C H A P T E R  3

Powering On the System

This chapter includes instructions for booting the Sun Fire T1000 system and for enabling the system controller network management port.

The following topics are discussed:

Powering On the System for the First Time

System Console

When you power on the system, the boot process begins under the control of the system console. The system console displays status and error messages generated by firmware-based tests during system startup.

Note - To see these status and error messages, connect a terminal or terminal emulator to the serial management port (SERIAL MGT). For a basic procedure to connect a terminal or terminal emulator, see To Power On the System for the First Time.

For a more detailed discussion on configuring the system console and connecting terminals, refer to the Sun Fire T1000 Server Administration Guide.

ALOM-CMT System Controller

After the system console finishes its low-level system diagnostics, the ALOM-CMT System Controller initializes and runs a higher level of diagnostics. When you access the ALOM-CMT System Controller using a device connected to the serial management port, you see the output of the ALOM-CMT diagnostics.

By default, the network management port is configured to automatically retrieve network configuration using Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) and to allow connections using Secure Shell (SSH).

Note - If you are unable to use DHCP and SSH on your network, you must connect to the ALOM-CMT System Controller using the serial management port to reconfigure the network management port. See To Configure the System Controller Network Management Port.

Once the network management port (NET MGT) has been assigned an IP address, you can connect to the ALOM-CMT System Controller using Telnet or SSH.


There is no default password when connecting to the ALOM-CMT System Controller for the first time using the serial management port. To set the admin password, see To Log In To the System Controller Using the Serial Management Port.

When connecting to the ALOM-CMT System Controller using the network management port for the first time, the default password is the last 8 digits of the chassis serial number. The serial number is located on the rear of the server. It is also printed on the system information sheet that shipped with the server.

procedure icon  To Power On the System for the First Time

Tip - The serial terminal or a terminal emulator should be connected before you connect the power cables. As soon as AC power is connected to the system, the system controller immediately powers on and runs diagnostics. Diagnostic test failures are printed on the serial terminal. For more information, refer to the Advanced Lights Out Management (ALOM) CMT v1.2 Guide.

1. Connect a terminal or a terminal emulator (PC or workstation) to the SC serial management port.

Configure the terminal or terminal emulator with these settings:

2. Turn on the terminal or terminal emulator.

3. Connect the AC power cable to the Sun Fire T1000 server and watch the terminal for system messages.

FIGURE 3-1 AC Connector

Image showing the rear panel.

After the system controller boots, the system controller login prompt is displayed on the serial console. The following example shows a partial output from the system controller boot sequence leading to the login prompt.

CODE EXAMPLE 3-1 Boot Sequence Example
ALOM Build Release: 000
Reset register: f0000000 EHRS ESRS LLRS SWRS
Dual Port Memory Test, PASSED.
TTY External - Internal Loopback Test
TTY External - Internal Loopback Test, PASSED.
TTYC - Internal Loopback Test
TTYC - Internal Loopback Test, PASSED.
Full VxDiag Tests - PASSED
     Status summary  -  Status = 7FFF
        VxDiag    -          -  PASSED
        POST      -          -  PASSED
        LOOPBACK  -          -  PASSED
        I2C       -          -  PASSED
        EPROM     -          -  PASSED
        FRU PROM  -          -  PASSED
        ETHERNET  -          -  PASSED
        MAIN CRC  -          -  PASSED
        BOOT CRC  -          -  PASSED
        TTYD      -          -  PASSED
        TTYC      -          -  PASSED
        MEMORY    -          -  PASSED
        MPC885    -          -  PASSED

Note - If it receives no user input within 60 seconds, the ALOM-CMT System Controller console automatically connects to the system console.

Logging In To the ALOM-CMT System Controller

You can log in to the system controller through either the serial management port or the network management port.

procedure icon  To Log In To the System Controller Using the Serial Management Port

After the system controller boots, you can access the ALOM-CMT command-line interface to configure and manage the system.

The sc prompt is displayed the first time the system controller is booted. The default configuration provides an ALOM-CMT user account called admin. There is no default password, so you must create a password using the system controller password command.

1. If this is the first time the system has been powered on, use the password command to set the admin password.

sc> password
password: Changing password for admin
Setting password for admin.
New password: new-password
Re-enter new password: new-password

After the admin password has been set, on subsequent reboots, the sc login prompt is displayed.

2. Enter admin for the login name followed by your password.

Please login: admin
Please Enter password: password
	(Press Return twice) 

procedure icon  To Log In To the System Controller Using the Network Management Port

The SC network management port is configured by default to retrieve network settings via DHCP and allow connections using SSH.

After the network management port (NET MGT) has been assigned an IP address by a DHCP server, you can connect to the ALOM-CMT System Controller using SSH.

Note - If you are unable to use DHCP and SSH on your network, you must connect to the ALOM-CMT System Controller using the serial management port to reconfigure the network management port. See To Configure the System Controller Network Management Port.

