Application Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing (Consumer Edition) > Top X Reporting Use Cases >

Most Frequently Called Number by Service Agreement

The user can use this use case to view a list of most frequently called number by service agreement. Table 39 lists and describes the use case functions.

Table 39. Most Frequently Called Number by Service Agreement


Most Frequently Called Number by Service Agreement

Feature Area



The user views a list of service agreements by the selected (most frequently) called number.


The user has successfully enrolled and authenticated in Oracle Self-Service E-Billing.

Primary User

Administrator, manager, and subscriber; CSR administrator and user.


The user clicks a number called hyperlink on the Most Frequently Called Numbers report.

Page Tabs

Report (Active)

Active Hyperlinks (Breadcrumbs)

  • Analytics. Displays the list of Standard reports.
  • Top X Reports. Displays the list of Top X reports.
  • Most Frequently Called Numbers. Displays the Most Frequently Called Numbers report.

Report Content

Page Title:

  • Most Frequently Called Number by Service Agreement

Paging Elements (If needed):

  • Page X of Total
  • Paging arrow buttons


  • Report Details
  • Number of items


  • Number Called
  • Service Number (With a hyperlink to the Most Frequently Called Number by Service Agreement Details report)
  • Number of calls (Sorted highest to lowest)
  • Volume
  • Total Charges.

Total Row:

  • Total (literal)
  • Number of calls
  • Volume
  • Total charges

Business Rules

The bill period range (single period) selected on the Most Frequently Called Numbers report applies on this drill-down report.

Standard Features

  • Printer-friendly view
  • Download CSV or XML

Configuration Points

  • Report Threshold Value for Batch Mode. Determines the number of result set lines above which a report must process in batch mode instead of as an online download. You can set values for each type of download file:
    • CSV. The maximum number of output lines.
    • XML. A percentage of the CSV threshold value (Default is 20%).

      For example, if the CSV report threshold is set to 3,000 result set lines, then an XML threshold value set at 20% must process in batch mode when it has 600 or more result set lines.

  • All report detail table columns are sortable and display in descending order (highest to lowest); you can change the default sort order to ascending.


Drill-down links are for the selected number called and service agreement.

Main Path for Viewing the Most Frequently Called Number by Service Agreement

The main path to view the Most Frequently Called Number by Service Agreement report is as follows:

The user clicks the Number Called hyperlink on the Most Frequently Called Number report.

Oracle Self-Service E-Billing displays the Most Frequently Called Number by Service Agreement report for the selected number called.

Alternate Paths for Viewing the Most Frequently Called Number by Service Agreement

Alternate paths can occur in this use case.

The user clicks the Download action (CSV or XML)

Oracle Self-Service E-Billing downloads a report in the selected format.

The user clicks the Printer Friendly action

Oracle Self-Service E-Billing displays the print page.

Exceptions for Most Frequently Called Number by Service Agreement

Exceptions can occur in this use case.

The user encounters a system error

Oracle Self-Service E-Billing invokes the error message use case.

Application Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing (Consumer Edition) Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.