you forecast demand for a mandatory component, either directly or through forecast explosion, then set Forecast Control to Consume or Consume and Derive. If you set the f/c control to None for a mandatory component, planning generates planned order demand directly from the model; the demand is proportionate for the ATO model demand.

Note: If your configurations are purchased from a supplier ever, set the forecast control to Null on all of the model's components. Planning does not derive the forecast for lower level options. Planning still consumes the forecast for the model.

Global vs. Local Forecast

If you are transferring your configurations across your organizations (for example, if you are using transfer from sourcing rules on your models), you must use Demand Planning to create a global forecast for your model and options, and then distribute that forecast to your shipping organizations during an ASCP plan run. Forecast consumption is done off the global forecast, and the remaining forecast is redistributed during the planning run.

Consume and Derive If you choose to consume and derive your forecast for your options from the forecast for the model:

None If you do not derive the forecast for your options, that is the item forecast control attribute is set to None:

Note: If you are using option specific sourcing, it is recommended that you do not derive the forecast for your options. Allow the program to create production forecasts for your options, based on the actual planning percent in the source organizations.

For more information on global forecasting and demand planning see the Oracle Demand Planning User’s Guide.

If you are not transferring configurations across organizations, you can forecast directly in the manufacturing organizations. If you want to derive the forecast for your options based on planning percentages on the model, you can perform a forecast explosion on the source in the manufacturing organization, or you can perform an in-line forecast explosion in your ASCP plan. However, if you are using MRP, you must do the forecast explosion in the manufacturing organization.

Forecasting Preconfigured Items

You can forecast and consume forecasts for preconfigured items, if you are using APS and ATP based on planning output. When doing this, make sure the forecast for your model and options does not include the forecast for your preconfigured item.


You plan to make a total of 100 of ModelA each week, of which you expect 40 to be of a specific popular configuration. Create a forecast for 40 of the popular configuration, and a forecast of 60 for ModelA. If entering a forecast directly for a component of ModelA, adjust its forecast to not include the dependant demand from the popular configuration.

Sales orders that match the popular configuration will consume its forecast first, then revert to the model and option forecast.

This feature can also be used for forecasting popular configurations at lower levels of the BOM structure in order to build these subsassemblies in advance of anticipated demand.

See the CTO chapter of the Oracle Advanced Planning Implementation and User’s Guide for more information.

Demand Planning for Configurations

You can use Oracle Demand Planning to calculate planning percentages based on the sales history of models and options. This is useful for predicting the mix of options in configure-to-order environments. The sales history of the models (independent demand) and options (dependent demand) is derived from the sales of the configuration items. This feature enables you to quantify the relationship of dependent to independent demand (options to model) in two ways:

  1. Historical planning percentages: Ratio of average sales history of options to average sales history of option classes or models. You can specify the historical period over which the sales history is averaged. This is applicable when the make up of the products is relatively consistent over time.

  2. Forecasted planning percentages: Ratio of forecast of options to forecast of option classes or models. This is applicable when the product mix is variable and product trends and seasonal projections are important.

In addition, you can use the planning percentages specified in Oracle Bills of Material to explode forecasts of models to option classes and options. The planning percentages are calculated at the time of generating a statistical forecast and are stored as an object associated to that forecast. This feature also enables you to compare and modify various planning percentage objects as well as the exploded dependent demands. This can be done as a global forecast or local forecast.

See the Oracle Demand Planning User’s Guide for more information.

Planning and Master Scheduling Model and Options

Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP also lets you master schedule any planned item, anywhere on your bills of material, including models, option classes, options, and mandatory components.

Advanced Planning

Oracle's advanced planning and scheduling solution enables you to accurately plan your models and options across your supply chain. As sales orders consume forecasts, the actual configuration demand replaces the model and option class demand.

When setting up your ASCP, keep the following points in mind:

See the CTO chapter of the Oracle Advanced Planning Implementation and User's Guide for more information.

