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Oracle Java CAPS Master Index Configuration Guide     Java CAPS Documentation
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Oracle Java CAPS Master Index Configuration Guide

Related Topics

Master Index Configuration Overview

About the Master Index Configuration Files










Modifying the Master Index XML Files Directly

Using the Master Index Master Index Configuration Editor








Match Configuration File (matchConfigFile.cfg)

Maintaining Version Control in the Master Index Configuration Files

Copying, Cutting, and Pasting Files

Configuring the Master Index Object Structure

Adding an Object to the Master Index Object Structure

To Add an Undefined Object (Configuration Editor)

To Add a Predefined Object (Configuration Editor)

To Add an Undefined Object (XML editor)

Modifying an Object's Name In the Master Index Object Definition

To Modify an Object's Name (Configuration Editor)

To Modify an Object's Name (XML Editor)

Deleting an Object From the Master Index Object Structure

To Delete an Object (Configuration Editor)

To Delete an Object (XML Editor)

Adding a Field to the Master Index Object Structure

To Add a Field (Configuration Editor)

To Add a Field (XML Editor)

Deleting a Field from the Master Index Object Structure

To Delete a Field (Configuration Editor)

To Delete a Field (XML Editor)

Modifying Master Field Properties

To Modify Field Properties (Configuration Editor)

To Modify Field Properties (XML Editor)

Defining Relationships Between Master Index Objects

To Define Object Relationships (XML Editor)

Master Index Field Properties and Name Restrictions

Master Index Field Name Restrictions

Master Index Configuration Editor Field Properties

Master Index Field Property Elements

Creating a Master Index Basic Query

To Create a Basic Query (Configuration Editor)

To Create a Basic Query (XML Editor)

Master Index Query Builder Dialog Box Fields and XML Elements

Creating Master Index Blocking Queries

To Create a Blocking Query (Configuration Editor)

To Create a Blocking Query (XML Editor)

Master Index Query Block Fields and XML Elements

Modifying Master Index Queries

Modifying a Master Index Query

To Modify a Basic Query (Configuration Editor)

To Modify a Query (XML Editor)

Adding a Query Block to a Master Index Query

To Add a Query Block (Configuration Editor)

To Add a Query Block (XML Editor)

Modifying a Query Block for a Master Index Query

To Modify a Query Block (Configuration Editor)

To Modify a Query Block (XML Editor)

Deleting a Query Block From a Master Index Query

To Delete a Query Block (Configuration Editor)

To Delete a Query Block (XML Editor)

Deleting a Master Index Query

To Delete a Query (Configuration Editor)

To Delete a Query

Configuring Master Index Processing Options

Specifying Master Index Custom Logic Classes

To Specify Custom Logic for External System Messages

To Specify Custom Logic for the Master Index Data Manager

Specifying the Master Index Update Mode

To Specify Potential Duplicates be Reevaluated at Each Update

To Specify Potential Duplicates not be Reevaluated at Each Update

Configuring Master Index Merged Record Updates

To Allow Merged Record Updates

To Prevent Merged Record Updates

Specifying the Master Index Blocking Query for Matching

To Specify the Blocking Query for Matching

Setting Master Index Blocking Query Options

To Set Blocking Query Options

Defining Master Index Transactional Support

To Configure the Master Index for Local Transactions

To Configure the Master Index to Distributed Transactions Across Applications

To Configure the Master Index for Distributed Transactions Within the Master Index Application Only

Configuring Matching Parameters

Specifying the Master Index Decision Maker Class

To Specify the Decision Maker Class

Defining How to Handle Multiple Assumed Matches (OneExactMatch)

To Create Potential Duplicates When Multiple Records Match

To Match the Highest Weighted Records When Multiple Records Match

Specifying Whether Same System Matches are Allowed (SameSystemMatch)

To Allow Same System Records to be Automatically Merged

To Prevent Same System Records From Being Automatically Merged

Specifying the Master Index Duplicate Threshold

To Specify the Duplicate Threshold (Configuration Editor)

To Specify the Duplicate Threshold (XML Editor)

Specifying the Master Index Match Threshold

To Specify the Match Threshold (Configuration Editor)

To Specify the Match Threshold (XML Editor)

Adding and Deleting Master Index Decision Maker Parameters

To Add a New Decision Maker Parameter

To Delete a Decision Maker Parameter

Configuring Master Index EUIDs

Specifying the Master Index EUID Generator Class

To Specify the EUID Generator Class

Specifying the Master Index EUID Length

To Specify the EUID Length

Specifying a Master Index Checksum Length

To Specify a Checksum Length

Specifying the Master Index Chunk Size

To Specify the Chunk Size

Adding and Deleting Master Index EUID Generator Parameters

To Add EUID Generator Parameters

To Delete EUID Generator Parameters

Defining Master Index Normalization Rules

Defining a Master Index Field to be Normalized

To Define a Field to be Normalized (Configuration Editor)

