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Oracle® Data Integrator Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (


Uses of Class

Packages that use OdiInterface
oracle.odi.domain.project This package contains the Oracle Data Integrator Project implementation. 
oracle.odi.domain.project.finder This package contains Oracle Data Integrator Finder interfaces for domain project objects.
oracle.odi.domain.project.interfaces This package contains Oracle Data Integrator Interface implementation. 
oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive Provides interfaces for interactive handling of Oracle Data Integrator interfaces. This package and its sub-packages provide the implementations for interactive handling of Oracle Data Integrator interfaces. This package contains the Oracle Data Integrator interface action implementation classes Classes in this package allow modification to the ODI interface object, when used in conjunction with the helper class. This package contains the implementations, when working with Oracle Data Integrator interfaces, for choosing one of the target mapping expression across multiple datasets if the execution location of the target expression is changed to target. This package contains the implementations to retrieve different set of cross references associated with a text holder in an Oracle Data Integrator interfaces. Contains classes which handles the computation of source sets of an Oracle Data Integrator interface. This package contains the implementations for finding an update key for the target datastores when working with Oracle Data Integrator interfaces. 


Uses of OdiInterface in oracle.odi.domain.project


Methods in oracle.odi.domain.project that return OdiInterface
 OdiInterface OdiInterface.TargetDataStore.getOdiInterface()
          Returns the parent interface owning this target datastore.
 OdiInterface StepInterface.getOdiInterface()
          Returns the OdiInterface upon which is based this Step.


Methods in oracle.odi.domain.project that return types with arguments of type OdiInterface
 java.util.Collection<OdiInterface> OdiFolder.getInterfaces()
          Obtains the unmodifable collection of OdiInterfaces.


Methods in oracle.odi.domain.project with parameters of type OdiInterface
 void OdiFolder.addInterface(OdiInterface pInterface)
          Add the given OdiInterface to the collection of OdiInterfaces.
 boolean OdiInterface.internalPersistenceEquals(OdiInterface i2)
          For internal use only.
 void OdiFolder.removeInterface(OdiInterface pInterface)
          Remove the given OdiInterface from the collection of OdiInterfaces.


Constructors in oracle.odi.domain.project with parameters of type OdiInterface
StepInterface(OdiPackage pPackage, OdiInterface pInterface, java.lang.String pName)
          Constructor that sets the parent OdiPackage, the OdiInterface upon which this Step is based, and the step name.


Uses of OdiInterface in oracle.odi.domain.project.finder


Methods in oracle.odi.domain.project.finder that return types with arguments of type OdiInterface
 java.util.Collection<OdiInterface> IOdiInterfaceFinder.findByName(java.lang.String pName, java.lang.String pProjectCode)
          Return OdiInterfaces matching the specified name present in the project.
 java.util.Collection<OdiInterface> IOdiInterfaceFinder.findByName(java.lang.String pName, java.lang.String pProjectCode, java.lang.String pFolderName)
          Return OdiInterfaces matching the specified name present in the project and specified folder.
 java.util.Collection<OdiInterface> IOdiInterfaceFinder.findByProject(java.lang.String pProjectCode, java.lang.Number pFolderId)
          Return OdiInterfaces matching the project and specified folder.
 java.util.Collection<OdiInterface> IOdiInterfaceFinder.findByProject(java.lang.String pProjectCode, java.lang.String pFolderName)
          Return OdiInterfaces matching the project and specified folder.
 java.util.Collection<OdiInterface> IOdiInterfaceFinder.findBySourceDataStore(java.lang.Number pDataStoreId)
          Finds from design time repository all OdiInterfaces that are using given OdiDataStore as source data store.
 java.util.Collection<OdiInterface> IOdiInterfaceFinder.findByTargetDataStore(java.lang.Number pDataStoreId)
          Finds from design time repository all OdiInterfaces that are using given OdiDataStore as target data store.
 java.util.Collection<OdiInterface> IOdiInterfaceFinder.findTargetColumnUsed(java.lang.Number pTargetColumnId)
          Finds all interfaces that have cross-references to this target column.
 java.util.Collection<OdiInterface> IOdiInterfaceFinder.findUsedInInterface(java.lang.Number pInterfaceId)
          Return OdiInterfaces using the specified interface as SourceDataStore.