1. Open a Telnet or SSH session and connect to the system controller by specifying its network address.

The following example shows a telnet session.

% telnet 129.xxx.xx.xx
Trying 129.xxx.xx.xx...
Connected to 129.xxx.xx.xx.
Escape character is '^]'.
Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
Sun(tm) Advanced Lights Out Manager 1.0.11 ()
Please login:

2. Login as admin using the password you previously set.

Please login: admin
Please Enter password: password

procedure icon  To Configure the System Controller Network Management Port

Note - If your network allows the use of DHCP and SSH, this configuration is performed automatically at the first time you boot the system.

Use this procedure only if:

In this procedure you connect to the ALOM-CMT System Controller using the serial management port to manually reconfigure the network management port.

Note - For more information on configuring ALOM-CMT, refer to the Advanced Lights Out Management (ALOM) CMT Guide.

You set these network parameters according to the specific details of your network configuration:

To configure these parameters, use the setsc command. The usage is:

sc> setsc parameter

1. Set the if_network parameter to true.

sc> setsc if_network true

2. Set the if_connection parameter to the connection type, either telnet or ssh.

sc> setsc if_connection value

where the value can be one of the following:

See the ALOM-CMT v1.2 guide for more information about SSH support in ALOM-CMT.

3. Choose one of these methods to configure the system controller using information from your network administrator:

4. If you choose to use DHCP, set netsc_dhcp to true.

sc> setsc netsc_dhcp true

Go to Step 6.

5. If you choose to use a static IP configuration, set the parameters netsc_ipaddr, netsc_ipgateway, and netsc_ipnetmask, as follows.

a. Set the IP address for the system controller.

sc> setsc netsc_ipaddr service-processor-IPaddr

b. Set the IP address for the system controller gateway.

sc> setsc netsc_ipgateway gateway-IPaddr

c. Set the netmask for the system controller.

sc> setsc netsc_ipnetmask

This example uses to set the netmask. Your network environment subnet might require a different netmask. Use a netmask number most appropriate to your environment.

6. Use the showsc command to verify that the parameters were set correctly.

sc> showsc
Advanced Lights Out Manager CMT v1.2
parameter                value
---------                -----
if_network               true
if_connection            ssh
if_emailalerts           false
netsc_dhcp               true
netsc_ipaddr             xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
sc_escapechars           #.
sc_powerondelay          false
sc_powerstatememory      false
sc_clipasswdecho         true
sc_cliprompt             sc
sc_clitimeout            0
sc_clieventlevel         2
sc_backupuserdata        true
diag_trigger             power-on-reset error-reset
diag_verbosity           normal
diag_level               max
diag_mode                normal
sys_autorunonerror       false
ser_baudrate             9600
ser_parity               none
ser_stopbits             1
ser_data                 8
netsc_enetaddr           xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
sys_enetaddr             yy:yy:yy:yy:yy:yy

Note - After setting the configuration parameters, you must reset the system controller for the new values to take affect. See To Reset the System Controller.

procedure icon  To Reset the System Controller

single-step bulletIssue the resetsc command.

You are prompted to confirm that you want to reset the system controller. Type y when prompted.

sc> resetsc
Are you sure you want to reset the SC [y/n]? y
User Requested SC Shutdown

Note - To bypass the confirmation message, specify the -y flag to the resetsc command.

The system controller resets, runs diagnostics, and returns to the login prompt.

Dual Port Memory Test, PASSED.
TTY External - Internal Loopback Test
          TTY External - Internal Loopback Test, PASSED.
TTYC - Internal Loopback Test
          TTYC - Internal Loopback Test, PASSED.
TTYD - Internal Loopback Test
          TTYD - Internal Loopback Test, PASSED.
Full VxDiag Tests - PASSED
    Status summary  -  Status = 7FFF
       VxDiag    -          -  PASSED
       POST      -          -  PASSED
       LOOPBACK  -          -  PASSED
       I2C       -          -  PASSED
       EPROM     -          -  PASSED
       FRU PROM  -          -  PASSED
       ETHERNET  -          -  PASSED
       MAIN CRC  -          -  PASSED
       BOOT CRC  -          -  PASSED
       TTYD      -          -  PASSED
       TTYC      -          -  PASSED
       MEMORY    -          -  PASSED
       MPC885    -          -  PASSED
Please login:

Using the ALOM-CMT System Controller for Common Operations

Note - For more information on using ALOM-CMT, refer to the Advanced Lights Out Management (ALOM) CMT Guide.

procedure icon  To Initiate the Power On Sequence

Powering on the system requires you to use the poweron command at the SC console.

single-step bulletTo initiate the power-on sequence, issue the poweron command.

You see an sc> alert message on the system console. This indicates that the system has reset.

sc> poweron
SC Alert: Host System has Reset

procedure icon  To Connect to the System Console

Output from POST, OpenBoot, and the Solaris OS is displayed in the system console using the console command on the system controller.

single-step bulletExecute the console command, and use the -f option to force the console to be attached to your session.

