Oracle® Solaris Studio 12.4: Performance Analyzer Tutorials

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Updated: December 2014

About the Synchronization Tracing Tutorial

This tutorial shows how to use Performance Analyzer on a multithreaded program to examine clock profiling and synchronization tracing data.

You use the Overview page to quickly see which performance metrics are highlighted and change which metrics are shown in data views. You use the Functions view, Callers-Callees view, and the Source view to explore the data. The tutorial also shows you how to compare two experiments.

The tutorial helps you understand synchronization tracing data, and explains how to relate it to clock-profiling data.

The data you see in the experiment that you record will be different from that shown here. The experiment used for the screen shots in the tutorial was recorded on a SPARC T5 system running Oracle Solaris 11.2. The data from an x86 system running Oracle Solaris or Linux will be different. Furthermore, data collection is statistical in nature and varies from experiment to experiment, even when run on the same system and OS.

The Performance Analyzer window configuration that you see might not precisely match the screen shots. Performance Analyzer enables you to drag separator bars between components of the window, collapse components, and resize the window. Performance Analyzer records its configuration and uses the same configuration the next time it runs. Many configuration changes were made in the course of capturing the screen shots shown in the tutorial.