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Sun ONE Meta-Directory 5.1 Configuration and Administration Guide


About This Guide

What You are Expected to Know
The Sun ONE Meta-Directory Documentation Set
Organization of This Guide
Documentation Conventions
Typographic Conventions
Where to Find Additional Information

Part 1 Getting Started

Chapter 1

Meta-Directory Overview

What is Meta-Directory?
Meta-Directory Components
Direct Connectors
Indirect Connectors
Join Engine
Join Process
Meta-Directory Views
Meta View
Connector Views
How Meta-Directory Works

Chapter 2

Quick Start

Chapter 3

Meta-Directory Principles at Work

The LDIF Data File
The CSV Data File
The Oracle Database
Background Information
Configuration of Connectors and Join Process Rules
Flowing LDIF Data to the Connector View
Flowing LDAP Data to the Meta View
Constructing an Attribute
Mapping Attribute Flow Rules
Creating the Entry's Distinguished Name
Mapping CSV Data to LDAP Using the UTP
Mapping CSV Data to LDAP Attributes
Mapping LDAP Attributes to the Connector View
Flowing LDAP-configured CSV Data to the Meta View
Mapping LDAP-configured CSV Data to the Meta View
Flowing Oracle Data to the Meta View
Configuring the Oracle Database as a Recognizable Data Server
Constructing an Attribute for the Oracle Database
Creating Attribute Flow Rules for the Oracle Database
Creating DN Mapping Rules for the Oracle Database
Integration of the Data With Join Rules
Applying Rules to the Participating View

Chapter 4

The Console Interface

Sun ONE Console application
To Access A Console page
iPlanet Console application
Console Pages
iPlanet Administration Server Console page
Sun ONE Administration Server Console page
iPlanet Directory Server Console page
Sun ONE Meta-Directory Console page

Part 2 The Join Engine

Chapter 5

Configuring The Join Engine

What is the Join Engine?
Creating the Join Engine Instance
To Create a Join Engine Instance
To Remove a Join Engine Instance
What is the Join Process?
Join Process Rules and Rule Sets
Rule Sets
Join Process Rules
Optional Token Assignments (Format Operator)
Selection Criteria (Requirements Operator)
To Compose Entry Conditions
To Compose Attribute Conditions
To Compose Language Tagged Attribute Conditions
Combining Conditions
Distinguished Name Construction/Join Filter/Attribute Construction (Substitution Operator)
Configuring the Join Process
Join Rules
Working With Join Rules
To Create New Rules
To Edit Rules
To Delete Rules
To Create A New Rule Set Name
To Assign Members to a Rule Set
To Delete Members from a Rule Set
To Delete a Rule Set
To Test a Rule
Constructed Attributes
Working With Constructed Attributes
To Name a New Constructed Attribute
To Create a Rule for a New Constructed Attribute
To Edit a Rule
To Delete a Rule
To Delete an Attribute
Attribute Flow Rules
Working With Attribute Flow
To Add a New Rule
To Add Attribute Mappings
To Edit a Rule
To Delete a Rule
To Create a New Rule Set
To Assign a Rule to the New Rule Set
To Delete a Rule From a Rule Set
To Delete a Rule Set
Attribute Flow Summary
Language Subtype Tagged Attributes
Working With Filters
To Create a New Filter
To Add a Subtree Filter
To Add an Entry Filter to the Subtree
To Remove a Subtree Filter
To Remove an Entry Filter
To Delete a Filter
Distinguished Name Mapping Rules
Working With DN Mapping Rules
To Add a New Rule
To Edit a Rule
To Delete a Rule
To Create a New Rule Set
To Assign a Rule to a Rule Set
To Edit a Rule Set
To Delete a Rule Set
Data Servers
Enabling UTF8 Character Flow Support
Enabling UTF8 in the Oracle database Connector
Enabling UTF8 in Indirect Connectors
Enabling UTF8 for Direct Connectors
Operational Configuration for the Join Engine

Chapter 6

Views in Meta-Directory

Connector Views
To Add a Connector View Instance
To Remove a Connector View Instance
Providing a Connector View Description
Meta View
Providing a Meta View Description
To Provide Descriptive Information for a Meta View
Creating New Data in the Meta View
To Create an Entry in the Meta View
To Create a Group in the Meta View
To Create an Organization in the Meta View
To Modify an Entry in the Meta View
Participating Views
To Add a Participating View
To Remove a Participating View
Configuring a Participating View
To Configure a Participating View
Enabling a Participating View
To Enable a Participating View
Checking Entry Links
Refreshing the Views
Refreshing Meta Views
To Refresh the Meta View
Refreshing the External Data or Connector View
To Refresh External Data or the Connector View

Part 3 Meta-Directory Connectors

Chapter 7

Connectors and Connector Rules

Direct Connectors
Indirect Connectors
The Universal Connector and Universal Text Parser
The Windows NT Domain Connector
Active Directory Connector
Exchange Connector
Novell Directory Connector
Lotus Notes Connector
Indirect Connector Rules
Attribute Flow Rules
Default Attribute Value Rules
Filter Rules
Attribute Flow Rules
Granularity and Ownership
To Configure an Attribute Flow Rule
To Change a Configuration
Default Attribute Value Rules
To Configure Default Attribute Values
Filter Rules
To Add a New Filter
To Remove an RDN for an Entry
To Remove a Subtree DN
To Delete a Filter