Phantom Submodels

A phantom submodel is treated like a nonphantom model for the purposes of ATP and planning. This means:

It is recommended not to use phantom sub-models if you are using ASCP and ATP based on planning output.


You can load forecasts and sales orders into a master demand schedule (MDS) if you use single level single organization models. This MDS can be used to create a Master Production Schedule (MPS) that can drive the planning process for all MRP planned items. This enables you to manually smooth the MPS. Identify your master production schedules as visible to the Oracle Inventory available-to-promise (ATP) process, so that Order Management can check ATP information for your key subassemblies when scheduling sales orders for configurations.

Production Relief

Production relief, also known as MPS relief, is the process that replaces planned supply with actual supply when you create a work order to build a manufactured item, or when you create a purchase requisition to buy a purchased item. Each time you create a work order or purchase requisition, you create actual supply. If the actual supply is planned, then you typically want to reduce the planned supply by the work order or purchase requisition quantity to avoid overstating supply. When a purchase order, purchase requisition or discrete job is created for a member of a product family, the MPS is not relieved for the member items as well, as the product family. You can track reliefs against a Master Demand Schedule for both the product family and the member items. You cannot track reliefs against a Master Production Schedule at the product family item level because the MPS for a product family item is not relieved when the MPS for the member item is relieved. The procedure for tracking reliefs (MDS) for a product family item is the same as that for any individual item.

Production relief relieves your master production schedules for any phantom item when you create a work order for the phantom's parent. Because option classes, and optionally models, are created as phantoms on the configuration item bill, Master Scheduling/MRP automatically relieves your master production schedules for models and option classes when you create a final assembly order for a configuration. Production relief relieves your master production schedules for options and mandatory components when you create work orders for them.

Shipment Relief

Shipment relief, also known as MDS relief, is the process that reduces anticipated demand when you ship product that satisfies a sales order. Each time you ship a product to a customer, you satisfy demand. If the demand is included on your master demand schedules, then you typically want to reduce the anticipated demand by the sales order quantity to avoid overstating demand. Master Scheduling/MRP automatically relieves master demand schedules when you ship a sales order for a configuration. If you have not reloaded your master demand schedule after the AutoCreate Configuration process, there will be no master demand schedule for the configuration item.

When there is no master demand schedule for the configuration item, shipment relief explodes the configuration bill and relieves master demand schedules for each model and option class on the bill. Shipment relief also relieves master demand schedules for each standard item where you have set Forecast Control to Consume or Consume & Derive. If you ship a sales order for a member of a product family, sales order shipment relieves the master demand schedule for member items and the product family. If you have reloaded your master demand schedule since the AutoCreate Configuration process, shipment relief finds and relieves master demand schedules for the configuration item only.

See Oracle MRP/Master Scheduling User's Guide for more information about master scheduling.

Order Management Setup

The following information provides an overview of Order Management setup in Oracle Configure to Order.


The model, option class and all optional items, and PTO included items need to be on the appropriate price list before you can enter an order. The price assigned to the model and option classes should include the price of any standard mandatory components that are underneath that model. If you need many option classes or options with a zero price, you can easily put all items on a price list with a zero price (or any price, for that matter). On the price list, enter the following values:

You then can enter lines for only the items that have a nonzero price.


Setup for Configuration Line Workflow

The AutoCreate Configuration process creates a configuration item for the models, option classes and options that you have selected. At the end of the AutoCreate Configuration process, the configuration item is linked to the sales order by adding a new order line to the sales order. You must assign the Configuration Line Workflow to the order line type you are using to process the rest of the CTO workflow properly.

Caution: This process enables you to send configuration items to Oracle Accounts Receivable for invoicing, but not if the configuration items were created during the order entry of an ATO model (otherwise known as configured * 'star' items. See Configuration BOM for more information about configured * items). See My Oracle Support Document ID 985560.1 for more information about invoicing configured * items.