Multiple users can be connected to the console, but only one can be attached.

sc> console -f
#. (Enter #. to return to ALOM)

Example of a Normal System Initialization

After you issue the poweron command, the CPU and memory controllers initialize and eventually OpenBoot initializes. After a number of system messages, the ok prompt appears.

The example output below is a small section of the complete output.

et5-sc> poweron -c
Enter #. to return to ALOM
SC Alert: Host System has Reset
0:0>@(#) ERIE Integrated POST 4.x.0.build_12-erie 2005/06/14 12:19 
       /export/common-source/firmware_re/ontario-fireball_fio/build_12/erie-build_12/post/Niagara/erie/integrated  (firmware_re)  
0:0>Copyright © 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved
  Use is subject to license terms.
0:0>VBSC selecting POST MAX Testing.
0:0>VBSC enabling L2 Cache.
0:0>VBSC enabling Full Memory Scrub.
Find dropin, Copying Done, Size 0000.0000.0000.1110 
Find dropin, (copied), Decompressing Done, Size 0000.0000.0006.06e0 ^Qcpu cpu cpu cpu cpu cpu cpu cpu cpu cpu cpu cpu cpu cpu cpu cpu cpu cpu cpu cpu cpu cpu cpu cpu cpu cpu cpu cpu vpci mem32base, mem64base, cfgbase: e800000000 e000000000 e900000000 
pci /pci@780: Device 0 pci pci 
/pci@780/pci@0: Device 0 Nothing there
/pci@780/pci@0: Device 1 pci pci 
/pci@7c0/pci@0: Device a Nothing there
/pci@7c0/pci@0: Device b Nothing there
/pci@7c0/pci@0: Device c Nothing there
/pci@7c0/pci@0: Device d Nothing there
/pci@7c0/pci@0: Device e Nothing there
/pci@7c0/pci@0: Device f Nothing there
Probing I/O buses
Sun Fire T1000, No Keyboard
Copyright 1998-2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
OpenBoot FW build_11***PROTOTYPE_BUILD***, 16376 MB memory installed, Serial #51454515.
[firmware obp4.x #0]
Ethernet address 0:3:ba:ce:a1:3d, Host ID: 83112233.
{0} ok

To understand the various devices and their path names as represented in the OpenBoot device tree, refer to TABLE 3-1. The table identifies each of the devices, their full path name, and their location or NAC name used to identify their physical location.

TABLE 3-1 Sun Fire T1000 Device List



Device Path (Location)



/cpu@n, where n = {0..31}











































Booting the Solaris Operating System

The Solaris OS is preinstalled on the disk drive (for Sun Fire T1000 configurations that include a hard drive). The Solaris OS is not configured. If you boot the system from this drive, you will be prompted to configure the Solaris OS for your environment.

procedure icon  To Boot the Solaris Operating System

single-step bulletType the boot command at the ok prompt.

You must append a target to the disk path. For example, the target can be disk0 or a device or network path.

In the following example, the system is booted from disk 0 (zero).

ok boot disk0 
Boot device: /pci@7c0/pci@0/pci@8/scsi@2/disk@0,0
File and args:
Notice: Unimplemented procedure 'encode-unit' in /pci@7c0/pci@0/pci@2/pci@0/LSILogic,sas@4
Loading ufs-file-system package 1.4 04 Aug 1995 13:02:54.
FCode UFS Reader 1.12 00/07/17 15:48:16.
Loading: /platform/SUNW,Ontario/ufsboot
Loading: /platform/sun4v/ufsboot
Hostname: wgs94-181
The system is coming up. Please wait.
NIS domain name is Ecd.East.Sun.COM
starting rpc services: rpcbind keyserv ypbind done.
Setting netmask of lo0 to
Setting netmask of bge0 to
Setting default IPv4 interface for multicast: add net 224.0/4: gateway wgs94-181
syslog service starting.
volume management starting.
Creating new rsa public/private host key pair
Creating new dsa public/private host key pair
The system is ready.
wgs94-181 console login:

procedure icon  (Optional) To Reset the System

single-step bulletIf it is necessary to reset the system, use the uadmin command.

# uadmin 2 1

Note - Do not power the system off and on.

procedure icon  To Power Cycle the System

If a simple reset does not clear a system problem, you can power the system off and on with this procedure.

1. Halt the Solaris OS.

At the Solaris OS prompt, issue the uadmin command to halt the Solaris OS and to return to the ok prompt.

# uadmin 2 0
WARNING: proc_exit: init exited
syncing file systems... done
Program terminated

2. Switch from the system console prompt to the SC console prompt by typing the #. escape sequence.

ok #.

3. Using the SC console, type the poweroff command.

sc> poweroff -fy
SC Alert: SC Request to Power Off Host Immediately.

4. Type the poweron command.

sc> poweron
sc> SC Alert: Host System has Reset

5. Reconnect to the system console using the console command.

sc> console -f
Enter #. to return to ALOM.

The systems displays various messages, followed by the ok prompt.