Each composite item descriptor is composed of any number of contributing item descriptors. One of these contributing item descriptors must be designated as the primary item descriptor. The primary item descriptor’s main purpose is to provide the ID space for the composite item descriptor. The composite item descriptor can incorporate any number of contributing item descriptors, which contribute properties to the composite repository items.

Each contributing item has one or more relationships to the primary item. These relationships are defined in the contributing item descriptor. Each relationship defines a unique ID attribute in the primary item descriptor, as well as a unique ID attribute in the contributing item descriptor. The attribute can be the repository item ID or a unique property. A contributing item is linked to a primary item if the value of its unique ID attribute matches the value of the primary item’s unique ID attribute. If multiple relationships are defined, they are AND’d together.

For example, suppose you have a contributing item descriptor that defines two relationships to the primary item descriptor. One says that a primary item’s firstName property must match the contributing item’s userFirstName property and the other says that the primary item’s lastName property must match the contributing item’s userLastName. These two relationships together mean that a user’s first names and last names must each match for two items to be related. This is useful in situations where no one property uniquely identifies a user. See <link-via-property> for an example of defining a relationship with two or more properties.

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