To Define a Field to be Normalized (XML Editor)

Master Index Normalization and Standardization Structure Properties

Master Index Variants Properties

Modifying a Master Index Normalization Definition

To Modify a Normalization Definition (Configuration Editor)

To Modify a Normalization Structure (XML Editor)

Deleting a Master Index Normalization Definition

To Delete a Normalization Definition

To Delete a Normalization Structure

Defining Master Index Standardization Rules

Defining Master Index Fields to be Standardized

To Define Fields to be Standardized (Configuration Editor)

To Define Fields to be Standardized (XML Editor)

Master Index Standardization Source and Target Field Elements

Modifying a Master Index Standardization Definition

To Modify a Standardization Definition (Configuration Editor)

To Modify a Standardization Definition (XML Editor)

Deleting a Master Index Standardization Definition

To Delete a Standardization Definition (Configuration Editor)

To Delete a Standardization Definition (Configuration Editor)

Defining Phonetic Encoding for the Master Index

Defining Master Index Fields for Phonetic Encoding

To Define a Field for Phonetic Encoding (Configuration Editor)

To Define a Field for Phonetic Encoding (XML Editor)

Master Index Phonetic Encoding Fields and Elements

Modifying a Master Index Phonetic Encoding Definition

To Modify a Phonetic Encoding Definition (Configuration Editor)

To Modify a Phonetic Encoding Definition (XML Editor)

Deleting a Master Index Phonetic Encoding Definition

To Delete a Phonetic Encoding Definition (Configuration Editor)

To Delete a Phonetic Encoding Definition (XML Editor)

Defining a Master Index Phonetic Encoder

To Define a Phonetic Encoder (Configuration Editor)

To Define a Phonetic Encoder (XML Editor)

Master Index Encoder Elements and Types

Modifying a Master Index Phonetic Encoder

To Modify a Phonetic Encoder (Configuration Editor)

To Modify a Phonetic Encoder (XML Editor)

Deleting a Master Index Phonetic Encoder

To Delete a Phonetic Encoder (Configuration Editor)

To Delete a Phonetic Encoder (XML Editor)

Defining the Master Index Match String

Creating the Master Index Match String

To Create the Match String (Configuration Editor)

To Create the Match String (XML Editor)

Modifying the Master Index Match String

To Modify the Match String (Configuration Editor)

To Modify the Match String (XML Editor)

Defining how Master Index Query Blocks are Processed

To Specify the Block Picker

To Specify the Pass Controller Class

Defining the Master Index Survivor Calculator

Specifying the Master Index Survivor Helper

To Specify the Survivor Helper

Specifying a Master Index Default Survivor Strategy

To Specify a Default Survivor Strategy

Configuring the Default Survivor Strategy

Master Index Default Survivor Strategy Parameter Elements

Defining the Master Index Single Best Record Structure

To Specify a Candidate Field

Deleting Candidate Fields

Defining a Master Index Survivor Strategy for a Field or Object

To Define a Survivor Strategy for a Field

Defining Master Index Custom Weighted Strategies

Defining Custom Weighted Strategies

Configuring Weighted Strategies

Modifying Weighted Calculator Parameters

Deleting Weighted Calculator Parameters

Master Index Weighted Calculator Parameter Elements

Filtering Default Values From Master Index Processes

To Filter Default Values From the SBR, Blocking Query, or Match Process

Filter Definition Elements

Configuring Master Index Update Policies

Defining Master Index Update Policies

To Define Update Policies

Setting the Master Index Update Policy Flag

To Set the Update Policy Flag

Defining Custom Field Validations for the Master Index

To Implement a Validation Rule

Configuring the Match Engine

Specifying a Match Engine for the Master Index

To Configure the Match Engine

Configuring the Comparison Functions for a Master Index Application

To Configure the Comparison Functions (Configuration Editor)

To Configure the Comparison Functions (Text Editor)

