Solstice AdminSuite 2.3 Administration Guide

How to Add a Multihomed Host

  1. Start Host Manager from the Solstice Launcher and select the name service, if not done already.

    See "How to Start Host Manager" for more information.

  2. Select Add from the Edit menu on the Host Manager main window.

    The Add window is displayed.

  3. Enter the name of the host you wish to add another IP address to in the Host Name field provided and press the tab key to advance to the next field.

    The Host Manager: Add window condenses to a smaller window where the only field you can change is the IP Address field and System Type: indicates that it is a Multihomed host.

  4. Enter the additional IP Address and click on the OK button.

    You will see that in the Host Manager main window, the host that you made a multihomed host is listed twice.

  5. Choose the Save Changes option from the File menu.

Example of a Completed Add Window for a Multihomed Host