Uses of OdiInterface in oracle.odi.domain.project.interfaces


Methods in oracle.odi.domain.project.interfaces that return OdiInterface
 OdiInterface DataSet.getInterface()
          Returns the parent interface containing this dataset.
 OdiInterface ObjTrace.getOdiInterface()
          Returns the interface associated with this trace message object.
 OdiInterface TargetColumn.getParentInterface()
          Returns the parent interface of this target column.
 OdiInterface SourceDataStore.getUnderlyingOdiInterface()
          Gets the underlying OdiInterface object whose target is used as a source for the interface.


Constructors in oracle.odi.domain.project.interfaces with parameters of type OdiInterface
DataSet(OdiInterface pInterface, java.lang.String pName)
          Internal use only Builds a new DataSet in the given parent interface.
ObjTrace(OdiInterface pInterface)
          Internal use only Creates a new trace message object for the specified interface.
SourceDataStore(DataSet pDataSet, boolean pJournalized, java.lang.String pAlias, int pOrder, OdiInterface pUnderlyingOdiInterface)
          The constructor for the object.
TargetColumn(OdiInterface pParentInterface, OdiColumn pRealColumn, OdiInterface.ExecutionLocation pExecutionLocation)
          Internal use only Creates a new target column object.
TargetColumn(OdiInterface pParentInterface, OdiInterface.ExecutionLocation pExecutionLocation)
          Internal use only Creates a new target column object.
TargetColumn(OdiInterface pParentInterface, java.lang.String pName, OdiInterface.ExecutionLocation pExecutionLocation)
          Internal use only Creates a new target column object.


Uses of OdiInterface in oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive


Methods in oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive that return OdiInterface
 OdiInterface IActionHelper.getOdiInterface()
          Returns the interface associated with this helper.
 OdiInterface IInteractiveInterfaceHelper.getOdiInterface()
          Returns the interface associated with this helper.


Uses of OdiInterface in


Methods in that return OdiInterface
 OdiInterface InteractiveInterfaceHelperWithActions.getOdiInterface()
          Returns the interface associated with this helper.


Methods in with parameters of type OdiInterface
static void InteractiveInterfaceHelperWithActions.checkSubInterfaceValid(OdiInterface pSubInterface)
          A static method to check for validity of a sub-interface.
 java.lang.String IMappingChooser.chooseMapping(OdiInterface pInterface, java.lang.String pColumnName)
          Choose a mapping SQL text for the given pColumnName in the given interface.
 IKey<?> ITargetKeyChooser.chooseNewTargetKey(OdiInterface pOdiInterface, IKey<?> pOldKey)
          Chooses a new update key for the target datastore of interface pOdiInterface.
If null is returned, then no update key will be selected for this interface.
static OdiLogicalSchema InteractiveInterfaceHelperWithActions.getLogicalSchemaForTextHolder(OdiInterface pOdiInterface, IExecutableTextHolder pExecutableTextHolder)
          A static convenience method to retrieve the logical schema associated with the specified text holder.
static OdiPhysicalSchema InteractiveInterfaceHelperWithActions.getStagingAreaPhysicalSchema(OdiInterface pInterface)
          A static convenience method to get the staging area physical schema for the specified interface.
static OdiPhysicalSchema InteractiveInterfaceHelperWithActions.getTargetDataStorePhysicalSchema(OdiInterface pInterface)
          A static convenience method to get the target datastore's physical schema for the specified interface.