To assign the Configuration Line Workflow

  1. (N) Order Entry, Setup, Transaction Type, Define

  2. Query the Transaction Type corresponding to your ATO Model order type.

  3. Click Assign Line Flows. This opens the Line Workflow Assignments form.

  4. Create a line workflow assignment with the following values:

    • Line Type = Your order line type

    • Item Type = Configured Item

    • Process Name = Line Flow - Configuration.

See Using Oracle Workflow in the Oracle Order Management User's Guide for more information on the setting up workflows.

Note: Configurations are created as invoiceable by default. Therefore, if you put an invoicing activity in the config line workflow (or assign the ATO item workflow to the config line), your configuration item will appear on the customer invoice. Config item will always have a zero price on the invoice if the order was placed for the model and options.

Customize the Order Processing Workflow

This section provides details on customizing the workflows if it is needed by your business. See Using Oracle Workflow in Oracle Order Management Guide for more information on the OM workflows used by CTO.

The ATO model line, the configuration line, and the ATO Item workflow can be customized by adding blocks or approval activities or by removing some optional blocks and activities.

ATO Model Workflow

The following table shows all the activities in the ATO Model line workflow are mandatory.

ATO Model Mandatory Workflow Activities
ATO Model Line Workflow Activity Mandatory Comments
Enter Line Yes -
Schedule Line Yes -
Configuration Item Created No This activity aids in correctly processing order lines if the configuration item is created before the line is booked. If you do not create configurations for unbooked orders, remove this activity. Note that the creation of the configuration item before booking is desirable if you want ASCP to see unbooked order as demand and plan for it.
Create Configuration Eligible Yes -
Create Configuration Yes Creates item, BOM, and routing
Wait for CTO Yes -
Line Level Invoice Interface Yes -
Close Line Process Yes -

Configuration Line Workflow

This table summarizes which activities in the Configuration Line workflow activity are mandatory and which are optional.

Configuration Line Workflow Activities
Configuration Line Workflow Activity Mandatory Comments
Enter-Line Yes Enter Line activity is added to the configuration flow to account for configuration creation before an order is booked, provided the respective model line is scheduled. This requires the configuration line workflow to wait for booking if the configuration is created before the order is booked. Once the order is booked, the configuration line progresses to Create Supply Order Manual activity. Enter line activity does not affect the configuration flow if the order is booked before the configuration item is created.
Check Reservation No This activity moves an ATO item WF directly to shipping if a reservation to the order is made before the order is booked. Remove this item if you do not reserve ATO items manually or automatically before booking.
Check Supply Creation No Checks if the supply needs to be created by CTO or planning. Remove this activity if you have only SLSO ATO models and always use CTO to create supply.
Create Supply Order Eligible Yes -
Check Supply Type No Not required if routings for all models and ATO items are only discrete routings or flow routings and ATO models and ATO items are not purchased.
Create Work Order Process No Not required if routing of all models used is flow routing
Create Flow Schedule No Not Required if Routing of all models used is discrete routing.
Autocreate Req No Not required if ATO models and ATO items are never purchased.
Purchase Release, Line - Deferred No Not required if you will never dropship an ATO model or item.
Wait for PO Receipt No Not required if ATO models and ATO items are never purchased.
Ship Line Yes -
Fulfill Line Yes -
Close Line Yes -

Block activities cannot be added inside the Create Manufacturing Configuration Data process and the Create Supply Order process.

ATO Item Workflow

This table summarizes which activities in the ATO Item workflow activity are mandatory.

ATO Item Workflow Activities
ATO Item Line Workflow Activity Mandatory Comments
Enter Line Yes -
Schedule Line Yes -
Create Supply Order Eligible Yes -
Check Supply Type No Not required if routings for all models and ATO items are only discrete routings or flow routings and ATO models and ATO items are not purchased.
Create Work Order Process No Not required if routing of all models used is flow routing
Create Flow Schedule No Not required if routing of all models used is discrete routing.
Autocreate Req No Not required if ATO models and ATO items are never purchased.
Purchase Release, Line - Deferred No Not required if you will never dropship an ATO model or item.
Wait for PO Receipt No Not required if ATO models and ATO items are never purchased.
Ship Line Yes -
Fulfill Line Yes -

Block activities cannot be added inside the Create Supply Order process.