Match Comparator Configuration Properties for Oracle Java CAPS Master Index

Importing Custom Comparison Functions

To Import a Comparison Function

Deleting a Custom Comparison Function

To Delete a Custom Comparison Function

Configuring the Standardization Engine

Specifying a Standardization Engine for the Master Index

To Specify the Standardization Engine

Modifying Master Index Standardization Files

To Modify Standardization Data Configuration Files

Importing Standardization Data Types and Variants

To Import a Data Type or Variant

Deleting a Standardization Variant or Data Type

To Delete a Variant or Data Type

Configuring the Master Index MIDM Appearance

Adding Objects to the MIDM

To Add an Object to the MIDM

Modifying MIDM Objects

To Modify an MIDM Object

Deleting Objects From the MIDM

To Delete an Object

Adding Fields to the MIDM

To Define New Fields

MIDM Field Configuration Elements

Removing Fields From the MIDM

To Remove a Field From the MIDM

Modifying MIDM Field Display Options

To Modify a Field's Display Options

Specifying a Drop-Down List for an MIDM Field

To Specify a Drop-Down List

Specifying an MIDM Field's Length and Format

To Modify a Field's Length and Format

Modifying an MIDM Field's Data Type

To Modify the Data Type

Defining Key Fields for an Object

To Modify the Key Status

Masking Field Values on the MIDM

To Mask Field Values on the MIDM

Defining MIDM Object Relationships

To Define Relationships

Defining MIDM Local ID Labels

To Define Local ID Labels

Configuring the Master Index MIDM Pages

Specifying the Initial View for the MIDM

To Specify the Initial View

Configuring the MIDM Duplicate Records Page

Configuring Duplicate Records Display Options

Configuring Duplicate Records Search Pages

Configuring the Duplicate Records Results List

Duplicate Records Page Configuration Elements

Duplicate Records Search Page Elements

Duplicate Records Search Results List Elements

Configuring the MIDM Record Details Page

To Configure Record Details Display Options

Creating Search Pages on the Record Details Page

Step 1: Define the Search Page

Step 2: Define the Search Fields

Step 3: Specify Search Options

Record Details Search Page Definition Elements

Record Details Search Field Definition Elements

Record Details Search Option Elements

Modifying a Search Page on the Record Details Page

Modifying a Search Page Definition

Modifying Search Fields

Modifying Record Details Search Page Options

Configuring the MIDM Assumed Matches Page

To Configure the Assumed Matches Page

Configuring the MIDM Transactions Page

To Configure the Transactions Page

Configuring the MIDM Reports Page

Configuring the Reports Page Definition

Configuring Production Reports

Configuring Activity Reports

Production Reports Definition Elements

Activity Reports Definition Elements

Activity Reports Page Definition Elements

Activity Reports Search Elements

Activity Reports Results Elements

Configuring the MIDM Source Record Page

Configuring the Source Record Page Definition

Configuring the Tabbed Pages on the Source Record Page

Configuring the MIDM Audit Log Page

To Configure the Audit Log Page

Configuring Master Index MIDM Implementation Information

Specifying the Master Controller JNDI Class

To Specify the Master Controller JNDI Class

Specifying the Master Index Report Generator JNDI Class

To Specify the Report Generator JNDI Class

Specifying Master Index Validation Services

To Specify the Validation Service

Setting Master Index Debug Options

To Set Debug Options

Specifying a Master Index Field Masking Class

To Specify a Field Masking Class

Defining the Master Index Survivor Calculator

The survivor calculator is configured in update.xml and defines how field values are populated into the single best record, along with the type of survivor strategy to use for each field. If no strategy is defined for a field, the default survivor strategy is used to populate that field in the SBR. Before you begin to define the survivor calculator, make sure you know which fields to include in the SBR and how those fields should be updated. Typically, all but phonetic and standardized fields are included here.

You can further configure the survivor calculator by defining exclusion lists to filter out unwanted values from the SBRs. For more information, see Filtering Default Values From Master Index Processes.

The survivor calculator can only be configured by modifying the XML file directly. Perform the following tasks to configure the survivor calculator.

Specifying the Master Index Survivor Helper

The survivor helper class determines how to retrieve values from system records and how to set them in the SBR. The default class is com.sun.mdm.index.survivor.impl.DefaultSurvivorHelper, which uses the ePath method to retrieve and set the values. You can create a custom survivor helper class to support other methods for retrieving and setting values. If you implement a custom survivor helper class, it must extendcom.sun.mdm.index.survivor.AbstractSurvivorHelper.

To Specify the Survivor Helper

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click update.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the helper-class element in the SurvivorHelperConfig element.
  3. Change the value of the helper-class element to the fully qualified name of new helper class.

    For example:

  4. Save and close the file.

Specifying a Master Index Default Survivor Strategy

The default survivor strategy specifies the name of the Java class that defines the survivor calculation strategy to use for most of the fields in the SBR. By defining a default strategy, you do not need to define a strategy for every candidate field; you only need to define a strategy for fields that do not use the default strategy.

