The main class for the Performance Monitor is atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceMonitor. This class contains all the static methods for interacting with the Performance Monitor. In addition, it stores the data structures that contain the performance data. The Performance Monitor’s methods have the following functions:

The PerformanceMonitor component contains two primary data structures. One stores the runtime stack data for all registered threads. The other stores the performance data for operations and parameterized operations on those registered threads.

Runtime Stack Data Structure
This structure is a Hashtable where the key is a registered thread and the element is a java.util.Stack of atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceStackData objects. This data is what is recorded and tracked in NORMAL mode. When a stack becomes empty, then all the performance operations have completed in that thread. This data structure is used in all modes except for DISABLED.

Performance Data Structure
This data structure stores all the time and memory performance related data for operations and parameterized operations. It is only used when the mode for the Performance Monitor is set to TIME or MEMORY. The structure is a Hashtable where the key is an operation name and the element is a PerformanceHashtable. The PerformanceHashtable is a subclass of Hashtable. In addition to providing the services of a Hashtable, it also stores the totals for all the parameterized operations contained in the Hashtable in an atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceData object. The Hashtable in the superclass of this object contains the parameterized operation name in the key and a PerformanceData object as the element.

There are also two data structures for holding pools of PerformanceStackData and PerformanceData objects. These exist to avoid allocation and improve performance. When startOperation is called, a new PerformanceStackData object is retrieved from the pool, populated and pushed on the stack. When endOperation is called, the top element in the stack is compared for mismatch and then popped off the stack, assuming there was no mismatch. At this time, the corresponding PerformanceData object for the operation in the PerformanceStackData object which is stored in the performance data structure is updated with number of times executed and total execution time (min and max will also be updated if the most current execution requires it). In addition, the global PerformanceData object for the operation is updated. If endOperation was called with no parameterized data, then only the global PerformanceData object for the operation is updated. If the PerformanceData object for the operation or parameterized data does not exist, then a new PerformanceHashtable will be created and PerformanceData object will be retrieved from the pool and inserted.

Methods for Controlling the Performance Monitor

You can control the Performance Monitor programmatically using the methods listed in this section. Most often, however, you will configure the Performance Monitor using the Performance Monitor Configuration page in the Dynamo Administration UI (http://hostname:port/dyn/admin/atg/dynamo/admin/en/performance-monitor-config.jhtml) or through the ACC.

Methods for Storing Performance Data

The startOperation and endOperation methods designate the start and end of an operation. These methods need to bracket the code that performs the designated function.

public static final void PerformanceMonitor.startOperation(String pOpName);

public static final void PerformanceMonitor.startOperation(String pOpName, String pParameter);

public static final void PerformanceMonitor.endOperation(String pOpName)
     throws PerfStackMismatchException;

public static final void PerformanceMonitor.endOperation(String pOpName, String pParameter)
     throws PerfStackMismatchException;

public static final void PerformanceMonitor.endOperation();

The cancelOperation method cancels an operation and discards any performance statistics.

public static final void PerformanceMonitor.cancelOperation(String pOpName)
     throws PerfStackMismatchException;

public static final void PerformanceMonitor.cancelOperation(String pOpName, String pParameter)
     throws PerfStackMismatchException;

The isEnabled method indicates whether the Performance Monitor is enabled or not.

public static final boolean PerformanceMonitor.isEnabled();

Methods for Accessing Stack Data

The stack data contains the runtime location of all the threads currently registered in the Performance Monitor. This data is stored in objects of type PerformanceStackData. The PerformanceStackData object is contained in a java.util.Stack object. The PerformanceStackData object alone is not useful; it becomes useful when it is placed inside the context of a java.util.Stack. The PerformanceStackData has the following methods you can use:

Methods for Accessing Performance Data

The performance data is stored in read-only properties in objects of type PerformanceData. This object is a JavaBean that contains the following data:




Minimum execution time


Maximum execution time


Number of times operation has been executed


Total execution time


Minimum memory required


Maximum memory required


Total memory required

The PerformanceData object has get methods that correspond to each of these properties. The average execution time and memory required can be derived from number of times and total execution time or memory required.

Exception Summary

Thrown when endOperation is called with out of order arguments or different arguments than what was expected.

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