Activities marked as No in the mandatory column in both the preceding tables can be removed from Create Supply Order process. The Create Supply Order process is used in both Configuration line workflow and ATO item workflow and hence changes to this process will affect both the line flows.

Customization to Workflow

You can customize the seeded workflow, using Oracle Workflow Builder, if you have special requirements. The notification message can also be customized.

Please see the Oracle Order Management Workflow Guide for more information.


Order Management has a delete constraint that prevents the deletion of a line after booking. This prevents you from changing the configuration of a model after it has been booked. This is a non-system constraint that should be disabled if you need to make changes to your configurations after booking.

Removing Delete Constraints

To remove the delete constraint

  1. (N) Order Management, Setup, Rules, Security, Processing Constraints

  2. Perform a query on the entity Order Line, and for the application, Oracle Order Management.

  3. Look for a nonseeded delete constraint, with conditions, any booked order line and any non-RLM line.

  4. Disable the entire constraint (from the constraints portion of the form).

OM Validation Organizations

In general, if you are using CTO functionality, the OM validation and PO validation organizations should be used exclusively for those activities. They should not be one of your manufacturing or purchasing organizations.

This is because the Configuration item will be created in these organizations, but if the attribute Create Configuration BOM, Routing is set to Based on Sourcing or Item Based on Model, BOM Based on Sourcing, the BOM is not created in these organizations unless it happens to be on the sourcing chain of the order that the configuration item is being created for. This can cause issues for ATP, and future orders taken against these organizations.

If you do set it up exclusively for use as a validation organization, the create configuration BOM parameter should be off in these organizations. If not, and any of your models have the Create Configuration Item, BOM item attribute set to Based on Model, a BOM is needlessly created in the OM validation organization because a model BOM exists there.

Note: If the profile INV: capable to promise, is set to perform ATP based on collected data, OM allows an ATO item order to be scheduled only if a BOM for the item exists either in the shipping organization or in OM validation organization. If you accept orders directly for the autocreated configuration items, the Create Configuration BOM parameter should be set to Yes, at least in the shipping organization or the OM validation organization.

Related Topics

For more information on Order Management constraints for configurations, see Order Changes and Returns.

Shipping Setup

This section describes the various shipping attributes required for the shipping setup in configure to order environment.

Item Attribute

The following item attribute is applicable to PTO models.

Ship Model Complete

If this attribute is set to Yes, the entire configuration must be delivered in the same shipment. If the attribute is set to No, components can ship separately. ATO models are inherently ship together models. If you have a PTO model that has an ATO model and some other PTO options underneath, and you want to ship the PTO options along with the ATO model, then Ship Model Complete must be set to Yes on the PTO model.

BOM Attributes

The following shipping attributes are on the Bills of Material window.

Include On Shipping Docs

Indicates whether the component will be printed on external shipping documents such as pack slips and commercial invoices. For example, for an ATO model, it may be more reasonable to print the order lines, ATO model, and options on the shipping documents, in addition to the configured item.

Required to Ship

Indicates whether the component is required to ship the order. You can only update this check box if the Assemble to Order item attribute for the assembly item in the Define Item window is disabled.

This attribute only affects PTO included items (not ATO items or configurations).

PTO Models and Packing Lists

PTO items generally do not show up on a packing list. If you have a requirement to do so, you must make the PTO model shippable, but not transactable. Shipping will now print all shippable items on the packing list regardless of whether it is a model or not. This will enable you to see what was ordered (the model), as well as the shippable components within the model on the packing slip. They must ensure that the shippable flag for the model is checked in the item master for it to print. The ability to print the components on the shipping docs will continue to be managed by using the check boxes on the BOM Include on Shipping Docs.