Note - If you create a customized class for the default survivor strategy, make sure the class implements com.sun.mdm.index.survivor.SurvivorStrategyInterface and is accessible by the EJB class loader.

To Specify a Default Survivor Strategy

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click update.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the default-survivor-strategy element in the SurvivorHelperConfig element.
  3. To change the name of the default class, modify the value of the strategy-class element to the fully qualified name of the new default strategy class.

    For example:

  4. Configure the strategy parameters, as described in Configuring the Default Survivor Strategy.
  5. Save and close the file.

Configuring the Default Survivor Strategy

Once you define a default survivor strategy, you might need to specify certain parameters for the strategy. One parameter is required for the WeightedSurvivorStrategy and for the DefaultSurvivorStrategy. If you create a custom strategy, additional parameters can be used.

To Configure the Default Survivor Strategy

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click update.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the default-survivor-strategy element, and then to the strategy-class element.
  3. Do any of the following:
    • To modify an existing parameter value, scroll to the parameter you want to modify, and then change the value of the parameter-value element.

      For example:

    • To add a new parameter, create a new parameter element within the parameters element, and then define the parameter elements described in Master Index Default Survivor Strategy Parameter Elements.
    • To delete a parameter, scroll to the parameters element, and then delete all text between and including the parameter element that define the parameter.
    • To delete all parameters, delete the all text between and including the parameters element.
  4. Save and close the file.

Master Index Default Survivor Strategy Parameter Elements

The following table lists and describes the elements that configure the parameters for the default survivor strategy in update.xml.

This is an optional element that briefly describes the parameter. Note that there are no parameters to define for the UnionSurvivorStrategy.
The name of the parameter.
  • For the DefaultSurvivorStrategy, this value is “preferredSystem”.

  • For the WeightedSurvivorStrategy, this value is “ConfigurationModuleName”.

  • For the UnionSurvivorStrategy, this is not used.

The Java data type for the parameter value. For both the DefaultSurvivorStrategy and the WeightedSurvivorStrategy, this value is java.lang.String.
The value of the named parameter.
  • For the DefaultSurvivorStrategy, this is the processing code of the source system from which the SBR field value is retrieved.

  • For the WeightedSurvivorStrategy, this is the name of the module-name element that defines the weighted calculator to use as the default strategy (by default, WeightedSurvivorCalculator).

Defining the Master Index Single Best Record Structure

In order for a field to be populated in the SBR, that field must be defined in the candidate field list of the survivor helper. By default, all the fields that were specified in the wizard are also defined here. Any candidate fields defined for the SBR must also be defined in object.xml. If you add a field to the object definition, you should also add the field here.

The SBR can only be defined by modifying the XML file directly.

To Specify a Candidate Field

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click update.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the candidate-definitions element in the SurvivorHelperConfig element.
  3. Do any of the following:
    • To add a new field, add a new candidate-field element within the candidate-definitions tags, and then name the new element using the ePath of the field.

      For example:

            <candidate-field name="Person.LastName"/>
            <candidate-field name="Person.DateOfBirth"/>
    • To modify an existing field, scroll to the candidate-field element you want to modify, and then change the value of the attribute.
    • If any of the updated fields do not use the default strategy, define a strategy for those fields, as described in Defining a Master Index Survivor Strategy for a Field or Object.
  4. Save and close the file.
  5. To define or modify exclusion lists of values to be excluded from the SBR, see Filtering Default Values From Master Index Processes

Deleting Candidate Fields

Once a field is defined in the SBR candidate field list, you can delete the field if you do not want to include the field in the SBR. If you delete a field from the object definition, make sure to delete the field here as well.

To Delete a Candidate Field

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click update.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the candidate-definitions element in the SurvivorHelperConfig element.
  3. Delete all text between and including the appropriate candidate-field element.

    Using the example below, to delete the Religion field, delete the boldface text; to delete the Alias object, delete the plain text.

    <candidate-field name="Person.Religion"/>
    <candidate-field name="Person.Alias[*].*"/>

    Note - Do not delete all candidate fields; at a minimum, the match fields must be defined.

  4. Save and close the file.

Defining a Master Index Survivor Strategy for a Field or Object

To use a strategy for a specific field other than the strategy defined in the default-survivor-strategy element, you need to specify the new strategy for the appropriate candidate-field element. A candidate-field element can represent a field or child object. You do not need to specify a strategy for any fields that use the default survivor strategy.

To Define a Survivor Strategy for a Field

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click update.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the candidate-definitions element in the SurvivorHelperConfig element.
  3. In the candidate-field element for which you want to specify a new strategy, create a new survivor-strategy element.

