C H A P T E R  4

Configuring the JavaRConsole System

This chapter describes how to set up the JavaRConsole system to deliver the mass storage drivers and Windows Server media for operating system installation.

Note - If you have chosen both the Diskette Local and Windows Local delivery methods in Chapter 2, proceed to Chapter 5.

The following sections are included in this chapter:

You have to set up a JavaRConsole system if you chose any one of the following mass storage driver or Windows media delivery methods described in Chapter 2:

Note - This procedure does not provide detailed instructions for configuring the system that is running the JavaRConsole (also known as the ILOM Remote Console). See the Sun Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) documentation for details configuring your system to run ILOM on the JavaRConsole. (Note that there are multiple versions of ILOM; be sure to refer to the guide that matches your server’s installed version of ILOM.).

JavaRConsole System Requirements

The JavaRConsole system refers to the system that is hosting the JavaRConsole (ILOM Remote Console application).

The requirements for the JavaRConsole system are:

Note - This procedure assumes that the JavaRConsole system and ILOM service processor have been set up according to the instructions in the Sun Integrated Lights Out Manager documentation. (Note that there are multiple versions of ILOM, be sure to refer to the guide that matches your server’s installed version of ILOM.).

Setting Up the JavaRConsole System

To set up the JavaRConsole system, use the following procedure.

procedure icon  To Set Up the JavaRConsole System

1. Start the ILOM web interface by typing the IP address of the Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) service processor into a browser on the JavaRConsole system.

FIGURE 4-1 URL Sample

Screen shot of URL sample in browser

The Security Alert dialog box appears.

FIGURE 4-2 Security Alert Dialog Box

Screen shot of Security Alert dialog box

2. Click Yes.

The ILOM login screen appears.

FIGURE 4-3 Login Screen

Screen shot of Login screen

3. Enter the user name and password, and then click Log In.

The default user name is root and default password is changeme.

The ILOM Version page appears.

FIGURE 4-4 ILOM Version Page

Screen shot of ILOM Version page

4. Click the Remote Control tab.

The Launch Redirection page appears.

Note - Ensure that the mouse mode is set to Absolute. Under the Remote Control tab, click the Mouse Mode Settings tab, select Absolute from the drop-down menu, and click Save.

FIGURE 4-5 ILOM Remote Control - Redirection Page

Screen shot of ILOM Remote Control - Redirection page

5. Select the Redirection tab and then click Launch Redirection.

Note - When using a Windows system for JavaRConsole system redirection, an additional warning displays after clicking Launch Redirection. If the Hostname Mismatch dialog box displays, click the Yes button.

FIGURE 4-6 Hostname Mismatch Dialog Box

Screen shot of Hostname Mismatch dialog box

The Remote Control Login Dialog box appears.

FIGURE 4-7 Remote Control Login Dialog Box

Screen shot of Remote Control Login dialog box

6. In the Remote Control Login dialog box, enter your user name and password and click OK.

The default user name is root and the password is changeme.

After the login is successful, the JavaRConsole screen appears.

FIGURE 4-8 JavaRConsole Devices Menu

Screen shot of JavaRConsole Devices menu

7. From the Devices menu, select one diskette item and/or one CD item according to the delivery method you have chosen.

caution icon Caution - Using the CD-ROM Remote or CD-ROM Image options to install the Windows Server will significantly increase the time necessary to perform the installation as the content of the CD-ROM is accessed over the network. The installation duration will depend on the network connectivity and traffic.