Be careful if your business process requires them to ship the PTO models in partial. Because the model is shippable but not transactable, pick release will always stage the full requested quantity of the model because inventory basically ignores nontransactable items. If shippable, transactable components are released in different quantities than the model, you will have to manually adjust the shipped quantity of the model.


Before Pick Release:

After Pick Release

Ship Confirm will receive a warning that they are breaking the model, but if the model quantity is not adjusted to 5, the components will be backordered but not reflect that they are associated with a model because the shippable model has shipped complete. This gets even more complicated if the components are staged nonproportionally.

Staging Subinventory

Your staging sub-inventory must be reservable in a configure to order environment.

Purchase Pricing for Models and Supplier Communication

This section describes how to set up purchasing data to enable purchase price calculation and channels for communicating configuration details to your supplier.

Purchase Price Calculation

CTO performs a purchase price calculation during autocreate configuration. The price calculation is done in the following ways: Using List Prices, Using Blanket Purchase Orders for Models, or Using Custom Hooks.

This section will describe the setup requirements for each of these calculations. Details on the calculation themselves can be found in Chapter 9: Create Configuration Items.

List Price Calculation Setup Requirements

The list price for the model and all its options should be defined on the item master in the PO validation organization for the operating unit where the purchased configuration will be received. The price assigned to the model and option classes should include the price of any standard mandatory components that are underneath that model.

Blanket Price Calculation Setup Requirements

You must first define and approve a blanket purchase order for your purchased ATO model, its option classes and options. The price assigned to the model and option classes should include the price of any standard mandatory components that are underneath that model. For ease of maintenance and performance reasons, it is recommended that you have a separate blanket for each model.

For details on setting up blanket purchase agreements, please see the Oracle Purchasing User's Guide, Overview of Purchase Orders. The following is a discussion of items critical to the CTO purchase price rollup process.

Next, in each requisitioning organization, define global approved supplier, supplier sites for the ATO model that point to the appropriate blanket. These ASLs can point to either a local or a global agreement. See the Define Approved Suppliers Lists section in the Oracle Purchasing User's Guide for more information.

Finally, set the new profile option BOM: CTO Default Blanket PO Release Method to determine the release method on the ASL created for the configuration.

Limitations of Blanket Purchase Orders for Models

Custom Price Calculation Setup Requirements

If you prefer to do your own price calculation, CTO now provides two custom hooks in autocreate config. The first (CTOCULPB.pls) inserts the result into the list price of the configuration item in the PO validation organization instead of our calculated price. The second (CTOCUPPB.pls) enables you to do your own calculation based on any vendor and vendor site combination defined in a global ASL (no associated blanket is required). You are expected to update the appropriate tables as part of the custom program. For more information on these procedures, please see the "Description of CTO Custom Packages" section of Chapter 2.

Note to Buyer/Note to Receiver

Autocreate Req will populate the note to buyer and note to receiver columns of the requisition import table with text from the message dictionary. The message note_to_buyer is seeded with text that reads: Supply for sales order: <order_num>.

You can change the text of the note by editing the message dictionary for CTO Note to Buyer. There are also message dictionary entries for CTO Note to Receiver that can be populated with custom text.

iSupplier Portal

Activate the CTO link in the iSupplier Portal in order for your suppliers to be able to see the configuration details for your purchased configurations. Following is a summary of steps required to personalize the iSupplier Portal to see the configuration details. For additional information, please see the OA Framework User's Guide.