Constructors in with parameters of type OdiInterface
InteractiveInterfaceHelperWithActions(OdiInterface pInterface, OdiInstance pOdiInstance, IOdiEntityManager pOdiEntityManager)
          Constructor for this helper class, that takes an entity manager instance reference.
InteractiveInterfaceHelperWithActions(OdiInterface pInterface, OdiInstance pOdiInstance, IOdiEntityManager pOdiEntityManager, IInterfaceActionListener pActionListenerForChangesAtOpenTime)
          Constructor for this helper class, that takes an entity manager and an action listener interface instance reference.
InteractiveInterfaceHelperWithActions(OdiInterface pInterface, OdiInstance pOdiInstance, IOdiEntityManager pOdiEntityManager, ISourceSetComputer pSourceSetComputer, ISourceSetCreator pSourceSetCreator, ISourceSetNameProvider pSourceSetNameProvider, IMappingPersistencePolicy pMappingPersistencePolicy)
          Constructor for this helper class, that takes an entity manager and an action listener interface instance reference.
InteractiveInterfaceHelperWithActions(OdiInterface pInterface, OdiInstance pOdiInstance, IOdiEntityManager pOdiEntityManager, ISourceSetComputer pSourceSetComputer, ISourceSetCreator pSourceSetCreator, ISourceSetNameProvider pSourceSetNameProvider, IMappingPersistencePolicy pMappingPersistencePolicy, IAutoFixManager pAutoFixManager)
          Constructor for this helper class, that allows more specialized creator and provider classes to be specified.
InteractiveInterfaceHelperWithActions(OdiInterface pInterface, OdiInstance pOdiInstance, IOdiEntityManager pOdiEntityManager, ISourceSetComputer pSourceSetComputer, ISourceSetCreator pSourceSetCreator, ISourceSetNameProvider pSourceSetNameProvider, IMappingPersistencePolicy pMappingPersistencePolicy, IAutoFixManager pAutoFixManager, IInterfaceActionListener pActionListenerForChangesAtOpenTime)
          Constructor for this helper class, that allows more specialized creator and provider classes to be specified.
InteractiveInterfaceHelperWithActions(OdiInterface pInterface, OdiInstance pOdiInstance, IOdiEntityManager pOdiEntityManager, ISourceSetComputer pSourceSetComputer, ISourceSetCreator pSourceSetCreator, ISourceSetNameProvider pSourceSetNameProvider, IMappingPersistencePolicy pMappingPersistencePolicy, IAutoFixManager pAutoFixManager, IInterfaceActionListener pActionListenerForChangesAtOpenTime, boolean pGarbagedDestroyedObject)
          A detailed constructor for this helper class, allowing for many specialized settings.


Uses of OdiInterface in


Constructors in with parameters of type OdiInterface
InterfaceActionAddLookup(DataSet pDataSet, OdiInterface pOdiInterface, java.lang.String pAlias, java.lang.String pLookupSql, OdiInterface.ExecutionLocation pExecutionLocation, boolean pSelectLookup)
          A constructor to create the lookup creation action, to do a lookup of rows from another interface result.


Uses of OdiInterface in


Methods in with parameters of type OdiInterface
 java.lang.String MappingChooserBlank.chooseMapping(OdiInterface pInterface, java.lang.String pColumnName)
 java.lang.String MappingChooserConstant.chooseMapping(OdiInterface pInterface, java.lang.String pColumnName)
 java.lang.String MappingChooserDataSet.chooseMapping(OdiInterface pInterface, java.lang.String pColumnName)
 java.lang.String MappingChooserFirst.chooseMapping(OdiInterface pInterface, java.lang.String pColumnName)


Uses of OdiInterface in


Constructors in with parameters of type OdiInterface
ReferenceManagerLookups(OdiInterface pInterface)
          Builds a reference manager on lookups for this interface.


Uses of OdiInterface in


Constructors in with parameters of type OdiInterface
SourceSetComputerEraser(OdiInterface pOdiInterface)
          Creates a new instance of this source set computer for an ODI interface.
SourceSetComputerLazy(OdiInterface pOdiInterface)
          Creates a new instance of this source set computer for an ODI interface.
SourceSetComputerOneTable(OdiInterface pOdiInterface)
          Creates a new instance of this source set computer for an ODI interface.
SourceSetComputerRetainer(OdiInterface pOdiInterface)
          Creates a new instance of this source set computer for an ODI interface.


Uses of OdiInterface in


Methods in with parameters of type OdiInterface
 IKey<?> TargetKeyChooserAnyKey.chooseNewTargetKey(OdiInterface pOdiInterface, IKey<?> pOldKey)
          Chooses a new update key for the target datastore of interface pOdiInterface.
If null is returned, then no update key will be selected for this interface.
 IKey<?> TargetKeyChooserComposer.chooseNewTargetKey(OdiInterface pOdiInterface, IKey<?> pOldKey)
          Chooses a new update key for the target datastore of interface pOdiInterface.
If null is returned, then no update key will be selected for this interface.
 IKey<?> TargetKeyChooserFixed.chooseNewTargetKey(OdiInterface pOdiInterface, IKey<?> pOldKey)
          Chooses a new update key for the target datastore of interface pOdiInterface.
If null is returned, then no update key will be selected for this interface.
 IKey<?> TargetKeyChooserLazy.chooseNewTargetKey(OdiInterface pOdiInterface, IKey<?> pOldKey)
          Chooses a new update key for the target datastore of interface pOdiInterface.
If null is returned, then no update key will be selected for this interface.
 IKey<?> TargetKeyChooserPrimaryKey.chooseNewTargetKey(OdiInterface pOdiInterface, IKey<?> pOldKey)
          Chooses a new update key for the target datastore of interface pOdiInterface.
If null is returned, then no update key will be selected for this interface.


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Oracle® Data Integrator Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (


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