    For example:

    <candidate-field name="Person.Alias[*].*">
  4. In the new survivor-strategy element, create and name a new strategy-class element.

    Make sure to specify the fully qualified name of the Java class for the strategy. For example:

    <candidate-field name="Person.Alias[*].*">

    Note - To specify the default survivor strategy for a field, make sure the corresponding candidate-field element does not contain a survivor-strategy element. If you implement a custom strategy class, that class must be defined as a custom plug-in.

  5. Save and close the file.
  6. To define or modify exclusion lists of values to be excluded from the SBR, see Filtering Default Values From Master Index Processes

Defining Master Index Custom Weighted Strategies

The WeightedCalculator element defines the Java class used for weighted survivor calculations. If the weighted calculator is defined for the default-survivor-strategy element, then the strategies you define here are used for all fields for which no specific survivor strategy is defined. The weighted calculator defines a default strategy to use for most fields and specialized strategies to use for specific fields.

Configuring the weighted calculator involves the following tasks.

Defining Custom Weighted Strategies

The WeightedCalculator element defines both default and custom survivor strategies. You can override the default weighted calculator strategy for specific fields by defining custom strategies for those fields in the candidate-field elements of the WeightedCalculator element.

To Define Custom Weighted Calculators

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click update.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the WeightedCalculator element.
  3. Add and name a new candidate-field element in the WeightedCalculator.

    For example:

    <WeightedCalculator module-name="WeightedSurvivorCalculator"
       <candidate-field name="Person.DOB">
  4. Create one or more parameter elements for the new candidate field.
    <candidate-field name="Person.DOB">
  5. For each new parameter element, define the elements listed in Master Index Weighted Calculator Parameter Elements.
    <candidate-field name="Person.DOB">
  6. Save and close the file.

Configuring Weighted Strategies

The wizard creates a default weighted strategy that defines a general weighting structure to be used by most fields. Unless custom weighted calculator strategies are defined for a field, the default strategies defined in the default-parameters element are used for each field using the weighted calculator.

To Add Default Weighted Calculator Parameters

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click update.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the default-parameters element in the WeightedCalculator element.
  3. Create new a new parameter element within the default-parameters element, but outside any existing parameter elements.
  4. In the new parameter element, define the elements listed in Master Index Weighted Calculator Parameter Elements.

    For example:

  5. Save and close the file.

Modifying Weighted Calculator Parameters

Once a candidate field is specified and custom weighted calculators are defined for the field, you can modify the parameters. You can also modify any existing default weighted calculator parameters.

To Modify Weighted Calculator Parameters

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click update.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the WeightedCalculator element.
  3. Do either of the following:
    • To modify a custom weighted calculator parameter, scroll to the candidate-field element naming the field to modify.
    • To modify a default weighted calculator parameter, scroll to the default-parameters element.
  4. Modify the value of any of the elements listed in Master Index Weighted Calculator Parameter Elements.

    For example:

  5. Save and close the file.

Deleting Weighted Calculator Parameters

Once default and custom parameters are defined, they can be deleted if necessary. If a candidate field is defined for custom weighted calculations, you can specify that the field use the default weighted calculator instead by removing the entire field from the candidate-fields list.

To Delete Weighted Calculator Parameters

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click update.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the WeightedCalculator element and then to the candidate-field element identifying the field you want to delete.
  3. Do either of the following:
    • To delete a custom weighted calculator parameter, scroll to the candidate-field element naming the field to modify.
    • To delete a default weighted calculator parameter, scroll to the default-parameters element.
  4. To delete an existing parameter, scroll to the parameter element you want to delete, and then remove all text between and including the parameter element.

    For example, to delete the SourceSystem parameter below, delete the boldface text.


    Note - At least one parameter must be defined for the default-parameter element; you cannot delete all parameters from this section. You cannot delete all parameters from a candidate field, but you can delete the entire candidate field (see below for more information).

  5. To delete a field from the candidate field list, delete all text between and including the candidate-field tags for the field you want to delete.

    Using the following example, to delete the Person.DOB candidate field from the custom calculator, delete all the text below.

    <candidate-field name="Person.DOB">
  6. Save and close the file.

Master Index Weighted Calculator Parameter Elements

The following table lists and describes the elements that configure the parameters for the weighted calculator in update.xml.

The type of weighted calculation to perform, such as:
The preferred value for the specified quality. This element is only used for the SourceSystem quality and the preference must be a source system code.
A value that indicates the reliability of the specified quality for determining the best field value for the SBR. You define the scale for the utility values.