Activating CTO links in the iSupplier Portal

To activate the CTO link in the iSupplier Portal

  1. Log on as the system administrator.

  2. Ensure that the Personalize Self-Service Defn. profile is set to Yes in your user/responsibility level.

  3. Ensure that the Disable Self-Service Personal profile is not set to Yes in your default/user/responsibility level.

  4. Open the iSupplier Portal full access.

  5. Open an active PO. It will now have a Personalize Region link on top of every region.

  6. Click the link to personalize that region. This takes you to a new page.

  7. Select Personalization Level Site/Organization/Responsibility level.

  8. Click Next to display the next screen.

  9. Enter the responsibility/ite name.

  10. Click Next to display the last page to create/update the personalization.

  11. Add the column for configuration details to enable the configuration column on the iSupplier Portal PO details page. Any item on the PO that has a base model will have a link activated in this column that will take the supplier to a page that displays all the option classes and options that were chosen in order management. If the configuration item has been delinked from the sales order, the BOM will be displayed based on the actual configuration BOM in an organization, based on the following logic:

    • Display BOM from the first receiving organization on the PO in which it exists.

    • If BOM does not exist in any of the receiving organizations on the PO, display BOM from the first organization within this set of books in which it exists.

    • If BOM does not exist in any of these organizations, display a “BOM not found” message.

For more information on the iSupplier Portal see: Oracle iSupplier Portal Implementation Manual.

Supplier Item Descriptions

CTO displays the supplier item descriptions for the model, option class and options on the iSupplier Portal configuration details page and in the item level text attachment that is generated during auto create config for buy configurations.

Supplier item descriptions are shown only if defined on the blanket if the document is a blanket release, or the global ASL for the item for the supplier, supplier site if the document is a standard purchase order.

Custom CTO Packages

CTO provides a variety of custom packages to enable customers to:

Catalog Descriptions of Multiple Level Models

By default, CTO creates catalog descriptions for a configuration item, using its components' descriptive element values. For multiple level configurations, the description of the parent configuration does not roll up the description from child configurations.

CTO provides a custom package, CTO_CUSTOM_CATALOG_DESC, to enable customers to create custom catalog descriptions. Details of the package are as follows:

File Name: CTOCUCLS.pls (Package Specification), CTOCUCLB.pls (Package Body)
Procedure Name: catalog_desc_method

You can alter the default behavior in two ways:

  1. Change the return value of this function to Y,, to roll up the child model descriptions to the parent models.

  2. Change the return value of this function (catalog_desc_method) to C. In this case, add custom code to the procedure, user_catalog_desc, to obtain a customized description.

The procedure, user_catalog_desc, has three parameters:

p_params is a record type and contains the following two elements:

p_catalog_dtls is a table of records that contains the following two elements:

Update p_catalog_dtls(i).cat_element_value with an appropriate value of the corresponding cat_element_name.

Note: While creating configured items, CTO does not call the procedure, CTO_CUSTOM_CATALOG_DESC.user_catalog_desc, for the ATO models that are not associated with catalog groups.

Copy Category Sets

As standard functionality, CTO adds the configuration item to all category sets to which its base model belongs, except the Sales and Marketing category. CTO provides a customizable package to enable users to add the configuration item to Sales and Marketing category sets, if needed. Details of the package are as follows:

File Name: CTOCUCTS.pls (Package specification),  CTOCUCTB.pls (Package body)
Function Name: COPY_CATEGORY

Function copy_category has following parameters:

It returns value 1 (add to category set) or 0 (Do not add to category set)

You can add the configuration item to the Sales and marketing category by changing the return value of the package to 1. By default, the package returns 1 for all category sets except sales and mktg category set. Alternatively, you can choose not to add confiuration to another category set by changing the return value to 0.

Note: Copying the Sales and Marketing category to the configuration item makes the configuration item available to you in all CRM applications, including Sales Opportunities. Generally, this should not be copied.

Custom Numbering Method

CTO provides three standard configuration numbering methods and a custom user defined numbering method. CTO provides two packages for the custom numbering method to enable you to use custom numbering for both sales order created and preconfigured items.

To generate custom numbers for configurations created from sales orders, add your custom code to the BOMPCFGI package. Details of the package are as follows:

File Name: BOMCFGIB.pls
Package Name: BOMPCFGI
Function Name: user_item_number
Function user_item_number accepts model_line_id as input parameter and returns name of the item in varchar2.

