<!ELEMENT dump-caches EMPTY>

Parent: <gsa-template>, <transaction>

The <dump-caches> tag can be used to print out the contents of the item cache for one or more item descriptors.





Set to one of the following:

- debug: Cached items are logged.

- queries: Creates a log entry consisting of the <load-items> tag that is used to reload the cache.

- both: Combines the output of debug and queries.


A comma-separated list of one or more item descriptor names. If no item descriptors are specified, all item descriptor caches are exported.

For example, given this <dump-caches> tag:

<dump-caches item-descriptors="product" dump-type="queries"/>

The following output might be logged, if there are four product items in the cache:

============== START BUFFER PRECACHE ==============
<load-items item-descriptor="product">
=============== END BUFFER PRECACHE===============

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