To run ATG Content Administration, you assemble a Web application that includes ATG platform and ATG Content Administration modules and deploy it to the appropriate server. The application assembly procedures you follow vary according to the application server you are using and the particular ATG Content Administration modules you require. They also vary according to whether you are using the instance of the product that interacts with the versioned database (usually called the asset management server) or an instance that represents a target site (a production or staging server, for example).

For example, you might include the following modules in your assembly command:

PubPortlet Publishing.WebAppRefVer

The PubPortlet module contains the ATG Portal pieces required for ATG Content Administration functionality in the Business Control Center. It also includes the BIZUI module, which provides the Business Control Center framework.

If you use the Configuration and Installation Manager (CIM) to perform post-installation setup, the correct modules are assembled for you into an application you can then deploy.

Note: You cannot run the Portal.paf and ATG Content Administration modules in the same ATG instance.

The Publishing.WebAppRefVer module holds the versioned module of the WebAppRef demo application included with ATG Content Administration.

For information on application assembly and ATG modules, see the ATG Platform Programming Guide.

For information on running ATG Content Administration on a target server, refer to Setting Up Deployment.

Caution: Do not use any ATG Content Administration modules or the DAF.Deployment module on a standalone GSA lock manager server. Doing so causes the lock server to become a slave server of the deployment. It attempts to deploy files and the deployment deadlocks as a result. Symptoms include the deployment cycling in a time out loop.

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