The unmodified staging/production workflow performs these tasks:

The following sections describe these tasks and the sequence of actions and events that follow them, as set up in the ATG installation. For information about individual workflow elements, see Workflow Action Elements.




Ready for review

Lock project assets from further edits; check whether the head versions of project assets match the head versions on the main branch. Advance to the next task element.

Delete Project

See action element Delete Project.

Content Review



Approve Content

Advance workflow to next task, Approve for staging deployment.


Reopen project; return workflow to Author.

Delete Project

See action element Delete Project.

Approve for Staging Deployment



Approve and Deploy to Staging

Approve and deploy project: advance workflow to next task, Wait for staging deployment completion.

Approve for Staging Deployment

Approve project, advance workflow to next task, Wait for staging deployment completion.


Release asset locks; return workflow to Author task.

Wait for Staging Deployment Completion

Two outcomes are possible:

Verify Staging Deployment



Accept Staging Deployment

Validate project deployed on target, and advance workflow to next task, Approve for production deployment.

Revert Assets on Staging Immediately

Revert assets Immediately on target. If revert operation is successful: release asset locks, reopen project, and return to Author. If revert operation fails: return to Verify staging deployment.

Approve for Production Deployment



Approve and Deploy to Production

Approve and deploy project: advance workflow to next task, Wait for production deployment completion.

Approve for Production Deployment

Approve project, advance workflow to next task, Wait for production deployment completion.


Release asset locks; return workflow to Author task.

Wait for Production Deployment Completion

Two outcomes are possible:

Verify Production Deployment



Accept Production Deployment

Validate project deployed on target, and take the following actions:

1. Check in project’s workspace.

2. Complete project.

3. Complete process.

Revert Assets on Production Immediately

Revert assets Immediately on Target. If revert operation is successful, return to Verify staging deployment. If revert operation fails, repeat Verify production deployment.

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