Chapter 8

Configuring The Universal Connector

Function of the Universal Connector
Creating a Universal Connector Instance
To remove a connector instance
Configuring a Universal Connector Instance
To specify how updates are handled
To configure the schedule from and to connector views
To configure attributes for log files
To add external attributes for connectors
To include scripts for the Universal Text Connector
Restarting a Connector Instance
Implementing the Configuration
Starting the Join Engine
To start the join engine
Enabling the Connector View
Refreshing the View

Chapter 9

Configuring the Universal Text Parser

An Overview of the Universal Text Parser
Universal Text Parser Modules
The task.cfg Configuration File
Pre-configured Configuration Files
Non-Conforming Formats
Setting Up the Universal Text Parser
Creating a task.cfg File for Comma-Separated Value Data Files
Before You Begin
Creating the File
Creating a task.cfg File for Name-Value Pair Data Files
Before You Begin
Creating the File
Creating a task.cfg File for LDIF Data Files
Before You Begin
Creating the File

Chapter 10

Configuring the NT Domain Connector

Installing the Connector
To create an NT Domain Connector instance
To set connector parameters during instance creation
To set connector parameters from the configuration file
To add the instance as a participating view
To provide authorization
Configuring a Participating connector view
Creating Users
To create an NT Domain user in the meta view
To modify an NT Domain user in the meta view
Configuring Connector Rules
Configuring a Connector Instance
Activating the Configuration
Implementing the Configuration
Starting the Join Engine
To start the join engine
Enabling the Connector View
Refreshing the View
Monitoring the Connector
Data Flow for User and Group Entries
User Entries
Group Entries
Running the Connector from a Non-PDC Host
Configuration Example
Install the Connector
Configure Connector Rules
Configure a Connector Instance
Restart the Connector Instance

Chapter 11

Configuring the Active Directory Connector

Installing the Connector
To install the Active Directory Server Interface (ADSI) package (For NT 4 only)
To add a connector view instance
To set configuration parameters during instance creation
To set configuration parameters from the configuration file
To add the instance as a participating view
To provide authorization
Configuring a Participating Connector View
Creating Users
To create an Active Directory user in the meta view
To modify an Active Directory user in the meta view
Configuring Connector Rules
Configuring a Connector Instance
Restarting the Connector Instance
Implementing the Configuration
Starting the Join Engine
To start the join engine
Enabling the Connector View
Refreshing the View
Monitoring the Connector
Data Flow for User and Group Entries
User Entries
Group Entries
Configuration Example
Install the Connector
Configure Connector Rules
Configure a Connector Instance
Restart the Connector Instance

Chapter 12

Configuring the Database Connector

Before You Begin
Creating the Data Server
Configuring the Data Server
To invoke the Data Servers window
To add a new database server
To provide data server information
To delete a data server
Running the Configuration Script
Adding a Connector View Instance
To add the instance
To delete the instance
Adding the Instance as a Participating View
To add a participating connector view
To remove a participating connector view
Configuring a Connector View
Creating Constructed Attribute Rules
Creating Attribute Flow Rules
Creating DN Mapping Rules
Creating join filters
Configuring a Participating Connector View
Starting the Join Engine
To start the join engine
Enabling the Connector View
Monitoring the Connector View
Configuration Example
Create the Data Server
Configure the Participating Connector View
Changing Instrumentation
To add instrumentation
To remove instrumentation
Issuing Privileges
Script Generation
Script Execution
Synchronization of Instrumented Tables

Chapter 13

Configuring the Microsoft Exchange Connector

Installing the Connector
To install the Active Directory Server Interface (ADSI) package
To Add an Exchange Connector Instance
To set configuration parameters during instance creation
To set configuration parameters from the configuration file
To add the instance as a participating view
To provide authorization
Configuring a Participating Connector View
Creating Users
To create a Microsoft Exchange User in the Meta View
To modify a Microsoft Exchange user in the meta view
Configuring Connector Rules
Configuring a Connector Instance
Restarting the Connector Instance
Implementing the Configuration
Starting the Join Engine
To start the join engine
Enabling the Connector View
Refreshing the View
Monitoring the Connector
Data Flow for User and Group Entries
User Entries
Group Entries
Configuration Example
Install the Connector
Configure Connector Rules
Configure a Connector Instance
Restart the Connector Instance
Start the Join Engine
Enable the Connector View