To generate custom numbers for lower level configurations of preconfigured items, add your custom code to CTO_CUSTOM_CONFIG_NUMBER package. Details of the package are as follows:

File Name: CTOCUCNB.pls

Function USER_ITEM_NUMBER has following parameters :

Model_item_id in Number,
Model_line_id in Number,
Param1 inVarchar2
Param2 inVarchar2
Param3 inVarchar2
Param4 inVarchar2
Param5 inVarchar2

Input parameters param1 to param5 are for future use.

If you want to use the same numbering logic for both sales order and preconfigured cases, you should put all custom code in CTOCUCNB.pls. Then create code in BOMCFGIB.pls calling CTO_CUSTOM_CONFIG_NUMBER.user_item_number

(model_line_id => model_line_id,model_item_id => null);

Note: If you want to have different logic for autocreate and pre-config cases, you can still achieve it by putting all custom logic in CTOCUCNB.pls, because the input to the API will be different. For autocreate cases, model_line_id parameter will be NOT NULL and model_item_id will be NULL. For preconfig cases, model_line_id parameter will be NULL and model_item_id will be NOT NULL.

Custom Purchase Price Rollups

By default, CTO calculates both list price and blanket prices for purchased configurations. CTO provides two custom packages to enable you to modify the way that the price rollup is done.

CTO_CUSTOME_LIST_PRICE_PK.get_list_price can be used to implement customized buy price calculation that will be inserted in the list price of the configuration instead of the rolled-up price otherwise calculated by the system. Details of the package are as follows:

File Name: CTOCULPB.pls
Function Name: get_list_price
Function get_list_price has following parameters

And returns the price as a number.

CTO_CUSTOM_PURCHASE_PRICE_PK.Get_Purchase_price can be used to implement customized buy price calculations based on vendor, vendor site (there must be a valid ASL defined for the vendor, vendor site). This price calculation will be done instead of the standard blanket price rollup.

Function Name: Get_Purchase_price

Function Get_Purchase_price has following parameters:

P_item_id in Number,
P_vendor_id in Number,
P_Vendor_site_id in Number

This is a Boolean function.

If this function is taking care of creating vendor based price it should return TRUE; otherwise it should return FALSE. By default it will always return FALSE.

Note: If this function returns TRUE it is assumed that the vendor based price calculation and creating blanket or other document is done by this procedure.

Match Configurations

Cto_custom_match_pk can be used to customize the logic to be used for finding matches to existing configurations. Details of the package are as follows:

File Name: CTOCUSMB.pls
Procedure Name: .find_matching_config

Function find_matching configurations has the following parameters:

If the function succeeds, it should return the inventory_item_id of the matched item that should be returned in xMatchedItemId. If the function fails other out parameters can be used to return the details of the error.

Custom Check Supply Creation API

CTO has a new custom API to check if CTO can create supply.

This logic is executed when the workflow passes through the Check Supply Creation node, and during un-reservation if the workflow is already at the Ship node.

Custom API is called as part of a private API CTO_UTILITY_PK.cto_can_create_supply( ) before executing the default logic.

The signature for the API is as follows:



P_in_params_rec        IN          CTO_CUSTOM_SUPPLY_CHECK_PK.in_params_rec_type,
X_out_params_rec       OUT NOCOPY  CTO_CUSTOM_SUPPLY_CHECK_PK.out_params_rec_type,

The in_params_rec_type is a pl/sql record structure having following attributes:

The out_params_rec_type is a pl/sql record structure has the following attribute:

Excepted return values:

Custom Recipients for Create Configuration Error Notifications

When an error is encountered during the create configuration process, a notification is sent to specific users. A custom hook is provided for you to override the default recipients and provide notifications to different users.

The signature for the custom hook is as follows:

The following lookup values are supported for the Configuration_Exception lookup type.

If the API returns null, CTO sends notifications to the default recipients intended for the error type.

Related Topics

Configuration Creation Error Handling