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Oracle® Server CLI Tools User's Guide
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Document Information

Using This Documentation

Oracle Server CLI Tools Overview

CLI Tools Command Syntax and Conventions

Using the biosconfig Tool

Using the ubiosconfig Tool

Using the fwupdate Tool

fwupdate Overview

fwupdate Command Prerequsite

Downloading Firmware Files

Automatic and Manual Update Modes

Host-to-ILOM Interconnect

fwupdate Command Overview

fwupdate Command-Line Interface

Automatic Mode fwupdate Command-Line Interface

Manual Mode fwupdate Command-Line Interface

list Subcommand

update Subcommand

Automatic Mode update Subcommand

Manual Mode update Subcommand

reset Subcommand

fwupdate Network Based Service Processor Options

How to Use fwupdate to Update an Oracle ILOM Service Processor

Execution Summary

Using the raidconfig Tool

Using the ilomconfig Tool

Using the hwmgmtcli Tool

Using the zoningcli Tool

Using ipmitool for Windows

CLI Tools Error Codes


How to Use fwupdate to Update an Oracle ILOM Service Processor

The following example shows how to use fwupdate to update an Oracle ILOM service processor and system BIOS or OBP with new firmware. You can use fwupdate to update either the local service processor or a remote service processor. When using local update, fwupdate uses the fastest local interface available. If a Host-to-ILOM connection is available, then this fast connection is used, otherwise the KCS interface is used.


Caution  ‐ Loss of server functionality. Updating the service processor firmware incorrectly might damage the service processor.

Before You Begin

  1. To display information about the service processor and system BIOS firmware, do one of the following:
    • To list information about the local Oracle ILOM service processor and the system BIOS firmware, type the following command:

      fwupdate list sp_bios

    • To list information about an Oracle ILOM service processor and system BIOS firmware using a network connection, type the following command:

      fwupdate list sp_bios -H remote_ip -U ilom_user

      where remote_ip is the IP address of the service processor and ilom_user is the user name for logging in to the service processor.

      Enter the Oracle ILOM password when prompted.

    Output related to the target is displayed. For example the output from this command is similar to:

    SP + BIOS
    ID      Product Name           ILOM Version     BIOS/OBP Version  XML Support
    sp_bios SUN FIRE X4270 SERVER  v3.0.12.0 r64525 07060223          N/A

    Note ‐ When the ILOM and OBP are updated on a SPARC system, the system reboots the host automatically. Shut down cannot be disabled with the silent-no-reboot option.
  2. To update the Oracle ILOM service processor, choose the local or remote option:
    • Local: To update the local Oracle ILOM service processor, choose one of these steps:
      • If a metadata.xml file is available, type this command to use automatic mode:

        fwupdate update sp_bios -x metadata.xml

        where metadata.xml is the path to the metadata file.

        Note ‐ For x86 systems, you can also use the–-silent-reboot or –-silent-no-reboot commands after the .xml file to either automatically reboot or not reboot the server after the firmware update.
      • If metadata.xml file is not available, type this command to use manual mode:

        fwupdate update sp-bios-firmware -n sp_bios -f sp-bios-fimware-package-file.pkg

        where sp-bios-fimware-package-file.pkg is the path to the firmware file for your server's Oracle ILOM service processor.

    • Remote: To update an Oracle ILOM service processor using a network connection, do one of the following:
      • If a metadata.xml file is available, type this command to use automatic mode:

        fwupdate update sp_bios -x metadata.xml -H remote_ip -U ilom_user

        where metadata.xml is the path to the metadata file for your server's Oracle ILOM service processor.

        Note ‐ For x86 systems, you can also use the–-silent-reboot or –-silent-no-reboot commands after the .xml file to either automatically reboot or not reboot the server after the firmware update.
      • If a metadata.xml file is not available, type this command to use manual mode:

        fwupdate update sp-bios-firmware -n sp_bios -f sp-bios-fimware-package-file.pkg -H remote_ip -U ilom_user

        where sp-bios-fimware-package-file.pkg is the path to the firmware file for your server's Oracle ILOM service processor.

    The Oracle ILOM service processor is updated.

  3. Reboot the host server to initialize the BIOS update.
    • For SPARC systems: the host is automatically rebooted.
    • For x86 systems:
      • If the metadata file is available and you used the –-silent-reboot option with the fwupdate command, the system automatically reboots.
      • If the metadata file is available and the system does not automatically reboot, type y at the prompt:

        Do you wish to automatically reboot now? [y/n]?

      • If no metadata.xml file is available or the metadata file does not contain the reboot instructions, reboot the host server manually.

See Also