Commerce Reference Store provides code, configuration, and data for simulating a complete working Commerce application and supporting environment. Commerce Reference Store includes support for:

Commerce Reference Store is intended to illustrate best practices for creating stores with Commerce. You can use the application as a template for building your own stores. The Commerce Reference Store installation includes all of the Commerce Reference Store-specific source code used in the application, including all Java, JSP, JavaScript, and Cascading Stylesheet (CSS) files.

Java class files are located in the /src subdirectories of the various Commerce Reference Store application modules. For example, class files for Commerce Reference Store-specific extensions to the Commerce Fulfillment system are found in:


More general functionality is found in:


The Commerce Reference Store storefronts are run from two J2EE WAR files, store.war and storedocroot.war. JSPs, JavaScript files, and CSS files are located in subdirectories of store.war, while static HTML and image files are found in subdirectories of storedocroot.war. These WAR files are both found in:


Throughout this manual, references to these files are always relative to this directory. So, for example, store.war/browse/productDetailSingleSku.jsp refers to:


Note: Although Commerce Reference Store simulates a production environment, the code is not truly production-ready. Before you go live with any web application built with Commerce Reference Store, you need to optimize the performance of the application. For example, you should create an optimized Dojo build, as discussed in the Pages and Navigation chapter.

In addition, you may want to change the way your application serves images and other static content. The use of a WAR file for this purpose makes it easier to set up Commerce Reference Store for demo purposes on a variety of different application servers, but increases the amount of load on the application server. For production purposes, you may want to use an alternative approach to static content delivery, such as a dedicated file caching server or a content delivery network.

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