Chapter 14

Configuring the Novell Directory Connector

Installing the Connector
To add a Novell Directory Connector Instance
To provide authorization
Configuring a Participating Connector View
To add the instance as a participating view
Creating Users
To create a Novell Directory User in the Meta View
To modify a Novell user in the meta view
Configuring Connector Rules
Attribute Flow
Granularity and Ownership
To add External Attributes for Novell Directory Connector
To Configure an Attribute Flow Rule
Object Class Flow
To add object classes for Novell Directory Connectors
To Configure an Object Class Flow Rule
Configuring a Novell Directory Connector Instance
Using the "General" tab
Using the "Schedule" tab
Using the "Log" tab
Using the "Attributes" tab
Using the "Object Classes" tab
Tuning Novell Directory Server for Search Performance
Restarting the Connector Instance
Enabling and Refreshing the Connector View
Monitoring the Connector
Data Flow for User and Group entries
Synchronizing Users using Novell Directory Specific Schema
Connector Configuration Data
Configuration Example

Chapter 15

Configuring the Lotus Notes Connector

Installing the Connector
To add a Lotus Notes Connector Instance
To provide authorization
Configuring a Participating Connector View
To add the instance as a participating view
Creating Users
To create a Lotus Notes User in the Meta View
To modify a Lotus Notes user in the meta view
Configuring Connector Rules
Attribute Flow
Granularity and Ownership
To add External Attributes for Lotus Notes connectors
To Configure an Attribute Flow Rule
Object Class Flow
To add object classes for Lotus Notes Connectors
To Configure an Object Class Flow Rule
Configuring a Lotus Notes Connector Instance
Using the "General" tab -
Using the "Schedule" tab
Using the "Log" tab
Using the "Attributes" tab
Using the "Object Classes" tab
Restarting the Connector Instance
Enabling and Refreshing the Connector View
Monitoring the Connector
Data Flow for User and Group entries.
Synchronizing Users using Lotus Notes Specific Schema
Connector Configuration Data
Configuration Example

Part 4 System Management

Chapter 16

Starting and Stopping Components

The start.conf File
Starting Meta-Directory Components
Starting Components Via the Consoles
To Start From the Sun ONE Console Navigation Tree
To Start From the Meta-Directory Console Navigation Tree
Starting Components Via the Meta-Admin Command-Line Tool
Stopping Meta-Directory Components
Stopping Components Via the Console
To Stop From the Sun ONE Console Navigation Tree
To Stop From the Meta-Directory Console Navigation Tree
Stopping Components Via the Meta-Admin Command-Line Tool
Stopping Components via Windows NT Services
Checking a Component's Operational Status
Automated Restarts
Automating a Restart on Windows NT Systems
Automating a Restart on Solaris Systems
Automating a Restart With High Security on Windows NT Systems

Chapter 17

Monitoring Meta-Directory Components

Join Engine Operations
Last Change Notification
Connector Operations
Updates to the
Log Files
Log Window Options
Lines to Show
Show Only Lines Containing
Starting at
Specifying Log File Preferences
Working within the Log Window
Statistics and Status Messages

Chapter 18

Administration Tools

The Query Tool
To Access the Query Tool
To Do a Search
Extensive Searches
Constructing a Search With an LDAP Filter
Customizing the Query Tool
Viewing a Selected Entry
Customizing Column Headers
Sorting the Display of Entries
To Specify Language Preferences
Customizing Content Selection Filters
To Create a New Content Selection Filter
Customizing Linkage Selection Filters
Accessing the Linkage Selection Filters Window
To Create a New Linkage Selection Filter
To Edit a Linkage Selection Filter
Query Tool Keyboard Shortcuts
The Fix-It Tool
Accessing the Fix-It Tool
To Link an Existing Entry to a New Entry
To Join, Unlink, or Exclude Entries
To Refresh a Current Entry
To view and modify an entry
Customizing the Fix-It Tool
Fix-It Tool Shortcuts
Command Line Access of the Query/Fix-It Tool
To Invoke the Query/Fix-It Tool
The Property Editor
To Alter the Properties for Members

Chapter 19

Command-Line Administration

The Meta-Admin Tool
The Meta-Admin Tool Syntax
Meta-Admin Tool Command-Line Options
Meta-Admin Tool Input
Meta-Admin Tool Responses

Chapter 20

Managing Servers and Permissions

Configuring Data Servers
Accessing the Data Servers Window
To Add a New Data Server
To Test a Data Server Connection
To Delete a Data Server
Setting Access Permissions
To Set Access Permissions

Part 5 Appendices

Appendix A

The Join Process Operators

Format Operators
Requirements Operators
Combining Requirements Operators
Substitution Operators
Generic Operators

Appendix B

The Meta-Admin Protocol

The Protocol Requests
Session Attributes
The Server URL Attribute
The Configuration and Authentication Attributes
Error Responses

Appendix C

Troubleshooting Meta-Directory

Verifying End-to-End Flow
Viewing Link Information
Checking Operational Status
Status Window
Statistics Window
Data Server Test Connect Button
Examining Log Files
Turning Off UID Uniqueness
Fixing Join Problems
Fixing Data Flow Problems
Fixing Large Synchronization Failures
Common Problems

Directory Server

Appendix D

Error Messages

Join Engine Messages
Universal Connector Messages
Novell and Notes Connector Error Mesages

Appendix E

Data Conversion

Need for the tool
Setting the Environment Variables
Windows machines:
Solaris machines
Converting LDIF data to UDEF data:
Converting UDEF data to LDIF data:
Known Issues & Limitations

Appendix F



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