If you’re starting the ACC on the machine that’s running your application server, you can run the ACC either in a dedicated VM or in the same VM as the application server.

Note: Starting the ACC in a dedicated VM requires more memory than starting the ACC in the same VM as the application server. Running the ACC and the application server simultaneously on a production server is not recommended, as it could affect performance.

Starting the ACC in a Dedicated VM

To start the ACC in a dedicated VM:

You can also start the ACC in a dedicated VM through the Dynamo Administration UI:

When the ACC starts up, it displays the Connect to Server screen. Enter a valid user name, password, and the RMI port number. By default, the initial settings are:

Note: The password for the admin user may have been changed.

Note that the host name appears as localhost. This value is not editable. To start up the ACC on a remote client machine, see Starting the ACC on a Client.

Starting the ACC in the Same VM as the Application Server

To start the ACC in the same VM as your application server, use the Dynamo Administration UI:

When the ACC starts up, it displays the Connect to Server screen. Enter a valid user name and password. By default, the initial settings are:

Note: The password for the admin user may have been changed.

Note that you cannot specify the host name, locale, or RMI port. The ACC automatically uses the values set in the Nucleus-based application.

Exporting RMI Objects

If the ACC displays an error message while trying to connect to the server, you may need to modify the arguments passed to the Java Virtual Machine by configuring Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) to export RMI objects on a particular IP address. This can happen under either of the following conditions:

If Oracle ATG Web Commerce is running on a multihomed server, you can enable RMI to export objects to a particular address by including the following switch in the JAVA_ARGS environment variable:


For the IP address, specify the IP address or name of the host that the client uses to connect to the server. Alternatively, you can specify the name of the server instead:


If Oracle ATG Web Commerce is running on a machine whose IP address is not functional because the machine is offline, use the following switch:


If you encounter any errors while using the ACC, check the <ATG10dir>/home/data/acc.log file for information.

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